TWELVE WHAT ABOUTS: Answering Common Objections Concerning God's Sovereignty in Election John Samson, Foreword by John Hendryx of Monergism.com
 DR. R.C. SPROUL becomes our latest endorser of "Twelve What Abouts" - "It is a privilege to have received your book, 'Twelve What Abouts.' The title is great as are your 'what abouts,' and your responses. Thank you for your ministry in Christ's kingdom and for the clear and thoughtful work that has gone into your book."
 John Samson went from being a convinced Arminian to a grace loving, Christ-honoring, Calvinist. He shares some of his journey and winsomely answers many of the questions he himself grappled with. 'Twelve What Abouts' by John Samson is the perfect book for those seeking truth about God's sovereign grace in salvation. Straightforward, easy to read, concise, and most of all Biblical, this is a unique book, providing answers for the twelve most common objections raised against the doctrine of Divine election. Pastor Samson's gracious spirit provides an excellent reading environment for those struggling with these great truths of Scripture.
 "After finishing a sermon from Ephesians 1, I was immediately confronted by three hostile young visitors who asked the question, 'What about John 3:16?'; as if the Bible contradicted itself. This non-thinking, non-theological, feelings-oriented mindset is typical of today's postmodern generation. Pastor Samson has given us a warm and simple (without being simplistic) introduction to the Doctrines of Grace, so this type of ignorance can be biblically combated.This book is a very helpful tool to give to a young Christian or to someone newly encountering the truths of free and sovereign grace. Distribute it widely." - Earl M. Blackburn, Heritage Baptist Church, Shreveport, Louisiana
 "Sometimes a single misapprehension or sticky question stands in the way of an honest believer's examination of the doctrines of grace. John Samson answers those questions with a pastoral heart, yet with biblical fidelity." - Dr. James White, Alpha & Omega Ministries
 One man said, "This book helped me enormously. My understanding of God's grace has soared to new heights." Another said, "This is the one book I wish had been placed in my hands as a new Christian. There is a lifetime of insight here." Still another revealed, "There were times reading this when I just had to stop, fall to my knees and thank God for His measureless grace in my life." Whether you are brand new to the subject, or still wrestling with these weighty concepts, Twelve What Abouts will prove to be an indispensable resource in your search for the truth.
 "I want to commend, to all readers seeking an honest look into these matters, this very fine treatment in which Pastor John Samson carefully answers the most common objections to the biblical doctrine of divine election. John is one of the most passionate Christians I know, whose number one purpose is to make Christ known. This work on the doctrine of election is no exception. In it you will find that the purpose of election is to bring all glory to Jesus Christ in our salvation." - John Hendryx, from the Foreword
 "Whether you are new to the doctrines of grace or simply seeking greater clarity on the sovereign grace of God in salvation, this book will be beneficial. In 'Twelve What Abouts', John tackles common objections regarding the doctrine of election in a concise and biblical way. His charitable spirit coupled with his broad based biblical knowledge make for a joyful learning experience. As someone who teaches the doctrines of grace to the women at our church, I've turned to Samson's teachings multiple times. Do yourself a favor and add this little gem to your library -- it will be one of the best investments you've ever made!" - a satisfied reader from Amazon
 Foreword by John Hendryx
 A Word to the Reader
 Chapter One: The Place to Start - Amazed by Common Grace
 Chapter Two: The Wind Blows Where it Wishes
 Chapter Three: A Surprising Journey
 Chapter Four: What About the Love of God? (Part One)
 Chapter Five: What About the Love of God? (Part Two)
 Chapter Six: What About Free Will?
 Chapter Seven: What About God's Foreknowledge?
 Chapter Eight: What About John 3:16?
 Chapter Nine: What About 2 Peter 3:9?
 Chapter Ten: What About 1 Timothy 2:4?
 Chapter Eleven: What About Matthew 23:37
 Chapter Twelve: What About 1 Timothy 4:10?
 Chapter Thirteen: What About John 12:32?
 Chapter Fourteen: What About Reprobation?
 Chapter Fifteen: What About Lost Loved Ones?
 Chapter Sixteen: What About Prayer and Evangelism?
 Chapter Seventeen: Saving Faith
 Chapter Eighteen: The Flaming Missiles of the Devil
 Chapter Nineteen: Spiritual Dyslexia
 Chapter Twenty: As the King's Herald
 Further Recommended Resources
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SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $16.00) Nearly 45% Discount
SGCB Price: $18.00 (list price $35.00) Includes 'God Chose to Save' (Bianchi), '12 What Abouts' (Samson) and 'Toughts on Predestination & Election' (Warfield)
