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JOIN US in our journey to "Uncover Buried Treasure" and bringing old books into print.

The books below are in various stages of the reprinting process.

In Most Cases the Books Toward the Top are the Closest to Coming Back into Print.



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LEGACY OF A LEGEND: The Spiritual Wisdom of Edward Payson
Edward Payson


Edward Payson (1783-1827) (Elizabeth Prentiss' father) was one of the greatest pastors and preachers of the early decades of America. This book is a compilation of his wise sayings about subjects like Love of God, Wisdom of God, The Folly of Unbelief, Man's Utter Dependence, Compassion and Condescension of Christ, and dozens of others.

"I highly recommend Legacy of a Legend. After reading it for myself and finding a treasure house of comfort and instruction for my own soul, we began to read it at our prayer meeting before we went to prayer. It flows so freely from the heart of Payson to the listener as it is full of scriptural truths without being laden with scriptural references. We have found it to be used by Holy Spirit to lead us in a more sincere time of prayer." - Andy Montoro, Pastor Oak Grove Baptist Church, Middleburg FL.

"Among the preachers of previous eras, Edward Payson stands tall. His profound meditation on God's Word gave his preaching and writing an unction that can lead men and women to be taken up more and more with the glorious being that is the triune God. Highly recommended." - Michael A.G. Haykin

"The wisdom of Edward Payson transcends time and place. Through his writings, and the writings of his daughter Elizabeth Prentiss, his legacy reaches over the centuries and graces our generation." - Susan Hunt

"This treasure is a miniature yet veritable Reformed systematic theology applied to mind and soul. Buy this book and read it slowly. Use it as a daily devotional. Meditate on small dosages. You will be well rewarded and concur that here is practical divinity in its purest form." - Joel Beeke

"Edward Payson entered deeply into the love of Christ, and reflected it to an eminent degree. Reading this book will surely bring blessings to the churches of our day." - Iain Murray


Pre-Publication 40% Discount
SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $16.00)

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HAWKER'S PIOUS REFLECTIONS: A Daily Journey in the New Testament and Psalms into the Unsearchable Riches of Christ
Robert Hawker, with a Foreword by Joel Beeke

"Gentleman, if you want something full of marrow and fatness, cheering to your own hearts by way of comment, and likely to help you in giving your hearers rich expositions, buy Dr. Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary. Dr. Hawker was the very least of commentators in the matter of criticism, but he sees Jesus, and that is a sacred gift which is most precious whether the owner be a critic or no. There is always such a savor of the Lord Jesus Christ in Dr. Hawker that you cannot read him without profit." - Charles H. Spurgeon from "Commenting on Commentaries"

""Robert Hawker's Poor Man's Commentary edifies believers by providing spiritual comments on each section of Scripture. The 'Pious Reflections' section that follows Hawker's comments on each chapter of Scripture marvelously enhances this devotional character. For the genuine Christian, here is devotional writing at its best: warmly Christ-centered, eminently practical, personally searching. I commend it highly for private and family worship." - Joel Beeke, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI



Monday - Friday each week you will read one chapter of the New Testament along with the Pious Reflections of Hawker. This way in 260 days (52 weeks x 5) you will complete the entire New Testament of 260 chapters.

Weekends you will be asked to read three of the Psalms along with the Pious Reflections of Hawker and thus complete that glorious Book in one year as well.


436 pages

Nearly 50% Pre-Publication Discount -
SGCB Price: $25.95 (list price $50.00)
A Hardcover Volume

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WILLIAM BURKITT (1650-1703) with New Foreword by Rob Ventura



Although William Burkitt is not well-known in our day he was the man chosen to preach the funeral sermon for the great Puritan WILLIAM GURNALL, best known for his massive volume "The Christian in Complete Armor". MATTHEW HENRY stated that it was the New Testament Commentary of William Burkitt that inspired him to write his massive Commentary on the Old Testament Scriptures.

GEORGE WHITEFIELD, the renowned evangelist, claimed that it was while reading the Commentaries of William Burkitt and Matthew Henry that he came to understand the glorious doctrine of JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH ALONE IN CHRIST ALONE. He went on to say in his diary that his preparation for his preaching in America was reading Burkitt and Henry on his knees.

CHARLES H. SPURGEON wrote that this was 'a goodly volume' and recommended 'attentive perusal' of it to his ministerial students.

"William Burkitt’s Expository Notes, with Practical Observations, on the New Testament were reprinted often in the eighteenth century and have long begged reprinting today. As a peace-loving Reformed Anglican, Burkitt was puritan-minded in thought and practice, and thus these notes are full of experiential, and especially practical thoughts. They reveal Burkitt’s pastoral heart for the unsaved, the beginner in grace, and the mature Christian. These enlightening notes contain the astute expository observations of Matthew Poole’s renowned 3-volume Commentary as well as the practical and homiletical flavor of Matthew Henry’s even more famous 6-volume Commentary. In some ways, they are a mixture of both, and worthy to be read by preachers and Christians alike as a reliable and practical guide to understanding the New Testament Scriptures. I highly recommend these useful volumes and am so grateful to Solid Ground Christian Books for reprinting them." —Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan

