Warfield Titles
click for details | | THE POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION: Chapel Addresses at Princeton Seminary B.B. Warfield
In 1903 the Presbyterian Board of Publications sent forth a volume containing Eight Sermons by Dr. Benjamin B. Warfield. The title given to the volume summed up the theme of the entire book: The Power of God unto Salvation. This is the one hundredth anniversary of the publication of that first volume of Warfield's sermons, and Solid Ground Christian Books is preparing to commemorate this with an Special Anniversary Edition of this book.
"Because our Lord is the Son of God, the impressed image of God's substance - as the stamp of a seal is the impressed image of the seal - His advent into the world was the supreme revelation of God. But, equally, because of His perfect identification with the children of men, partaking of their blood and flesh, and made in all things like unto men, He stands before us as the perfect revelation of man."
THE SAVING CHRIST -1 Timothy 1:15
"The essence of the whole declaration, therefore, is found in the joyful cry that it was specifically to save sinners that Christ Jesus came into this evil world. And if that be true, simply true, broadly true, true just as it stands, and in all the reach of its meaning, why, then, from that alone we my learn what man is and what God is, what Christ Jesus is and His work in this world of ours, what hopes may illumine our darkness here below, and what joys shall be ours when this darkness passes away."
"The subject of these two verses is the Christian's peace and joy. You will observe that the apostle does not argue that a Christian ought to have peace and joy. He does not exhort Christians to seek to attain peace and joy. He does not expound the nature of a Christian's peace and joy. He does something far more striking. He assumes the Christian's peace and joy as a fact of experience, the unquestionable reality of which may stand as a common ground of reasoning between him and his readers. He thus represents peace and joy as a special characteristic of Christians, recognized as such by all, peace of heart as a present possession, and joy over the great hope which is theirs in the future."
THE PARADOX OF OMNIPOTENCE -Mark 10:27 "All things are possible with God."
"Oliver Wendell Holmes tells us that some ideas are so great that when they once find entrance into a human mind they permanently stretch it, and leave it for ever afterwards bigger. Surely this declaration of our Lord's embodies one of these mind-expanding ideas. For we must observe that its astounding declaration is not a mere hyperbole of careless speech, the negligent exaggeration of a proposition which has only relative validity. It is the well-weighed and pecise assertion of a great fact. It does not mean merely that God is greater than man, and may accordingly be believed to be capable of doing some things which man cannot do. It means just what its startling words declare: that 'all things' - taking the term in its unlimited absoluteness - that 'all things are possible with God.'"
"In its general meaning our text is general Bible-teaching. It announces nothing which had not been the possession of God's people concerning His love for them from the days of old. Its message to us is just the common message of the whole Scripture revelation, in Old and New Testament alike. But it has its own peculiarities in expressing this one great common message of God's yearning love for His people. And possibly there may be found a special lesson fo us in these peculiarities."
"These words constitute the classical passage in the New Testament on the great subject of the 'leading of the Holy Spirit.' They stand, indeed, almost without strict parallel in the New Testament... The only other passage, indeed, which speaks distinctly of the 'leading of the Spirit' in the sense of our text is Gal. 5:18, where in a context very closely similar Paul again employs the same phrase: 'But if ye are led by the Spirit, ye are not under the law.' It is from these two passages primarily that we must obtain our conception of what the Scriptures mean by 'the leading of the Holy Spirit.'"
PAUL'S EARLIEST GOSPEL -1 Thessalonians 1:2,4; 5:9,24
"I have put together here passages from the beginning and the end of the First Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians, because, when taken together, these passages afford a succinct statement of the gospel which Paul preached to the Thessaloinians, and on the basis of which that apostolic church was built up. It may be of special interest to note Paul's gospel to the Thessalonians because it gives us what we may call his primitive gospel. In observing it we are contemplating the teaching of Paul at the beginning of his career."
