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THE HOME BEAUTIFUL: Timeless Words of Wisdom for Today's Family
J.R. Miller

Jeff Schwend of GraceGems.org wrote the following: "If there is one author I wish I had read early in my Christian life, it is J.R. Miller--his invaluable Biblical and wise counsel would have saved me from many blunders and sins. No author is so helpful in the realm of practical Christian living as J.R. Miller! 'THE HOME BEAUTIFUL' is must reading for those who desire a loving, wholesome and Christ-centered home!"

The Moody Monthly said the following about the 1945 edition: "These pages teem with gracious counsel, admonition and help from the pen of an unusually thoughtful man of warm sympathies, a rich life experience and a broad outloook. His thesis has been developed on the highest level of Christian thought and feeling."

The Northwestern Lutheran wrote the following: "This volume deserves to find a place in every home. It is well written and well established on the Scriptures. A BETTER GIFT THAN THIS CANNOT BE BOUGHT WITH MONEY."

From the Original Foreword:

"Several months before the death of Dr. J.R. Miller, he made plans for THE HOME BEAUTIFUL. The suggestion had been made to him that it would be helpful if he would take the heart of the books "Week Day Religion," "Practical Religion," "Home Making," and "In His Steps," and make a new volume on Christian home life. It was his purpose to improve on the suggestion made to him by preparing a number of new chapters. The plan was not to be carried out. God called him from earth before he was able to do more than begin preparation of the volume.

However, he talked so fully of his plans to his associates, that it has been possible to arrange "The Home Beautiful" in a manner that it is felt to be in accordance with the wishes of one whose life was devoted to inspiring men, women and children to the life that alone can make the home really beautiful." --John T. Faris, October 1912

This is a masterpiece on the family. It is so simple, and yet so powerful, as it sets forth the privileges and responsibilities of each member of the household in making the home a beautiful place to both live and die.

Chapter 1 - The Wedded Life

Chapter 2 - The Husband's Part

Chapter 3 - The Wife's Part

Chapter 4 - The Parent's Part

Chapter 5 - The Children's Part

Chapter 6 - Brothers and Sisters

Chapter 7 - The Home Life

Chapter 8 - Forbearing One Another

Chapter 9 - About Temper

Chapter 10 - The Blessing of Quietness

Chapter 11 - Religion in the Home

Chapter 12 - Uniting with the Church

Chapter 13 - Transformed by Beholding

Chapter 14 - Being Christians on Weekdays

Chapter 15 - Shall We Worry?

Chapter 16 - Living Victoriously

Chapter 17 - Shut In

Chapter 18 - Coming to the End

"If any 19th century American Christian writer warrants reprinting, it is J. R. Miller! His writing style is delightfully smooth, his insights are spiritual diamonds on every page, and his pastoral applications are delivered with the skill of a well-seasoned physician of souls." (Pastor Bill Shishko, Franklin Square, NY)

A contemporary said the following about all the writings of this gifted and godly man:

"His books are restful and soothing, full of quiet but fresh inspiration and cheery optimism. They have comforted and encouraged countless thousands of readers."

One friend paid this tribute to J. R. Miller: "We all loved him. His gentleness made him great. His winsomeness had no weakness in it. Somehow everybody felt drawn to him. He seemed so closely in touch with the best in heart and life. He was as gentle as a child, yet firm as a rock. He was lovable and helpful; always true, always tender."


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THE HOME BEAUTIFUL: Timeless Words of Wisdom for Today's Family

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THE TRANSFIGURED LIFE: Selected Shorter Writings of J.R. Miller

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YOUNG PEOPLE’S PROBLEMS: Help and Hope for Today’s Teens


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45% Discount - BRAND NEW TITLE
SGCB Price: $12.95 (list price $23.00)
This is the unabridged 264 page original edition from 1912

Order the Entire J.R. MILLER 8-PACK TITLES
SGCB Price: $65.00 (list price $141.00)

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