Missions and Missionaries
 |  | A HEART FOR MISSIONS: The Classic Memoir of Samuel Pearce Andrew Fuller
 "The beloved friend of Andrew Fuller and William Carey, Samuel Pearce (1766-1799), personified the living relation between doctrinal purity and passion for God's glory in evangelism. Pearce participated with boundless energy and sacrifice in the Missionary society work and served as editor of the Periodical Accounts. Not only did he promote the mission cause in England with all his might, he urged William Rogers of the Philadelphia Association to begin a Baptist foreign mission society in America that would involve the energies of the entire denomination. Cathcart's Encyclopedia calls him 'one of the warmest advocates of foreign missions that dwelt on earth since the Son of Mary came from his heavenly home on a foreign mission to this lost world.' He has been compared to Robert Murray McCheyne and David Brainerd for combination of fervent piety and zeal." -Tom Nettles
 "William Ward, who had been profoundly influenced by Pearce's zeal and spirituality, well summed up his character when he wrote not long before the latter's death: 'Oh, how does personal religion shine in Pearce! What a soul! What ardour for the glory of God! 'you see in him a mind wholly given up to God; a sacred lustre shines in his conversation: always tranquil, always cheerful' I have seen more of God in him than in any other person I ever met.'
 At the heart of Pearce's spirituality, both lived and taught, was the theological conviction that 'real religion consists in supreme love to God and disinterested [i.e. impartial] love to man'. Measured by this standard, there seems little doubt about the reality of Pearce's Christian faith and spirituality. There is also little question of the challenge it poses to Christians today." - Michael Haykin
 "Samuel Pearce was one of the brightest lights among eighteenth century English Baptists. In his brief thirty-threes years on earth he made a significant impact for the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. Though his own desires to go as a missionary were overruled by God's providence, his interest in that cause and jealousy for His Savior's glory left a lasting impression on those who did go and those on who stayed behind in England to 'hold the ropes.' Andrew Fuller was the foremost ropeholder. His memoir of his friend, Pearce, was a labor of love and remains a useful resource for Christians today. Fuller weaves together recollections and letters from his friend and adds to them his own reflections to demonstrate how God's power and grace can radiate in a life that is intentionally yielded to Jesus Christ." - Tom Ascol
 A Year with Baptist Classics
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 click for details |  | FAMOUS MISSIONARIES OF THE REFORMED CHURCH James I. Good
 This book presents a fascinating survey of Reformed missions in 29 chapters. What impresses the reader especially is the worldwide sweep of Reformed mis¡sions, vividly described by the author.
 Author's Preface:
 In the great work of saving the world, the Reformed Church has had an honorable part and it ought to be inspiration to our German Reformed to learn what has already been done. The name Reformed is larger than any one nation or denomination. By famous missionaries of the Reformed Church we mean missionaries who under the Reformed name have gone forth and preached the gospel to the heathen. For the Reformed, whether Dutch, German, French, Swiss or American, are after all the same. The glory of one is the glory of all. Accordingly this subject is one of great interest to all our people. The Reformed missionaries have made the Reformed name known all over the world.
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SGCB Price: $16.75 (list price $30.00)
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SGCB Price: $34.00 (list price $70.00) Over 50% off
 |  |  |  | LET THE NATIONS BE GLAD: 3rd Edition, The Supremacy of God in Missions John Piper
 Since its publication a decade ago, Let the Nations Be Glad! has provided thousands of seminary students, missionaries, and pastors with a sound theological foundation for missions. Piper now offers a revised and expanded edition of this theological and biblical defense of God's supremacy in all things. Drawing on texts from the Old and New Testaments, Piper demonstrates that worship is the ultimate goal of the church and that proper worship drives missionary outreach. He describes prayer as the fuel of missions work because of its focus on a relationship with God rather than the needs of the world. He goes on to illustrate that while suffering is the price of missions, God is worthy of any sacrifice. He examines whether Jesus is the only way to salvation and discusses the extent of the missionary enterprise, seeking to define the scope of the task and the means to reaching "all nations."