"These words give the gist of Paul's justly famous address at Athens before the court of the Areopagus. The substance of that address was, to be sure, just what the substance of all his primary proclamations to Gentile hearers was, namely, God and the judgment. The necessitiies of the case compelled him to approach the heathen along the avenue of an awakened conscience. They had not been prepared for the preaching of Jesus by a training under the old covenant, and no appeals to prophecy and its fulfillment could be made to them. God and the judgment necessarily constituted, therefore, the staple of his proclamation to them; and so typical an instance as this address to the Areopagus could not fail to exhibit the characteristics of its class with especial purity."
In addition to the eight sermons, we are also excited to announce that we will have an Appendix containing a little-known work of Warfield's entitled Four Hymns and Some Religious Verses by Benjamin B. Warfield. Many years ago I was shown this work by Dr. William Harris at the Princeton Seminary Library, and believe it will be a fitting addition to this new edition of The Power of God unto Salvation.
All the Sermons included in this volume were preached in the chapel of the Theological Seminary at Princeton.
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Nearly 50% - Paperback edition SGCB Price: $12.95 (list price $25.00)
Nearly 50% - Hardcover edition SGCB Price: $23.95 (list price $42.00)
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click for details | | BIBLICAL & THEOLOGICAL STUDIES: Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Princeton Theological Seminary The Faculty of Princeton Seminary, Including Machen, Warfield, Vos et al
This rare volume was compiled to celebrate the completion of 100 years of faithful service to the Church of Jesus Christ in May of 1912. The faculty submitted essays that demonstrated the spiritual atmosphere that permeated that beloved and blessed institution that trained men for gospel ministry from the world over.
Outstanding articles are here from men like B.B. Warfield, J. Gresham Machen, Geerhardus Vos, Robert Dick Wilson, Oswald Allis and many more.
New Introduction and Biographical Summaries by David B. Calhoun
"Here is scholarship at its best, written with a passion for the truth and a deep concern to instruct, nourish and guard the church of Christ. A 'must-have' addition to the bookshelves of thoughtful 21st century Christians!" -Sinclair Ferguson
"Biblical & Theological Studies is an overlooked gem in the world of reprints. I'm grateful it is finally being brought back into circulation. The chapters on seminary training and homiletics are timeless, as is Warfield's moving testimony on Christ's emotional life. This is a must read for seminary students and ministers, and will be of great value to thoughtful believers."- Joel R. Beeke
"Throughout its first century, Princeton Theological Seminary was the only American seminary which any significant number of students from outside the United States attended. The care in biblical exegesis, intellectual engagement, and theological argumentation displayed by the articles in this book demonstrates how that high reputation was won." -Mark Noll
650 pages available in both paperback and hardcover with dust jacket
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Nearly 50% Discount SGCB Price: $26.95 (list price $50.00)
Nearly 50% Off - Hard Cover w/ Dust Jacket SGCB Price: $39.95 (list price $75.00)
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click for details | | BENJAMIN B. WARFIELD: SELECTED SHORTER WRITINGS: Two Volume Hardcover Set Edited by John Meeter
This anthology of Warfield's most valuable shorter writings is out-of-print at this time, and no reprint is scheduled at this time. In these two volumes, the editor brings together over 100 articles, including, book introductions, book reviews, encyclopedia articles, sermons, and a small book "The Right of Systematic Theology". Many selections are less weighty and more practical than those in the larger sets and none of them appear in the five- or ten-volume set of Warfield's works.
"I have read some of the articles in this set a dozen times or more, and I never tire of going back to read them again. Warfield always drives me back to my Bible and to my knees in prayer and praise, as he always exalts the majesty of God in deep and profound ways." - Michael Gaydosh, Solid Ground
