Evangelical Press Titles
 |  | HOLINESS: A Classic Reprint J.C. Ryle
 John Charles Ryle's best-known works have been reissued and widely read over many years. The fine qualities of his writings have ensured that his books are still popular and useful. This present volume has become a classic work and is known and loved by many throughout the world.
 In days when evangelical preachers are accused of being either superficial or dull, we have here a great example from one who was neither of these things. As Bishop Ryle explains and applies his texts with his customary simplicity and directness, the reader will find his conscience pricked and his soul examined. Ryle's Holiness has become essential reading on this most important subject and the first chapter on 'sin' has rarely been bettered.
 John Charles Ryle was appointed as the first Bishop of Liverpool in 1880 and was the leader of the Evangelical Party in the Church of England for more than half a century. He is highly regarded for his plain and lively writings on practical and spiritual themes, and their usefulness and impact have been consistently recognized and remain as wise and relevant today as when he first wrote them. Other titles by Ryle also published by Evangelical Press are Churches Beware!; Daily Readings from all Four Gospels; and Practical Religion.
 33% Discount
SGCB Price: $11.95 (list price $17.99)
 |  |  |  | BEYOND AMAZING GRACE Timeless Pastoral Wisdom from the Letters, Hymns & Sermons of John Newton J. Todd Murray
 No one who knew John Newton as a young lad would ever have dreamed that this teenage rebel, profane sailor, naval deserter and slave-trader would one day write the lyrics to one of the best-known hymns of all time, 'Amazing Grace'. The story of how such a notorious sinner was converted to Christ and went on to become an equally noteworthy pastor and a leader of the Evangelical movement in eighteenth-century England is simply astounding. In compiling this selection from his writings, Todd Murray has made NewtonÆs gentle pastoral wisdom available to a new generation of readers.
 J. Todd Murray has been the pastor overseeing the worship and music of The Bible Church of Little Rock since 1983 where, in addition to composing and recording music for his local congregation, he also shares in the general pastoral duties, teaching and shepherding. Todd is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and Moody Graduate School. He and his wife Tandy have been blessed with five children.
 "While John Newton is known primarily as the author of the Hymn, 'Amazing Grace' he was actually a very competent physician of the soul, both in diagnosing its ills, and providing the Scriptural remedy. Unfortunately our current Christian public has benefited little from the work of this amazing man. Now Todd Murray has done us an outstanding favor by making available to us both the writings and the hymns of Newton. I highly commend this book and look forward to reading it many times." - Jerry Bridges, author, The Pursuit of Holiness
 "This is a fascinating digest of insights from John Newton's lesser-known hymns and writings. What stands out most in Newton's post-conversion character is the depth of his interest in biblical truth, sound doctrine and systematic theology. Almost from the moment he was changed by God's amazing grace, Newton was driven by a heartfelt passion for understanding the truth and proclaiming it to others with the utmost clarity and simplicity. That, as much as any other characteristic, made him one of the great English hymn-writers of all time. You will be both moved and invigorated as you read it, too, I am certain." - Dr John MacArthur, Pastor-Teacher, Grace Community Church
 "Ex-slave-trader John Newton was the friendliest, wisest, humblest and least pushy of all the eighteenth-century evangelical leaders, and was perhaps the greatest pastoral letter-writer of all time. Beyond Amazing Grace gives us Newton's heart, and what a heart it was! This book is pure gold." - J. I. Packer, Professor of Theology, Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia

SGCB Price: $12.95 (list price $18.00)
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 click for details |  | A PORTRAIT OF PAUL: Identifying a True Minister of Christ Rob Ventura & Jeremy Walker
 Publisher's Description: What does a true pastor look like, and what constitutes a faithful ministry? How can we identify the life and labors of one called by God to serve in the church of Jesus Christ? To address these questions, Rob Ventura and Jeremy Walker examine how the apostle Paul describes his pastoral relation to the people of God in Colossians 1:24 - 2:5. By discussing these essential attitudes, qualities, and characteristics of a faithful minister of Christ, A Portrait of Paul provides gospel ministers an example of what they should be, and demonstrates for churches the kind of pastors they will seek if they desire men after God's own heart.