"Most of us have profited greatly from Matthew Henry’s or Matthew Poole’s commentaries on the Scriptures, and not Burkitt since his work was until now only available online. To think he was a friend of William Gurnall (and preached at his funeral) is quite extraordinary. Kudos, then, to Rob Ventura and Solid Ground Christian Books for making this volume available again. Generations to come will now profit from his exceptionally good comments." —Derek W. H. Thomas, Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina, Chancellor’s Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary, Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries

"Numerous Evangelicals from Matthew Henry to John Wesley, from George Whitefield to Jupiter Hammon deeply appreciated the works of William Burkitt, whose literary corpus was regularly being published into the nineteenth century. Like other Christian authors in the Puritan and Evangelical orbits, however, in the twentieth century his name and his books fell into almost-complete obscurity. This new printing of his New Testament reflections is thus most welcome, for it enables us to once again appreciate an author who was a force for good in his day, one whom Charles Haddon Spurgeon called “Old Master Burkitt.” —Michael A G Haykin, Chair and professor of church history, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

"To an earlier generation, William Burkitt’s name was well known. C.H. Spurgeon regarded Burkitt's expository commentary as a "goodly volume," and recommended "attentive perusal" of it. This republication of Burkitt’s ‘Expository Notes’ (perhaps J. C. Ryle intentionally echoed Burkitt) should bring this readable and practical author to modern readers. Pastor Ventura and Solid Ground Christian Books has done the church a good service in reacquainting us with this forgotten treasure. Read and be greatly edified." —Ian Hamilton, Principal, Westminster Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Newcastle

"Burkitt's commentary is not as well known in our day as it has been in times past, and as it deserves to be still. Busy pastors may not feel the need for yet another commentary to consult in sermon preparation, but this is not just another commentary. In short order, Burkitt handles texts in such a way as to give helpful outlines, concise exposition, thought provoking observations and a variety of rich applications. His commentary is also useful as a heart-warming aid in private devotions. I am glad to see it back in print." —Lee McKinnon Pastor, Covenant Reformed Baptist Church, Bluefield, WV

"The resurrection from obscurity of William Burkitt's New Testament commentary with this republication will breathe new life into the devotional reading of Scripture, especially in private and family use. This work possesses a beautiful spirituality wedded to orthodox doctrine in the Reformed tradition. It abounds with words fitly spoken, like apples of gold in pictures of silver. Burkitt’s commentary is not only faithful to biblical truth; it expresses that truth with literary grace. This two-volume set may well become your favorite first reference for general edification from New Testament passages. I warmly commend it to all." —D. Scott Meadows, Pastor Calvary Baptist Church (Reformed) Exeter, New Hampshire

VOLUME ONE: Matthew - Romans is 540 pages

VOLUME TWO: 1 Corinthians - Revelation is 460 pages


**MATTHEW 1:21 "You shall call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sin."

"Observe here, 1. A prediction of our Savior's birth; the virgin shall bring forth a son.

2. A precept for the imposition of his name; Thou shalt call his name Jesus, that is, a Savior.

3. The reason why that name was given him; because he should save his people, not temporarily, as Joshua did the Israelites from their enemies, but spiritually and externally from their sins; not in their sins but from them; that is, from the guilt and punishment, from the power and dominion, of them.

Observe, 4. The peculiar subjects of this privilege; his people: He shall save his people from their sins.

Learn, 1. That sin is the evil of evils; or that sin considered in itself, is comparatively the greatest and worst of evils.

2. That the great end of Christ's coming into the world, was to be a Savior from this evil.

3. That Christ's own people do want and stand in need of a Savior as well as others; if he does not save them from their sins, they must die in and for their sins, as well as others.

Therefore he saves them from sin in three ways;

1. By obtaining pardon for sin, and in reconciling us to God. 2. By weakening the reigning power of sin, and implanting a new principle of holiness in the heart. 3. By perfecting and accomplishing all these happy beginnings at the end of this life in heaven."

**MATTHEW 11:28-30

v. 28- "Here we have a sweet invitation, backed with a gracious encouragement: Christ invites such as are weary of the burden of sin, of the slavery of Satan, of the yoke of the ceremonial law, to come unto him for rest and ease; and as an encouragement assures them, that upon their coming to him they shall find rest.

Learn, 1. That sin is the soul's laborious burden; Come unto me, all ye that labour. Labouring supposes a burden to be laboured under; this burden is sin's guilt.

2. That such as come to Christ for rest must be laden sinners.

3. That laden sinners not only may but ought to come to Christ for rest; they may come, because invited; they ought to come, because commanded.

4. That the laden sinner, upon his coming, shall find rest. Come, &c.

Note here, That to come unto Christ in the phrase of the New Testament is to believe in him, and to become one of his disciples. He that cometh unto me shall not hunger, he that believeth on me shall not thirst. John 6:35.

v. 29- Here note, That the phrase of take the yoke is judaical; the Jewish doctors spake frequently of the yoke of the law; the yoke of the commandments: and the ceremonies imposed upon the Jews are called a yoke, Acts 15:10.

Now as Moses had a yoke, so had Christ.

