Ligonier Titles
 |  | HOW THE GOSPEL BRINGS US ALL THE WAY HOME A Practical and Passionate Exposition of Romans 8 Derek W.H. Thomas
 In How the Gospel Brings Us All the Way Home, Dr. Derek W. H. Thomas explores Romans 8, which he calls 'the best chapter in the Bible.' Here he finds an exposition of the steps through which God leads His people in the process of their salvation, but also loving counsel on such topics as prayer and resisting the Devil, as well as exhortations and comforts for weary pilgrims. Dr. Thomas begins at Romans 8:1 with 'the best news imaginable' - believers' just and deserved condemnation before God has been taken away by Jesus ChristÆs work on the cross. He then contrasts earthly minded and spiritually minded people, showing that only those who are spiritually minded know life.
 Now Available to Ship
SGCB Price: $9.50 (list price $15.00) HARDCOVER - 150 PAGES
 |  |  |  | THE REFORMATION STUDY BIBLE (2015 Edition) in the English Standard Version HARDCOVER General Editor: R.C. Sproul
 The Bible is not like any other book because its ultimate Author is God. As the psalmist prayed in Psalm 119:18, 'Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law,' the new Reformation Study Bible emphasizes the need for the grace of God to lead out of darkness and into the light of Scripture.
 The Reformation Study Bible is carefully crafted to offer an unparalleled reading, study, and discipleship experience for every age and stage of the Christian life.
 Trustworthy Scholars & Commentary
 - New theological notes from general editor, R.C. Sproul
 - Commentary from 75 faithful theologians from around the world
 - New topical articles to enrich additional study of Scripture
 Thoroughly Revised & Expanded Study Aids
 - Over 1.1 million words of verse-by-verse and topical explanations
 - Over 20,000 new, revised, or expanded study notes
 - Historical creeds and confessions from 2,000 years of church history
 New Study Tools & Visual Helps
 - 16 pages of high-resolution full color maps at back of Bible
 - Embedded maps provide quick references as you read
 - Concordance, table of weights and measures, and more
 Additional Details
 - Physical Dimensions: 6.5" x 9.375" x 2.125"
 - Font Size: 9.5/11
SGCB Price: $45.00 (list price $60.00) NONE LEFT AT 50% OFF
SGCB Price: $45.00 (list price $60.00) NONE LEFT AT 50% OFF
 |  |  |  | THE REFORMATION STUDY BIBLE (2015 Edition) in the English Standard Version LEATHER-LIKE General Editor: R.C. Sproul
 The Bible is not like any other book because its ultimate Author is God. As the psalmist prayed in Psalm 119:18, 'Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law,' the new Reformation Study Bible emphasizes the need for the grace of God to lead out of darkness and into the light of Scripture.
 The Reformation Study Bible is carefully crafted to offer an unparalleled reading, study, and discipleship experience for every age and stage of the Christian life.
 Trustworthy Scholars & Commentary
 - New theological notes from general editor, R.C. Sproul
 - Commentary from 75 faithful theologians from around the world
 - New topical articles to enrich additional study of Scripture
 Thoroughly Revised & Expanded Study Aids
 - Over 1.1 million words of verse-by-verse and topical explanations
 - Over 20,000 new, revised, or expanded study notes
 - Historical creeds and confessions from 2,000 years of church history
 New Study Tools & Visual Helps
 - 16 pages of high-resolution full color maps at back of Bible
 - Embedded maps provide quick references as you read
 - Concordance, table of weights and measures, and more
 Additional Details
 - Physical Dimensions: 6.5" x 9.375" x 2.125"
 - Font Size: 9.5/11
SGCB Price: $60.00 (list price $80.00) NONE LEFT AT 50% OFF
SGCB Price: $60.00 (list price $80.00) NONE LEFT AT 50% OFF
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 click for details |  | FOUNDATIONS OF GRACE: A Long Line of Godly Men - Volume One Stephen Lawson
 From the lawgiver Moses to the apostle John, and from the early church fathers to modern defenders of the faith, there has marched onto the stage of human history a long line of godly men, a triumphant parade of spiritual stalwarts who have upheld the doctrines of grace. In this book, the first in the five-volume A Long Line of Godly Men series, Dr. Steven J. Lawson takes readers on a heart-stirring survey of the Scriptures to show that the Bible in its entirety teaches the doctrines of grace.
 Volume 1 (Foundations of Grace) covers 1400 BC thru 100 AD, tracing the doctrines of grace throughout Scripture. This volume becomes the foundation for what comes in the future.
