International Outreach
 |  | THE TORMENTS OF HELL Jonathan Edwards on Eternal Damnation Jonathan Edwards, edited by William Nichols
 Hell has fallen on hard times in the modern evangelical church. Many pastors and evangelists do not even mention the word hell in their sermons and when they do it is often described only as a place of separation from God. What unconverted person would not greatly desire to be separated from God in eternity? There is great need to return to the evangelism of Jonathan Edwards who unashamedly preached the biblical doctrine of hell.
 "The Torments of Hell: Jonathan Edwards on Eternal Damnation" contains 14 sermons by Jonathan Edwards arranged in a sequential order to progressively outline what the Bible teaches about hell. There is commentary on each one of the manuscripts by William C. Nichols comparing and contrasting the modern teaching on hell to Edwards' teaching. Most of the sermons in this book have never been published prior to 2005. The book will be about 320 pages in length, hardcover, with 14 manuscripts by Edwards containing over 18 sermons.

 Some Sermons are:
 That Wicked Men Are the Children of the Devil
 The Wicked Hereafter Will Be Cast Into a Furnace of Fire
 That the Bodies of Wicked Men as Well as Their Souls Will Be Punished Forever in Hell
 That the Punishment and Misery of Wicked Men in Another World Will Be in Proportion to the Sin that They Are Guilty Of
 Wicked Men in Hell Will Remember How Things Were With Them Here in this World
 They That Are Gone to Hell Are All of Them in Despair
 30% Discount
SGCB Price: $20.95 (list price $29.95)
 |  |  |  | GENUINE SALVATION Arthur W. Pink
 A collection of the best writings of Arthur W. Pink on salvation. Originally published in Studies in the Scriptures, writings in this book include Regeneration, Repentance, Coming to Christ, Saving Faith, and Signs of the Times. Pink had keen insight into the very problems we face today regarding the compromising of the gospel message saying, "Tens of thousands of professing Christians are filled with a vain and presumptuous confidence that all is well with them. They delude themselves with hopes of mercy while continuing to live in a course of self-will and self-pleasing. They fancy they are fitted for Heaven, while every day that passes finds them the more prepared for Hell." 160 pages. Paperback.
 25% Discount
SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $12.95)
 |  |  |  | KNOWING THE HEART: Jonathan Edwards on True and False Conversion Jonathan Edwards, edited by William C. Nichols
 Rev. Thomas Adam wrote: "It is a great point of religion to know the heart. I see but a very small part of its deceit, hypocrisy, and desperate wickedness." Knowledge of the heart of man is critical to all who are involved in ministry in any way and also to the individual professor of the gospel who is willing to do what Paul commanded, "Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith" (2 Corinthians 13:5). Knowing the Heart: Jonathan Edwards on True and False Conversion is a book of sermons and treatises by Jonathan Edwards dealing with the depravity of the heart, the hardening of the heart, and the nature of true and false conversion. There is commentary on each one of the manuscripts by William C. Nichols explaining what we can learn about the heart and conversion from each sermon and also how to apply it in evangelism and preaching the gospel message. Only one sermon in this book has ever been published before and that was in 2002. The book will be about 435 pages in length, hardcover, with 12 previously unpublished manuscripts by Edwards containing over 20 sermons.
 435 page hardcover volume
SGCB Price: $23.95 (list price $36.95)
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 click for details |  | JUDAS ISCARIOT: TRAITOR, Examining the Life and Death of Judas Iscariot WILLIAM C. NICHIOLS
 Much has been written over the centuries about the apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. Much has also been written about Judas Iscariot, perhaps the most intriguing of the apostles. To many Judas Iscariot is a man of mystery. Modern theologians have elevated him to a place next to Christ in heaven. Since the mid 19th century many have proclaimed him a revolutionary patriot. The Puritans called him a covetous wretch and a traitor. In this new work, William C. Nichols examines Judas in myth and legend, and Judas in his roles as apostle, covetous hypocrite, traitor, son of perdition, false penitent, and suicide. He also looks at the unregenerate heart and the sovereignty of God in the life of the most infamous man in history.
 Judas Iscariot was a classic hypocrite. Charles Richardson described hypocrites in the early 1600s: “They have a fair outside and a foul inside, they have the words of saints, but they have not the lives of saints. Hypocrites are the apes of God’s children. There is no virtue which the child of God hath in truth and sincerity, but the servant of the devil will make show of it, and counterfeit it in hypocrisy...So those having no substance of religion to commend themselves to the church of God, do yet make a flourish with shadows of holiness. They are like the idols that David speaketh of: They have mouths and speak not. They have ears and hear not; they have hands and touch not, they have feet and walk not, etc. Our Saviour Christ, that best knoweth what is in man, compareth them to platters that are clean on the outside, but within are full of bribery and excess; and to painted sepulchers, which appear beautiful outward, but within are full of dead men’s bones and all filthiness...In a word, they are like many trees, which whiles they grow, seem to be very straight and sound timber: but when they are cut down, they prove hollow hearted and good for nothing.”
 Our objective in any study of Judas must be not just to learn more about him, but also to learn that which will have an impact on our own lives. There are many lessons that can be learned from a study of Judas Iscariot which can help us today. It should be a challenge to all to enter into this work with a willingness to learn and apply what is written here. There have always been multitudes in the churches that are very much like Judas and will share his fate in eternity. The chapters in the book are: Judas in Myth and Legend, Judas the Apostle, The Unregenerate Heart, Judas the Covetous Hypocrite, Judas the Traitor, Judas the Son of Perdition, Judas and Sovereignty, The Repentance of Judas Iscariot, The Suicide of Judas Iscariot, and Learning from the Life and Death of Judas Iscariot.
 A Word to the Reader
 1. Judas in Myth and in Legend
 2. Judas the Apostle
 3. The Unregenerate Heart
 4. Judas the Covetous Hypocrite
 5. Judas the Traitor
 6. Judas the Son of Perdition
 7. Judas and the Sovereignty of God
 8. The Repentance of Judas Iscariot
 9. The Suicide of Judas Iscariot
 10. Learning from the Life and Death of Judas Iscariot
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SGCB Price: $12.95 (list price $16.00)
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 click for details |  | FIVE MARKS OF A FALSE PROPHET (A SERMON ON CD) ROLFE BARNARD (1904-1969)
 Five Marks of a False Prophet CD by Evangelist Rolfe Barnard.
 One of the best sermons ever preached by Rolfe Barnard (1904-1969). Barnard understood the difference between true and false conversion and in this sermon exposes the false methods of evangelism so widely used today. He clearly shows how to recognize the false prophets of our time, who may seem to be very fine men, but preach a false gospel. Who knows? The pastor of your church may be one of them. Inspiring and badly needed by the church today. In memory of Ruth Nichols.
 Rolfe Barnard (1904-1969) was evidently a prophet from God for the 20th Century. With a profound sense of the absolute sovereignty and glory of Jesus Christ, he was able to preach a message that produced conviction of sin. He maintained through all his ministry what he himself called a "sweetheart love for the Lord Jesus," and it is most surely apparent in his messages. Be prepared for a SHOCK if you enjoy the status quo type of preaching, but be assured that if you want the whole counsel of God, the late Evangelist Rolfe P. Barnard will set it forth in plain words, words you'll never forget!

