Justification Controversy

 click for details |  | THE GOD WHO JUSTIFIES: A Doctrinal Feast of the Pivotal Doctrine of Justifcation by Faith Alone James White
 The First Comprehensive Treatment of Justification in 150 Years!
 The history of the Christian church pivots on the doctrine of justification by faith. Once the core of the Reformation, the church today often ignores or misunderstands this foundational doctrine. Theologian James White calls believers to a fresh appreciation of understanding of, and dedication to the great doctrine of justification and then provides an exegesis of the key Scriptural text on this theme.
 In today's culture where tolerance is the new absolute, James White proclaims with passion the truth and centrality of the doctrine of justification by faith.
 Finally -a contemporary, exegetical, doctrinal, and able defense of the historic Protestant doctrine of justification by God's free grace by faith in Jesus Christ alone. This is the best book on justification since James Buchanan's mid-nineteenth-century classic. We need to teach this material to our congregations. - Dr. Joel R. Beeke
 I lost sleep over this book! I simply couldn't put it down. James White writes the way an exegetically and theologically oriented pastor appreciates. This is no book for casual reading; there is solid meat throughout. An outstanding contribution in every sense of the words! - Jay E. Adams
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SGCB Price: $22.50 (list price $28.00) THIS IS A GOOD PRICE FOR THIS EXCELLENT BOOK
 Purchase Complete JAMES WHITE COLLECTION (13 Volumes)
SGCB Price: $150.00 (list price $260.00) SAVE $110 WHEN ORDERING THE COMPLETE SET
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 click for details |  | THE DOCTRINE OF JUSTIFICATION: An Outline of Its History in the Church and of Its Exposition from Scripture James Buchanan with a new introduction by Dr. Gerald Bilkes
 "One of the greatest works on the doctrine of justification came from the pen of the Scottish divine James Buchanan. It first appeared in 1867 and has withstood the test of time since then as a classic volume on the subject." - James R. White, the author of 'The God Who Justifies'
 "James Buchanan's 'Doctrine of Justification' is THE classic work on this cardinal doctrine by which a church stands or falls. After lucidly covering the historical development of the doctrine through the Old Testament, the apostolic age, the scholastic divines, the Reformation and Counter Reformation, and in the Church of England, Buchanan expounds the doctrine itself by covering the scriptural meaning of the term, its relation to the law and justice of God, its relation to the mediatorial work of Christ, its relation to grace and works, and more. The chapter on justification in relation to the work of the Holy Spirit is alone worth the price of the book. Throughout, Buchanan systematizes the doctrine of justification in an orthodox Reformed manner that is fully reliable, is consistent with all the doctrines of grace, and is still relevant to the burning issues of our day, such as the New Perspective. A new introduction by Dr. Gerald Bilkes on the New Perspective is also a great help. If you can only afford to read one book on justification, read this definitive work." - -Joel R. Beeke
 'The doctrine of justification by faith is like Atlas: it bears a world on its shoulders, the entire evangelical knowledge of saving grace ... This is still the best text book on the subject, from the standpoint of the classic covenant theology.' J. I. Packer
 "Justification is, perhaps surprisingly, perhaps not, a point of contention within the evangelical, Protestant world in our own day, but so many evangelical ministers and students lack a knowledge of the historical and theological content and categories necessary to engage the discussion helpfully. Buchanan to the rescue. This magisterial nineteenth century treatment remains a standard. Indeed, you'll be surprised at the present applicability of Buchanan's assessments. Yes, in the century since Buchanan wrote, we've learned a lot of helpful, biblical things about the shape and stuff of justification. But Buchanan cannot be bypassed. Read and learn at the feet of a master." - Dr. Ligon Duncan
 "You are re-publishing a gem! Buchanan's exposition of justification is, in my opinion, still the best one that has been done." - William Shishko
 "The Reformation has been declared over by some. Justification by faith alone is under attack. Confusion abounds on this doctrine upon which the Christian faith hinges. Therefore, it is indeed most timely that this classic treatment receive fresh attention. There is no mere theologizing from the Scotsman, but honest exegetical work with incisive exposition. Pastors, students, and may I add, seminary professors will benefit greatly by returning to this marvelous treatment of this gospel doctrine." - Dr. Nick Willborn