Accordingly, observe, 1. Christ's disciples must wear Christ's yoke. This yoke is twofold; a yoke of instruction; and a yoke of affliction; Christ's law is a yoke of instruction; it instructs; it restrains our natural inclinations, it curbs our sensual appetites; it is a yoke to corrupt nature; this yoke Christ calls his yoke, Take my yoke upon you: 1. Because he, as a Lord, lays it upon our necks.

2. Because he, as a servant, bore it upon his own neck first, before he laid it upon ours.

Observe, 2. That the way and manner how to bear Christ's yoke must be learnt of Christ himself. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; that is, learn of me, both what to bear, and how to bear.

Observe, 3. That Christ's humility and lowly-mindedness, is a great encouragement to Christians to come unto him, and learn of him, both how to obey his commands, and how to suffer his will and pleasure. Learn of me, for I am meek.

v. 30-Observe here, 1. Christ's authority and greatness; he has power to impose a yoke, and inflict a burden. My yoke; my burden.

2. His clemency and goodness, is imposing an easy yoke, and a light burden. My yoke is easy, my burden is light: that is, my service is good and gainful, profitable and useful; not only tolerable but delightful; and as is my yoke such is my burden: The burden of my cross, both light, not absolutely, but comparatively; the weight of my cross is not comparable with the glory of my crown.

Learn, That the service of Christ, though hard and intolerable to corrupt nature, yet is a most desirable and delightful service to grace, or renewed nature; Christ's service is easy to a spiritual mind.

1. It is easy, as it is a rational service; consonant to right reason, though contradictory to depraved nature.

2. Easy as it is a spiritual service; delightful to a spiritual mind.

3. Easy, as it is an assisted service; considering that we work not in our own strength, but in God's.

4. Easy, when once it is an accustomed service; though hard to beginners, it is easy to progressors; the further we walk, the sweeter is our way.

5. Easy, as it is the most gainful service; having the assurance of an eternal weight of glory, as the reward of our obedience.

Well therefore might our holy Lord say to his followers; My yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

**JOHN 1:14

"The evangelist having asserted the divinity of Christ in the foregoing verses, comes now to speak of his humanity and manifestation in our nature: The word was made flesh.

Where note, 1. Our Savior's incarnation for us.

2. His life and conversation here among us. He dwelt or tabernacled for a season with us. In the incarnation or assumption of our nature,

Observe, 1. The person assuming, The Word, that is, the second person subsisting in the glorious Godhead.

Observe, 2. The nature assumed, flesh; that is, the human nature, consisting of soul and body.

But why is it not said, The Word was made man? but, The Word was made flesh.

Ans. To denote and set forth the wonderful abasement and condescension of Christ; there being more of vileness and weakness, and opposition to spirit, in the word flesh, than in the word man.

Christ's taking flesh implies, that he did not only take upon him the human nature, but all the weaknesses and infirmities of that nature also, (sinful infirmities and personal infirmities excepted,) he had nothing to do with our sinful flesh. Though Christ loved souls with an infinite and insuperable love, yet he would not sin to save a soul. And he took no personal infirmities upon him, but such as are common to the whole nature, as hunger, thirst, weariness.

Observe, 3. The assumption itself, He was made flesh; that is, he assumed the human nature into an union with his Godhead, and so became a true and real man by that assumption.

Learn hence, That Jesus Christ did really assume the true and perfect nature of man, into a personal union with his divine nature, and still remains true God, and true Man, in one person, for ever.

O blessed union! O thrice happy conjunction! As Man, Christ had an experimental sense of our infirmities and wants; as God, he can support and supply them all.

Note farther, 2. As our Savior's incarnation for us, so his life and conversation among us; He dwelt, or tabernacled amongst us. The tabernacle was a type of Christ's human nature.

1. As the outside of the tabernacle was mean, made of ordinary materials, but its inside glorious; so was the Son of God.

2. God's special presence was in the tabernacle; there he dwelt, for he had a delight therein. In like manner dwelt all the fulness of the Godhead bodily in Christ; and the glory of his divinity shined forth to the eye and view of his disciples; for they beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father; that is, whilst Christ appeared as a man amongst us, he gave great and glorious testimonies of his being the Son of God.

Learn hence, That in the day of our Savior's incarnation, the divinity of his person did shine forth through the veil of his flesh, and was seen by all them that had spiritual eye to behold it, and a mind disposed to consider it. We beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father."

**JOHN 19:30-

Observe here, 1. Our Lord's last words, It is finished.

2. His last act, He bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

As to the former, his last words, It is finished, this might be the probable intendment of it:

1. It is finished; that is, now is my Father's eternal counsel concerning me accomplished, and now is the promise that he made of my becoming a sacrifice for sin fulfilled; both my Father's purpose and my Father's promise are now receiving their final accomplishment.

2. It is finished; that is, the scriptures are now fulfilled; all the types that did prefigure me, all the prophetical predictions that were made of me, all the Jewish sacrifices that pointed at me, have now received their final accomplishment in me, and are abolished in my death.

3. It is finished; that is, my sufferings are now ended, my race is run, my work is done, I am now putting my last hand to it, my death is before me, I have finished the work, the whole work, which I came into the world for, doing as well as dying; all is upon the matter completed, it is just finishing, it will be instantly finished.