SGCB Price: $2.00 (list price $5.00) LESS THAN 10 COPIES LEFT
 |  |  |  | INSTRUCTIONS TO THE AFFLICTED Sermons for the Bereaved, Afflicted and Suffering NATHANIEL EMMONS
 NATHANIEL EMMONS (1745-1840) was a noted New England divine who came to a settled conviction concerning the sovereignty of God, and thus preached with great confidence that all afflictions are sent by God with a purpose to bless His people and to bring them into conformity to the image of Christ.
 These 38 sermons deal with the subjects of bereavement, suffering, affliction and distress by examining and applying Holy Scripture in a wonderfully encouraging way. Many of these sermons were preached at a funeral service and so there is a genuine solemness that marks every word. Emmons was persuaded that the best place to address the issues of eternity was in the very face of death.
 Burdens Cast Upon God - Psalm 55:22
 Benefit of Afflictions - Isaiah 48:17
 Communion with God in Affliction - Jeremiah 52:1
 Hope in Death - Proverbs 14:32
 Living and Dying unto the Lord - Romans 14:8
 Divine Providence Incomprehensible - Psalm 77:19
 Silence Under Affliction - Leviticus 10:3
 The Troubles of Life Divinely Appointed - Job 5:6,7
 Comfort in Christ - Isaiah 32:2
 Saints with Christ in Heaven - John 17:24
 The publisher begins his introduction with these words: "Who among us has not experienced bereavement, suffering, affliction, or distress? None who have lived very long in this world can claim to be exempt from it. How many will never experience the death of a loved one and the pain which comes with it? Although many live in the world as if they shall never die, how many will ultimately cheat the shrouded figure of death? Will you? The sermons in this book are unlike anything you will hear from the pulpit today, regardless of the circumstances. They deal with all aspects of affliction and suffering; but unlike the presumptions of men, they begin with a sovereign God who determines all things; therefore, there is a reasonableness to them founded upon the word of God."
SGCB Price: $24.95 (list price $32.00)
 |  |  |  | DIVINE PROVIDENCE Stephen Charnock
 This is surely one of the finest works ever written on God's divine providence. Charnock covers every aspect of divine providence which one might imagine and many which would never occur to us today. This is a work which if studied and pondered will cause one to break out in praise to our glorious God who controls all things by His divine providence. Those who have loved Charnock's brilliant work The Existence and Attributes of God will be delighted to learn that this was originally a part of that work, and is now back in print again after over 140 years. Includes a biographical sketch which was a part of the original work.

 An Introduction to Charnock and his Works by Rev. James M'Cosh
 To the Reader by Richard Adams and Edward Veal
 A Discourse of Divine Providence being an Exposition of 2nd Chronicles 16:9
 "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in behalf of them whose heart is perfect towards him."
 I. A Description of God's Providence
 II. The End of God's Providence

 “Today the sovereign hand of God is not understood, believed in, or welcomed. I urge people everywhere to get back to the Bible’s most serious teaching: God’s providence. To read this excellent book by the eminent Puritan author Stephen Charnock is to take the first step toward living a life pleasing to our great God and to entering into the happiness of heaven when our brief earthly lives are finished.” —Maurice Roberts, Retired Minister, Free Church of Scotland
 Stephen Charnock (1628–80) was an English Puritan thinker known for his practical preaching and ability to explain deep doctrinal concepts clearly and persuasively; he also had an interest in physics. He served as a pastor in Dublin, Ireland, for several years before political and religious upheaval resulted in his ejection from pulpit ministry in 1660, along with more than two thousand other nonconformists. Although forbidden to preach publicly, he continued to study and write for fifteen years. When government restrictions eased, he co-pastored a church in London with Thomas Watson from 1675 until his death. He left behind “considerable treatises on some of the most important points of religion” that were collected soon afterward and published posthumously.
 30% Off
SGCB Price: $15.50 (list price $22.00)