 Foreword by: Dr. John MacArthur
 Afterword by: Dr. R.C. Sproul
 "As Dr. Steve Lawson's reconnaissance of this matter so clearly shows, God's sovereignty is manifest throughout sacred Scripture. . . . When you finish reading this book, I would wonder and worry if you continue to persist in denying the full measure of GodÆs sovereignty in our salvation." - Dr. R.C. Sproul.
 "The doctrines of grace are often misunderstood and mischaracterized. This helpful new book explains them thoughtfully and well. May God use it for His glory and others' good." - Dr. D. James Kennedy
 "Steve Lawson understands that the text of the Bible presents a consistent witness to God's sovereignty and the panoramic display of God's glory. All this is evident in his preaching ministry and in his writing ministry as well." - R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
 "Steven Lawson clearly and comprehensively lays the scriptural groundwork for the doctrines of grace." - Dr. John MacArthur
 "Gripped in mind and heart by the twin truths of God's total sovereignty and His amazing grace, Steve Lawson compellingly traces these themes from the beginning to the end of Scripture. . . . Foundations of Grace shows, in a multitude of ways, that the Scriptures are useful 'for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.' - Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson
 Hardcover , 584 pages
 Covers 1400 BC to 100 AD
SGCB Price: $22.00 (list price $30.00)
SGCB Price: $42.00 (list price $60.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH BOOKS
 |  |  |  | IN CHRIST ALONE: Living the Gospel-Centered Life Sinclair Ferguson
 Noted theologian, pastor, and educator Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson explores aspects of the person and work of Jesus in his latest book, In Christ Alone: Living the Gospel-Centered Life. This collection of articles, published earlier in Tabletalk magazine and Eternity Magazine, is designed to help believers gain a better understanding of their Savior and the Christian faith, and to live out that faith in their day-to-day lives. In fifty short chapters arranged in six sections, Dr. Ferguson shows that Christ, who is fully God, took on humanity that He might be the Great High Priest of His people as well as the once-for-all sacrifice; that He now ministers to His people through His Spirit, crowning them with great and precious blessings; and that believers are called to duty, from cultivating contentment to mortifying sin. In Christ Alone is packed full of nuggets of Scriptural truth that will spark and fan the flames of the believer's love for the Savior who is so beautiful in His person and so faithful in His work on behalf of His beloved sheep.
 Hardcover 6 x 9 | 256 Pages
 ISBN 1-56769-089-0 | December 2007
 About the Author Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson is senior minister of the historic First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, S.C., and a distinguished visiting professor of systematic theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas.
 He has been an editor and a trustee with the Banner of Truth Trust publishing house and has been a prolific author. His published titles include The Holy Spirit, Grow in Grace, Let's Study Philippians, John Owen on the Christian Life, and, for children, The Big Book of Questions and Answers and The Big Book of Questions & Answers About Jesus. Dr. Ferguson and his wife, Dorothy, have been married for thirty-six years. They have four children.

SGCB Price: $13.95 (list price $18.00)
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 click for details |  | FEED MY SHEEP A Passionate Plea for Preaching Eric Alexander, Joel Beeke, James M. Boice, Sinclair Ferguson, Don Kistler, John MacArthur, Albert Mohler, John Piper, R.C. Sproul, Sr., R.C. Sproul, Jr., and Derek Thomas
 The apostle Paul declared that 'what we preach' was 'folly' in the eyes of many in his time (1 Cor. 1:21). Such is always the world's response to the gospel. But in our day, it seems that the method behind Paul's message: 'preaching' is itself an object of ridicule, even within the evangelical church. In an age of short attention spans and entertainment 'consumers,' many churches are yielding to pressure to set aside preaching in their worship services in favor of more 'relevant' methodologies.
 In Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching, an outstanding team of pastors and scholars says to the modern church: 'Turn back!' Preaching is not just one of many acceptable methodologies that the church may employ as the cultural landscape changes. Rather, the preaching of God's Word is the biblically mandated method by which unbelievers are to be converted and churches built up in the faith.
 This book reveals the biblical basis for preaching, sketches the way it ought to be practiced, and shows the many practical benefits that flow from strong pulpits. Here is encouragement for preachers and wise counsel for those who desire to sit under the ministry of the Word of God preached.
 Retail $15.00
 Hardcover 6 x 9 | 156 Pages
 ISBN 1-56769-107-8 | Released November 2008
 "This is the most compelling plea to restore preaching to its time-honored status that I have ever read. This book deserves to be read and reread to light the fire of passion and conviction for all who would publicly proclaim, 'Thus says the Lord.'" - Erwin Lutzer, Senior Pastor, Moody Church, Chicago, Ill.
