SIN, AND THE UNFOLDING OF SALVATION: The Three Year's Course of Theological Lectures Delivered at Spurgeon's Pastor's College David Gracey, Introduction by Thomas Spurgeon
 Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to attend the famous Pastor's College founded by Charles H. Spurgeon? We have had a good taste of that privilege as we have read and delighted in LECTURES TO MY STUDENTS by Spurgeon himself. But what about the other classes? What were they like? Thankfully, with this reprint of SIN, AND THE UNFOLDING OF SALVATION by David Gracey we are finally able to see and hear what the students were taught about the Doctrine of Systematic Theology, the Doctrine of Sin, the Doctrine of Christ, and the Doctrine of Salvation.
 In the words of the Preface, "We are persuaded that the volume will be a valuable contribution to the Christological literature of the day. Mr. Gracey ever gives prominence to the Person and Work of the Saviour; though unfolding fully the dark and doleful character of sin, he does so under the light of the Gospel, and with the hope of the Gospel shining clear in view. Theology, in his treatment of it, is never a dry science, but a vital, palpitating reality, fresh and beautiful, attractive and inspiring. Having strong convictions, based upon the Word of God, which he hesitates not to express in clear and convincing language, he necessarily exposes and opposes with all his force the erroneous opinions which meet him in the way. He always, however, deals in a courteous and Christian spirit with those from whom he differs; always stating their case fairly, while with strong though gentle hand he demolishes their arguments." - Archibald McCaig
 "I am absolutely shocked that this volume has been buried for more than 100 years. David Gracey was a man greatly gifted by God to train men for the ministry, and his passion for the Lord and for the lost pours forth on every page. His opening lecture to his students masterfully introduces the men to the significance of both Theology and Religion, and the intimate relationship they bear to each other. His survey of the intellectual movements which have acted and re-acted upon Christianity through the centuries is absolutely breathtaking. Upon completing the lecture, having read it aloud, I sat stunned. WHAT A TREASURE!! His lectures on Sin (of which there are seven) and Salvation (of which there are nine) are steeped in Scripture. What a distinct privilege to introduce this man and this volume to the people of God in such a dark and needy time. May the Lord use Professor Gracey once again to equip the saints for the works of service to the eternal good of their souls, and the everlasting blessing of lost sinners." - the Publisher
 Introduction by Thomas Spurgeon
 Preface by Archibald McCaig
 Lecture I - Introduction to Theology
 Lecture II - System, Method and Order in Theological Study
 Lecture III - The Aim and Spirit of Theological Study
 Lecture IV - Sin
 Lecture V - Nature of Sin
 Lecture VI - Sin in its Relation to the Law
 Lecture VII - Sin in Man
 Lecture VIII - The Cause of Total Depravity
 Lecture IX - Imputation of Sin
 Lecture X - The Outlook of Sinners
 Lecture XI - Salvation
 Lecture XII - Scriptural Expressions Relating to Salvation
 Lecture XIII - The Unforlding of Salvation in Prophecy
 Lecture XIV - The Saviour
 Lecture XV - Ancient and Modern Views as to the Person of the Saviour
 Lecture XVI - The Work of the Redeemer
 Lecture XVII - The Relation Between Christ's Engagements
 Lecture XVIII - The Effects of Christ's Reconciliation upon Men
 Lecture XIX - The Aspects of the Atonement
 DAVID GRACEY (1841-1893) was brought to the Lord during the great revival of 1859, and shortly entered Glasgow University, with a view of preparing himself for the work of the ministry. While studying at the university, and working as a city missionary, he had the privilege of hearing Mr. Spurgeon, on his visit to Glasgow, in 1861, and at once came under the spell of the great preacher, and rested not till be became associated with him in his noble work. Coming to the Pastor's College, as a student and assistant tutor, he soon became fully engaged in tutorial work, and upon the retirement of the late venerable George Rogers, in 1879, he became Principal and Theological Tutor, in which capacity he continued to serve the College with credit to himself, and untold benefit to the students, until his lamented death on February 9th, 1893.
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 Order with Both New Spurgeon Titles: "The Gospel for the People" and "The Everlasting Gospel"
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