Southern Baptist Classic Reprints

 click for details |  | A HISTORY OF PREACHING Edwin Charles Dargan
 This two volume hardcover set was first published in 1905, and was written as a tribute to Dargan's homiletics professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, John Albert Broadus. Dargan later became a colleague and then the successor to Broadus in the chair of Homiletics at SBTS in Louisville, KY. The inspiration for these volumes came from the yearly "delightful lectures on the History of Preaching" from Broadus. "Under his inspiring teaching my interest as a student was awakened in the subject, and when years afterward it fell to me first to share his labors of instruction and then to succeed them, I became more and more deeply interested in the historical part of the course in homiletics."
 VOLUME ONE: From AD 70 - 1572
 VOLUME TWO: From 1572 - 1900
 Both volumes are hardcover and approximately 600 pages
 sss B50 sgset
 ORDER BOTH VOLUMES - 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $65.00 (list price $130.00)
 Volume One: From AD 70 - 1572
SGCB Price: $35.00 (list price $65.00) Save: Nearly 50%
 Volume Two: From 1572 - 1900
SGCB Price: $35.00 (list price $65.00) Save: Nearly 50%
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 click for details |  | ON THE PREPARATION AND DELIVERY OF SERMONS: The Classic Dargan Edition John A. Broadus, edited by Edwin C. Dargan
 This is the classic "Dargan Edition" of John A. Broadus' masterful treatise on "The Preparation and Delivery of Sermons" updated in 1897 by his colleague, Edwin Charles Dargan.
 Originally written in 1870, this book became the standard text-book for more than a generation, passing through 22 editions in the US alone. It was used as a text in the United Kingdom, Japan, China and Brazil in the 19th century. It has been updated twice in the 20th century, but these updates, in many ways, were unfaithful to Broadus' original work. There is nothing like "The Dargan Edition" of Broadus.

 "No other work on the same subject, published in this century, has sold so largely in so short a time, while the religious and secular press, in all parts of the country, has almost universally commended it in strong and earnest notices. Its immediate republication in London was followed by the endorsement of Bishop Ellicott, Rev. C.H. Spurgeon, and the religious periodicals demonstrating that it met with equal favor abroad." -- The Original Publisher
 "Abounds in excellent hints, rules, and suggestions. It is very lucid in style--must do good on a large scale." - Southern Presbyterian
 "We have read the book with absorbing interest. Rich, deep thoughts and eminently practical suggestions abound through these pages." - Associate Reformed Presbyterian
 "A good book; full of instruction, rich, varied and exhaustive." -- Princeton Review
 "Sunday School superintendents and teachers will be guided, helped, and strengthened by it." - Sunday School Times

 "John A. Broadus' Treatise on the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons is truly a classic work in the field of homiletics. Its value is proven by its continued use, well over a century after its original publication. Four revised editions have been prepared, intended to update previous versions in various ways. While such revisions have proven useful, they have also created distance from the author and his thought. E. C. Dargan's revision is arguably the best volume for understanding Broadus' ideas. Prepared in 1897 (two years after Broadus' death), it incorporates changes that Broadus intended to make, and had discussed with Dargan, his successor at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Accordingly, this edition represents Broadus at his best, matured through twenty-five years of preaching and studying and teaching the subject." -- Robert A. Vogel, Professor of Preaching, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
 "This edition of Broadus' classic work on preaching is simply the best that ever appeared. It reflects the mature thinking of the author and incorporates many of his private notes from lectures that he himself planned to incorporate into a revised edition before his death in 1895. His friend, colleague and fellow homiletics professor, E.C. Dargan, carefully incorporated those notes into the volume that originally appeared three years later. Its reappearance in our day will be a great aid to encouraging the recovery of biblical, applicatory preaching." --Tom Ascol, Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, Cape Coral, FL