 "This book combines the wisdom and experience of a number of the foremost preachers of the present day. If it is received as it ought to be, we may yet see a mighty change for good in the current spiritual scene. I hope it will be widely read." - Iain Murray, Co-founder, Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland
 "Feed My Sheep is not only a passionate plea for preaching, but also a thorough review of what constitutes good preaching. Every minister of God's Word will profit from prayerfully reading this book." - Jerry Bridges, author of The Pursuit of Holiness, Colorado Springs, Colo.
 "Here some of this generation's most skilled shepherds provide passionate explanations of the priority and power of preaching God's Word so that it is a feast for Christ's sheep." - Bryan Chapell, President, Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Mo.
 "There are a lot of books on preaching today, but not many good ones; this one is good. The subjects covered (and the accents of the authors as well) commend this volume to the minister and seminary student; and, indeed, to the church member who wants to learn what a real preaching ministry looks like, and who wants that for his church and from his pastor. It is spiritually challenging and topically pertinent." - J. Ligon Duncan III, Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Miss.
 "There has never been a greater need for good preaching, and this book will help. In it some of the best preachers I know share their passion for preaching biblical, practical, expositional sermons that inform the mind and touch the heart. Feed My Sheep will be a tremendous help to anyone learning to preach and will provide real refreshment for anyone in the gospel ministry." - Philip Graham Ryken, Senior Minister, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pa.

SGCB Price: $10.95 (list price $15.00)
 |  |  |  | THE CHRISTIAN LOVER The Sweetness of Love and Marriage in the Letters of Believers Michael Haykin and Victoria Haykin
 Marriage is under siege in our time, and Christian unions are not going unscathed. Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin believes that love letters written by Christian husbands and wives of the past can help strengthen the ties that bind believing spouses today. In this anthology, Haykin brings together letters from one or both parties in twelve significant relationships from church history. The contents range from courtship communications to proposals of marriage to final words before dying, but most have to do with the ups and downs of married life. In the end, The Christian Lover is a celebration of marriage, an intimate window into the thoughts of men and women who were deeply in love with both God and one another.
 Michael Haykin never ceases to surprise with his gift for producing unusual books on neglected aspects of church history. Here he gives his readers insights into the love lives of some of the great saints of the past, bringing out their humanity in touching and unique ways. An unusual book, certainly, but well worth reading.
 --Dr. Carl R. Trueman, Professor of historical theology and church history Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pa
 The Christian Lover is both insightful and inspirational. Your heart will be touched as you gain a brief glimpse into the love shared by these heroes of the faith. Be prepared for the unexpected. The passions of these couples will surprise you, but you will not be disappointed.
 --Dr. Daniel L. Akin, President Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, N.C.
 Michael Haykin is to be congratulated for compiling this remarkable collection of beautiful love letters from some of the most significant and faithful Christian leaders in the history of the church. These inspiring letters, along with the informative introductions, will provide great strength and guidance for Christian couples at a time when the institution of marriage is facing challenges from numerous directions. I heartily commend this wonderful volume.
 - Dr. David S. Dockery, President Union University, Jackson, Tenn.
 In an era in which love is equated with the adolescent, hormonal romance of popular music, Michael Haykin serves the church with a decidedly different vision of Christian love. The Christian Lover demonstrates a deep, authentic view of Christcentered love.
 --Dr. Russell D. Moore, Dean of the School of Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky.
 The Christian Lover portrays some of our most revered historical personalities as men of deep marital love. Haykin's work enhances (rather than diminishes) the pictures we have of them as towering scholars, faithful pastors, pioneering missionaries, and bold martyrs. This epistolary anthology of the Puritan and Reformed divines' marital love may serve as a great buttress to the continued testimony of the goodness of marriage as the Creator's provision for a companionship of joy in the highest order. May all in the church who read these accounts of love be awakened to the passionate pursuit of the lifelong, unbreakable, satisfying relationship every marriage should be. My heart was stirred more with each letter.
 --Rev. Eric C. Redmond, Pastor, Hillcrest Baptist Church, Temple Hills, Md.
 C. S. Lewis once made the striking statement that "Christianity has glorified marriage than any other religion: and nearly all the greatest love poetry in the world has been produced by Christians." The Christian Lover provides a double lens by which to view the Christian ideal of wedded romantic love. One is the author's selection of a dozen Christian couples and their life stories. The other is a sampling of letters these men and women wrote, from which we can catch glimpses of what a romantic relationship between husband and wife can be--anytime, anywhere.