Again, 4. It is finished: that is, the fury and malice, the rage and revenge of my enemies, is now ended, they have done their worst; the chief priests an soldiers, the judges and witnesses, the executioners and tormentors, have all tired out themselves with the exercise of their own malice; but now their spite and spleen, their envy and enmity, is ended, and the Son of God is at rest.

5. It is finished: that is, the glorious work of man's redemption and salvation is perfected and performed, consummated and completed, the price is paid, satisfaction is given, redemption is purchased, and salvation insured to a miserable world.

Woe unto us, if Christ had left but one farthing of our debt to the justice of God unpaid; we must have lain in hell to all eternity, as being insolvent; but Chrst has by one offering for ever perfected them that are sanctified.

Learn hence, that Jesus Christ hath perfected and completely finished, the great work of redemption, committed to him by God the Father.

Observe, 2. Our Saviour's last act: He bowed his head and gave up the ghost.

Whence learn, the spontaneity and voluntariness of Christ's sufferings, how freely he surrendered to death; his soul was not rent from him, but yielded up to God by him; Christ was a volunteer in dying; though his death was a violent death; yet it was a voluntary sacrifice; He bowed his head and gave up the ghost.

**ACTS 12:5,6-"So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church.

Now when Herod was about to bring him out, on that very night, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries before the door were guarding the prison."

v. 5- "That is, fervent and importunate prayer was put up to God by the church on Peter's behalf: With the united strength of their whole souls they stormed heaven, and took him by force out of Herod's hand.

Learn, 1. That when the church is plunged into deep perplexities, the only help she can hope for must come unto her in the way of prayer.

Learn, 2. That when God suffers any of the ministers of the church to fall under the rage of persecutors, it is the church's duty to wrestle with God by prayer in an extraordinary manner on their behalf; "prayer was made without ceasing of the church."

Learn 3. That when God intends to bestow any extraordinary mercy upon his church, he stirs up the hearts of his people to pray for it in a very extraordinary manner.

v. 6- Observe, Peter continued in prison till the very night before Herod intended to bring him out to the people: And if they desired it, it is probable he intended to put him to death the next day.

Learn thence, That God oft-times suffers his children to come to the pit's brink, and then delivers them, that they may be the more sensible of his mercy, and have the greater cause to magnify his power. Peter was now come to his last night; the tyrant Herod probably intended his execution next morning. Now was the time for God to step in: Our extremity is his opportunity.

Observe farther, That notwithstanding Peter's imminent and impending danger, he sleeps very soundly, resigning up himself into the hands of Christ, and resolving, if he may no longer live Christ's servant, that he will die his sacrifice. I question whether Herod that imprisoned him slept half so soundly.

Lord! how soft and secure a pillow is a good conscience, even in the confines of death, and in the very jaws of danger!

Observe lastly, That God takes most care of Peter, when he was able to take least care of himself: When he was asleep, and altogether insensible of his danger, God was awake, and acting effectually in order to his deliverance.

Happy prisoners! who have God with them in prison; such are prisoners of hope indeed, and shall certainly experience divine help."

**1 CORINTHIANS 1:30,31-

"Our apostle had in the foregoing verses acquainted the Corinthians how low and despicable their outward condition was in this world; he tells them the world looked upon them as weak and foolish, and, as such, despised and disdained them, but as a superabundant recompense for the despicable meanness of their outward condition, he tells them what they are in Christ Jesus, how rich they are as Christians; that Christ is made unto them wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.

Observe here 1. An enumeration of the believing Christian's privileges, received by virtue of his interest in Christ, and union with him; and they are wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption; to relieve us against our ignorance and blindness, he is our wisdom, the fountain of divine illumination, enabling us to see both our sin and danger; to discharge us from the burden of our guilt and obnoxiousness to divine wrath, he is our righteousness, the author of justification, procuring for us remission of sin, and acceptance with God; to free us from the pollution and power of sin, he is our sanctification; purging us by his Spirit, as well as pardoning by his blood, coming both by water and blood into our souls: and to set us at liberty from captivity and thralldom to sin and Satan, and the law, he is made our redemption, that is, the blessed author of a beloved redemption, not from Egyptian bondage or Babylonish captivity, but from the dominion of sin and servitude to Satan, from the wrath of God, from the curse of the law, from the danger and dread of death.

Learn hence, That God hath stored up in Christ all that we want, a suitable and full supply for every need, and made it communicable to us: he is our wisdom, our righteousness, our sanctification, and redemption, our all in all, our all in the want of all.

Observe, 2. The method, way, and manner, by and after which believers come to be invested with, and made partakers of, these glorious privileges: Christ of God is made unto us; this denotes,

(1.) That Christ with all his benefits becomes ours by a special and effectual application: he is made unto us.

(2.) That this application of Christ is the work of God, and not of man; of God he is made unto us.

Learn hence, That the Lord Jesus Christ, with all the precious fruits and invaluable benefits of his death, became ours by God's special and effectual application.

Observe, 3. The reason here assigned why the whole economy of grace is put into the hand of Christ, why all is communicated by him, and derived from him, namely, that all the saints' glorying may be in him, and not in themselves: That no flesh should glory in his presence, but as it is written, Let him that glorieth, glory in the Lord, ver. 29, 31.

