THEOLOGY: Explained and Defended (4 Volume Hardcover Set) Timothy Dwight
 Timothy Dwight (1752-1817) was the grandson of Jonathan Edwards. He was both brilliant and godly. This is the Complete Four Volume Hardcover Set of his Magnum Opus: THEOLOGY: EXPLAINED & DEFENDED in a Series of Sermons. These sermons were preached every four years at the chapel at Yale Divinity School and were the means of incredible blessing to those who heard them.
 "Dwight's theological sermons are worthy of careful study. Their clear, scriptural guidelines and experiential warmth promote practical Christianity. Read with discernment, they will still feed the soul today and challenge us to godly living in Christ Jesus." - Joel R. Beeke, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
 William Sprague, in the book, 'Letters to a Daughter', page 82 wrote, "There is no work within my knowledge, so well adapted to answer this purpose, as the admirable system of Theology by the late President Dwight. It may look a little formidable to you at first, but I am almost sure that if you once engage in reading it, you will not be impatient to find its close. While the subjects are arranged with philosophical accuracy, they are discussed with a degree of perspicuity, force, and eloquence, for which I think you will look in vain, in any similar work."
 Volume One contains 38 sermons on the Existence, Attributes, Decrees and Works of God. Each sermon stands complete in itself, but they together exalt the glory of God in a way intended to humble and bless.
 Volume Two contains sermons 39-86 with the main focus on Christ our Mediator, and the Doctrines of Justification and Regeneration.
 Volume Three contains sermons 87-131 and begins with four sermons on Regeneration and concludes with 41 sermons on the Perfect Law of God.
 Volume Four contains sermons 132-173 and begins with the final sermon on the 10th Commandment and proceeds to examine both the ordinary and extraordinary Means of Grace before concluding the entire series with 11 sermons on the Last Things, including death, judgment, heaven and hell.
 NEARLY 50% - VOLUME ONE: Existence, Attributes & Works of God
SGCB Price: $35.00 (list price $65.00)
 NEARLY 50% - VOLUME TWO: Person & Work of Jesus Christ the Mediator
SGCB Price: $35.00 (list price $65.00)
 NEARLY 50% - VOLUME THREE: The Perfect Law of God
SGCB Price: $35.00 (list price $65.00)
 NEARLY 50% - VOLUME FOUR: The Means of Grace and The Last Things
SGCB Price: $35.00 (list price $65.00)
SGCB Price: $125.00 (list price $260.00)

Additional Information
Outline of Four Volume Set
Table of Contents
Biographical Sketch