Founder's Press Titles
 The latest in the reprints of Curtis Vaughan's Commentaries by Founder's Press. Of the others the following has been said:
 "The reprinting of the Vaughan/Lea commentary on I Corinthians thrills me. Many know the blessing of Dr. Vaughan's biblically faithful and concise commentaries. The late Dr. Lea follows the same useful path. I had the joy of being Dr. Lea's teaching fellow in Greek and the best experience of my PhD work was his supervision of my dissertation. I highly recommend this commentary by two excellent biblical expositors!" - Dr. Fred Malone, Pastor
 "Dr. Vaughan's Commentary on Galatians is a model of careful, respectful handling of the text. He packs a lot in a short speace, surveying opinions and moving to the heart of the text. The including of references, at the end of sections, to particularly helpful sermons on the specific text by Spurgeon and Maclaren is a great feature of this work. This will be a helpful resource for pastors and bible study leaders." - Dr. Ray Van Neste
 "Dr. Curtis Vaughan is one of the most profoundly loved New Testament scholars Southern Baptists have ever had. When one reads his exposition of James it is not difficult to understand why he is so honored. The remarkable ability of Dr. Vaughan to take the difficult and the obscure and make it understandable and even gripping is disclosed herein. Do not miss this precious book." - Dr. Paige Patterson, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
 "Curtis Vaughan's Study Guide is characterized by clear and informative exegesis, solid theological exposition, warm devotional applications, and trustworthy pastoral insights. Students, Bible teachers and preachers will find this well-written volume to be exceedingly helpful for grasping the message and meaning of the Book of Acts." - Dr. David S Dockery, President, Union University, Jackson, Tennessee
 "What a great blessing to the saints of God that Curtis Vaughan's commentary on Ephesians is again available. When the commentary first appeared as a January Bible Study book for the Southern Baptist Convention (1964), I was a junior in high school. I attended every session that was taught. At that point, a deep-seated desire for the knowledge of God through biblical theology was implanted in my heart. I recommend this to pastors and laity alike. Its exposition is built on a profound understanding of the grammar of the text, the entire New Testament message, and the glorious gospel with all of its attendant doctrines. It is profound, yet easily within the grasp of every earnest Christian." - Dr. Thomas J. Nettles
 25% Discount
SGCB Price: $7.50 (list price $10.00)
 Order All SIX Curtis Vaughan Commentaries
SGCB Price: $39.50 (list price $60.00) Acts, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, James & 1,2,3 John
 |  |  |  | 1 Corinthians Founders Study Guide Commentary Curtis Vaughan and Thomas D. Lea
 "The reprinting of the Vaughan/Lea commentary on I Corinthians thrills me. Many know the blessing of Dr. Vaughan's biblically faithful and concise commentaries. The late Dr. Lea follows the same useful path. I had the joy of being Dr. Lea's teaching fellow in Greek and the best experience of my PhD work was his supervision of my dissertation. I highly recommend this commentary by two excellent biblical expositors!" - Dr. Fred Malone, Pastor
 25% Discount
SGCB Price: $7.50 (list price $10.00)
 purchase all Six Vaughan titles
SGCB Price: $37.50 (list price $60.00) Acts, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, James & 1,2,3 John
 |  |  |  | Ephesians Founders Study Guide Commentary Curtis Vaughan
 "What a great blessing to the saints of God that Curtis Vaughan' s commentary on Ephesians is again available. When the commentary first appeared as a January Bible Study book for the Southern Baptist Convention (1964), I was a junior in high school. I attended every session that was taught. At that point, a deep-seated desire for the knowledge of God through biblical theology was implanted in my heart. I recommend this to pastors and laity alike. Its exposition is built on a profound understanding of the grammar of the text, the entire New Testament message, and the glorious gospel with all of its attendant doctrines. It is profound, yet easily within the grasp of every earnest Christian." - Dr. Thomas J. Nettles
 25% Discount
SGCB Price: $7.50 (list price $10.00)
 purchase all four Vaughan titles
SGCB Price: $39.50 (list price $60.00) Acts, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, James & 1,2,3 John
 |  |  |  | James Founders Study Guide Commentary Curtis Vaughn
 "Dr. Curtis Vaughan is one of the most profoundly loved New Testament scholars Southern Baptists have ever had. When one reads his exposition of James it is not difficult to understand why he is so honored. The remarkable ability of Dr. Vaughan to take the difficult and the obscure and make it understandable and even gripping is disclosed herein. Do not miss this precious book." - Dr. Paige Patterson, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
 25% Discount
SGCB Price: $7.50 (list price $10.00)
 Purchase All 6 Curtis Vaughan Commentaries
SGCB Price: $39.50 (list price $60.00) Acts, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, James & 1,2,3 John
 |  | 
 click for details |  | TO THE JUDICIOUS AND IMPARTIAL READER: An Exposition of the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith James M. Renihan
 To the Judicious and Impartial Reader is an exposition of what is popularly known as the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, a document translated into many languages and used by churches around the world for almost 350 years. The Exposition seeks to illuminate and explain the theology of the Confession by setting it into its historical and theological context. It examines relevant primary source expositions of Scripture and theological treatises from the post-Reformation and Puritan eras, including the writings of the men who subscribed to it. Modern readers will be able to discern how the first churches to publish the Confession understood its doctrines and practices.
 The Epistle

 UNIT ONE: First Principles
 Chapter 1: Of the Holy Scriptures
 Chapter 2: Of God and of the Holy Trinity
 Chapter 3: Of God’s Decree
 Chapter 4: Of Creation
 Chapter 5: Of Divine Providence
 Chapter 6: Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment Thereof

 UNIT TWO: The Covenant
 Chapter 7: Of God’s Covenant
 Chapter 8: Of Christ the Mediator
 Chapter 9: Of Free Will
 Chapter 10: Of Effectual Calling
 Chapter 11: Of Justification
 Chapter 12: Of Adoption
 Chapter 13: Of Sanctification
 Chapter 14: Of Saving Faith
 Chapter 15: Of Repentance unto Life and Salvation
 Chapter 16: Of Good Works
 Chapter 17: Of Perseverance of the Saints
 Chapter 18: Of the Assurance of Grace and Salvation
 Chapter 19: Of the Law of God
 Chapter 20: Of the Gospel, and of the Extent of the Grace Thereof

 UNIT THREE: God-Centered Living: Freedom and Boundaries
 Chapter 21: Of Christian Liberty and Liberty of Conscience
 Chapter 22: Of Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day
 Chapter 23: Of Lawful Oaths and Vows
 Chapter 24: Of the Civil Magistrate
 Chapter 25: Of Marriage
 Chapter 26: Of the Church
 Chapter 27: Of the Communion of Saints
 Chapter 28: Of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
 Chapter 29: Of Baptism
 Chapter 30: Of the Lord’s Supper

 UNIT FOUR: The World to Come
 Chapter 31: Of the State of Man after Death and of the Resurrection of the Dead
 Chapter 32: Of the Last Judgement
 The Appendix Concerning Baptism

 Appendix A: Outline of the Second London Confession of Faith
 Appendix B: A Necessary Distinction: Christ as God and Christ as Mediator
 Appendix C: An Index to Richard Muller’s Dictionary of Latin and Greek Theological Terms
 Scripture Index