Table of Contents
Part I
1. The Bible the Book of Mankind
2. Christianity and Revelation
3. Inspiration
4. Agnosticism
5. Atheism
6. God and Human Religion and Morals
7. Christianity and Our Times
8. How to Get Rid of Christianity
9. Great Babylon the Mother of Us All
Part II
10. God
11. Godhead
12. The God of Israel
13. Antitrinitarianism
14. The Significance of the Confessional Doctrine of the Decree
15. Some Thoughts on Predestination
16. God's Providence Over All
17. Hosea vi. 7: Adam or Man?
18. The Bible's "Summum Bonum"
Part III
19. The Principle of the Incarnation
20. John's First Word
21. The Deity of Christ
22. The Human Development of Jesus
23. Jesus Christ the Propitiation for the Whole World
24. The Resurrection of Christ a Historical Fact
25. The Resurrection of Christ a Fundamental Doctrine
26. On the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Part IV
27. Children
28. Christ's 'Little Ones'
29. The Angels of Christ's 'Little Ones'
30. New Testament Terms Descriptive of the Great Change
31. Repentance and Original Sin
32. 'Justification by Faith, Out of Date'
33. Election
34. True Church Unity: What It Is
35. The Foundations of the Sabbath in the Word of God
36. Christian Baptism
37. The Fundamental Significance of the Lord's Supper
38. The Old Testament and Immortality
39. The Gospel and the Second Coming
40. Antichrist
Part V
41. Faith and Life
42. Our Seminary Curriculum
43. The Purpose of the Seminary
44. Singing and Believing
45. Is the Shorter Catechism Worth While?
46. In Behalf of Evangelical Religion
47. What Is Calvinism?
48. What Fatalism Is
49. Calvin and the Bible
50. Calvin and the Reformation
51. A Brief and Untechnical Statement of the Reformed Faith
52. The Religious Life of Theological Students
Part VI
53. Arthur Lincoln Frothingham
54. Frederic Godet the Commentator
55. Dr. Charles Hodge as a Teacher of Exegesis
56. Dr. Charles Augustus Aiken
57. Dr. Abraham Kuyper
58. Dr. George Tybout Purves
59. Dr. William Miller Paxton
Table of Contents
Part I
1. The Century's Progress in Biblical Knowledge
2. Introductory Note to John H. Kerr's Introduction to the Study of the Books of the New Testament
3. Some Characteristics of the Book of Acts
4. The Canonicity of Second Peter
5. The Book of Revelation
Part II
6. Introduction to Francis R. Beattie's Apologetics
7. A Review of Herman Bavinck's De Zekerheid des Geloofs
8. Christian Evidences: How Affected by Recent Criticisms
9. Darwin's Arguments Against Christianity and Against Religion
10. St. Paul's Use of the Argument from Experience
11. Dream
12. The Question of Miracles
Part III
13. Theology a Science
14. Christianity the Truth
15. The Right of Systematic Theology
16. The Indispensableness of Systematic Theology to the Preacher
17. Recent Reconstructions of Theology
18. A Review of James Denney's Studies in Theology
19. A Review of John Miley's Systematic Theology
20. Regeneration
21. Sanctification
22. How Shall We Baptize?
23. The Posture of the Recipients at the Lord's Supper
24. The Confession of Faith as Revised in 1903
25. Calvinism
26. The Ritschlian School
Part IV
27. Incarnate Truth
28. Spiritual Culture in the Theological Seminary
29. Some Perils of Missionary Life
30. Africa and the Beginnings of Christian Latin Literature
Part V
31. The Authority and Inspiration of the Scriptures
32. The Divine and Human in the Bible
33. The New Testament Use of the Septuagint, and Inspiration
34. The Westminster Doctrine of Holy Scriptures
35. The Westminster Doctrine of Inspiration
36. The Inerrancy of the Original Autographs
37. The Westminster Confession and the Original Autographs
38. The Rights of Criticism and of the Church
39. A Review of Three Books on Inspiration
40. Inspiration
Part VI
41. Why Four Gospels?
42. The Gospel of John
43. John's Gospel of Eternal Life
44. The Apocalypse
45. Doubt
46. The Significance of the Westminster Standards as a Creed
47. The Dogmatic Spirit
48. Authority, Intellect, Heart
49. Heresy and Concession
50. Evading the Supernatural
51. Abraham the Father of the Faithful
52. Jesus the Measure of Men
53. Introduction to Samuel G. Craig's Jesus As He Was and Is
54. The Importunate Widow and the Alleged Failure of Faith
55. The Spirit of God in the Old Testament
56. The Love of the Holy Ghost
