Master Books
 |  | ANNALS OF THE WORLD Archbishop James Ussher
 Master Books commissioned this important literary work to be updated from the 17th-century original Latin manuscript to modern English and made available to the general public for the first time. In its pages can be found the fascinating history of the ancient world from the Genesis creation through the destruction of the Jerusalem temple. Find Out:
 - Why was Julius Caesar kidnapped in 75 B.C.?
 - Why did Alexander the Great burn his ships in 326 B.C.?
 - What really happened when the sun 'went backward' as a sign to Hezekiah?
 - What does secular history say about the darkness at the Crucifixion?
 In the years 1650-1654, James Ussher set out to write a history of the world from creation to A.D. 70. The result was published in 1658 as the literary classic The Annals of the World. This famous comprehensive history of the world, originally published in Latin, offers a look at history rarely seen. Ussher traveled throughout Europe, gathering much information from the actual historical documents. Many of these documents are no longer available, having been destroyed since the time of his research. Using the Bible as his timeline, Ussher began with the death of Nebuchadnezzar as a reliable date and worked backward through the genealogies of the Old Testament to arrive at the date of creation - 4004 B.C. Integrating biblical history (around 15% of the text is from the Bible) with secular (around 85% of the material is from non-biblical sources), Ussher wrote this masterpiece. Considered not only a literary classic, but also an accurate reference, The Annals of the World was so highly regarded for its preciseness that the timeline from it was included in the margins of many King James Version Bibles throughout the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, calling to mind the fact that the earth is only around 6,000 years old. The fact that Ussher's chronology has been deleted from Bibles is evidence of the Church's backsliding into the deceptive ideas of evolution. The Annals of the World is a necessary addition to any church library, pastor's library, or any library - public or personal. The entire text has been updated from 17th-century English to present-day vernacular in a five-year project commissioned by Master Books. Containing many human-interest stories from the original historical documents collected by Ussher, this is more than just a history book - it's a work of history.
 - Important literary work that has been inaccessible in book form for over 300 years
 - Includes CD of Ussher's Chronology of the World - full of colored charts, graphs, timelines, and much, much more
 - Translated into modern English for the first time
 - Traces world history from creation through A.D. 70
 - Over 10,000 footnotes from the original text have been updated to references from works in the Loeb Classical Library by Harvard Press
 - Over 2,500 citations from the Bible and the Apocrypha
 - Ussher's original citations have been checked against the latest textual scholarship
 - One of history's most famous and well-respected historians
 - Spent over five years researching and writing this book
 - Entered college at age 13
 - Received his master's degree at age 18
 - Was an expert in Semitic languages
 - Buried in Westminster Abbey About the Book:
 - Made of the highest quality material: Smyth sewn, gold-gilded edges, foil embossing on front, back, and spine
 - Cover presented in the style of classic literary works
 - Packaged in a beautiful box for display purposes and durability
 - 8 appendixes
 - Fully indexed
 - Paragraphs numbered
 - Chronological presentation of material
 Over 30% Discount on Beautiful Hardcover Volume
SGCB Price: $51.95 (list price $69.99)
 30% Discount on Beautiful Paperback Volume
SGCB Price: $25.95 (list price $34.99)
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 click for details |  | BUNYAN'S CLASSICS John Bunyan
 John Bunyan's famous work, The Pilgrim's Progress is, next to the Bible, the most popular book ever published. It has been widely distributed the world over since originally published in the 17th century. But many aren't familiar with the story in it's original form or it's famous author and his life story. Master Books is now making available this exquisite reproduction of this 125-year-old historical compilation manuscript in it's original 920-page entirety.
 This masterpiece will become an instant family heirloom, introducing entire generations to the pilgrims' spiritual journey to truth. This hardcover edition was originally published in 1876. Over 125 years later, Master Books has re-created this valuable and rare heirloom with today's modern technology, but kept the original look and feel by painstakingly scanning in high-resolution every page of this 920-page tome - historic look and all!
 The Pilgrim's Progress appears in the original large print inside this new edition, creating an easier reading experience for all ages. Not since the 19th century, has this collection of 'Bunyan Classics' been available or accessible to anyone and everyone today. This classic edition has been painstakingly reproduced in it's complete form and includes such rare treasures as:
 - John Bunyan's personal memoir
 - His last sermon
 - His personal account of his life before he accepted Christ
 - His time spent in prison for preaching
 - Over a dozen beautifully detailed artistic etchings that visually narrate special scenes
 Included Are Nine Historical Books Written By and About John Bunyan:
 THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS: (Page 1 - 376) The most popular of more than sixty books published by the prolific author John Bunyan. This popular and powerful book has been published more than any other book in history, outside of the Bible.
 THE HOLY WAR; (Page 377 - 684) A discourse of trial made by Shaddai upon Diabolus, for the Regaining the Metropolis of the World; or, the losing and taking again of the Town of Man-soul.
 GRACE ABOUNDING TO THE CHIEF OF SINNERS; (Page 685 - 688) A detailed and faithful account of the Life of John Bunyan including his imprisonment, recovery and conversion to becoming a faithful follower of Jesus Christ.
 THE IMPRISONMENT AND RELEASE OF JOHN BUNYAN; (Page 689 - 703) --includes dialgoue with Dr. Lindale and the Justices; examination by the Justices, and by Mr. Cobb, the clerk of the peace; interview with his wife and Judge Hale.
 BUNYAN'S DYING SAYINGS (Page 704 - 767) --Of sin; of affliction; repentance and coming to Christ; of prayer; Lord's day and daily duties; love of the world; of suffering; death and judgment; the joys of heaven and torments of hell.
 CHRISTIAN BEHAVIOUR; (Page 768 - 800) thoughts concerning true Christianity and how to walk so as to please God.
 THE BARREN FIG-TREE; (Page 801 - 830) thoughts concerning the doom and downfall of a fruitless life and the signs by which such miserable mortals may be known.
 BUNYAN'S LAST SERMON (Page 831 - 834) -Preached, July, 1688, from John 1:3.
 THE WATER OF LIFE; (Page 835 - 860) A discourse presenting the richness and glory of the Grace and spirit of the Gospel.
 OVER 25% Off 920 Page Oversized Hardcover Volume
SGCB Price: $58.95 (list price $79.99)