 "To the Judicious and Impartial Reader is a trove of theological insight and research that situates the Second London Confession in its early modern context. Illuminated by documents and debates of the period, Dr. Renihan shines welcomed light on this important confession of faith. His diligent labors will benefit future generations of Reformed Baptists but it will also serve many others who profess the Westminster Confession and Savoy Declaration. Detailed in its analysis, thorough in its scope, and aimed at the heart, Dr. Renihan’s work is must-reading." -J. V. Fesko, Harriet Barbour Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology Reformed Theological Seminary | Jackson, Mississippi
 "James M. Renihan presents here a magisterial exposition of the Second London Confession of 1677/1689— the most influential confessional document in Baptist history. A work of solid scholarship and genuine theological retrieval, destined to become a classic. Highly recommended!" -Timothy George, Distinguished Professor | Beeson Divinity School of Samford University General editor of the 29-volume Reformation Commentary on Scripture.
 "This well-researched and historically sensitive exposition offers readers an indispensable guide to the Second London Baptist Confession. In clear, convincing fashion James Renihan explains what the Confession’s language would have meant to its original readers, excavates the various backgrounds which informed its composition, and points contemporary readers towards a fresh appreciation of both the Confession itself and the faith it sets forth. In doing so, Renihan successfully locates seventeenth-century English Calvinistic Baptists within the wider tradition of Reformed Protestantism with which they would have identified." -Dr. Matthew C. Bingham, Lecturer in Systematic Theology and Church History | Oak Hill College
 "We are indebted to James Renihan for this masterful study of the 1689 Confession in its original historical context. His insights, drawn largely from primary sources and the fruit of more than twenty years of teaching on the Confession, illuminate and explain the text in a most helpful and edifying manner. We are led to understand the controversies of the 17th century, many of which are still relevant today. While we are grateful to Dr. Renihan for his labours in historical theology, he reminds us that the ultimate goal is not veneration of the Confession itself; it is a means of leading us back to the Scriptures, to worship and adore the Lord and rejoice in our great salvation. There is much here to profit the reader." -Bill James, Principal | London Seminary
 "While not a Reformed Baptist myself, I have long appreciated the 2LBCF as a key artifact of Baptist history and theology. Its commitment to historic Christian orthodoxy and its bold proclamation of the formal and material principles of the Reformation, sola scriptura & justification by faith alone, are in and of themselves enough to recommend it as a model of a reformational and catholic (small c!) spirit. When we recognize this spirit alongside the confession’s doctrinal precision and clarity and its exposition of congregational credo-baptist distinctives, we see that it is a confession- al model for all Christians, Baptist and non-Baptist alike. James Renihan’s careful consideration of this foundational seventeenth century text elucidates its doctrinal beauty, truth, and goodness and brings it to bear on us today. Through retrieving this early Baptist statement of faith, Renihan aids all traditions in their pursuit of biblical and theological fidelity." -Dr. Matthew Y. Emerson, Professor of Religion | Dean of Theology, Arts, and Humanities Oklahoma Baptist University
 "This book is required reading for anyone who wants to understand seventeenth reformed theology in general or what it means to be a reformed Baptist. The exposition of the confession sets it in its historical context and illuminates its meaning using the sources of the doctrine summarized in it. It also explores the structure of the confession expertly. Modern Baptists are theologically diverse to the point of confusion in many cases and this study of our origins can help bring clarity to the question of what it means to confess the faith of our forefathers. It is a must read for anyone interested in Baptist theology." - Craig A. Carter, Research Professor of Theology Tyndale University.
 "In this second volume on Baptist Symbolics, Dr. Renihan gives us his “contextual historical exposition” of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. Renihan allows us to hear the discussions of the authors of our Confession as they endeavored to align themselves with historical confessional biblical Orthodoxy. He examines the words and phrases of the Confession with incisive clarity and relevance to our own current situation. Here we learn how to express biblical catholicity while humbly holding to our baptistic convictions that Renihan explains, defends, and endorses with convincing cogency." -Alan Dunn, Pastor | Grace Covenant Baptist Church Flemington, New Jersey
 "James M. Renihan in his To the Judicious and Impartial Reader: A Contextual-Historical Exposition of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith has given to the Christian world a veritable exegesis of our Confession. This is the fruit of our beloved brother’s love for Christ, Church, Scripture, and Confession – in that order – and I greatly regret not having this book before, especially since it has been my privilege to study and teach the Confession to the church which I serve. No Reformed Baptist should again teach the Confession before reading this marvelous Exposition." -Francisco Orozco, Pastor | Iglesia Bautista Reformada Professor | Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua Cuauhtemoc, Chihuahua Mexico
 "James Renihan states, “I have made a conscious decision (with a few exceptions) not to interact with modern interpretations of the theological statements of the seventeenth century confessions which may differ from my own conclusions. The aim of this book is not primarily polemic but rather explanatory. From my perspective, the key question is what did the confession mean?” He has been faithful to his purpose and the result is a rich, comprehensive work of historical and systematic theology worthy of a lifetime of study and meditation. His engagement with the complete milieu of theological writing, beginning with the Particular Baptists of the seventeenth-century and including the Puritan literature that would have most influenced them, sets the confession in its most original doctrinal context and yields a rich and faithful engagement with the treasure of doctrinal truth so clearly expressed in it. He has given a four-fold structure to the entire confession, shown the logic of doctrinal connection between the heads within each of the four divisions, and shown the inner-connections within each paragraph of the various heads. Renihan also has incorporated the genre of “pious meditations” on the family of confessions to which the Second London Confession belongs and has thus been enabled to turn doctrine into devotion without becoming disconnected from the rigorously developed propositions of divine revelation. This work should be a consistently consulted treasure of truth-centered theological instruction and grace-centered, Christ centered, God-centered spiritual formation." - Tom J. Nettles, Louisville, KY
 1689NE jr44
SGCB Price: $33.00 (list price $45.00)
SGCB Price: $55.00 (list price $77.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH HARDCOVER TITLES
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 click for details |  | EXALTING CHRIST: Essays in Honor of Fred A. Malone Edited by Steve Martin & Mitch Axsom
 Ingratitude is one of the great sins of our time and one the Scripture singles out as a serious step down a slippery slope (Romans 1:18-19). When the creature does not give thanks and honor the Creator, reality is turned upside down and personal and cultural destruction are not far behind (Romans 1:18-32). Coupled with sinful ingratitude is a failure to give honor to whom honor is due. We honor God first and foremost and then the gifts He gives to men, especially to His Church. This book seeks to honor God and His gift to the Church, Fred Malone, Christian, husband, father, pastor, citizen, theologian, and man of God. May the essays within encourage you to exalt our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

 Contents and Contributors
 1. Exalting Christ by Honoring Him in the Home The Christ-Exalting Father (Joanna Jones)
 2. Exalting Christ by Preaching Him from All the Scriptures (Tom Hicks)
 3. Exalting Christ by Preaching Him and Him Crucified (Michael McKelvey)
 4. Exalting Christ by Preaching the Law and the Gospel (Raymond Perron)
 5. Exalting Christ by Exegeting His Word A Case Study from the Bread of Life Discourse in John 6 (Stephen Murphy)
 6. Exalting Christ by Serving Him as a Steward of the Mysteries of God Hearing the Voice of the Savior (Jim Renihan)
 7. Exalting Christ by Seeing Him as Supreme The Centrality of Christ in the Ministry of Jonathan Edwards (Tom Nettles)
 8. Exalting Christ by Seeing Him as the Scope of Scripture (Richard Barcellos)
 9. Exalting Christ by Shepherding the Flock (Tom Ascol)
 10. Exalting Christ by Preparing His Church for Missionary Service (Allen Beardmore)
 11. Exalting Christ by Emphasizing the Great Commission (Jerry Slate, Jr.)
 12. Exalting Christ by Teaching His Church to Pray (Walt Chantry)
 13. Exalting Christ by Observing the Church's Ordinances (Conrad Mbewe)
 14. Exalting Christ by Contending for the Faith (Earl Blackburn)
 15. Exalting Christ by Connecting with Church History The Faith of Ezra Courtney, Pioneer Missionary in the South (Joe Nesom)
 16. Exalting Christ by Serving the Church as an Elder (Mitch Axsom)
 17. Exalting Christ by Remembering That He Is Risen from the Dead (Steve Martin)