57. Inability and the Demand of Faith
58. Under Orders
59. A Calm View of the Freedmen's Case
60. Drawing the Color Line
P & R Titles
warfield-machen BBWSW
VOLUME ONE: Contains 59 Articles in 494 pages SGCB Price: $55.00 (list price $60.00)
VOLUME TWO: Contains 60 Articles in 750 pages SGCB Price: $68.00 (list price $75.00)
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click for details | | THE THEOLOGY OF THE REFORMATION Benjamin B. Warfield
In 1917, at the 400th anniversary of the Reformation, Benjamin B. Warfield wrote this outstanding article which appeared in The Biblical Review which was published by The Biblical Seminary in New York. Here Warfield set forth, as only he could, the true Heart of the Reformation. In opposition to many in his day who were seeking to find the genius and the genesis of the Reformation in something other than theology, Warfield wrote: "The Reformation was then - we insist upon it - precisely the substitution of one set of theological doctrines for another. That is what it was to Luther; and that is what, through Luther, it has been to the Christian world. Exactly what Luther did was for himself - for the quieting of his aroused conscience and the healing of his deepened sense of sin - to rediscover the great fact, the greatest of all the great facts of which sinful man can ever become aware, that salvation is by the pure grace of God alone."
"Like his younger colleague at 'Old Princeton,' J. Gresham Machen, Warfield believed that the Christian faith is capable of scholarly defense. In this study, Warfield takes on fallacious, dismissive views of the Reformation set forth by the foremost historian of the early twentieth century, Charles Beard. Warfield shows what the Reformation was at its heart, and how its doctrines alone account for its astonishing power and its manifold effects as a movement in history. And he does so thoroughly armed with forceful arguments and substantial evidence, in a style unsurpassed for sanity, clarity, and more than a bit of scintillating dash. Recommended reading for all Reformed Christians!" - Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
"B B Warfield was a remarkable Christian author, equally at home in Church History and systematic theology as biblical studies. He is remembered today primarily for his robust theology of biblical inerrancy, but there are many other reasons to remember him. In particular, in this quincentennial of the Reformation, Warfield's cogent reflections on theásignificance of the Reformation are important documents to read. Very glad to see these texts back in circulation!" - Dr. Michael Haykin, Professor of Church Histroy, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
Sam Waldron wrote: "One of my sons is named after Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield. áso you might guess that I love his stuff.á Over the years and especially in my early years he became my teacher on many, many issues.á Even on the rare occasion when I disagree with him, he remains so very helpful and informative.á I welcome the publication of these works by Solid Ground."
This new booklet is the first of a new series entitled SGCB REFORMATION 500 which will introduce vitally important works to the church and the world as we approach the 500th anniversary of Luther's act of naling the 95 Theses to the Church Door at Wittenburg.
Our other soon-to-be-released work is called THE NINETY-FIVE THESES IN THEIR THEOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE by Warfield.
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In 1917, at the 400th anniversary of the Reformation, Benjamin B. Warfield wrote this outstanding article which appeared in The Princeton Theological Review. Once again Warfield found himself standing in opposition to the opinions of many in his day who were very critical of the 95 Theses of Luther. Warfield corrected one of these notions when he wrote: "The Theses constitute, in point of fact, a theological document of the first importance, working out a complete and closely knit argument against, not the abuses of the indulgence traffic, and not even the theory of indulgences, merely, but the whole sacerdotal conception of the saving process; an outgrowth and embodiment of which indulgences were."
