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Daniel Baker, the Young Man's Preacher

Dwight L. Moody wrote the Preface to this outstanding volume of addresses to Young Men which were preached by Rev. Daniel Baker (1791-1857) during his wonderful ministry in the American South. The Life of Baker was published by Banner of Truth and titled, MAKING MANY GLAD. His life and ministry were also highlighted by Douglas Kelly in his book PREACHERS WITH POWER. In the words of Moody:

"In reading two volumes of sermons by Rev. Daniel Baker of America, preached thirty years ago, I have thought no addresses could be more suitable for the present times than these. They have been a great help to me; and many who are now preaching the gospel in America bear similar testimony. Knowing particularly that he was the 'young man's preacher,' I believe his printed sermons will give a fresh impulse for work to many, and be the means of pointing the way to multitudes who are inquiring. May God, who alone can draw men unto Him, so use these words, that the writer of them, being dead, may yet speak with power to men's souls."

In the Author's Preface we read, "These discourses were designed to be on an Awakening character, and were preached (in substance) in numerous revivals, and were blessed to the hopeful conversion of many precious souls, of whom some fifty or more have become ministers of the gospel. May He who was pleased to bless these discourses when they came from the Pulpit, bless them also now coming from the Press. And to His great Name be all the praise!"

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SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $18.00)