 278 pages
SGCB Price: $8.00 (list price $22.00)
 |  |  |  | Founder's Study Guide Commentary GALATIANS Curtis Vaughan
 "Dr. Vaughan's Commentary on Galatians is a model of careful, respectful handling of the text. He packs a lot in a short speace, surveying opinions and moving to the heart of the text. The including of references, at the end of sections, to particularly helpful sermons on the specific text by Spurgeon and Maclaren is a great feature of this work. This will be a helpful resource for pastors and bible study leaders." - Dr. Ray Van Neste
 25% Discount
SGCB Price: $7.50 (list price $10.00)
SGCB Price: $39.50 (list price $60.00) Acts, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, James & 1,2,3 John
 |  | 
 click for details |  | WORSHIP: The Regulative Principle and the Biblical Principle of Accommodation MATTHEW ALLEN & ERNIE REISINGER
 This book masterfully defines, explains, and defends the Reformed principle of worship—the regulative principle. Moreover, the principle is not left in the realm of theory. The application of the principle in the context of modern evangelical life is developed, especially how to implement the regulative principle in congregations who do not yet fully understand or embrace this biblical principle. This is a must-read for those seeking to bring reformation to the worship of the local church.
 Foreword by Dr. Tom Ascol
 Introductory Comments on Worship by Dr. Tom Nettles
 Preface: How Shall We Worship?
 Foundational Principles
 The Regulative Principle
 Part A: Doctrine
 The Regulative Principle Defined
 The Regulative Principle Defended
 The Regulative Principle in History
 The Regulative Principle
 Part B: Application
 The Regulative Principle Applied to the Invitation System
 Christian Liberty and Accommodation
 Part A: Doctrine
 Christian Liberty
 Christian Liberty and Accommodation
 Part B: Application
 Applying the Practice of Accommodation to the Altar Call
 “This book presents a defense of the regulative principle. The authors defend its solidly and thoroughly biblical character and give a history of its defense in the context of Reformed biblical exegesis and historic confessions. The result of this careful work is a clearly biblical and theologically sound presentation of the regulative principle of Christian worship.” -Dr. Tom J. Nettles | Author, Founding faculty member of the Institute of Public Theology, and Retired Professor of Historical Theology, SBTS
 “I commend the reading of this book to students, pastors, and the people in the pew to restore biblical worship to that which is commanded by God instead of invented by man’s desires. After all, the best worship of God must be formed by His own commands concerning His worship.” -Dr. Fred Malone, Author, Pastor Emeritus of First Baptist Church of Clinton, Louisiana and Professor of Pastoral Theology, IRBS and CBTS.
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SGCB Price: $13.95 (list price $20.00)
SGCB Price: $25.00 (list price $40.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH TITLES
SGCB Price: $44.00 (list price $74.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR ALL FOUR WORSHIP TITLES
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 click for details |  | A REVOLUTIONARY READING OF ROMANS 13: A Biblical Case for Lawful Subjection to the Civil Magistrate and Dutiful Resistance to Tyrants Timothy L. Decker
 Does Romans 13 command Christians a near unqualified obedience toward the civil magistrate? Is there an appropriate occasion and even a duty to resist tyranny, even if the tyranny is not sinful, per se? The aim of this book is to shed light on the fact that Paul's appeal for submission to governmental authorities in Romans 13 is far narrower than it so often gets treated. The many events and crises of 2020 revealed the broad brush strokes Christians often painted with it and thereby abuse of it. It is here argued that the apostle Paul wrote Romans 13 within a specific historical context, a pastoral occasion if you will, to take up the matter of warding off the common Jewish revolutionary spirit so pervasive in that period. Such a sentiment of private revolution among church members of Rome would have undermined a Gentile government and thereby destroyed the gospel influence of the Christian church in Rome. In this way, this book offers a revolutionary reading of Romans 13—that Paul opposed private revolution among private citizens. Therefore, rightly understood, Romans 13 teaches lawful subjection to the civil magistrate while at the same time affirming a Christian's duty to resist tyranny.

 *PART 1: The Historical World Behind Romans 13
 Chapter 1: The Background to Romans and Paul’s Pastoral Occasion
 Chapter 2: Common Jewish Sentiments Against Rome

 *PART 2: The Exegetical World Within Romans 13
 Chapter 3: Jew and Gentile Controversy in Romans 1–11
 Chapter 4: Jew and Gentile Controversy in Romans 12–15
 Chapter 5: Exegetical Exposition of Romans 13:1–7 (Part 1)
 Chapter 6: Exegetical Exposition of Romans 13:1–7 (Part 2)

 *PART 3: The Theological World In Front Of Romans 13
 Chapter 7: Romans 13 Read with Other Passages of Scripture
 Chapter 8: Sphere Sovereignty and Self-Governance
 Chapter 9: Tyranny Biblically Defined
 Chapter 10: Romans 13 Applied Today
 Scripture Index

 "By placing Paul’s famous pericope about believers and the civil magistrate into contextual perspective, Dr. Decker has provided God’s people with a helpful analysis of Romans 13:1–7. With exegetical acumen supplemented by historical sensitivity, the reader will better understand how this text fits the larger context of Scripture and will be aided by careful application." -James M. Renihan, President, International Reformed Baptist Seminary
 "It is always gratifying to see increased exegetical clarity with regard to an important passage of Scripture. It is especially gratifying when that clarity provides timely, practical guidance to the believer. Such clarity and practicality are the blessed results of Tim Decker’s study on Romans 13. I have been convinced for many years of his exegetical approach to and understanding of Romans 13 and have defended it in my Political Revolution in the Reformed Tradition: An Historical and Biblical Critique. Recent events in the church and society have only emphasized both the doctrinal and practical necessity of this understanding of Romans 13. May God give this book great influence!" -Sam Waldron, Pastor, Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Owensboro, KY, President, Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary
 "Christians are tasked with the difficult duty of navigating the “city of man” as citizens of the “city of God,” and as we do so, we look to the Word of the King for instruction on how to do so well in both cities. As the city of man morphs from affording “peaceful and quiet lives” (1 Timothy 2) to the saints of God to challenging some of the basic tenets of natural law, Christians return ad fontes. A key text for understanding our duties in the common kingdom is Romans 13, and Timothy Decker walks his readers through cultural, textual, and theological issues at play in this locus classicus. Pastors need tools in their belts as they help Christ’s people lead godly and honorable lives under the civil government. Decker’s work will be one such tool, contributing to your thinking as you prepare to lead the people entrusted to your care." -Daniel Scheiderer, Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, Chambersburg, PA, Professor of Systematic Theology at IRBS, Author of Still Confessing
 "Dr. Timothy Decker’s new book, 'A Revolutionary Reading of Romans 13: A Biblical Case for Lawful Subjection to the Civil Magistrate and Dutiful Resistance to Tyrants', is a book that needed to be written and that needs to be read by our generation, both pastors and laypeople alike. As Dr. Decker notes, the recent COVID-19 crisis has exposed a great deal of confusion in the Christian church regarding the true meaning and implications of Romans 13:1–7 as well as other texts in Scripture that address the precise nature of the believer’s relationship to the civil authorities. He effectively challenges the shallow assumption that Christians and churches are simply to obey the dictates of the government under which we live, no matter what, unless we are specifically required to do something egregiously sinful. The matter, as he demonstrates, is not quite that simple. This book is marked by careful, detailed, and yet engaging exegesis of the relevant passages. It also interacts with the history of Christian thought as Dr. Decker demonstrates that we are not the first Christians to wrestle with these issues. Many have thought hard about them and have written about them before us from whom we can learn. Especially helpful in that regard are the chapters in which he writes about what is called the lesser magistrate doctrine that was hammered out from Scripture and handed down by our forefathers, his treatment of the issue of sphere sovereignty and of tyranny biblically defined. These chapters are gold! But he doesn’t merely leave his treatment at the exegetical, theological, and historical level; it is also marked by very practical and helpful application. I am very thankful God put it into the heart of this brother to write this book and for how well it is written. I highly recommend it!" -Jeffery Smith, Pastor, Emmanuel Baptist Church, Coconut Creek, FL, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Reformed Baptist Seminary
 "Anyone who lived and labored through the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic and beyond will have surely encountered the invocation of “Romans 13” in the relevant discourse. How ought people have responded to the various government mandates? Were these mandates wise or lawful? And if one’s conscience was violated, does he have a duty to then “defy tyrants” (as was alleged by some), or must he heed the admonitions in Romans 13 (as alleged by others) and simply comply with the mandates of the God-ordained authorities who are over him? It seemed a horrendous dichotomy: loyalty to Scripture pitted against loyalty to one’s family and neighbors, obedience to the dictates of Romans 13 vs. the dictates of one’s conscience. Throw in some confusing mandates and contradictory data claims, and many Christians were left in an ethical lurch. In this impressive volume, Dr. Timothy Decker does the hard work of diving deep into the exegetical, contextual, and hermeneutical factors that inform our understanding of Romans 13. Does Romans 13 require simple, blanket obedience to state mandates, as many Christians understand? Is there, perhaps, more nuance and complexity at play in the background of this much-contested chapter of Paul’s letter? While one may not agree with all of Dr. Decker’s premises or conclusions, one will still be biblically stimulated, challenged, and perhaps even encouraged as he thinks through the intricacies of the church’s relation to the state in a more theologically informed way." -Sean G. Morris, Academic Dean, Blue Ridge Institute for Theological Education
 The Lord granted Pastor Timothy Decker repentance and faith when he was 19 years old. After attending Bible college and meeting his wife Liz there, he started his first pastorate in eastern NC. He has also ministered in Honduras as well as the mountains of Virginia. During those times, God was constantly reforming him. On November 11, 2018 Timothy was ordained as an elder at Trinity Reformed Baptist Church. Along with his pastoral ministry, Dr. Decker is also a professor of New Testament and Greek at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary, International Reformed Baptist Seminary, and the Blue Ridge Institute for Theological Education. He and Liz were married August 6, 2005 and have 4 children.