 "At the present stage of the justification debate, Buchanan would be a very wholesome remedy against unfair representations. He is absolutely masterful on the subject." - Dr. Roger Nicole
 JAMES BUCHANAN (1804-1870) was born in Scotland in 1804 and ordained in 1827 in the Church of Scotland. In 1828 he commenced a very successful ministry at North Leith where he gained a great reputation as an earnest, eloquent, evangelical preacher. In 1845 he was appointed to the Chair of Apologetics at New College, Edinburgh, and in 1847 he succeeded Thomas Chalmers as Professor of Systematic Theology. He retired in 1868 and died two years later. Buchanan was a prolific and popular writer: his first book, Comfort in Affliction (1837), sold nearly 30,000 copies. His two most valuable works were The Office and Work of the Holy Spirit (1842), an exposition which still merits study, and The Doctrine of Justification, the Cunningham Lectures for 1866, reprinted here.
 Large Paperback Edition - 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $17.50 (list price $35.00)
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 click for details |  | THE MARROW OF TRUE JUSTIFICATION: or Justification Without Works Benjamin Keach
 "The Marrow of True Justification" or Justification Without Works contains the substance of two sermons preached on Romans 4:5, wherein the nature of justification is opened as it has been formerly asserted by all sound Protestants; and the present errors against the said doctrine detected.
 "Justification by faith alone, that central doctrinal feature of the Reformation, has proven to be a controversial issue down through the years. This is not surprising, since it undermines the perennial human desire to have human merit as the basis for salvation. But this doctrine is eminently biblical. Moreover, it glorifies God and puts human beings in their place in a God-centred universe.
 Controversy erupted over this doctrine towards the end of the Puritan era, and it has to be admitted that Richard Baxter, such a good guide to Puritan views on ethical issues, was behind the theological errors to which Benjamin Keach ably responds in this vital work. But why reprint this work from a bygone day and old controversy? For the simple fact that theological error on this issue is not relegated to the past. As significant sectors of Evangelicalism careen towards theological disaster in our day, this issue of how a person is made right with God has again become a matter of debate and acrimonious dispute. And here Keach can help us.
 So read this work! Defend with your last breath the biblical doctrine herein recommended! And glorify the God who justifies the wicked!" - Dr. Michael Haykin
 "The publication of Benjamin Keach's 'The Marrow of True Justification' is a timely and welcome addition to the growing body of literature from 17th Century Particular Baptist authors. This is especially true for two reasons. On the one hand, it provides us with a helpful insight into their wonderful grasp of the gospel and its nature. They were clear in their understanding of law and grace, forgiveness, the nature of the work of Christ and everything else related to a clear proclamation of the gospel. But on the other hand, it helps us to see that modern errors and deviations from the purity of the gospel are not new. They are simply old heresies dressed in modern terms. Keach's work calls us back to the well-established path of Scripture and Reformed Theology. I pray that this work will be read far and wide and strengthen our resolve to preach Christ and his gospel in purity and simplicity. Thank you, SGCB for this reprint." - Dr. James Renihan
 "There has been, and always will be, only one way of salvation for sinners who believe and that is by Christ's righteousness imputed. It is amazing that attacks on imputed righteousness continue even in our 21st century. Here in Keach we have a sterling example of how to defend this vital truth by thorough exposition. What an excellent example for us all today!" - Erroll Hulse
 "Just as self-righteousness is not really righteousness, auto-justification is not a work of God's free grace. It is mankind, who "...[B]eing ignorant of Gods Righteousness, went about to establish their own Righteousness..." to justify themselves that they might boast. As for me, I'll take Keach's doctrine, and I'll take the righteousness of another as my only hope of glory." - Dr. Mike Renihan
 Benjamin Keach (1640-1704): important Particular Baptist preacher, author, and ardent defender of Baptist principles, even against Richard Baxter. Often in prison and frequently in danger for preaching the Gospel, he was the first to introduce singing hymns in the worship of English congregations.
