Sprinkle Publications

 click for details |  | LECTURES ON BAPTISM by William Shirreff & BAPTISM AND BAPTISTERIES by Wolfred Cote WILLIAM SHIRREFF with a Preface by C.H. Spurgeon, and Editorial Notes by James A. Haldane
 LECTURES ON BAPTISM by WILLIAM SHIRREFF with a Preface by C.H. Spurgeon, and Editorial Notes by James A. Haldane
 The object of these Lectures is to state the doctrine of the Scriptures on the ordinance of Christian Baptism. It is a very common, though a groundless and hurtful opinion, that the discussion of this subject is unnecessary. Positive institutions are far from being uninteresting to the friends of religion; in them the truth is embodied, and the observance of them, as of every precept of revelation, belongs to the obedience of faith, and comfort of the gospel. We have salutary warning in the Scriptures, that it is at our peril if we act on the popular error that positive institutions are unworthy of study and attention.
 The value of this classic work is greatly enhanced by a helpful Prefatory Memoir by Charles H. Spurgeon, and even further by the insightful Editorial Notes by James A. Haldane.
 Prefatory Memoir by C.H. Spurgeon
 1. Introductory Lecture on the Importance of Positive Institutions, and Observations on the Ordinance of Baptism (pp. 1-8)
 2. Nature of the Evidence Required (pp. 9-18)
 3. The New Testament the Only Rule for the Positive Institutions of the Gospel (pp. 19-33)
 4. Our Practice Must be Determined by these Passages of Scripture which more Directly Treat of the Subject of Inquiry (pp. 34-45)
 5. Positive Proof Essential to Worship in Baptism (pp. 46-56)
 6. Estimate of the Value of Inferential Reasoning on the Subject of Baptism (pp. 57-69)
 7. Presumptions Against Infant Baptism (pp. 70-79)
 8. Further Presumptions Against Infant Baptism (pp. 80-92)
 9. Further Presumptions Against Infant Baptism (pp. 93-107)
 10. Further Presumptions Against Infant Baptism (pp. 108-125)
 11. Concluding Presumptions Against Infant Baptism (pp. 126-140)
 12. The Baptism of John, its Subjects and Mode (pp. 141-149)
 13. The Baptism of the Disciples During Christ's Humiliation. The Great Commission (pp. 150-158)
 14. Baptism at Pentecost (pp. 159-169)
 15. Baptism of the Samaritans and the Ethiopian Eunuch (pp. 170-182)
 16. Baptism of Saul of Tarsus, and of the Centurion (pp. 183-198)
 17. Baptism of Lydia, and of the Jailer (pp. 199-207)
 18. Baptisms at Corinth, unto Moses, at Ephesus, and at Rome (pp. 208-219)
 19. Baptisms in Galatia, at Colosse, and 1 Peter 3:18-21(pp. 220-232)

 BAPTISM AND BAPTISTERIES by Wolfred Nelson Cote, Missionary in Rome
 While this second volume is not as long as the previous one, it is still a very substantial book which was first published in 1870. Cote, as a missionary in Rome, was able to gain access to an incredible library attached to the convent of the Dominicans, which was the richest in Rome in printed works. At the time of his life and ministry it consisted of more than 120,000 volumes, and contained a valuable collection of ancient manuscripts. One feature of this volume is some two dozen illustrations of baptistries from the early years of the Christian Church.
 PART ONE: Baptism (pp. 11-99)
 PART TWO: Baptistries in Italy (pp. 100-165)
 INDEX: (pp. 167-170)

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 click for details |  | REVIVAL SKETCHES & REVIVAL MANUAL in Two Parts HEMAN HUMPHREY (1769-1861)
 The church of Jesus Christ finally has a comprehensive introduction to the subject of revival. Over the last half of the last century many excellent books and articles have been written or republished on this vital subject, but none could be called a complete introduction. This volume has everything necessary to introduce the novice to this subject as well as challenge the seasoned student of revival. As in all areas of study an introduction is essential to both those seeking to communicate information and those desiring to be informed.
 The well-written and inspirational book, Revival Sketches and Manual by Herman Humphrey was originally published in 1859 and fills this void.
 The book is divided into two parts.
 The first part, Revival Sketches, includes an overview of reviving influences of the Holy Spirit upon the cause of God from Old Testament times to 1859. In the first part predominance is given to the period between 1800-1859. Humphrey includes at least two chapters of first-hand reports of revivals in various churches written by their pastors or others in the congregations. But nothing of the flow of the book is lost; rather, the level of interest in God's sovereign hand of intervention in the lives of individuals and churches is increased.
 The second part is a Revival Manual. This section is filled with practical advice for those who desire to be winners of souls and wise in applying the Word of God to every conscience and case which might arise as one pursues his pastoral duties. This part has three divisions. The first division answers the question how revivals are to be sought and by what means they might be promoted. The second chapter, entitled "Brief Appeals," raises a number of possible responses which might be heard by those who seek to deal with persons who are confronted with the claims of Jesus Christ. The third section is "Revival Conversations: Between a Pastor and Inquirers." This section is also very profitable to both the novice as well as the seasoned pastor. The advice given in this section will be extremely helpful to all who seek to guide inquirers toward the narrow way.