SGCB Price: $21.75 (list price $28.00)
SGCB Price: $32.00 (list price $48.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH TITLES
 "Curtis Vaughan's Study Guide is characterized by clear and informative exegesis, solid theological exposition, warm devotional applications, and trustworthy pastoral insights. Students, Bible teachers and preachers will find this well-written volume to be exceedingly helpful for grasping the message and meaning of the Book of Acts." - Dr. David S Dockery, President, Union University, Jackson, Tennessee
 About the Author
 Dr. Curtis Vaughan (1925-2005) was Distinguished Professor of New Testament at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, where he served on the faculty from 1950 to 1995. He was a graduate of Southwestern (BD & ThD) and Union University in Jackson, Tennessee.

SGCB Price: $7.50 (list price $10.00)
 Order All 6 Vaughan Commentaries
SGCB Price: $39.50 (list price $60.00) Acts, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, James & 1,2,3 John
 |  |  |  | THE REASON FOR THE SEASON Edited by Bob Agee and Roger Duke
 "The contributors to this fine volume address the problem of pain and suffering not only with powerful insights from their own personal experiences, but also with clarifying pastoral and theological reflection. When people experience hurt and suffering, when they face the confusion associated with many of life's challenges, they want and need practical as well as scriptural guidance. Such guidance can be found throughout the various chapters in this volume. I am confident that the biblical encouragement found in these pages will be helpful for many." - Dr. David S Dockery, President, Union University, Jackson, Tennessee
 "In the early days of my pastoral ministry, I began to learn that there is a hurt in every heart and in every home. While the contributors to this book present many reminders of this tearful reality, they also testify that the grace of God is sufficient to sustain the followers of Jesus in a fallen, broken world." - Dr. Donald S. Whitney, Associate Professor of Biblical Spirituality, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

