Written in 1799, 'Christ Precious to Those Who Believe: The preciousness of Jesus Christ, to those who believe—practically considered and improved' by John Fawcett is a "minor spiritual classic of the eighteenth century that deserves to be better known. In it, Fawcett explores the way that 'love is the parent and promoter of every thing excellent and amiable in the Christian character,' a love that is, first and foremost, a love for the Lord Jesus Christ" (Michael Haykin, introduction).
*CHAPTER 1. Introductory Remarks
*CHAPTER 2. The CHARACTER of the people to whom Christ is precious
*CHAPTER 3. The EVIDENCE believers give, that Christ is precious to them
Section 1. They trust their everlasting concerns in his hands
Section 2. They delight to think of him, to hear of him, and to speak of him
Section 3. They are grateful for the benefits they receive from him
Section 4. They prefer him to every other object, and give him the chief place in their affections
Section 5. They sincerely desire his presence, and long to enjoy intimate communion with him
Section 6. They are concerned that others may know and love him
Section 7. They are grieved when he is dishonored
Section 8. They are ready to deny themselves for him
Section 9. They are distressed by their lack of conformity to his blessed image and holy will
Section 10. They adhere to him in all conditions
Section 11. They are concerned to make his glory the chief end of their actions
Section 12. They long to be with him
*CHAPTER 4. In what WAYS Jesus Christ is precious to those who believe
Section 1. His History is precious to them
Section 2. His Person is precious to them
Section 3. His Names are precious to them
Section 4. His Offices and Characters are precious to them
Section 5. His Blood and Righteousness are precious to them
Section 6. His Love is precious to them
Section 7. His Throne is precious to them
Section 8. His Doctrine is precious to them
Section 9. His Promises are precious to them
Section 10. His Commands are precious to them
Section 11. His Ways are precious to them
Section 12. His People are precious to them
Section 13. His Interests are precious to them
Section 14. His Day and his House are precious to them
Section 15. His Benefits are precious to them
Section 16. His Chastisements are precious to them
Section 17. His Example is precious to them
*CHAPTER 5. Practical improvement of the subject
1. What has been said on this Subject may serve to convince us that the Evangelical System is a Righteous and Equitable One.
2. We hence see how Necessary it is that men should be thoroughly convinced of their Absolute Need of such a Savior as Jesus is.
3. It will appear from what has been advanced that the number of those to whom Christ is Precious is but small.
4. Let every man beware of concluding himself a believer in Christ, on slight and insufficient grounds.
5. As it is life eternal to know Jesus Christ, so it is death eternal to be ignorant of Him.
6. Consider, my dear fellow-sinner, that as Jesus Christ is the former of all things, you were made by Him, and therefore ought to love Him.
7. Let those who regard the comfort, the peace, and the prosperity of their own souls apply themselves to the study of Jesus Christ and daily aspire after more knowledge of Him.
8. If Jesus Christ is so superlatively precious in Himself, we have reason to be ashamed that we love Him no more than we do.
9. Let your knowledge, your faith, and your love influence your practice.
10. Those to whom Jesus is precious have a happy lot, whatever their circumstances may be, as to the present life.
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