Infinite wisdom and sovereign pleasure has centered all grace in Christ; it hath pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell; and the fullness that is in him is a ministerial fullness, it dwells in him on purpose to dispense to us, according as our exigencies do require, and our faith deserve; for of him are we in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption; that, according as it is written, 'He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.'"

**2 TIMOTHY 3:16-

Our apostle closes this chapter with an exhortation to Timothy to persevere in his study of the Holy Scriptures, by an argument drawn,

1. From the dignity and authority of the scriptures; 2. From their utility; 3. From their perfection.

1. From their dignity and authority, They are given by the inspiration of God: that is, they are not the contrivance of any man's wit and fancy, but a revelation of the mind and will of God; and those that wrote them were excited to it, and assisted in it, by the Spirit of God; no part of scripture had either angels or men for its author, but every part of scripture is divinely inspired or breathed by God, both for matter and order, style and words.

A second argument is drawn from the utility and sufficiency of the holy scriptures; they are profitable for doctrine and instruction, teaching us what to know and believe in order to salvation, concerning God, and Christ, and ourselves, &c. for reproof of error, and confutation of false doctrines, for correction of sin and evil manners, for instruction in righteousness, directing us how to lead a holy and righteous life, according to the will of God.

A third argument is taken from the perfection of them; they are able to make the man of God perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works; that is, to make the ministers of Christ complete in knowledge, faith, and holiness, every way fitted for their work and duty, as Christians, and as ministers.

Observe here, 1. That the scriptures of the Old Testament, and not of the New, must be the scriptures here intended, they being the only scriptures which Timothy had known from a child; that was before the scriptures of the new Testament were written.

Observe, 2. That the apostle doth not say that these scriptures were of themselves sufficient to make Timothy wise unto salvation, but only that with faith in Christ Jesus they were sufficient for that end; much more then must the scriptures both of the Old and New Testament together, when accompanied with faith in Jesus Christ, be sufficient for that end.

Observe, 3. That the scriptures are a perfect, plain, and sufficient rule, in all things necessary to salvation.

1. They are a perfect rule; because the writers of them were inspired, and consequently their writings are infallible.

2. They are a plain rule; otherwise they would be no rule at all, of no more use to direct our faith and practice than a sun-dial in a dark room is to tell us the hour of the day. A rule that is not plain, whatever it may be in itself, is of no use to us till it is made plain.

3. They are a sufficient rule; they are able to make the man of God perfect, and wise to salvation. Here the church of Rome distinguishes, and says, the scriptures are sufficient to salvation, but not to instruction, to whom one of the martyrs replied, "If so, God send me the salvation and you the instruction."

It is conceived by some that this was the last epistle that ever St. Paul wrote; if so, this is the last charge that ever he gave, and concerns us the more to attend to the solemnity of it. The chapter before us is St. Paul's Cygnea Cantio, his last and sweetest song; by a spiritual sagacity he saw his end approaching, and the time of his martyrdom to be at hand; he therefore, like a dying man, adjures Timothy in a most awful and tremendous manner, to preach the word with all diligence and care, which he had so highly extolled in the foregoing chapter, as being able to make all persons wise unto salvation."

**JAMES 1:18-"Of his own will he has brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first-fruits of his creatures."

These words are very expressive of four things, namely, of the efficient cause, the impulsive cause, the instrumental and the final cause for our regeneration.

Observe, 1. The author and efficient cause of regeneration; he that is the Father of lights, mentioned in the foregoing verse, begat us.

Note, that God, and God alone, is the prime efficient cause of regeneration; it is subjectively in the creature, it is efficiently from God: Christ appropriates this work to God, Matthew 11:23. The Scriptures appropriates it to God, Psalms 34:9, called his saints, and God himself appropriates it to himself, I will put my spirit within them, &c. Ezekiel 36:27

Observe, 2. The impelling, impulsive, and moving cause of regeneration, his own will: Of his own will begat he us; by his mere motion, induced by no cause, but the goodness of his own breast, of his own will, and not naturally, as he begat the Son from eternity; of his own will, and not necessarily, by a necessity of nature, as the sun enlightens and enlivens, but by an arbitrariness of grace; of his own will, and not by any obligation from the creature; by the will of God, and not for the merit and desert of man.

Observe, 3. The instrumental cause of our regeneration, the word of truth, that is, the gospel, which is the great instrument in God's hand for producing the new birth in the souls of his people.

Here note, the gospel is called truth by way of excellency, the word of truth, that is, the true word; and also by way of eminency, as containing a higher and more excellent truth than any other divine truth; the gospel declares the truth of all the Old Testament types.

Observe, 4. The final cause of our new birth, that we should be a kind of first-fruits of his creatures, that is, of his new creatures, the chief among his creatures; the first-fruits were the best of every kind to be offered to God, and were given as God's peculiar right and portion; thus the new creature is God's peculiar portion taken out of mankind, which being consecrated to God by a new begetting, they ought to serve him with a new spirit, new thankfulness, as lying under the highest obligations unto new obedience.