SGCB Price: $5.95 (list price $10.00)
 |  |  |  | MINISTRY BY HIS GRACE AND FOR HIS GLORY: Essays in Honor of the Ministry of Tom Nettles Edited by Tom Ascol and Nathan Finn
 Contents and Contributors
 Foreword (R. Albert Mohler)
 Introduction (Tom Ascol)
 Part I: Historical
 1. Baptists and the Bible: The History of a History Book (Nathan A. Finn)
 2. Remembering Baptist Heroes: The Example of John Gill (Michael A.G. Haykin)
 3. Crawford H. Toy: Southern Baptists and the Lesson of Controversy (Gregory A. Wills)
 4. Evangelicalism from the Beginning: English Baptists of the 17th Century (C. Jeffery Robinson, Sr.)
 5. A Distracted Piety: African-American Baptists (Kevin L. Smith)
 Part II: Theological
 6. The Authority of Scripture: The Bible and Baptists (David S. Dockery)
 7. Without One Plea: Human Depravity and the Christian Gospel (Russell D. Moore)
 8. God's Sovereign Election (Erroll Hulse)
 9. Limited Atonement: A Short Defense (Geoff Thomas)
 10. Understanding Effectual Calling (Tom Hicks)
 11. Perseverance: The True Nature of Saving Faith (Phil Newton)
 12. Justification: The Use of Genesis 15:6 in Romans 4:3 (Sam Waldron)
 Part III: Practical
 13. The Preacher on Preaching: Wisdom from a Wise Wordsmith (Daniel Akin)
 14. An Idol Called Evangelism - And It's Remedy (Roy A. Hargrave)
 15. Missions and the Doctrines of Grace (David Sills)
 16. 'An Ingenuous Unfolding of Our Principles' Confessionalism Among 17th Century Particular Baptists (James M. Renihan)
 17. On Catechizing (Jim Scott Orrick)
 18. Recovering Regenerate Church Membership (Tom Ascol)
 19. Believer's Baptism: Its Nature, Practice and Importance (Fred Malone)
 20. Baptists, Worldview and Focal Practices (Ben Mitchell)
 The Writings of Thomas J. Nettles: A Bibliography (Nathan A. Finn and Matthew Emerson)
 "Tom Nettles was born to be a teacher, called to be a preacher, and trained to be a scholar. He has produced a library of scholarship and has shaped a generation of Baptist ministers and leaders. He has also done what few scholars ever have the opportunity or courage to do - he has reset the terms of debate for an entire denomination of churches. Thanks to Tom Nettles and his influence, there are important truths that are known and now cannot be denied." - From the Foreword, R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
 "These essays are offered in honor of Tom Nettles with full recognition that our Triune God is the One who deserves all praise for his life and ministry. Our Lord is the One who gives 'pastors and teachers to equip the saints for works of ministry' (Ephesians 4:11-12). We thank God for raising Tom up in our day and using him mightily in the effort to defend the authority of Scripture and recover the gospel that it reveals. Our hope is that this book, which addresses subjects that Tom himself has emphasized in his teaching and writing, will also prove useful in showing that all that we are and have is truly by God's grace and for His glory." - From the Introduction, Tom Ascol, Senior Pastor, Grace Baptist Church, Cape Coral, Florida
 BRAND NEW 342 Page Hardcover Volume
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SGCB Price: $43.50 (list price $65.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH BOOKS
 |  |  |  | MALACHI: A Prophet in Times of Despair Baruch Maoz
 Malachi: A Prophet in Times of Despair connects the plight besetting the Jewish people of the prophet's time and challenges facing modern Christians with words of hope and with the call to selfless obedience.
 Baruch Maoz surveys the Jewish community's circumstances in Malachi's time, the biblical book's characteristics and its place in the Bible, exploring the text, passage by passage to draw out the riches of the prophet's message, helping readers connect that word to daily life.
 Christians interested in Jewish Christian insights of an often overlooked prophetic book and pastors seeking inspiration for preaching and teaching will find in Malachi: A Prophet in Times of Despair a helpful guide. Readers facing frustration, disappointment, marital stress, or spiritual malaise, will find that MalachiÆs message shines on the dark places of life with GodÆs light and guidance.
 About the Author - Baruch Maoz, born in the United States, immigrated to Israel as a child with his mother. He became a Christian while serving in the Israeli army. He is a retired pastor, editor, and translator of the Old Testament into modern Hebrew, and author with books published in Hebrew, English and Dutch. He and his wife, Bracha, live in Gedera, Israel.
SGCB Price: $7.50 (list price $10.00)
 |  | 
 click for details |  | GETTING THE GARDEN RIGHT: Adam's Work and God's Rest in the Light of Christ Richard Barcellos
 "Nothing shapes how we interpret and apply the Bible as much as our understanding of covenant. Richard Barcellos offers us a helpful blend of biblical exegesis and theological reflection on the implications of covenant theology for God's relationship with Adam and for the Lord's Day. Though this book's discussion is framed by debates among Baptist brethren, the issues are of great consequence to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. It serves as an effective antidote to New Covenant Theology, which, though saying many good things, can still do considerable damage to the church with regard to living out the Christian life practically and experientially. This is a welcome book written in an irenic spirit, and I pray that it will do much good in our day of great need to remain faithful to the biblically and carefully constructed covenant theology of our Puritan forebears. I am grateful that Dr. Barcellos underscores with clarity the vital importance of getting right the scriptural teaching on the covenant of works and on the Lord's Day." - JOEL BEEKE
 "Polemical writings frequently are like well-honed blades. An author enters the fray with his sword honed to a fine sharp edge and wields it seeking to destroy his opponent. But occasionally, one finds a writer who seeks to win his battle with kind and gracious words. In this polemical work, Dr. Richard Barcellos does just this. Examining some of the key tenets of a recently proposed system called 'New Covenant Theology,' he presents a well-considered, carefully constructed, and thoughtful engagement with several of the proponents of that system. Barcellos carefully exegetes Scripture in conversation with the past and present, presenting an evaluation and refutation, along with an exhortation to its adherents, of several central ideas of New Covenant Theology. Both friend and foe will profit from this book." - DR. JAMES RENIHAN
 What is New Covenant Theology?
 The Importance of Hermeneutics in Theological Formulation
 Part 1: Adam's Work in Light of Christ
 A Covenant of Works in the Garden: The New Covenant Theology Perspective
 A Covenant of Works in the Garden: The Confessional Formulation
 A Covenant of Works in the Garden: The Scriptural Arguments
 Part 2: God's Rest in Light of Christ
 The Doctrine of the Christian Sabbath: The New Covenant Theology Perspective
 The Doctrine of the Christian Sabbath: The Confessional Formulation
 The Doctrine of the Christian Sabbath: AdamÆs Identity and Vocation
 The Doctrine of the Christian Sabbath: The Beginning and the End
 The Doctrine of the Christian Sabbath: Genesis 2:1-3
 The Doctrine of the Christian Sabbath: Exodus and the Prophets
 The Doctrine of the Christian Sabbath: New Testament Fulfillment
 The Doctrine of the Christian Sabbath: Hebrews 4:9,10
 The Doctrine of the Christian Sabbath: Revelation 1:10
 Appendix: A review of New Covenant Theology: Description, Definition. Defense by Tom Wells and Fred Zapel
 Index of Scripture References
 Index of Names and Subjects
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 |  |  |  | THE BAPTISM OF DISCIPLES ALONE: A Covenantal Argument for Credobaptism versus Paedobaptism - Revised & Expanded Fred A. Malone
 "Fred Malone has written one of the most important books on baptism to appear in at least the last two hundred years; and every thoughtful Christian will find The Baptism of Disciples Alone to be an essential guide to thinking through the debate between what Dr. Malone rightly identifies as the 'paedobaptists' and the 'credobaptists.' The Lord Jesus Christ set baptism at the center of Christian worship and as the defining mark of Christian identity. Dr. Malone is a scholar and pastor who argues with biblical passion and instructs by personal testimony. He presents his case with the skill of an attorney, the conviction of a theologian, and the care of a faithful pastor; and he is right! We are all in his debt." - Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
 This book sets out to prove that the Bible authorizes only credobaptism, the baptism of disciples alone. It will be of great help to those who desire a better understanding of the Baptist position for credobaptism versus paedobaptism. The book is hardcover and is published with the help of the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America.
 An Excerpt from the Author's Preface
 As a former Presbyterian minister, I baptized two of my infants. I was sincere. It was meaningful. I believed that paedobaptism was biblical. However, I was sincerely and biblically wrong.
 Now, I am convinced that the baptism authorized by the Bible is the baptism of disciples. In fact, I believe the Bible authorizes the baptism of disciples alone. This position may also be called credobaptism, from the Latin verb credo, meaning believe or trust. Other designations are believer's baptism, confessor's baptism, or professor's baptism, all synonyms describing the baptism of disciples alone. Hoping to be gracious toward my paedobaptist friends and mentors, the purpose of this book is to prove that the Bible authorizes only disciple's baptism. This book is also written, however, to help parents, pastors and laymen better understand the Baptist position for credobaptism versus paedobaptism so they can decide which local church to join and serve in.
 Why Write This Book
 The Covenantal Baptist Position Briefly Stated
 Part I: Preliminary Principles (Hermeneutics, Authority and Baptism)
 1. No Straw Men
 2. Biblical Principles of Interpretation and Infant Baptism
 Part II: The String of Pearls (Covenant Theology, The New Covenant and Baptism)
 3. The Covenant Theology of the Bible (Part 1)
 4. The Covenant Theology of the Bible (Part 2)
 5. The Relationship between Circumcision and Baptism
 6. Household Baptism, “the Oikos Formula” and Infant Baptism
 7. Answering the Infant Baptism Proof-Texts
 8. Jesus’ Attitude Toward Children
 9. The Disjunction of John’s and Jesus’ Baptisms with Christian Baptism
 10. The Weight of Precept, the Argument of Silence And the Regulative Principle of Worship
 11. The Argument of Expanded Blessings to “Covenant Children”
 12. The Testimony of Tradition and the Historical Argument of Silence
 13. What Difference Does It Make?
 14. Postlude: A Final Appeal to Build Baptist Churches
 Appendix A: Spurgeon on Baptism
 Appendix B: The Proper Mode of Biblical Baptism
 Appendix C: Book Review of The Biblical Doctrine of Infant Baptism by Pierre Marcel
 Appendix D: Appendix to the 1689 London Baptist Confession
 Appendix E: Book Review of The Case for Covenantal Infant Baptism by Gregg Strawbridge
 Appendix F: Extreme Covenantalism Rejected
 Selected Bibliography
 Index of Subjects
 Index of Authors
 Index of Scripture References
 Hardcover 320 pp.
 FAM2 bap2
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SGCB Price: $42.00 (list price $62.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH HARDCOVER TITLES
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 click for details |  | BY HIS GRACE AND FOR HIS GLORY: A Historical, Theological, and Practical Studyof the Doctrines of Grace in Baptist Life Tom Nettles
 Initially this book arose, published in 1986, as a response to church reactions to the January Bible Study of 1980. Since then, the issues engaged have become more visible, more widely embraced by church members, pastors, denominational servants, more controversial and ardently opposed by some, and the subject of many discussion groups in churches and a variety of denominational settings. The attention focused on the doctrines of grace is good; it is healthy to give intense thought to issues of God's holiness, His sovereignty, and His efficacious and infinitely wise design in the justification of sinners under the curse of His Law.
