THE GLORIOUS HISTORY OF REDEMPTION: A Compact Survey of the Old and New Testaments by J. Gresham Machen and James Oscar Boyd
 "Did you ever want to read a short book that unveils in an informative, sound, edifying, Reformed way the entire narrative of redemptive history from Genesis through Revelation? The OT scholar James Boyd and his NT counterpart, J. Gresham Machen, composed this book for you nearly a century ago, and I am grateful that Solid Ground Christian Books is unearthing and reprinting it. With helpful questions appended to each of its thirty-eight lessons, this little book makes an ideal tool for family worship so that you can lead your children quickly through the main redemptive thoughts of Bible history." --Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
 "This book surveys the history of God's redeeming grace. It reviews Old Testament history, disclosing the stream of God's redeeming purposes flowing down through older times. It also reviews New Testament history, disclosing the broadening and deepening of that purpose for us men and for mankind in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and his Church." - Harold McA. Robinson
 First published in 1922, this volume is one of the most precise and concise books I have ever seen that covers the entire narrative of redemptive history from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22. James Boyd, the Old Testament scholar, and J. Gresham Machen, the New Testament scholar, join their efforts to reach the simple and the learned in one book. This book would be perfect as a tool in the family and the church, as it concludes each of the 38 chapters with a series of Questions on the Lesson.
 James O. Boyd introduces the earliest chapters of the Bible immediately following man's Fall with these words: "God's tender love for his foolish, rebellious creatures 'will not let them go.' At the gates of the garden from which their sin has forever banished them, God already declares his purpose to 'bruise' the head of that serpent, Rom. 16:20, who had brought 'sin into the world and death by sin,' Gen. 3:15. Through the 'seed of the woman'---a 'Son of Man' of some future day---sinful man can escape the death he has brought on himself. And from Seth, the child 'appointed instead of' murdered Abel, a line of men descends, who believe this promise of God. Ch. 5. In Enoch we find them 'walking with God,' v. 24, in a fellowship that seemed lost when paradise was lost."
 J. Gresham Machen opens Lesson II of his material entitled "The Coming of the Lord" with these powerful words: "When the Son of God came to earth for our salvation, the world was ready for his coming. The whole course of history had been made to lead up to him. And he was well worthy of being thus the goal of history. For the One who came was none other than the eternal Son of God, the Word who was with God and who was God. He had existed from all eternity; he had been the instrument in creating the world. He was himself truly God, the same in substance with the Father, and equal in power and glory. Yet the One who was so great humbled himself to be born as a man and finally to suffer and die. His coming was a voluntary act, an act of the Father in giving him for the sins of the world, and his own act which he performed because he loved us. It was an act of infinite condescension. The Son of God humbled himself to lead a true human life; he took upon himself our nature. He was born, he grew in wisdom and stature, he suffered, he died. He was always God, but he became also man. Who can measure the depth of such condescending love?"
 SECTION I: The Development of the Church in Old Testament Times
 By James Oscar Boyd, Ph.D., D.D.
 Chapter 1: Before Abraham - Genesis, Chapters 1 to 11
 Chapter 2: The Patriarchs
 Chapter 3 : Egyptian Bondage and Deliverance
 Chapter 4 : Moses as Leader and Lawgiver
 Chapter 5 : The Conquest and Settlement of Canaan
 Chapter 6 : The Period of the Judges
 Chapter 7 : Samuel and Saul: Prophecy and Monarchy
 Chapter 8: David and Solomon: Psalms and Wisdom
 Chapter 10 : The Kingdom of Judah, to Hezekiah
 Chapter 12 : The Exile and the Restoration
 Chapter 13 : The Jewish State Under Persia
 Chapter 14 : Israel's Religious Life
 Chapter 15 : "The Coming One"
 SECTION II: The Life of Christ and the Development of the Church in New Testament Times
 By John Gresham Machen, D.D.
 Chapter 1: The Preparation.
 Chapter 2: The Coming of the Lord.
 Chapter 3: The Baptism.
 Chapter 4: The Early Judean Ministry
 Chapter 5: The Beginning of the Galilaean Ministry
 Chapter 6: The Period of Popularity
 Chapter 7: The Turning Point
 Chapter 8: Jesus as Messiah
 Chapter 9: The Prediction of the Cross
 Chapter 10 : The Last Journeys
 Chapter 11: Teaching in the Temple
 Chapter 12: The Crucifixion
 Chapter 13: The Resurrection
 Chapter 14: The Beginnings of the Christian Church
 Chapter 15: The First Persecution
 Chapter 16: The Conversion of Paul
 Chapter 17 : The Gospel Given to the Gentiles
 Chapter 18 : The First Missionary Journey and the Apostolic Council
 Chapter 19 : The Second Missionary Journey
 Chapter 20 : The Third Missionary Journey
 Chapter 21 : The Third Missionary Journey
 Chapter 22 : The First Imprisonment of Paul
 Chapter 23 : The Close of the Apostolic Age
 Machen five
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