SGCB Price: $79.95 (list price $130.00)

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The Doctrine of God's Covenants Expounded and Applied
Charles H. Spurgeon


The Doctrine of God's Covenants Expounded and Applied

By Charles H. Spurgeon

This never-before-published volume contains the sermons preached by "The Prince of Preachers" on the foundational subject of GOD'S COVENANTS. You will be taken on a journey from the earliest days of his ministry until his latter days and see the growth and development of Spurgeon's understanding of Covenant Theology. Not only will your mind be enlightened on this glorious theme, but your heart will be enlarged as these truths are applied to the life of the believer in Christ.

(1) God in the Covenant - Jeremiah 31:33 (August 3, 1856)

(2) Christ in the Covenant - Isaiah 49:8 (August 31, 1856)

(3) The Holy Spirit in the Covenant - Ezekiel 36:27 (in 1856)

(4) Covenant Blessings - Psalm 111:5 (summer of 1858)

(5) The Blood of the Everlasting Covenant - Hebrews 13:20 (September 4th, 1859)

(6) Messenger of the Covenant - Malachi 3:1 (September 7, 1862)

(7)The Blood of Christ's Covenant - Zechariah 9:11 (November 12, 1863)

(8) David's Sublime Consolation - 2 Samuel 23:5 (May 23, 1867)

(9) Justification, Propitiation, Declaration - Romans 3:24-26 (October 9, 1870)

(10) Covenant Blessings - Ezekiel 36:26,27 (April 14, 1872)

(11) Blood of the Covenant - Hebrews 13:20,21 (August 2, 1874)

(12) Diamond hinges 'As' and 'So' - Isaiah 54:9 (August 1, 1875)

(13) The Covenant Pleaded - Psalm 74:20 (January 1879)

(14) Taking Hold of God's Covenant - Isaiah 56:4,6 (October 5, 1879)

(15) The Blood of the Covenant - Hebrews 9:20 (November 14, 1880)

(16) The Priest Ordained by the Oath of God - Hebrews 7:20-22 (May 1, 1881)

(17) The Perpetuity of the law of God - Matthew 5:18 (May 21, 1882)

(18) The Law Written on the Heart - Jeremiah 31:33 (October 29, 1882)

(19) The Bond of the Covenant - Ezekiel 20:34-38 (May 10, 1885)

(20) God's Remembrance of His Covenant - Psalm 106:44,45 (Feb. 14, 1886)

(21) Cleansing: A Covenant Blessing - Ezekiel 36:25 (September 19, 1886)

(22) The Covenanter - Psalm 25:10 (July 31, 1887)

(23) Twelve Covenant Mercies - Isaiah 55:3 (June 30, 1889)

(24) The Covenant - Psalm 111:5

(25) The Wondrous Covenant - Hebrews 8:10

(26) Private and Confidential - Psalm 25:14

(27) The Heavenly Rainbow - Revelation 4:3


Pre-Publication Price
SGCB Price: $16.50 (list price $30.00)
Contain 27 Classic Spurgeon Expositions on God's Covenants

SGCB Price: $52.00 (list price $100.00)
A Rare Glimpse at the Forgotten Minister of the First Great Awakening
Gilbert Tennent

Though Gilbert Tennent is outshined by such men as Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield, his contributions to the Great Awakening were no less significant. Archibald Alexander writes, "Indeed, all must acknowledge, that among the friends and promoters of the revival he stood pre-eminent." Whereas Edwards ministered mainly in the New England colonies and Whitefield traveled throughout the colonies, Tennent ministered in the middle colonies: New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. All of them ministered during a time of moral and spiritual decline, and all of them issued a clarion call for sinners to repent, pastors to lead and churches and denominations to purify themselves. The result 'by God's grace' was a special 'awakening' as the Holy Spirit stirred the slumbering masses and drew many to Christ.



SERMON 1. On Original Sin, from Rom. 5:12.

SERMON 2. On the Wisdom of God in Redemption, 1 Cor. 1:24.

SERMONS 3,4. On Early Religion, Prov. 8:17.

SERMONS 5-14 From Ezek. 33:11. On Conversion.

Sermon 5. The Wretched State of the Unconverted.

Sermon 6. The Attainments of the Unconverted.

Sermon 7. The Nature of Conviction.

Sermon 8. The Nature of Conversion.

Sermon 9. God's Lamentation over Sinners.

Sermon 10. Delays in Religion inconsistent.

Sermon 11. Unconverted Sinners lost Creatures.

Sermon 12. The Call of God, and the Word of God.

Sermon 13. The Pains of Satan to damn us.

Sermon 14. Directions to the Unconverted.

SERMON 15. On the Riches of Grace, from Rev. 22:17

SERMON 16. On Backsliding, from Jer. 3:22

SERMON 17. On Returning to God, from Hos. 2:6, 7.

SERMON 18. On religious Singularity, from Mat. 5:46, 47.

N. B. I have added one SERMON on Original Righteousness to the above, with Design to complete the Order of Subjects and enforce the Argument on Original Sin.

Pre-Publication Special Offer
SGCB Price: $14.95 (list price $25.00)

click for details
The Life and Pastoral Sermons of Richard Newton
W.W. Newton and Richard Newton

Richard Newton (1812-1887) has fast become a favorite at Solid Ground Christian Books as his marvelous children's books have been circulating throughout the world. We are honored to be able to man and the pastoral ministry of "The Prince of Preachers to Children" in our latest Newton book.