 Revised and Expanded 20th Anniversary Edition
 "Tom Nettles' book By His Grace and For His Glory is a landmark study. Bringing together the disciplines of the school, the concerns of the preacher and the heart of a Christian, Nettles effectively reminds Baptists of our own day what so many before us believed to be the gospel." - Mark Dever
 "A valuable contribution both for its history of Baptist theology and for its insistence on the loss by Baptists of their Calvinist heritage as well as for its clear and candid statement of Calvinism for today." (ADRIS Newsletter)
 Tom Ascol: "Fifteen years after its first appearance, Tom Nettles' book remains an important work for modern Baptists. His major historical thesis - that the doctrines of grace formed a theological consensus among Baptists in the Southern states from the mid-nineteenth century into the first quarter of the twentieth century - has not seriously been engaged, much less refuted, by detractors and others who are less than thrilled by this doctrinal heritage. This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to be honest when assessing historic Southern Baptist theology."(Pastor, Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, Florida; Editor, Founders Journal)
 30% Discount
SGCB Price: $23.95 (list price $35.00) Save: $11.00
 |  | 
 click for details |  | THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST: His Covenant and His Kingdom Sam Renihan
 “What is this book good for? It establishes a clear linear understanding of the biblical text in its purpose of driving the reader to see how faithfully God executes His purpose in creation. The covenantal framework from Adam to Christ, from creation to consummation is a most apt way of seeing the flow of the entire biblical text. One is lifted into the journey to see the entire scope of divine providence work out the divine decree from generation to generation, book to book, event to event, person to person.” -Tom Nettles
 “In recent years the gospel church’s discussion of these matters has been enriched by the appearance of Reformed Baptist literature, numbers of excellent new books have rolled off the presses, and in this latest book, written by Dr. Samuel Renihan, we find a considerably important contribution to the issue. It is necessary reading, especially for theological students and thoughtful men who are profiting much from the fellowship, preaching and godly lives of our paedo-baptist brothers, both those alive today and those whose ministries over the centuries we have greatly profited from.” -Geoff Thomas, Assistant minister in Amyand Park Baptist Chapel, London
 Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
 Part One: Methodology and Hermeneutics
 Chapter 1: Biblical Theology and Systematic Theology in Covenant Theology
 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
 1. Scope and Simplicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
 2. Creation, Covenant, and Consequences . . . . . . . 13
 3. The Law and the Gospel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
 4. History and Mystery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
 Chapter 2: Typology
 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
 1. What is Typology? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
 2. The Relation between a Type and its Antitype . . . . . 31
 a. Types reveal something greater, and other, than themselves
 b. Types function on two levels
 c. Types terminate in their antitypes
 d. Types are positive and negative
 3. The Application of Typological Principles . . . . . . . . 36
 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
 Chapter 3: Covenant and Kingdom
 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
 1. What is a Covenant? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
 a. The definition of a covenant
 b. Covenant sanctions
 c. The matter and form of a covenant
 d. Federal headship
 2. What is a Covenant’s Function? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
 Part Two: The Kingdom of Creation
 Chapter 4: The Covenant of Works
 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
 1. Man's Created Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
 2. Man's Covenantal Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
 a. God placed Adam in the garden of Eden
 b. God appointed Adam federal head over his natural offspring
 c. God obligated Adam to a law of obedience
 d. God promised eternal life to Adam
 e. God threatened Adam with sanctions
 f. God made a covenant of works with Adam
 g. God tested Adam’s obedience
 3. Man’s Cursed Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
 a. Death
 b. The abrogation of the covenant of works
 c. A merciful curse
 4. The Protological Nature of the Kingdom . . . . . . . . 77
 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
 Chapter 5: The Noahic Covenant
 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
 1. A New Creation and Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
 2. A Judicial Retribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
 3. A Promised Preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
 4. A Common Cursed Kingdom of Common Grace . . . 83
 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
 Part Three: The Kingdom of Israel
 Chapter 6: The Abrahamic Covenant
 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
 1. The Initiation of the Covenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
 a. The federal head
 b. The inheritance of Canaan
 c. The blessing for the nations
 2. The Confirmation of the Covenant . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
 3. The Expansion of the Covenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
 4. The Realization of the Covenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
 5. The Foundation of the Old Covenant . . . . . . . . . . 95
 a. The Abrahamic Covenant anticipates the Mosaic Covenant
 b. The Abrahamic Covenant anticipates the Davidic Covenant
 c. The Abrahamic Covenant anticipates the New Covenant
 d. The Abrahamic Covenant echoes Eden
 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
 Chapter 7: The Mosaic Covenant
 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
 1. The Context of the Covenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
 a. The promise of oppression and affliction
 b. The promise of liberation and fulfillment
 2. The Kind of Covenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
 a. Its laws
 b. Its promises
 c. Its threats
 3. The Kindness of the Covenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
 a. The absolute dominion of God
 b. The promises to Abraham
 c. The sacrificial system
 d. The history of Israel
 4. The Function of the Covenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
 a. The covenant governs the people
 b. The covenant governs the priesthood
 c. The covenant governs the kingship
 d. The covenant governs the prophets
 e. The covenant governs blessing and cursing
 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
 Chapter 8: The Davidic Covenant
 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
 1. The Context of the Covenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
 a. The promises of the Abrahamic Covenant
 b. The problems of the Mosaic Covenant
 c. The preference of the people
 d. The prospect of consummation
 2. The Blessings of the Covenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
 a. An established throne
 b. Rest and prosperity in Canaan
 c. The presence and protection of God
 3. The Conditions of the Covenant . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
 a. Guard God’s sanctuary
 b. Keep God’s law
 c. Represent God’s people
 4. The Sanctions of the Covenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
 a. The judgment of God Himself
 b. Expulsion from the land of Canaan
 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
 Chapter 9: The Messiah of the Old Covenant
 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
 1. The Messianic Purpose of the Old Covenant . . . . . 135
 2. The Messianic Hope of the Old Covenant . . . . . . . 136
 a. The present Messiah
 b. The future Messiah
 3. The Messianic Promise of a New Covenant . . . . . . 141
 4. The Messianic Inclusion of the Nations . . . . . . . . 142
 5. The Typological Nature of the Kingdom . . . . . . . . 144
 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
 Part Four: The Kingdom of Christ
 Chapter 10: The Ministry of the Christ
 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
 1. The Gospel of the Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
 2. The Kingdom of Heaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
 3. The King of the Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
 Chapter 11: The Covenant of Redemption
 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
 1. The Parties of the Covenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
 2. The Commitments of the Covenant . . . . . . . . . . 154
 a. The Son’s commitments
 b. The Father’s commitments
 3. The Fulfillment of the Covenant . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
 Chapter 12: The New Covenant of Grace
 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
 1. The Establishment of the New Covenant . . . . . . . 160
 2. The Blessings of the New Covenant . . . . . . . . . . 161
 a. Justification
 b. Regeneration and Sanctification
 c. Adoption and Preservation
 d. Resurrection and Glorification
 3. The Foundation of the New Covenant . . . . . . . . . 170
 4. The Kingdom of the New Covenant . . . . . . . . . . 175
 5. The People of the New Covenant . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
 Chapter 13: The Mystery of Christ
 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
 1. The Unity of God’s Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
 2. Israel, Christ, and the Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
 a. Israel
 b. The Christ
 c. The Church
 3. The Continuity of the Law and the Gospel . . . . . . 192
 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
 Chapter 14: The Eschatological Nature of the Kingdom
 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
 1. The Kingdom Inaugurated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
 2. The Keys of the Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
 a. Joining the kingdom through the covenant
 b. Guarding the kingdom through the covenant
 c. Traitors of the kingdom
 3. The Sacraments of the Kingdom . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
 a. Baptism
 b. The Lord’s Supper
 4. The Kingdom Consummated . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
 fp2 djr rbw3 dsfc ctb cwns/ BIST biss RBCT BIP 41822 3/12/25
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SGCB Price: $25.00 (list price $40.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH TITLES
 |  | 
 click for details |  | A TRILOGY OF BOOKS ON THE FIVE POINTS OF CALVINISM Edwin H. Palmer, John Piper R.C. Sproul
 (1) THE FIVE POINTS OF CALVINISM; A Study Guide by Edwin H. Palmer (Foreword by Michael Horton)
 Using the classic TULIP acronym (Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace, and Perseverance of the saints), this primer on the five points of Calvinism is perfect for students and laypeople alike. Using the Scriptures from which they are drawn, Edwin H. Palmer analyzes each point and explains them in accessible language. Helpful discussion questions follow each chapter, making this book ideal for classes or study groups. This important resource also includes a new foreword by Michael Horton and relevant historic catechisms and confessions.
 Foreword by Michael Horton
 1. Total Depravity
 2. Unconditional Election
 3. Limited Atonement
 4. Irresistible Grace
 5. Perseverance of the Saints
 6. The Great Mystery
 7. Twelve Theses on Reprobation
 8. Resource Materials
 - Calvin's Attitude toward Predestination
 - The Belgic Confession of Faith
 - The Westminster Confession of Faith
 - The Heidelberg Catechism
 Author Bio
 Edwin H. Palmer (1922-1980) was a theologian, scholar, teacher, and pastor. He served as executive secretary on the team that prepared the New International Version of the Bible.