 --Dr. Leland Ryken, Professor of English, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Ill.

SGCB Price: $10.95 (list price $15.00)
 |  |  |  | BY GRACE ALONE: How the Grace of God Amazes Me Sinclair Ferguson
 Are you truly amazed by God's grace? Or have you grown accustomed to it? Yes, we sing of God's 'Amazing Grace,' but do you truly understand what you as a Christian have experienced in receiving the grace of God? Or do you take divine grace for granted?
 In By Grace Alone: How the Grace of God Amazes Me, Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson laments that 'we have lost the joy and energy that is experienced when grace seems truly 'amazing.' In an effort to restore the wonder of divine grace, he reflects on it from seven angles, each built around a stanza from a rich but little-known hymn, 'O How the Grace of God Amazes Me,' written by Emmanuel T. Sibomana, a pastor in the African nation of Burundi.
 This book poses probing questions for today's believer: "If I am not amazed by God's grace, can I really be living in it? Can I really be tasting, and savoring, and delighting in it?" But those willing to delve into God's Word with Dr. Ferguson will come away with a deeper astonishment at the depths of God's grace.
SGCB Price: $11.95 (list price $18.00)
 Purchase with Ferguson's Companion Book IN CHRIST ALONE
SGCB Price: $21.95 (list price $36.00)
 |  |  |  | PILLARS OF GRACE: A.D. 100 - 1564 Steven J. Lawson, Foreword by Ligon Duncan, Afterword by Albert Mohler
 The doctrines of grace are often known as the five points of Calvinism, but they were not the invention of John Calvin or his reforming cohorts of the sixteenth century. Rather, they are biblical doctrines, as Dr. Steven J. Lawson demonstrated in his book Foundations of Grace (2006). Now, in 'Pillars of Grace', Dr. Lawson shows that the doctrines of grace have been understood and taught - sometimes in embryonic form, sometimes with great clarity - throughout church history. From the time of the early church fathers to the years of the Reformers, there have been key men in the church, pillars as it were, who stood on the foundation of Scripture and upheld the truth of GodÆs sovereign role in salvation.
 In 'Pillars of Grace', Dr. Lawson walks readers through the ups and downs of church history, profiling these voices for the truth. The inescapable conclusion is that the doctrines of grace are no innovation, but the consistent witness of some of the greatest men of the church.

SGCB Price: $22.00 (list price $30.00)
 Order Both Volumes of A LONG LINE OF GODLY MEN
SGCB Price: $42.00 (list price $60.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH TITLES
 |  |  |  | WELCOME TO A REFORMED CHURCH A Guide for Pilgrims Daniel Hyde
 "Who are these guys?" That was the question the teenage Daniel R. Hyde posed to his father when he first encountered "Reformed" believers. With their unique beliefs and practices, these Christians didn't fit any of the categories in his mind.
 Not so many years later, Hyde is now Rev. Daniel R. Hyde, a pastor of a Reformed church. Recognizing that many are on the outside looking in, just as he once was, he wrote 'Welcome to a Reformed Church: A Guide for Pilgrims' to explain what Reformed churches believe and why they structure their life and worship as they do.
 In layman's terms, Rev. Hyde sketches the historical roots of the Reformed churches, their scriptural and confessional basis, their key beliefs, and the ways in which those beliefs are put into practice. The result is a roadmap for those encountering the Reformed world for the first time and a primer for those who want to know more about their Reformed heritage.
 SLASHED TITLE - Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $6.50 (list price $12.00)
 |  |  |  | THE REFORMATION STUDY BIBLE (2015 Edition) in the English Standard Version GENUINE LEATHER General Editor: R.C. Sproul
 The Bible is not like any other book because its ultimate Author is God. As the psalmist prayed in Psalm 119:18, 'Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law,' the new Reformation Study Bible emphasizes the need for the grace of God to lead out of darkness and into the light of Scripture.
 The Reformation Study Bible is carefully crafted to offer an unparalleled reading, study, and discipleship experience for every age and stage of the Christian life.