 "Rob Ventura and Jeremy Walker have done an exceptional job in providing a model for pastoral ministry, drawn from the extraordinary example of the apostle Paul. This book is built upon careful exegesis, proper interpretation, penetrating insight, and challenging application. Herein is profiled the kind of minister every church so desperately needs and what every true minister should desire to become." - Steven J. Lawson, Senior Pastor of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama
 "This work on the Christian ministry is a clarion call to true devotion and piety in the pastorate. The theology is pure and the language is as powerful as it is beautiful. I pray that every pastor and congregant might take up this book and read it. It will hold a place in my library beside Baxter's Reformed Pastor, Bridges's Christian Ministry, and Spurgeon's Lectures. I will refer to it often. It will serve as a great antidote against all that might cause my heart to stray from Christ's call." - Paul Washer
 "The apostle Paul has always been a hero whom I look to as a model for my ministry. His unrelenting faithfulness in the worst kinds of trials is a remarkable example to every pastor and missionary. In the midst of suffering, hardship, and (in the end) the abandonment of his own friends and fellow workers, Paul remained steadfast, dynamic, and utterly devoted to Christ. This invaluable study of Paul's life from Rob Ventura and Jeremy Walker is a wonderful, powerful, soul-stirring examination of Paul's self-sacrifice and his unfaltering service to the church. It will both motivate and encourage you, especially if you're facing trials, opposition, or discouragement in your service for Christ." - John MacArthur
 Chapters in Book:
 1. The Joy of Paul's Ministry
 2. The Focus of Paul's Ministry
 3. The Hardships of Paul's Ministry
 4. The Origin of Paul's Ministry
 5. The Essence of Paul's Ministry
 6. The Subject of Paul's Ministry
 7. The Goal of Paul's Ministry
 8. The Strength of Paul's Ministry
 9. The Conflict of Paul's Ministry
 10. The Warnings of Paul's Ministry

SGCB Price: $10.50 (list price $18.00) Over 40% Discount
 |  |  |  | BITE-SIZE BIOGRAPHIES: John Chrysostom: The Golden Mouth for Christ Earl M. Blackburn
 It is good that Christ reigns over all, particularly in his church. Otherwise, biblical Christianity would disappear from the earth. Chrysostom is proof positive that the mediatorial Lord of heaven and earth rules and overrules in the affairs of men and that he sometimes takes his servants through dark and soul-jarring providences to cause his Word to triumph at last. Chrysostom also demonstrates that men of God can faithfully (by the sustaining power and grace of Christ) expound the whole counsel of God and leave a lasting mark upon Adam's fallen race, even when wicked people and all the forces of Hell converge against their souls. As long as the history of Christianity is studied, the name Golden Mouth, this preacher mighty in the Word, will never be forgotten.
 Upon completion of his theological education, Earl Blackburn has served as a church-planter and pastor in the ordained ministry for over thirty-five years and has travelled extensively preaching in Pastors' Conferences in Europe, Africa and Asia. He authored the book Jesus Loves the Church and So Should You: Studies in Biblical Churchmanship (Solid Ground Christian Books, 2010), and he also contributed to the book Denominations or Associations (Calvary Press, 2001). As a cancer survivor, he now pastors Heritage Baptist Church, a rebuilding inner-city work in Shreveport, Louisiana.
 "This is truly a charming, informative and inspiring book. Blackburn, as an experienced pastor himself, has sought out those aspects of Chrysostom's ministry that show the strengths - courage, humility, faithfulness, doctrinal integrity, confidence in the power of proclamation - that every pastor should covet, while pointing to the weaknesses and troubles endemic to the historical context of bishop John. I found not only the subject, but the style of presenting it, to be engaging and provocative of high thoughts.'
 Tom J. Nettles, Prof. of Church History, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
 New Title - 25% Discount
SGCB Price: $7.50 (list price $10.00)
SGCB Price: $42.00 (list price $92.00) SAVE $50.00 WHEN PURCHASING ALL 11 BLACKBURN TITLES
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 click for details |  | DAILY READINGS FROM ALL FOUR GOSPELS For Morning and Evening J.C. Ryle - Compiled by Robert J. Sheehan
 Daily Readings from all Four Gospels is a fresh presentation of Ryle's classic Daily Readings. This reprinted edition contains all 732 readings from the two previous volumes and arranges them for the morning and evening of every day of any year.
 Each morning Ryle will take you by the hand and lead you through the Synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke; then each evening throughout the year he will be your tour guide through the Glorious Gospel of John. In his remarks of the Preface or Prologue to John's Gospel (1:1-18) Ryle makes the following observations:
 "The preface of this Gospel is one of the most striking peculiarities about the whole book. Under the term preface, I include the first eighteen verses of the first chapter. This preface forms the quintessence of the whole book, and is composed of simple, short, condensed propositions. Nowhere in the Bible shall we find such clear and distinct statements about our Lord Jesus Christ’s divine nature. Nowhere shall we find so many expressions, which for want of mental power, no mortal man can fully grasp or explain. In no portion of Scripture is it so deeply important to notice each word, and even each tense employed in each sentence. In no portion of Scripture do the perfect grammatical accuracy and verbal precision of an inspired composition shine out so brightly. It is not, perhaps, too much to say, that not a single word could be altered in the first five verses of John’s Gospel, without opening the door to some heresy."