 (2) FIVE POINTS: Towards a Deeper Experience of God's Grace by John Piper
 Grace is the heart of God to do you good when you deserve it least.
 But do we really know how deeply we don’t deserve it? Only God can reveal that to us. He does it through the Bible. And when he does, the wonders of his grace explode with brightness as never before.
 These five points are about how Christians come into being, and how we are kept forever.
 It reaches back into times past when we were freely chosen.
 It reaches forward into the future when we will be safe and happy forever.
 It reaches down into the mysteries of the work of Christ, purchasing the gift of faith for all God’s children.
 And it reaches into the human soul, glimpsing the mysteries of the Spirit’s work as he conquers all our rebellion and makes us willing captives of King Jesus.
 Piper believes that our experience of grace grows with our grasp of God’s gracious work. He invites us to come with him on this quest.
 "As a child I grew up learning about the Five Points in my church and in my home. Now as a Reformed pastor I subscribe to them as part of our confessional standard. But, in the end, as important as family and tradition may be, the only truly legitimate reason for believing in the Doctrines of Grace is because they are found in the Bible. Which is why I love this new book by John Piper. I don't know of any other brief book on this subject that so manifestly takes us down into the Scriptures and then so wonderfully lifts us up to see the glory of God. Many people will be encouraged, and not a few will have their faith jolted in the best way possible." -Kevin DeYoung, Pastor, Matthews, North Carolina
 "Imagine being able to chat over a meal with John Piper about the five points of Calvinism. That’s pretty much what you get in this book: a clear statement of these life-changing truths delivered with warm pastoral sensitivity in a conversational style. You won’t find yourself being browbeaten. Instead, you'll find yourself invited to marvel at God's wonderful grace. The only thing missing is the meal." - Tim Chester, Pastor, Boroughbridge, England