 1. Summary View - To the Day of Pentecost and the Apostolic Age
 2. 'The Great Reformation' - Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
 3. 'The Great Awakening' - Eighteenth Century, About 1740
 4. The Revival Epoch About 1800
 5. The Revival Epoch About 1800 - Continued
 6. The Revival Epoch About 1800 - Continued
 7. The Revival Epoch About 1800 - Continued
 8. 'Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord'
 9. Brief Appeals
 Revival Conversations Between a Pastor and Inquirers
 1, "Questions and Counsels" by Ashbel Green
 2. Revival of Religion at Amherst College during 1823, by Heman Humphrey
 3. Index of Scripture Texts Cited
 4. Index of Names Cited

 Nearly 50% Discount for this Hardcover Volume
SGCB Price: $16.95 (list price $32.00)
 |  |  |  | THE RELIGIOUS TRADESMAN or Plain and Serious Hints of Advice for the Tradesman Richard Steele
 "It is a Book admirably fitted by its proper representation of the Tradesman's duties, and the close and warm enforcement of them upon the conscience, to do excellent service, under the blessing of God, to the shop, and to the world. The following sheets contain a rich treasure of wholesome instruction, such as every Tradesman should write upon his
 heart, and practice in his shop and family." - Isaac Watts
 1- The Nature of a Life of Business, and Obligation to it
 2 - Of Choosing a Calling
 3 - Of Prudence and Discretion
 4 - Of Diligence
 5 - Of Justice
 6 - Of Truth
 7 - Of Contentment
 8 - Of Religion
 9 - Of Leaving our Callings
 35% OFF
SGCB Price: $10.00 (list price $16.00)
 |  |  |  | THE REFORMED DOCTRINE OF ADOPTION ROBERT ALEXANDER WEBB (1856-1919) with a Foreword by Joe Morecraft
 "For the sake of His only Son, Jesus Christ, God has been pleased to make all justified persons sharers in the grace of adoption, by means of which they are numbered with, and enjoy the liberties and privileges of children of God. Furthermore, God's name is put upon them, they receive the spirit of adoption, and they are enabled to come boldly to the throne of grace and to cry 'Abba, Father'. They are pitied, protected, provided for, and chastened by God as by a Father. He never casts them off, but, as they remain sealed to the day of redemption, they inherit the promises as heirs of everlasting salvation." (1689 Confession)

 Table of Contents:
 Foreword by Joe Morecraft
 Introduction by Rev. John R. Richardson
 1. Importance of Adoption
 2. The Son and the Servant
 3. The Sonship of the First Adam
 4. Objections to Adam's Sonship
 5. Fallen Sons
 6. The Sonship of the Second Adam
 7. Sons by Incarnation
 8. Sons by Love
 9. Sons by Atonement (1)
 10. Sons by Atonement (2)
 11. Sons by Regeneration

 "Webb's book opens up the Bible's doctrine of adoption in Christ as no other book does. Its strength is that Webb begins his exposition with Genesis and from there goes on into the New Testament to provide us with a "whole Bible" view of adoption that is central to the progress of revelation and the history of redemption in the Bible." - Joseph Morecraft III

SGCB Price: $18.00 (list price $25.00)
 |  |  |  | THE REIGN OF GRACE: From its Rise to its Consummation ABRAHAM BOOTH (1734-1806) with Introduction by Thomas Chalmers
 The Reign of Grace: From its Rise to its Consummation which the author described as his “feeble attempt to illustrate its power and majesty, that the free favor of God manifested in our salvation, is a theme so copious and so sublime, that all which can be said by the most evangelical and eloquent preachers; all that can be written by the most accurate and descriptive pens; all that can be conceived by the most excursive and sanctified imagination among the sons of men, must come infinitely short of a full display.” In this book is a remarkable reverie of grace.