 "Among the few authors a Christian wants as a lifelong friend and helper, J.C. Ryle is certainly one. After sixty years I still read him with the same relish!" - Iain H. Murray
 "There's a reason we keep digging up Ryle. His writing is always Clear (a 19th century man who writes short sentences!), Driven (he's always going after the jugular vein of your soul), and Focused (he just can't keep his eyes off Jesus). Get a copy and let the nourishment begin, and pick up a spare to put in your guest room." -Dale Ralph Davis
 "Always fresh, always reliable, and always centered on Christ. I keep coming back to Ryle on the Gospels and have never yet been disappointed. Use this book in your devotional life. Your heart will be warmed with fresh love for Christ and a renewed desire to live for His glory." -Colin Smith
 'Ryle is always worth reading, pithy, practical, heart-warming and full of love to Jesus Christ. This book does a great job in making him more accessible.' John Benton, Guildford
 J. C. Ryle (1816-1900) was appointed as the first Anglican Bishop of Liverpool in 1880 and was the leader of the Evangelical Party in the Church of England for more than half a century. He is highly regarded for his plain and lively writings on practical and spiritual themes, and their usefulness and impact have been consistently recognized and remain as wise and relevant today as when he first wrote them.
 DDV ddg
 |  |  |  | THE EPISTLES OF JOHN Joel Beeke
 No other epistle or letter in the New Testament begins more abruptly than the first Epistle of John. It has no formal salutation, no personal words of greeting, and no concluding benediction. After a brief prologue (1:1-4) the writer goes directly to what is on his heart, the message which we have heard of him and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all (1:5). Second and Third John are similar in structure, style, and theme. In both letters John introduces himself as the elder. In both letters John offers commendations for good behavior and rebukes for bad conduct. And in both letters his major theme is the truth, for in both John is determined to warn believers against false teachers and to protect from errors that are infiltrating the church of God.
 Dr. Joel Beeke, in his usually thorough manner, takes the reader by the hand and leads him into the wonderful material found in the pages of John's Epistles. Practical to the core, this volume will both enlighten the mind and fire the heart.
 35% Discount
SGCB Price: $10.95 (list price $16.00)
 Nothing is more essential for us in days of doubt and confusion than a clear understanding of the Word of God. There can be no such understanding without a good grasp of Genesis, the book of beginnings. The sheer size of the book makes it intimidating for many. The value of Jim Dixon's book is that it presents the message of Genesis in daily devotions - bite-size pieces, if you will - that inform the mind, warm the heart, give us practical insights for living and point us to the Lord Jesus Christ.
 "Jim Dixon is a man who has lived in the text of Genesis and allowed it to harrow his soul. His 'Expository Thoughts on Genesis' will cut fresh furrows in the hearts of his readers. The attentive preacher or teacher will find a harvest of expositional inspiration." - R. Kent Hughes, Pastor College Church, Wheaton, IL, USA

 Dr Dixon has served for more than thirty years as a Baptist pastor. His ministry encompasses three states, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Arizona, presently serving the First Baptist Church of Catalina, Arizona. His focus has always been on an expository preaching ministry with the goal of aiding his people to think biblically, and to know how to properly apply the Bible to the varied situations of their lives. Teaching experience includes the extension program of Wayland Baptist University at Fort Huachucha, Arizona, and as adjunct professor at Mid-Continent College in Mayfield, Kentucky. The education of Dr Dixon includes bachelor's degrees from Trinity Bible college, presently located in Tarpon Springs, Florida, and the University of Tennessee. He has also earned the Master of Divinity degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. And in 1986 he received the Dr. of Ministry degree from the same seminary. He has been active in the Southern Baptist Convention for his entire ministry, and served the denomination on various committees and boards.
 Beautiful 620 Page Hardcover Volume with Dust Jacket
SGCB Price: $19.95 (list price $39.99)
SGCB Price: $37.95 (list price $79.99) OVER 50% DISCOUNT - SAVE OVER $40.00
 Order with GENESIS TRILOGY (Fuller - Boice - Dixon)
SGCB Price: $67.50 (list price $149.95) 55% Discount on Genesis Trilogy