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SGCB Price: $7.50 (list price $12.00)
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 |  |  |  | FAITH, OBEDIENCE & JUSTIFICATION: Current Evangelical Departures from 'Sola Fide' Sam Waldron


 "The undermining of classical Protestant formulations of 'sola fide' is a significant, and disheartening, feature in contemporary evangelical discussions of soteriology - Waldron understands this and provides trenchant historical and theological critique in crystal clear prose." - Ligon Duncan
 "For those still studying the issues of 'the obedience of faith' and its meaning in Reformation theology vs. modern 'covenant nomism', this is a must read." - Fred Malone
 "Sam Waldron has done us a tremendous service. He has culled the writings of Luther, Calvin and Reformed symbolics of sola fide. His method is clear. His distinctions are crucial. His conclusions are cogent." - Richard Barcellos
SGCB Price: $28.00 (list price $30.00)
 |  |  |  | THE DOCTRINE OF JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH Through the Imputation of the Righteousness of Christ, Explained, Confirmed & Vindicated John Owen
 John Owen presents one of the most rigorous defenses of the Reformjed doctrine of justification ever written. This reprint of 'The Doctrine of Justification by Faith', taken from the 19th century edition produced by the Presbyterian Board of Publications, will serve as a welcome improvement for many readers. Latin and Greek quotations have been moved to footnotes, and English translations are given for those large blocks of material that Owen left untranslated. It also contains a new introductory essay by Carl R. Trueman, which analyzes Owen's treatmednt of justification in light of the highly charged debates of his day. While Owen's work is technical and challenging, this edition is an effort to make his profound exposition more manageable.
 "John Owen's treatment of justification is a classic example of Reformed Orthodoxy at itsx best." - Carl R. Trueman
 Nearly 30% Discount
SGCB Price: $18.95 (list price $26.00)
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 click for details |  | LUTHER'S SCOTTISH CONNECTION James Edward McGoldrick
 "Although even those who have only a casual acquaintance with Scottish history usually have some appreciation for the significance of John Knox, few seem to realize that he was not literally the father of the Reformation in his homeland. There were several precursors of Knox who laid the foundations upon which he built, and those forerunners were, for the most part, disciples of Martin Luther. It is the purpose of this book to identify the most prominent Scottish Lutherans and to relate the roles they played in the first phase of Scotland's Protestant history." - from the Author's Preface
 "Understandably scholars have tended to view the Reformed theologians like Calvin as being the major influences on the development of the Scottish Church. But in the early days of the Reformation in Scotland, it was Luther and his message that was the prime influence. McGoldrick's fine study sets the record straight. And I am glad to see it back in print." - Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin
 "I have read McGoldrick's work! I started to glance over it and found I couldn't put it down. It is Fantastic! He fills in a lot of background to the Scottish Reformation that most works leave out. Usually the Lollard connection is mildly hinted at and the story of Hamilton is told only in so far as to explain why he was burned. McGoldrick gives a tremendous amount of information that very few writers have dealt with and he does it in such a fresh way!" - Pastor Robert Elliott
 "Professor McGoldrick offers an important corrective to students of the Reformation who casually link Knox, Calvin and the Scottish kirk. The causes of the Scottish Reformation include Lollardy, Erasmian humanism, and most notably, Lutheranism, decades before Calvin's ideas found a fertile reception. Patrick Hamilton's treatise titled Patrick's Places (included in the Appendix) affirmed a strong Pauline doctrine of Justification and provided the theological foundation for the Reformation in Scotland before his martyrdom in 1528. We are all indebted to Dr. McGoldrick for his important research on the origins of the Scottish Reformation and the clarity with which it is presented.." - Dr. Dale Walden Johnson
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