This book contains 20 complete sermons preached by Newton in the regular ministry of the Churches he served in Philadelphia, PA for more than 45 years, and a Memoir of his blessed life written by his son.

Some of the sermons included are:

THE SONG OF THE FORGIVEN -Revelation 1:5,6

THE NEW SONG - Revelation 5:9






SGCB Price: $15.95 (list price $30.00)
Nearly 50% Discount Until in Print
CHILDREN'S THOUGHTS - Lessons on Bad Thoughts and Good Thoughts
Rev. George Wagner

Very rare title by a great preacher to children, this volume covers the following subjects:

This little book is a kind of sequel to a similar one, called "Children's Wishes." It is sent forth with much prayer, that it may accomplish that, which God shall please; and in the encouraging remembrance, that He, who is so great, and because He is so great, hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty, and base things of the world, and things, which are despised, yea and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are} that no flesh should glory in His presence.


1- Vain Thoughts; or, What Will They Profit?

2- Wicked Thoughts; or, God is Like Me

3- Hard Thoughts of God; or, The Hidden Talent

4- Reckless Thoughts; or, I Don't Care

5- Procrastinating Thoughts; or, The Time is not Come


1- Holy Thoughts, or, Consider Jesus

2- Unselfish Thoughts, or, I am not my own

3- Kind Thoughts, or, Whom can I help?

4- Lowly Thoughts, or, I Must Decrease

5- Happy Thoughts, or, To Die is Gain

SGCB Price: $8.95 (list price $15.00)
Pre-Publication Title

Order with "Children's Wishes" and "Children's Temptations"
SGCB Price: $22.50 (list price $45.00)
50% Off When Ordered with Trilogy
George Wagner

It will be felt at once, that we have entered, in the following pages, on a wide and inexhaustible subject, An hundred chapters, instead of ten, might have been written on " Children's Wishes." It was thought, however, on every account, to be better not to exceed the present limits of this little volume. Even this feeble endeavour to feed the lambs of Christ's fold, will not be in vain, if it suggest to parents a subject to be followed out in conversations with their children; and if they unite their prayers with ours, that God may graciously bless the following simple words to our youthful readers.



Jonah : or, the wish to be thought important

Hezekiah : or, the wish to make a display

Peter : or, the wish to know what does not concern us

Ananias and Sapphira : or, the wish to be thought better than we are

The Mother of Zebedee's Children : or, the wish to be great


Nehemiah : or, the desire to fear God

The Disciples : or, the wish to pray

David: or, the desire to know one's own heart

Philip : or, the desire to know the Father

Moses : or, the desire to be satisfied with mercy

SGCB Price: $8.95 (list price $15.00)

Order with "Children's Thoughts" and "Children's Temptations"
SGCB Price: $22.50 (list price $45.00)
50% Off When Ordered with Trilogy
George Wagner

These words of a Pastor to the " lambs" of his flock will have a peculiar significance for those to whom he ministered with such affectionate interest; for whilst he was considering their "temptations" amid much weakness and weariness in a distant land, he was called away to his eternal "rest," so that to these "little ones," most especially, he " being dead yet speaketh."












SGCB Price: $8.95 (list price $15.00)

Order with "Children's Thoughts" and "Children's Wishes"
SGCB Price: $22.50 (list price $45.00)
50% Off When Ordered with Trilogy

click for details
Simple Talks on Spiritual Subjects
Ethelbert D. Warfield

AT THE EVENING HOUR: Simple Talks on Spiritual Subjects by E.D. Warfield

Ethelbert D. Warfield (1861-1936) was the younger brother of Benjamin B. Warfield, and a man who served Christ as did his older, more famous brother. These ten messages were delivered on Sunday afternoons to the students of Lafayette College where Dr. Warfield served as President from 1891-1915.

According to the author, "They have also in most cases been published in such papers as the Sunday School Times, the New York Observer, and the Presbyterian Messenger. They are now published in the hope that they may bring a message of cheer to others who are seeking to live for Christ and his service."

The Contents are as follows -

1) "Let Him Who Loves Me Follow Me"

2) Loyalty to Evil

3) Christian Aspiration

4) The Lesson of Solomon's Decline

5) The Longing of the Soul for God

6) The Christian's 'Cordon Bleu'

7) The Beauty of Boyhood

8) True Manhood

9) Responsibility

10) College Life and College Learning


Pre-Publication Special Price
SGCB Price: $7.25 (list price $12.00)

Order 10 or More Copies (50% Off)
SGCB Price: $6.00 (list price $12.00)
PRACTICAL ATHEISM: The Battle of Every Heart and The Plague of Every Nation
Stephen Charnock

This sermon is taken from Charnock's classic EXISTENCE & ATTRIBUTES OF GOD.

Charnock demonstrates in a most convincing way, that Practical Atheism is as widespread as the heart of every man and nation. You will soon be lead to see that the problem addressed in this discourse is not "out there" but "in here", that is, within our sin-stained heart and soul. This treatise is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the plague that is spreading throughout the world, a plague more deadly than any that has ever attacked our globe.

