Mother's Day Special Titles
 |  | MY MOTHER: Recollections of Maternal Influence John Mitchell
 John Mitchell (1794-1870) a leading Congregational Minister of the 19th century New England wrote this book as a tribute to his mother, Mrs. Abigail Mitchell.
 One celebrated author of the day said, "It is one of those rare pictures painted from life with the exquisite skill of one of the old masters, which so seldom present themselves to the amateur."
 Originally published in 1849, the aim and character of the work is described by the author in the following words: "However much of a biographical nature may be found in it, this was not intended as a biography, as some have conceived it to be. Its aim was educational. It was believed that such observations on maternal influence and domestic life as are here drawn from memory, presented in a narrative way, might be attractive and useful to mothers of young families; perhaps, also, to husbands and fathers."
 TW2 MD22
 45% Discount
SGCB Price: $13.75 (list price $22.00)
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 click for details |  | MOTHERS OF THE WISE AND GOOD: Anecdotes and Essays on the Incredible Influence of Mothers Throughout Church History Jabez Burns
 "This book answers the very questions that today's women are asking. The engaging anecdotes and instructive essays are wonderful. I have looked for a book like this for many years. Every mother, grandmother, and spiritual mother - in others words, every woman - will find great help and hope in this book." - Susan Hunt
 This book was written in 1846 to honor the role of a mother. Brief biographical sketches are given of such wise and good men as Augustine, John Newton, Jonathan Edwards and many others with special emphasis upon the way that their mothers were used of God in their lives. Susan Hunt says that this is the book she has been seeking for many years to give young mothers to encourage them in their task. Elisabeth Elliot and Nancy Wilson commend this work very highly.
 "It is a useful and valuable work, replete with instruction and deserves to have a wide circulation." - John Angell James
 "One of the great helps to the modern church is the reprinting of old books by saints of a previous generation. This book has much to offer us in our day where motherhood is not given the honor it deserves." - Nancy Wilson
 "The writer has been powerfully struck by the fact, that there are few good works which are directly adapted to give the information, and supply the help which is needed. Good thoughts and interesting facts on this subject are scattered abroad through the length and breadth of our moral and religious literature; but thus it is almost unavailable to those whose benefit and encouragement should be chiefly aimed at.
 The plan designed in this volume has been to furnish within a portable and convenient size, a series of delightful instances of the success of pious maternal influence, interspersed with various striking incidents, both in prose and verse, calculated to interest and improve the mind, and followed by short essays on the various duties and responsibilities of the Christian mother.
 To collect and arrange has been the chief duty of the Author, being satisfied that it would have been impossible, for him, at least, to have provided original articles of equal value, and as directly adapted to the end contemplated. That the book may prove instructive, edifying and useful, under God's blessing, to that most numerous, important, and influential class for whom it is chiefly designed, is the earnest and prayerful desire of the Author."- Jabez Burns, March 1846
 dtdm wmn TW2 MD22
 Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $18.00)
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 click for details |  | THE MOTHER AT HOME: Raising Your Children in the Fear of the Lord John S.C. Abbott
 "Long esteemed as one of the most valued works from the 19th century on the art of mothering and the glory of the work of the mother at home. For any girl who was raised without much discipline and in need of instruction on proper discipline of her own children, this is a superb guide. Rarely in print and worth obtaining at any price. Christian mothers who want biblical counsel on Christian child rearing will find this book valuable." -Grace and Truth Books
 "The object of this book is practical utility, not literary effect. It is written for mothers in the common walks of life. There are many mothers, in every village of our land, who are looking eagerly for information respecting the government of their children. It is hoped that the following treatise may render them some assistance." from the Author's Preface
 "The Mother at Home" is now being published as the companion volume to "The Child at Home" by the same author. This volume was actually written first and its immediate success induced Abbott to write the companion volume for the children. Every mother and grandmother ought to read this book once a year to remind them of their most solemn duty, in the words of the author, "to lead their children to the Savior, and to prepare them for their heavenly home."
 Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $8.95 (list price $16.00)
 ORDER THE ABBOTT FAMILY TRILOGY: Child at Home; Mother at Home & Family at Home
SGCB Price: $30.00 (list price $60.00) 50% DISCOUNT WHEN ORDERING THE TRILOGY
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 click for details |  | FAMOUS WOMEN OF THE REFORMED CHURCH James I. Good
 "The chapters of this book first appeared in the Reformed Church Magazine (1893-1895). They then received favorable comment. Since that Magazine ceased publication, there have been so many inquiries for them that it is evident they met a felt want in the Church, and the Sunday-school Board of the Reformed Church in the United States has undertaken their publication in this volume. The author has added several chapters to those that appeared in the Magazine. It is hoped that the lives of these Reformed saints will stimulate the ladies of our Church to greater interest in our splended Church history, and to greater activity as in missions and the practical worj of the Church, in which they already excel." - from the Author's Preface
 Some of the ladies considered are the following:
 ANNA REINHARD, Zwingli's Wife
 IDELETTE D'BURES, Calvin's Wife
 ANNA BULLINGER, Henry's wife
 and many, many more
 $10.00 Sale tdm 10s wmn TW2 cwnw
 Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $11.75 (list price $22.00)
 Order with Trilogy of Famous Reformed Missionaries & Reformers
SGCB Price: $34.00 (list price $70.00) Over 50% Off