 (3) WHAT IS REFORMED THEOLOGY? Understanding the Basics by R.C. Sproul
 Have you ever wondered about "the five points"? What do they really mean?
 You've heard of Reformed theology, but you're not certain what it is. Some references to it have been positive, some negative. It appears to be important, and you'd like to know more about it. But you want a full, understandable explanation, not a simplistic one.
 'What Is Reformed Theology?' is not a textbook but rather an accessible introduction to beliefs that have been immensely influential in the evangelical church. In this insightful book, R. C. Sproul will walk you through the foundations of the Reformed doctrine and explain how the Reformed belief is centered on God, based on God's Word, and committed to faith in Jesus Christ. Sproul will explain the five points of Reformed theology and will make plain to you the reality of God's amazing grace.
 Previously published as Grace Unknown
 "His latest book weaves together several of his finest lessons in a compact, highly readable form that explains several difficult doctrines of the Reformed branch of Christianity. Dr. Spoul's logic is easy to follow, though it never talks down."--Amanda Killgore, Huntress Reviews
 "Not only does Sproul have an amazingly broad but detailed grasp of Reformed theology, but he has also been gifted with the ability to explain complex theology in a way that is both interesting and understandable. That is no common gift. Accessible, biblical and educational, this is one of the best books I have read on the subject."--Tim Challies,
 "Who better to write a book on the basics of Reformed theology than its poster boy, R. C. Sproul. 'What Is Reformed Theology?' Is peppered throughout with excellent diagrams and illustrations which aid in getting Sproul's message across. There is no doubt that Sproul is a master teacher."--Gary Gilley, Southern View Chapel
 About the Author
 The late R. C. Sproul is the author of more than sixty books, the founder and chairman of Ligonier Ministries, and served as a professor of systematic theology and apologetics at Knox Theological Seminary in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
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 (1) THE FIVE POINTS OF CALVINISM; A Study Guide by Edwin H. Palmer (Foreword by Michael Horton)
SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $15.00) 40% DISCOUNT ON THIS BRAND NEW EDITION
 (2) FIVE POINTS: Towards a Deeper Experience of God's Grace by John Piper
SGCB Price: $6.95 (list price $12.00) THIS IS A LIMITED DISCOUNT TITLE
 (3) WHAT IS REFORMED THEOLOGY? Understanding the Basics by R.C. Sproul
SGCB Price: $13.95 (list price $20.00)
SGCB Price: $30.00 (list price $47.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR ALL THREE TITLES
 |  |  |  | THE WAY OF FAITH Phil Newton
 How does a person become a Christian? How do you answer this question? Some say that a moral life makes one a Christian. Others declare that joining a church or being baptized makes a person a Christian. Still others call for a person to "make a decision" or "pray the prayer" or "ask Jesus into your heart". While opinions may be important, the one vital think when speaking of one becoming a Christian is what does God say in His Word.
 God has given His Word--the Bible--to reveal Himself, His purpose for man, and the way to know Him personally. Everything a person needs to know about becoming a Christian can be found in God's Word. As God gives a person understanding of the gospel (the good news of how God, in Christ, has provided salvation), then that person can come to genuine faith in Jesus Christ and, consequently, become a Christian.
 The Way of Faith can help you on the journey to understanding the Christian faith. Each section ends with questions for personal study or group discussions.
 About the author
 Dr. Phil A. Newton (M. Div., New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, D. Min., Fuller Theological Seminary,) has served as senior pastor at South Woods Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee since 1987. He and his wife, Karen, have five children.
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 click for details |  | Abstract of Systematic Theology James P. Boyce
 A concise systematic theology by the principle founder of the first Southern Baptist seminary. Appendices include: "A Brief Catechism of Bible Doctrine," Abstract of Principles and a Scripture Index.
 The doctrinal stream in which Boyce's views are found can rightly be called Calvinistic or Reformed. He, like most early Southern Baptist leaders, was clearly convinced of the doctrines of sovereign grace. John Broadus, Boyce's friend and colleague, made this observation about what he called "that exalted system of Pauline truth" expounded in Boyce's Abstract:
 The people who sneer at what is called Calvinism, might as well sneer at Mont Blanc. We are not bound in the least to defend all of Calvin's opinions or actions, but I do not see how any one who really understands the Greek of the Apostle Paul or the Latin of Calvin or Turretin can fail to see that these latter did but interpret and formulate substantially what the former teaches. May the Lord use this book from the pen of one of the greatest Southern Baptists ever to live to promote reformation and revival throughout churches everywhere. -from the Publisher's Introduction
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 |  | 
 click for details |  | THE VINDICATION OF THE TRUTH: A Brief Exposition of the First London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1644 Dr. James Renihan
 In this scrupulously researched and carefully argued book, Professor Renihan uncovers the faith that lies behind the most famous of the Particular Baptist confessions and shows why it matters today. This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the roots of the Particular Baptist movement and the contribution it has made to the formation of Reformed theology.
 Foreword | ix
 Introduction | 1
 The Basics | 7
 The Introduction: Article 1 | 29
 The Doctrine of God: Articles 2–6 | 35
 Scripture: Articles 7–8 | 51
 The Doctrine of Christ: Articles 9–20 | 57
 The Blessings of Salvation: Articles 21–32 |85
 The Church: Articles 33–47 | 125
 The Civil Magistrate: Articles 48–52 | 187
 The Resurrection: Article 52 and Conclusion | 211
 Appendix A: The Title Pages and Prefaces to the Editions of the First London Confession | 217
 Appendix B: Heart Bleedings for Professors Abominations | 233
 Appendix C: John Spilsbery’s Confession of Faith | 245
 Appendix D: Robert Steed, A Plain Discovery of the Unrighteous Judge and False Accuser | 249
 Appendix E: ‘BOUND TO KEEP THE FIRST DAY’: Covenant Theology, the Moral Law and the Sabbath among the first English Particular Baptists | 257
 Appendix F: Covenant Theology in First London Confession | 283
 Appendix G: An Examination of the Possible Influence of Menno Simons’ Foundation Book upon the Particular Baptist Confession of 1644 | 287
 Bibliography | 311
 Scripture Index | 329
 "Dr. James Renihan has produced a masterly commentary on the First London Baptist Confession of Faith. Anyone with an interest in Baptist history or theology will enjoy and benefit from this work. Dr. Renihan’s exposition of the text of the confession draws on his deep immersion in the theology and writings of Baptists and others of the time, but this volume provides far more than that: by exploring the sources used by the framers of the confession, as well as the different editions through which it passed, the reader is introduced to the historical context in which the Confession was produced, which in turn helps to understand it and its role in the development of Baptist life and thought in the seventeenth century. Dr. Renihan’s work is a most valuable contribution to the recovery of Baptist theology and heritage, so needed in our day." -Robert Strivens | Pastor, Bradford on Avon Baptist Church
 "It is a happy combination that brings together Jim Renihan (one of the premier historians of seventeenth-century Baptists) and the First London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1644/46 (the warm and Christ-centered formal expression of the faith of seven young Particular Baptist Churches in London). The conjunction of Jim’s scholarship with this important document makes for an extremely insightful historical and theological investigation into the early history of Calvinistic Baptists. Renihan has provided us with an exposition of the 1644 Confession that explores its historical context, its confessional and literary sources, its delights as well as its deficiencies, its reception and its critics, its revisions, and its relationship to the later and fuller Second London Baptist Confession of 1677/1689. The appendices add to the historical value of the book and, with the body of the text, render the volume not only a study in historical theology but also a mini course in biblical and systematic theology. This study is worthy of the attention of all who are interested in Baptist history and theology. I highly recommend it." -Terry A. Chrisope | Former Professor of History and Bible, Missouri Baptist University, Legacy Baptist Church of Northwest Arkansas
 "I have longed to see a critical exposition of the First London Confession of Faith in print, one that provides a detailed examination of the provenance, structure, theology, editions, and impact of this notable text. This is that! As I read through this new work by Professor Renihan, it was obvious that here was a scholar who had mastered this area of Baptist history, had long pondered the nooks and crannies of its terrain, and was able to compact all his study of this text within the scope of a monograph such as this. In sum: this is a fine work, one that is eminently judicious in its conclusions and, I trust, will be eminently useful for the people of God." -Michael A. G. Haykin | Chair & Professor of Church History, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
 "I truly wish I had held this publication in my hands a decade earlier. At that time, I was writing my master’s thesis on the First London Baptist Confession of Faith. It wasn’t an easy task back then to sift through the available sources to examine the historical circumstances of its genesis and theological nuances. Dr. Renihan, whom I know personally and hold in high esteem, has done an extraordinarily elaborate job for anyone with a serious interest in studying the beginnings and doctrinal convictions of early confessional Calvinistic Baptists in England. Dr. Renihan takes us on an exciting and highly educational journey back in time to the first and very few Calvinist Baptist congregations in London, who hold their ground in the face of enemies and persecutors. May this work not only meet with academic interest but also be a means to deepen our own convictions so that we also might stand firm in the faith, especially in a time of growing opposition." -Peter Schild | Pastor, Evangelical Reformed Baptist Church, Frankfurt, Germany
 "Dr. James Renihan has given us a major study of the Baptists’ First London Confession 1644, which was an apologia justifying the emergence of orthodox independent churches practicing believer’s baptism in very dangerous and uncertain times. Ongoing debate and defense necessitated minor adjustments over the next decade. Because of the recent remarkable worldwide emergence of Baptist churches acknowledging the 1677/1689 confession, the earlier document has passed somewhat into the background and has sometimes been misunderstood and its teaching even set over against that of its better known successor. By a careful study of the historical context and the sources behind the 1644 statement, Dr. Renihan has shown that both statements emerge from the Puritanism of the age and bear witness to historic Christianity. He has also made it clear that the men behind both confessions found it necessary to explain and defend their application of the Reformation principle of sola Scriptura to their ecclesiology. One is filled with admiration of the men of the 1640s given the limitations of their background." -Robert Oliver, PhD | Retired Pastor and Scholar
 "With trademark thoroughness and historical awareness, our guide paces steadily through the landscape of the First London Baptist Confession, analyzing each aspect with careful deliberation. The definite contours of the document are made clear, illuminated by splashes of light from contemporary sources. We are left with a fine view of the Baptists’ home territory. With this to help us, we can better appreciate the faith and life of our spiritual forefathers, together with the context in which they labored and the challenges they faced. For their successors, this will prove a genuinely helpful resource." -Jeremy Walker | Pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church, Preacher and Author
 "This book is a contribution of inestimable value to the study of the history, faith, and influence of the Particular Baptists. Dr. Renihan provides an exposition of the first confession of faith of the Particular Baptists from an objective perspective that does not paint their actions through rose-colored glasses but explains them in a transparent and honest way. The richness of his sources and the clarity of Dr. Renihan that invites the reader to interact with them, along with the clear and coherent structure of his exposition and the pertinence of his explanations, make this work an invaluable resource for anyone who seeks to better understand the roots of our faith. This book is the result of a lifetime of study, a passionate heart, and a scholarly mind capable of clearly expressing the history of our glorious Baptist legacy. Likewise, his exposition will serve to ignite a flame of devotion and faithfulness to God’s Word and an appreciation for the richness of our Particular Baptist heritage in the hearts of generations to come—including those arising in distant lands like Latin America." -Jorge A. Rodríguez Vega | Pastor of Iglesia Bautista Gracia Soberana in Santo Domingo, Ecuador, Director of Seminario Bautista Confesional del Ecuador and Executive Director of the Publisher Legado Bautista Confesiona
 "Imagine a small foreign country known only to a very few people, and most of them, not very well. This country is so remote you cannot make the trip yourself, but for some important reason you need to familiarize yourself with it. Then you discover one man, so thoroughly conversant with the place and its people, including their manner of thinking, their habits of expression, their beliefs, and even how surrounding communities have impacted them, that he deserves a reputation among the highest rank in this sphere of knowledge. And it did not come easily. This man has spent a great portion of his lifetime virtually among these people, listening carefully to their conversation, and learning from them with a great deal of sympathy. Finally, to your delight, the expert is willing to take the time to sit with you and, with much less effort and time on your part, bring you up to speed in a clear, convincing way. Listening, you find he is a tour guide par excellence.
 Such a guide has Dr. James Renihan been to me, and the metaphorical country is the seventeenth-century Particular Baptist world. This book, Dr. Renihan’s first volume in Baptist Symbolics, is an exposition of the First London Baptist Confession of Faith—and so much more. From a firm foundation of primary sources of the period, with his own original research, he presents some of the most significant documents along with interpretations of the language consonant with the vocabulary and connotations, theological and ecclesiastical, of that people and their times. In an expeditious way that cost me little, I have been enriched as a student of historical theology in this special area of interest by reading his book. Such knowledge also contributes to a more responsible assessment of general church history as well as Baptist history. Further and importantly, our study of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1677/89 is surprisingly enhanced by an accurate knowledge of the First, as provided in this book. A triumph of Baptist scholarship!" -D. Scott Meadows | Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church (Reformed), Exeter, New Hampshire
 "In this scrupulously researched and carefully argued book, Professor Renihan uncovers the faith that lies behind the most famous of the Particular Baptist confessions and shows why it matters today. This book is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the roots of the Particular Baptist movement and the contribution it has made to the formation of Reformed theology." -Crawford Gribben | Professor of Early Modern British History, Queen’s University Belfast.
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