CALVIN'S NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARIES The 7 Volume Set from Baker (1999 Reprint) John Calvin
 Series: Translated from the Original Latin, and Compared with the French Edition
 Hardcover: 8000+ pages
 Publisher: Baker Books (Reprinted in 1999)
 Charles H. Spurgeon said, "Among all those who have been born of women, there has not risen a greater than John Calvin; no age before him ever produced his equal, and no age afterwards has seen his rival. He propounded truth more clearly than any other man who ever breathed, knew more of Scripture, and explained it more clearly."
 Benjamin B. Warfield said, "Here we have the secret of Calvin's greatness and the source of his strength unveiled to us. No man ever had a profounder sense of God than he; no man ever more unreservedly surrended himself to the Divine direction."
 John Murray wrote, "Calvin was the exegete of the Reformation and in the first rank of biblical exegetes of all time."
 James Montgomery Boice said, "Calvin had no weapon but the Bible. He preached from the Bible every day, and under the power of that preaching the city began to be transformed. As the people of Geneva acquired knowledge of God's Word and were changed by it, the city became, as John Knox called it later, a New Jerusalem from which the gospel spread to the rest of Europe, England, and the New World."

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