 Trustworthy Scholars & Commentary
 - New theological notes from general editor, R.C. Sproul
 - Commentary from 75 faithful theologians from around the world
 - New topical articles to enrich additional study of Scripture
 Thoroughly Revised & Expanded Study Aids
 - Over 1.1 million words of verse-by-verse and topical explanations
 - Over 20,000 new, revised, or expanded study notes
 - Historical creeds and confessions from 2,000 years of church history
 New Study Tools & Visual Helps
 - 16 pages of high-resolution full color maps at back of Bible
 - Embedded maps provide quick references as you read
 - Concordance, table of weights and measures, and more
 Additional Details
 - Physical Dimensions: 6.5" x 9.375" x 2.125"
 - Font Size: 9.5/11
 "Through an introductory study of John Calvin's preaching, Steve Lawson provides a practical Homiletics 1 refresher course that can be read in one evening, but should be read annually for lifelong impact. Factual yet stimulating, simple yet penetrating, 'The Expository Genius of John Calvin' contains many scriptural and theocentric golden nuggets and hands-on practical tips for beginning expositors and seasoned preachers alike. May God use it to revitalize Christ-centered and Spirit-empowered applicatory preaching in our day." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke
 "Preachers reading this book will be moved to take to heart Calvin's encompassion belief in the sovereignty of God's Word - as to its total sufficiency and massive potency. Further, they will be inspired to pursue the deep, enriching paths of lectio continua. This is a beautifully written, powerful, and convincing book. It is a must read for all who aspire to preach the word." - R. Kent Hughes
 "In this book, Dr. Steve Lawson has masterfully presented us with thirty-two keynotes that made Calvin the best preacher of the Reformation, all of them centered around the Word of God preached expositorily. I would make this book recommended reading in courses such as homiletics and missions for any serious pastor and student." - Dr. Alonzo Ramirez
 "An infectious appreciation of the preaching of John Calvin from the pen of Steven Lawson. No one reading this volume can fail to appreciate the debt we owe the 'Genevan Reformer.' Lawson has consulted the best of current scholarship and has produced a comprehensive distillation of the contours of the Reformer's preaching and, with it, a compelling advocacy of consecutive expository preaching. A magnificent achievement." -Dr. Derek Thomas

SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $15.00)
 |  |  |  | The Puritan Pulpit: The Sermons of Archbishop James Ussher James Ussher
 James Ussher (1581-1656) was a highly regarded scholar in his own day, and a fearless preacher as well. These 19 sermons were preached in 1640, and they deal with the most crucial issues of the soul: the devastating effects of sin, the purpose of the law, the satisfaction, humiliation, and sacrifice of Christ, saving faith, hell, peace with God, and the seal of salvation, among others.
 Of Ussher, Dr. Francis Nigel Lee writes, "Raised in a Bible-believing Calvinistic environment, Dr. Ussher soaked himself in the Holy Scriptures without ceasing. He also read the Early Church Fathers systematically, every day, for eighteen years. Head of Ireland's foremost Theological Faculty, Ussher was internationally the greatest Anglican antiquarian and theologian of his age if not of all time."

SGCB Price: $18.95 (list price $26.00)
 Jonathan Edwards is well known as perhaps the greatest theologian the United States has ever produced. He is equally noted for his preaching and writing. But in this Long Line Profile, Dr. Steven J. Lawson considers the unique focus and commitment with which Edwards sought to live out the Christian faith.
 Lawson examines Edwards' life through the lens of the seventy resolutions he penned in his late teens, shortly after his conversion. Lawson is quick to note that in writing these resolutions, Edwards was not merely seeking to bolster his own determination. As Edwards himself said before writing the first resolution, "Being sensible that I am unable to do anything without God's help, I do humbly entreat him by his grace to enable me to keep these resolutions . . . for Christ's sake." Edwards knew he would never keep his resolutions in his own strength.
 The resolutions cover everything from glorifying God to repenting of sin to managing time. Drawing on Edwards' writings, as well as scholarly accounts of Edwards' life and thought, Lawson shows how Edwards sought to live out these lofty goals he set for the management of his walk with Christ. In Edwards' example, he finds helpful instruction for all believers.
 Table of Contents
 1: The Life and Legacy of Jonathan Edwards,
 2: A Spiritual Compass for the Soul,
 3: The Prerequisite of Faith,
 4: The Priority of God's Glory,
 5: The Putting Away of Sin,
 6: The Precipice of Eternity,
 7: The Passion of Strict Discipline,
 8: The Practice of Love,
 9: The Posture of Self-Examination
 About the Author Steven J. Lawson is the senior pastor of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, Alabama. Dr. Lawson serves on the board of directors of The Master's College and on the ministerial board for Reformed Theological Seminary, and teaches with Dr. John MacArthur at the Expositor's Institute. In addition, Dr. Lawson has written twelve books, including The Expository Genius of John Calvin, Foundations of Grace, and Faith Under Fire. He and his wife, Anne, have four children: Andrew, James, Grace Anne, and John.

SGCB Price: $10.50 (list price $16.00)