 "Piper reminds us that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him." -Elisabeth Elliot
 "Passion. Theology. Exegesis. Relevance. John Piper weaves them all together in Let the Nations Be Glad!" -Leith Anderson, president, National Association of Evangelicals

 "Let the Nations Be Glad! is the most important book on missions for this generation, and I hope it will be the most influential as well. John Piper places missions where it belongs: at the heart of God's desire to be glorified among the nations. The glory of God is the beginning and end of all true theology-and all authentic missions. When we understand that God deserves the glory of the nations, and when we see a vision of the nations' gladness before him, missions is transformed in our minds-and in our hearts." -R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
 This is the revised and expanded edition
SGCB Price: $10.95 (list price $17.00)
 |  |  |  | AS THE WATERS COVER THE SEA: Millenial Expectations in the Rise of Anglo-American Missions 1640-1810 James A. De Jong
 "This volume surefootedly guides us through the complex relation of millennial expectations and Anglo-American missiology from the Puritan age to the beginning of the nineteenth century. He shows how millennial hopes varied throughout this period from an adventist type of premillennialism to a low-keyed postmillennialism. Nevertheless, De Jong concludes that these anticipations often balanced themselves out somewhere between other-wordly and secularized hope and between the temporal and eternal aspects of salvation. This balance enabled believers to engage in mission work confidently yet realistically, setting a viable pattern for us to follow today as we continue to look to Christ in hope, drawing our vision of humanity and missiology from His Word." - Joel Beeke
 "This volume accurately traces out millennial views in the 17th and 18th centuries. Information is structured, compact, and easy to read. For instance, John Owen's views are cited in six points, one of which is 'the subjection of the nations throughout the whole world unto the Lord Jesus Christ.' The author reminds us that 'William Carey's Enquiry' became the charter of the missionary movement. In the preface Carey declared that 'God has repeatedly made known his intention to prevail finally over all the power of the Devil.' This volume is a powerful endorsement of the fact that an eschatology of victory was motivational to missionary endeavour on a very wide scale. THIS IS A MOST RELEVANT AND VALUABLE BOOK!." - Erroll Hulse
 $10.00 Sale 10s cwxs
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SGCB Price: $12.00 (list price $30.00)
 |  |  |  | THE THEOLOGY OF MISSIONS IN THE PURITAN TRADITION: A Study of Representative Puritans: Richard Sibbes, Richard Baxter, John Eliot, Cotton Mather & Jonathan Edwards Sidney H. Rooy
 "A masterful examination of the Puritan's positive attitude toward missions and evangelism, showing their passionate desire to seek the salvation of the lost. Through the writings of five notable Puritans: Richard Sibbes, Richard baxter, John Eliot, Cotton Mather and Jonathan Edwards, Rooy explores Puritan missiology in its theological foundation, its development and establishment, and its progress. Individuals and churches alike will be inspired by this historical and theological survey of magisterial Puritans." - Joel Beeke
 "Of excellent quality throughout, this volume traces out the theology that leads to the evangelization of the world: divine sovereignty and human responsibility, conversion, and the role of the church in missions. The biographical sketches enhance the volume. This is all rich material. Highlights for me are the practical section on evangelism from Richard Baxter's 'A Christian Directory' and the preceptive analysis of Jonathan Edwards' book 'A History of Redemption,' which the author suggests is perhaps Edwards' best claim to originality in theology. I commend this volume highly." - Erroll Hulse
 Chapter One - RICHARD SIBBES: The Theological Foundation of the Mission
 Chapter Two - RICHARD BAXTER: The Development of the Mission Idea
 Chapter Three - JOHN ELIOT: The Establishment of the Mission
 Chapter Four - COTTON MATER & JONATHAN EDWARDS: The Progress of the Mission
 $10.00 Sale cwxs
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SGCB Price: $12.80 (list price $32.00)
 |  |  |  | PULLING THE EYE TOOTH FROM A LIVE TIGER: A Memoir of the Life and Labors of Adoniram Judson Francis Wayland
 This Two Volume Work contains the incredible, almost unbelievable, true story of the calling and ministry of one of the greatest pioneer ministries in the history of the United States.
 Adoniram Judson, Jr. (August 9, 1788 – April 12, 1850) was an American Congregationalist and later Particular Baptist[1] missionary, who served in Burma for almost forty years. At the age of 25, Adoniram Judson was sent from North America to preach in Burma. His mission and work with Luther Rice led to the formation of the first Baptist association in America to support missionaries.
 At times mistakenly referred to as the first Protestant missionary to Burma, he was in fact preceded by James Chater and Richard Mardon (who both arrived in 1807) as well as by Felix Carey. However, since those predecessors did not remain long, and Judson also translated the Bible into Burmese, as well as established a number of Baptist churches in Burma, Judson is remembered as the first significant missionary in Burma, as well as one of the first missionaries from America to travel overseas.
 When Judson began his mission in Burma, he set a goal of translating the Bible and founding a church of 100 members before his death. By the time of his death, he had accomplished those goals and more: leaving the translated Bible as well as a half-completed Burmese-English dictionary, 100 churches, and over 8,000 believers. In large part due to his influence, Myanmar has the third largest number of Baptists worldwide, behind the United States and India.
 "The original two-volume work sold an amazing 26,000 copies in its first year of publication and became a major stimulus in the development of American evangelical missions. May the reprinting of this vintage text have a similar impact in our day." - Michael Haykin
 Over 50% Discount - 2 VOLUME SET
SGCB Price: $36.00 (list price $80.00)
 |  |  |  | THE MISSIONARY ENTERPRISEA Collection of Discourses on Christian Missions Francis Wayland, Samuel Miller, Edward Dorr Griffin, Lyman Beecher, Richard Fuller etc.
 Fifteen outstanding addresses by leading gospel ministers on the critical subject of missions.
 "The Moral Dignity of the Missionary Enterprise" by Francis Wayland
 "Arguments for Missions" by Edward Dorr Griffin
 "The Theory of Missions to the Heathen" by Rufus Anderson
 "The Earth Filled with the Glory of the Lord" by Samuel Miller
 "The Cross" by Richard Fuller
 "Jesus the Great Missionary" by Edward N. Kirk
 "Christ, A Home Missionary" by William B. Williams
 "Messiah's Throne" by John M. Mason
 and several more
 NEARLY 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $12.95 (list price $24.00)