 JOHN ALBERT BROADUS (1827-1895) was to become one of the most influential Baptist leaders in the history of the United States. Saved in a revival meeting at age sixteen, he planned to study medicine at the University of Virginia. A sermon by S.M. Poindexter so challenged him that he surrendered to the call to the ministry instead. He still entered the university in 1846, and in 1850 he received the M.A. degree. Upon graduation he became the teacher of Greek and Latin at the University of Virginia and also took the pastorate of the Baptist Church of Charlottesville. The next year he resigned the teaching position, and he dedicated himself to the church for the next several years, except for two years spent as chaplain at the university. In 1857 he met with four other men to plan a new seminary for Baptists in the South. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary was formally established in 1858, and in 1859 Broadus became a professor there. He was later the second president of the school. Despite the offer of many pastorates, he made the seminary his life's work, teaching there for thirty-six years. Whether preaching or teaching, he was noted for being able to state deep truths in a way plain enough for all to understand them clearly. He stressed the importance of this to his ministerial students. His book "A Treatise on the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons" has been a classic on the subject since its publication. "Lectures on the History of Preaching" and "A Gentleman and a Scholar: The Life of James P. Boyce" have also been recently reprinted by Solid Ground Books. At the height of his popularity and usefulness, he was called home to Heaven on March 16, 1895.
 This paperback volume is nearly 600 pages in length.
 Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $20.95 (list price $40.00)
 |  |  |  | JESUS OF NAZARETH His Character, Teachings and Supernatural Works John A. Broadus
 "Broadus shows ample awareness on many fronts - a necessary element of effective apologetics. He paints an admirable picture of the friend of sinners and sinless Son of God. I especially appreciated the section on the centrality of the resurrection."
 Richard C. Barcellos, Pastor
 Managing Editor of Reformed Baptist Theological Review
 "These lectures were delivered in March 1890, in the Hall recently erected and given to Johns Hopkins University, for the use of the Young Men's Christian Association of that institution; and the President of the YMCA specially requested their publication. They were not designed as class-room lectures, since many not connected with the University were invited to attend.
 "The subject treated seems to possess an ever-deepening interest at the present time. The personal character of Jesus is now widely perceived to be an important guarantee of his teachings and works. This character is presented by the first lecture in a way that to some may appear lacking in devout warmth; but the object was to gain the concurrence of every person who will calmly survey the historical facts, and thus to lay a foundation for what would follow. It is hoped that the second lecture will tend to rectify certain erroneous but quite prevalent views of the Savior's teaching; and that the third lecture may be found to have some argumentative force in regarde to his mission and claims.
 "The little volume is the fruit of life-time studies, and has been prepared with the author's best exertions, and a great desire to promote 'the knowledge of Jesus, the most excellent of the sciences." - from the Author's Preface
 JOHN ALBERT BROADUS (1827-1895) was to become one of the most influential Baptist leaders in the history of the nation. This volume is a wonderful introduction to the heart of this man who loved his Savior and Lord with a passion that was contagious.
 A Year with Baptist Classics
 $4-6 Book
 $5.00 Sale
 Nearly 60% off
SGCB Price: $5.00 (list price $12.00)
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 click for details |  | BAPTISTS: THOROUGH REFORMERS John Quincy Adams
 What does it mean to be a Baptist? Though ideas abound, we must go to the one man for a sure answer, John Quincy Adams. For with unashamed boldness and clarity Adams articulates the fundamental distinctives of the Baptist Faith. These fundamentals include the important of sola Scriptura, believer's baptism, the separation of the church and state, equality of the saints, and liberty of conscious. Even C. H. Spurgeon, calling it 'the best Manual of Baptist principles he had met,' included the text in his Pastor's College curriculum. First published in 1858 and reprinted multiple times since, this work has become a classic tome upon Baptist principles. And one hundred and fifty years later, we too, affirming the testimony of Spurgeon and countless others, are happy to release the updated edition of BAPTISTS: THOROUGH REFORMERS.
 "We have read this little book with more than ordinary gratification. It treats an important subject in a Scriptural and logical manner. There is no attempt to conceal or modify our denominational principles; they are stated kindly and persuasively, yet with manliness and earnestness worthy of all praise." - Spencer Cone
 1. The Aim, Reproach, and Triumph of the Reformer
 2. The Reception which Should be Given to the Reformer
 3. The Weapons of the Reformer
 4. The Exaltation of the Word of God
 5. The Spirituality of Christ's Kingdom
 6. Religious Liberty and Rights of Conscience
 7. The Equality of Christ's Disciples
 8. The Correct Principle of Biblical Translation
 9. The Order of the Primitive Churches
 10. Remaining Sinfully Neutral
 JOHN QUINCY ADAMS (1825-1881) was born in Philadelphia, PA, Feb. 25, 1825. He held pastorates in Keyport, NJ, and in the North, Antioch, and Cannon Street churches in New York City. He has published a number of religious works. Mr. Adams was full of zeal for the salvation of the perishing, and for the triumph of what he regarded as the truth of God.
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SGCB Price: $7.95 (list price $12.00)
 Patrick Hues Mell (1814-1888) was one of the first presidents of the Southern Baptist Convention (1863-1871 and 1880-1887) and its parliamentarian for many years. He also was Professor of Ancient Languages at Mercer University, as well as a faithful pastor for more than 40 years. This work is hard to find but among the best brief defenses of the Doctrines of Grace, especially Predestination and Perseverance of the Saints.
 Tom Nettles wrote a very helpful Introduction in which he lays out the incredible man P.H. Mell was in his generation. He says this about Mell: "We cannot exaggerate his pastoral skill, his denominational contribution and his deeply-held theological convictions. We see in particular how fully he embraced his confessional Calvinism as soteriological truth. It was deeply in his heart as biblically sound, God honoring, and soul converting. He preached this as Baptist doctrine with non-negotiable conviction. He knew that it was by these truths that salvation had come to his own heart and by these truths, without compromise, God would call all those whom had been given to Christ in the eternal covenant of redemption."
 "Should this publication have the effect to confirm my brethren in the faith once delivered to the Saints, and serve, in any degree, to counteract the tendencites, in our midst to Arminianism, I shall have accomplished my main design in writing." - The Author
 PHM ms8 tz1 SBCS dtdm

