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Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
What is the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals all about? Evangelical churches today are increasingly dominated by the spirit of this age rather than by the Spirit of Christ. As evangelicals, we call ourselves to repent of this sin and to recover the historic Christian faith.

Alpha & Omega Ministries
The site of Alpha & Omega Ministries, Christian Apologetics and Theology. This is the ministry site for James White, author of many books, including The Potter's Freedom and The God who Justifies.

Confessional Baptist Association
We, the member churches of the Confessional Baptist Association, want to follow the pattern of our Particular Baptist forefathers in expressing publicly an explanation for our recent actions. In March of 2022, the assembled messengers of the member churches of ARBCA voted unanimously to change the name of our association of churches, and it seems good to us to explain publicly our reasons for this action.

Banner of Truth Trust
The Banner of Truth Trust originated in 1957 in London. The founders believed that much of the best literature of historic Christianity had been allowed to fall into oblivion and that its recovery under God could well lead not only to a strengthening of the Church today but to true revival. The origins of the work were closely connected with the prayer that God would be pleased to visit the land again in true awakening.

Calvary Press
For over 30 years CALVARY PRESS has been known all over the world as a producer of the highest quality Christian books! We are dedicated to the absolute truth of Scripture, doctrinal purity — and the edification of the Body of Christ. You can purchase our books with complete confidence. Our books are excellent for personal edification, group Bible study and seminary courses. Our writers are well-known in their fields of study. Purchase, learn — and enjoy!

Desiring God Ministries
DGM are blood-earnest about helping people be as happy as possible in God because those who are not satisfied in God are not free, but slaves to the futility of seeking their happiness in this world. But those who are satisfied in God are free indeed. They are free to feed the hungry, care for the diseased, comfort the abused, minister to the poor, treat the addicted, speak hope to the despairing and serve on the most difficult mission fields. They are free to lose their lives because they know where to find LIFE.

Ric Ergenbright Photography: When Your Image Means the World
Solid Ground Christian Books is deeply indebted to award-winning photographer Ric Ergenbright for his strong and valued support of our publishing efforts. Many of our books are graced with his photos because of his willingness to permit us to use these as his gift. It is a privilege for us to recommend his books without reserve.

Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals
This group of like-minded brethren have as their motto: In Essentials Unity, In Non-essentials Liberty, In All Things Charity. F.I.R.E. is a unifying network for independent Reformed (and Reforming) baptistic churches to experience mutual edification, fellowship, cooperation and prayerful support in ministries and missions.

Founders Ministries
Founders Ministries is a ministry of teaching and encouragement that seeks to promote both doctrine and devotion expressed in the Doctrines of Grace and their experiential application to the local church, particularly in the areas of worship and witness. Founders Ministries takes as its theological framework the first recognized confession of faith that Southern Baptists produced, The Abstract of Principles. We desire to encourage the return to and promulgation of the biblical gospel that our Southern Baptist forefathers held dear.

Grace Covenant Baptist Church
We are a historic Southern Baptist Church meeting in the heart of downtown Birmingham with a mission to our city and a vision for our world.

Iron Sharpens Iron Radio Program
The blog of Chris Arnzen, host of the "Iron Sharpens Iron" radio program, heard live every Monday through Friday, 4pm-5pm EST. Listen live ANYWHERE you have a PHONE: (401)283-6754 (follow prompts & press #3 for Christian Radio) or stream online: R.C. Sproul has said, "Chris Arnzen is an interview host without peer. He embodies the title of the program by being 'sharp'. His rapier intellect cuts to the core of issues he discusses. It's a delight for me to work with him!"

Reformation Heritage Books
Reformation Heritage Books, under the leadership of Joel Beeke, is a non-profit organization formed for the sole purpose of disseminating sound Christian literature world-wide.

Tentmaker Publications
Phil Roberts has founded Tentmaker Publications in the United Kingdom to serve the church of Christ world-wide by finding and reprinting rare gems from former ages of the Church. The labors of Tentmaker help to assist in the planting of a church in Stoke-on-Trent, and also in supporting various missionary enterprises.