Grace and Truth Books
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 "Daddy, I think I'm saved!" Many a Christian parent has been stunned by this conversation-stopping declaration. In today's "easy believism" environment, this book helps parents critically evaluate their child's profession with biblical balance.
 An excellent tool for pastor's to have on hand for their people when they face these issues, as they likely will.
 A fresh, enlarged and updated edition of "Your Child's Profession of Faith" will be in print September 13, 2010

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 This new edition is more than twice the length of the previous one (shown on right) and contains several new features, including:
 * A new chapter on What to do When Your Child IS Ready for Baptism
 * A section on Common Questions Parents ask about Conversion and Children
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 * Three key chapters from Andrew Murray's valuable out of print book, "The Children For Christ"
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 "Jeff and Danielle prove that God's plan for relationships is not out of date or old-fashioned - it's for the adventurous, courageous and most importantly, romantic Christian single who wants God's best in relationships and marriage." -- Joshua Harris, Senior Pastor, Covenant Life Church, Gaithersburg, MD and author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye and Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello to Courtship.
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 We are now offering a renowned, classic 19th century "Children's Character Building Collection", in the highest-quality edition ever printed. All eleven titles with beautiful new covers! Grace & Truth's all-time best-selling set of children's stories, and all with fresh artwork that captures the era!
 Each volume packed with Biblical truth, presented in winsome story form, and sure to warm the heart and teach the mind of every family member. Reading level: 3rd - 5th grade, but we find children of all ages enjoy them, and even adults often tell us they find them delightful.
 "Some of these were the very first stories I read to my children as a young father. The stories are wonderful and each of them evinces a no-compromise, no-holds-barred commitment to the highest ideals of the Christian life. Often throughout the course of child training, I have referenced my children to specific phrases, mottos, and morals taken directly from these stories." -- Doug Phillips, President, Vision Forum
 Series includes these 11 titles:
 The Bible in the Wall
 Godliness is Great Gain
 Little Daisy & the Swearing Class
 The Little Medicine Carrier
 A Little Rebel Becomes a Saint
 The Reward of Childhood Truth
 Roses and Thorns
 Tampering With Temptation
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 Wandering May
 The Weed With an Ill Name
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 Some books make prayer far too complex and elevate the practice of prayer to nearly unachievable standards that even the most saintly believer could scarcely reach. Others claim that prayer is so simple, one would wonder why any of us find it difficult at all or even need to be taught a thing about it. Just go to God and talk, right? This book falls for neither of these nonsensical approaches.
 Jesse Hamilton writes as a modern-day E.M. Bounds, whose many books on prayer compelled a generation of 19th century Christians around the world to their knees. Any young Christian or new believer can here learn the basics of how to pray, while even the most aged and mature believer will find his soul again challenged in these words to seek the face of God with new fervency.
 "I am glad to commend to you this book by Jesse Hamilton on the critical role of prayer in the life of the believer. Here is a book that you will find to be theologically astute, soul-searching, and personally-challenging. What is more, every page is faith-building, heart-enlarging, and hope-inspiring. Without question, this work will be a strong encouragement to come boldly before God's throne in prayer." - Steven J. Lawson
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 Subtitled A Study of Feminine Loveliness for Mothers and Daughters
 Now, in its 7th printing, this revised and expanded edition of Stacy McDonald's popular Bible study for mothers and daughters reflects a mature and seasoned approach to mentoring young women. With many of the original chapters polished and revised, and several new chapters added, readers will find this resource refreshing and even more useful than before.
 Godly women are not born, but raised. Raising Maidens of Virtue is a storehouse of tools for mothers to employ to raise up a daughter whose life will honor God. Written in an engaging style, Stacy McDonald conveys the truth through stories, conversations, illustrations, and memory-making projects, to warmly encourage girls to think Biblically about themselves and their world. Offers useful counsels on modesty, feminine beauty, guarding the tongue, idleness, sibling relationships, honoring parents, contentment and more.
 "Young ladies entrenched in our modern society are in a desperate situation. So many have lost the vision for beautiful, rewarding femininity and womanhood. Raising Maidens of Virtue helps restore that vision and guide our girls along the path to godly, joyous maidenhood. In her delightful book, Stacy McDonald has given a helpful hand to mother and daughter alike, offering hope and practical solutions for those of us desiring that wonderful role of women of virute." -- Mrs. Beall Phillips (wife of Doug Phillips)
 "Godly women are not born, but raised. Stacy McDonald has, in this work, equipped parents to be about the business of raising up rubies, or rather, that which is more precious still: our daughters. She is a faithful guide, for she is a godly example." -- Dr. R.C. Sproul, Jr.
 "In the face of our culture's shameless enticement of young women to view their identity and worth only in terms of their sexuality, Stacy McDonald passionately challenges mothers and daughters together to return to a pure and gracious femininity for the God who made us uniquely for His glory" -- Mrs. Tracy Klicka (wife of Chris Klicka, Sr. Counsel, HSLDA - Home School Legal Defense Assoc.)
 "Raising Maidens of Virtue is a treasure-house full of gems of biblical wisdom. Delivered with Stacy McDonald's unique blend of wit, wisdom, and warmth, her years of experience lend credibility to a book chock-full of biblical advice. This unique mother-daughter relationship builder explores sensitive areas in the realm of princess-rearing such as how to develop inward beauty, spiritual sensitivities, and outward behavior that is both pleasing to God and a witness to others of active grace in the heart. It is easy to see why this book has taken a place of prominence in the lives of thousands of mothers and their daughters, and this revised and expanded edition is even more helpful! I highly recommend this book as a valuable tool for Christian mothers and their daughters." -- Becky Morecraft
 YL Trilogy
 Revised and Expanded Edition - NOW AVAILABLE TO SHIP
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