SGCB Price: $6.95 (list price $10.00)
 Order with our New HOLDING GEORGIA FOR GENEVA by Kurt Smith
SGCB Price: $10.00 (list price $17.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH TITLES
 The Library of Baptist Classics communicates the timeless, bedrock truths of Southern Baptist heritage. Through books that both inform and inspire, this collection shows how the world is changed by people whose lives are guided by God. Included are a variety of classic sermons, biographies, treatises and other writings by pastors, theologians, missionaries, and educators. Each volume features an introduction, discussion questions, and indexes.
 -- Introductions put the writing in context
 -- Discussion questions promote personal and group study
 -- Indices invite use as sermon illustrations or references
 Timothy George is Dean at Beeson Divinity School, Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. He is also editor, together with his wife Denise, of the Library of Baptist Classics series. He previously was an associate professor of church history and historical theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.

SGCB Price: $14.95 (list price $20.00)
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 click for details |  | THE MINISTER AND HIS GREEK NEW TESTAMENT: A Classic Volume for Today A.T. Robertson, New Introduction by Dr. Michael Haykin, Afterword by J. Gresham Machen
 "Ministers and seminarians need every encouragement they can get to not cut corners and to give themselves to the irreplaceable study of the Word of God in its original languages. This book is a classic, written by one who not only knew the Greek New Testament, but loved it. May ministers and men preparing for the ministry have the fire of love for the Greek New Testament re-kindled in their hearts. We need this reprint, and it needs to be in the hands of those who long to 'rightly divide the Word of Truth.' - Pastor William Shishko
 "This slim volume is a classic, and like all classics it will be read to great profit. It may be small in size, but it is big in concept. Here Professor Robertson reminds his reader of what is paramount in pastoral ministry. Many modern pastors are most comfortable in the family room or the board room. They have been taught to see themselves as managers of people or administrators of programs. After all, they were told, the congregation does the real work of the ministry while pastors merely act as encouragers and facilitators.
 A close reading of the New Testament (in Greek!), however, reveals an altogether different model. The ministry is performed by ministers of the word. They are not generalists but specialists; they are preachers and teachers of the word of God. Their world is made up of words, the words of the Bible, in this case the words of the New Testament. The minister of the word, then, must be most comfortable not in the family room or the board room, but in the study. He must learn to know and to proclaim the New Testament as that word was originally given by God. 'The real New Testament is the Greek New Testament,' says Robertson, and rightly so. He goes on to say, 'Sermons lie hidden in Greek roots, in prepositions, in tenses, in the article, in particles, in cases.'
 Here is a volume that ought to be read by every ministerial aspirant, reread by every ministerial student, and frequently revisited by every faithful minister of the word. Ministers of the word must always keep in mind their calling, their work, to know and to proclaim the word. If you are a minister and have not read it, buy a copy immediately and do so. If you are a layman, buy it and read it for yourself, then give it to your pastor. Tell him you want him to be faithful to the word, the word as it was originally given, in the Greek New Testament." - Pastor Don Lindblad
 "It ought to be taken for granted that the preacher has his Greek Testament. This statement will be challenged by many who excuse themselves from making any effort to know the Greek New Testament. I do not say that every preacher should become an expert in his knowledge of the New Testament Greek. That cannot be expected. I do not affirm that no preacher should be allowed to preach who does not possess some knowledge of the original New Testament. I am opposed to such a restriction. But a little is a big per cent. On nothing, as John A. Broadus used to say. This is preeminently true of the Greek New Testament.
 The real New Testament is the Greek New Testament. The English is simply a translation of the New Testament, not the actual New Testament. It is good that the New Testament has been translated into so many languages. The fact that it was written in the koinT the universal language of the time, rather than in one of the earlier Greek dialects, makes it easier to render into modem tongues. But there is much that cannot be translated. It is not possible to reproduce the delicate turns of thought, the nuances of language, in translation. The freshness of the strawberry cannot be preserved in any extract.
 The most perfect vehicle of human speech thus far devised by man is the Greek. English comes next, but Greek outranks it. The chief treasure in the Greek language is the New Testament. Homer and Thucydides and Aeschylus and Plato all take a rank below Paul and John and Luke. The cultural and spiritual worth of the Greek New Testament is beyond all computation. In the Renaissance the world woke up with the Greek Testament in its hands. It still stands before the open pages of this greatest of all books in wonder and in rapture as the pages continue to reveal God in the face of Jesus Christ." - A.T. Robertson
 A.T. Robertson - (1863-1934), New Testament scholar
 Archibald Thomas Robertson was born near Chatham, Virginia, but grew up on a farm in North Carolina. In 1876, he was baptized and began his lifelong loyalty to the Southern Baptist Church. After graduating from Wake Forest College, he enrolled in the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary at Louisville, Kentucky and received the Th.M. in 1888. In 1892 Robertson was appointed professor at Southern Baptist and remained in that post until a day in 1934 when he dismissed his class early and went home and died of a stroke.
 Robertson's books are still consulted today, particularly his Word Pictures in the New Testament and his landmark volume A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in Light of Historical Research. In all, he published forty-five books, several of which are still in print today. Robertson helped found the Baptist World Alliance in 1900. He was an important Southern Baptist and a well-respected scholar in his day. As the son-in-law of famous preacher John Broadus (Robertson's grave lies in the shadow of Broadus), Robertson sought to equip his students with the proper tools for good preaching.