"Atheism in the Westen world wears the clothing of evolutionary humanism. We are asked to believe that everything in this infinitely complex creation happened by chance. Stephen Charnock explains why atheism is foolishness. He does this very well. It is splendid to have his work in print." Erroll Hulse Associate pastor Leeds Reformed Baptist Church

There were theological and spiritual giants in the earth in the days of the English Puritans, and Stephen Charnock (1628-80) was prominent among them. His Works present a feast of rich teaching and exposition, characterized throughout by sound theology, profound thought, and an imaginative style. While expounding timeless truth, Charnock's discourses are strikingly relevant to contemporary discussions. Then, as now, there were many willing to declare their atheism publicly, who would "not only say it in their hearts, but publish it with their lips, and boast that they have shaken off those shackles which bind other men's consciences". However, "every atheist is a grand fool. If he were not a fool he would not imagine a thing so contrary to...the rational dictates of his own soul, and contrary to the testimony of every creature and link in the chain of creation."

In the words of J.I. Packer, "Charnock has no desire to speculate, but only to declare the works and ways, the nature and character, of the God of the Bible."

Pre-publication Title
SGCB Price: $7.95 (list price $13.00)
A Penetrating Exposition of Psalm 130
George W. Bethune

This precious book is the perfect companion to our recently published Exposition of Psalm 51 by Robert Candlish, entitled THE PRAYER OF A BROKEN HEART. In this book, George Bethune, best known for his Exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism (published by Banner of Truth), turns his gifted pen to a heart-searching examination of Psalm 130.

In the words of the author:

"The more a Christian grows in the knowledge of the divine life, the more he loves the Psalms; they are the milk of his infancy, the counsels of his youth, the solaces of his age. In them the Lord his Shepherd leads him to the greenest pastures, the coolest and most quiet waters. While he has this golden book, this epitome of all Scripture, his table is ever furnished with pleasant food, his cup runs over with the wine of the kingdom, and an excellent oil is poured upon his head. 'Is any afflicted?' says the Apostle James, 'let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.' Prayers and psalms are both supplied in the one book. In them we worship, we pray, and sing with the church of all ages. They have been the songs of every pilgrim, and they will be sung until the new song of heaven shall employ all the tongues of the redeemed.

Among the Psalms there are some more frequently adapted to our meditations than others, because more consonant with our ordinary experience. The 130th is one of these. In its brief compass we have a complete history of a penitentÆs life, nor can we study it to the end without having gone through all the articles of our creed in the order of Christian education, the heart-learning of the truth."

Pre-Publication Price
SGCB Price: $7.95 (list price $13.00)

Order with Companion Volume THE PRAYER OF A BROKEN HEART by Candlish
SGCB Price: $14.95 (list price $25.00)
Twenty Selected Expository Sermons
Melancthon Jacobus, with Autobiography edited by Matthew Newkirk

"Many former parishioners and admiring hearers of Dr. Jacobus have requested for publication those sermons which they have heard with profit. And these have been gathered and are now presented, without alteration or revision, just as they were written and left. There has been no such selection as would display mere exegetical skill or literary power. Those who have demanded the volume have made the choice of the contents. And these favorite discourses are issued with the prayer that he, being dead, may yet speak to many hearts with words of comfort, joy, and conviction." - from the Preface

This precious volume of sermons by the man who wrote the outstanding commentaries on the Four Gospels and Acts was first and foremeost a preacher of God's Word. One needs only to read the first few paragraphs of the opening sermon, "The Christian's Heritage", to see, and feel, that this was a man of the Book. Scripture alone captivated this man because it spoke always of Christ. By the time you finish the opening sermon you will be riding high on the winds of heaven.

A dear friend, Rev. William M. Paxton, wrote the following of Jacobus in his memorial address: "He died in the faith of those blessed truths which he has so ably expounded and so eloquently preached. Man's Sinfulness and Christ's Salvation were the great truths which appeared in his whole work as an expositor and preacher. He had a deep sense of his own personal unworthiness in the sight of God, and this led him with simple faith to accept Christ's righteousness as his only hope. In this confidence he lived and died." -


Autobiographical Sketch of Dr. Jacobus

1- THE CHRISTIAN HERITAGE - 1 Cor. 3:21-23





6- THE FIVE "ONE THINGS" - Lk. 10:42; Mk. 10:21; Jn 9:25; Ps. 27:4; Pjil. 3:13

7- TO THE UTTERMOST - Heb. 7:25






13- FEAR AND FAITH - Psalm 56:3



16- THE JOY OF GOD'S SALVATION - Psalm 51:12,13

17- EVERY MAN HIS OWN BUILDER - 1 Cor. 3:14,15

18- THE EAGLE'S NEST - Deut. 32:11,12

19- OUR HEAVENLY HOME - John 14:2

20- THE DOUBLE CALL - Rev. 22:17

Melancthon Jacobus Works

Pre-Publication Price - Nearly 50% Off
SGCB Price: $16.95 (list price $32.00)

Order with Complete Four Volume Set on the New Testament
SGCB Price: $50.00 (list price $107.00)
Matthew, Mark & Luke, John and Acts (This Price Valid Only When Ordering The Christian Heritage