 The Author's Preface
 Introduction by Thomas Chalmers
 Chapter 1-Concerning the Signification of the term Grace
 Chapter 2-Of Grace, as it Reigns in our Salvation in general
 Chapter 3-Of Grace, as it Reigns in our Election
 Chapter 4-Of Grace, as it Reigns in our effectual Calling
 Chapter 5-Of Grace, as it Reigns in a full, free, and everlasting Pardon
 Chapter 6-Of Grace, as it Reigns in our Justification
 Chapter 7-Of Grace, as it Reigns in our Adoption
 Chapter 8-Of Grace, as it Reigns in our Sanctification
 Chapter 9- Concerning the Necessity and Usefulness of Holiness, and of Good Works
 Chapter 10-Of Grace, as it reigns in the Perseverance of the Saints to eternal Glory
 Chapter 11-Concerning the Person of Christ, by whom Grace reigns
 Chapter 12-Concerning the Work of Christ, through which Grace reigns
 Chapter 13-Concerning the Consummation of the Glorious Reign of Grace

 Abraham Booth (1734 – 1806) was an English dissenting minister and author, known as a Baptist apologetical writer.
SGCB Price: $20.00 (list price $30.00) 320 PAGE HARDCOVER VOLUME
 |  |  |  | THE BROKEN HOME: Lessons in Sorrow Benjamin Morgan Palmer
 The following pages are committed to the Press, after no little mental conflict. The “stricken deer,” says Cowper, “withdraws”,
 "To seek a tranquil death in distant shades."
 And so the mourner should hide his wound beneath his mantle.'

 From the simple desire of comforting those who mourn, this story of repeated bereavements is here told. It is proper to add, that the conversations reported in these sketches are copied verbatim from notes taken at the time. They are recited without enlargement or embellishment, that they may be the more touching from their simplicity. Long-treasured memories are now scattered upon wind, with the prayer that they may help to “bind up the broken-hearted”.

SGCB Price: $6.75 (list price $18.00)
 The Civil Magistrate’s Power was written by Thomas Cobbett originally in 1653. Cobbett deals with the civil magistrate’s power based upon the bounds and grounds of Scripture. He lays down the scriptural ordination as well as the scriptural limitation of government. Again he demonstrates the limitation of their authority based upon the fact that they are a separate jurisdiction from the church. He then states that it the Lord who is the head of the Church and the civil magistrate does not have the power, right, or authority to usurp His rule.

 The Method and Scope of the Ensuing Discourse Concerning the Civil Magistrate’s Power in Matters of Religion
 By Way of Introduction
 1. The example of our Head Jesus Christ is opened and applied in many pious and seasonable observations
 2. Objections answered
 The Thesis and Position propounded to be cleared is this, That Corruptions in Religion outwardly breaking forth and expressed, may, yea and must be restrained and punished, by such as are thereunto called. The Author first propoundeth:
 1. Distinctions
 2. Some Conclusions about it are laid down
 a. Negatively, what may not be done this way
 b. Positively, what may and must
 3. The main Assertion is explained and proved by Seven Reasons grounded upon Scriptures
 Five Corollaries or Instructions drawn from the Premises
 1. By way of Refutation and Answer to sundry Objections, tending to undermine the Coercive Power of the Civil Magistrate in matters of Religion
 2. The instruction chargeth Rulers with the Duty of Endeavoring the Exact knowledge of God’s law, word, and rules
 3. The instruction or inference from the premises, that then the Highest Civil Authority are to make Coercive Laws about matters of Religion
 Touching this particular, the Author distinguisheth
 1. Of Civil Magistrates
 2. Of Kingdoms or Commonwealths, in which they rule
 3. Of Legislative power in matters of Religion
 4. Of Laws about Religion
 Conclusions are laid down about their weighty matter
 1. Negatively, where it is proved that human laws, formally and as such, cannot bind the conscience
 2. Positively
 Positive Conclusions about this Nomothetic power are four
 1. That Political Laws, properly such, may be made about matters of Religion
 2. This Conclusion is confirmed by seven Reasons
 3. Objections against this Conclusion are answered
 4. Conclusion, that in doubtful matters, Ecclesiastical Assemblies are to be called, whose Counsels unto the Magistrate are Ecclesiastically Authoritative
 5. Conclusion, Civil Magistrates are to call upon Ministers to expound the whole Counsel of God
 6. Conclusion, Civil Authority must establish their Laws with the consent of their people or their representatives
 7. A fourth Instruction from the Premises, Then are the Civil Authority in their Political way to Judge, which things acted by the outward man in cases of Religion are contrary to the word, and which are not
 The further clearing of this from all gainsayers
 1. Some Distinctions are laid down
 2. The Conclusion is stated and cautioned
 3. Five Reasons for proof thereof and the Objections against them answered
 4. The last Instruction from the premises – Then are not persons to be left to the liberty of their own Judgments or consciences
 For the better cleaning of this weighty Conclusion so many ways opposed now adays
 1. Some Distinctions about it are propounded, and Romans 14:3
 2. The Conclusion is stated against a set fixed Toleration, and proved by 10 Reasons from Scripture, all which are vindicated from the several Objections against them.
SGCB Price: $15.00 (list price $30.00)
SGCB Price: $25.00 (list price $50.00)