SGCB Price: $7.95 (list price $14.00)
SGCB Price: $50.00 (list price $104.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR ALL THREE TITLES (MORE THAN 50% OFF)
 |  |  |  | A GENTLEMAN & A SCHOLAR: Memoir of James Petigru Boyce John A. Broadus
 "The Memoir of James P. Boyce by his loyal friend and colleague, John Broadus, contains a wealth of wisdom, practical theology and testimonies of God's providence in the life of one of prime shapers of early Southern Baptist life and thought. This book provides a wonderful portrait of a denominational statesman, pastor, theologian and educator." - Tom Ascol

 "The term 'graceful' in its most basic sense of 'being full of grace' well applies to the life of James Petigru Boyce. God's grace gave him rich resources of theological wisdom as well as a winsome personality. These led to his becoming a key leader among the Southern Baptists, one who inspired others to embrace his deeply-held God-glorifying goals. As such, his was a life that profoundly shaped this Baptist community in the late nineteenth century and still speaks powerfully today of the importance and impact of a Christian life lived for the glory of Christ." - Michael A G Haykin
 Long out of print, this hardcover volume promises to be a favorite especially among those who long to see the reformation of the Southern Baptist Convention.
SGCB Price: $20.00 (list price $40.00)
SGCB Price: $15.00 (list price $30.00)
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 click for details |  | LECTURES ON THE HISTORY OF PREACHING John A. Broadus
 John A. Broadus (1827-1895) delivered these five lectures in May of 1876 at Newton Theological Institute near Boston, and they immediately caused a stir of interest for their publication. It was lectures like these which later moved his student E.C. Dargan to desire to spend his life studying the history of preaching. This eventually led Dargan to write his two volume massive work on "A History of Preaching" (recently published by Solid Ground).
 Lecture 1: Specimens of Preaching in the Bible
 Lecture 2: Preaching in the Early Christian Centuries
 Lecture 3: Medieval and Reformation Preaching
 Lecture 4: The Great French Preachers
 Lecture 5: The English Pulpit
 "This volume covers a most neglected field, and handles the subject with great skill." A.T. Robertson
 30% Discount
SGCB Price: $13.30 (list price $19.00) Save: $5.70