"Foundational documents are often more revered as sacred totems or set up as straw men to attack, than read, studied, and rightly understood on their own terms. Warfield shows that such has been the case with Luther's famous Ninety-five Theses. He sets out to show that far from addressing only one objectionable practice of the day, Luther's theses call in question 'the entire prevalent theory of the relation of the Church as the institute of the salvation of souls,' that is, the gospel or way of salvation as proclaimed by the pre-Reformation church. He goes on to show that those who underestimate the Theses as a theological statement are so wide of the mark as to suggest that they never read them. And as always, Warfield depends on erudition, clear-headed thinking, and a gracious yet forceful style. A 'must read' for those who want to know what the Reformation truly was in its beginnings." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids,
"B B Warfield was a remarkable Christian author, equally at home in Church History and systematic theology as biblical studies. He is remembered today primarily for his robust theology of biblical inerrancy, but there are many other reasons to remember him. In particular, in this quincentennial of the Reformation, Warfield's cogent reflections on theásignificance of the Reformation are important documents to read. Very glad to see these texts back in circulation!" - Dr. Michael Haykin, Professor of Church Histroy, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
Sam Waldron wrote: "One of my sons is named after Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield. áso you might guess that I love his stuff.á Over the years and especially in my early years he became my teacher on many, many issues.á Even on the rare occasion when I disagree with him, he remains so very helpful and informative.á I welcome the publication of these works by Solid Ground."
This new booklet is the second of a new series entitled SGCB REFORMATION 500 which will introduce vitally important works to the church and the world as we approach the 500th anniversary of Luther's act of naling the 95 Theses to the Church Door at Wittenburg.
Our other soon-to-be-released work is called THE THEOLOGY OF THE REFORMATION also by Warfield.
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10-19 Copies SGCB Price: $3.50 (list price $6.00) ENTER EXACT QTY AND HIT UPDATE QUANTITIES
20+ Copies SGCB Price: $2.95 (list price $6.00) ENTER EXACT QTY AND HIT UPDATE QUANTITIES
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Whenever Professor John Murray of Westminster Seminary was asked by students whom they should read, he had a one word answer, "WARFIELD."
I have appreciated the counsel of Prof. Murray more and more as the years have gone on, and I have turned back again and again to read Warfield on dozens of subjects. The two articles that make up this new booklet are amongst my favorites. Warfield is never more eloquent than when expounding the truths that magnify God, and no truths magnify God more than the truths of Predestination and Election. Once you sit down and read these two articles you will never view these truths the same. Here is truly life-transforming truth! Doctrine that leads to Devotion. Take up and read. You will never be the same when you do!
"In his 'Thoughts on Predestination and Election,' Warfield guides us through the wonder-filled landscape of the electing favor of God. In this concise treatment, he investigates the mysteries of election and predestination—the 'first moving of God's grace', 'the firstborn of all God's favors'. Warfield lays before the reader a portrait of God's electing love which establishes an enduring foundation for the Christian's confidence. More than that, he calls for an earnest and whole-hearted response of faith and obedience. His balanced handling of this doctrine removes all place for human boasting as well unbiblical fatalism. Warfield brings the reader to understand how God's electing love not only promises holiness in the Christian; it guarantees it!" -John Snyder, pastor of Christ Church, New Albany, MS, and author of 'BEHOLD YOUR GOD: Rethinking God Biblically' and 'BEHOLD YOUR GOD: The Weight of Majesty'
"Whether a person likes them or not, the doctrines of predestination and election are unmistakably found in the Holy Bible. What is to be done with these teachings? Some rejoice in them, others hate them, still others distort their clear biblical meaning, and, worst of all, many simply ignore them. Warfield will not allow us to get away with the latter. His clear and simple, yet profound exposition of these truths will challenge the reader, fortify the church, strengthen the Christian's walk, and inflame vision for a world-wide spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Read and rejoice!" - Earl M. Blackburn, Senior Pastor, Heritage Baptist Church, Shreveport, Louisiana
"I once heard a wise pastor say to a group of fellow ministers, 'In all your labors as Gospel ministers, leave the people with God.' Whenever I read B.B. Warfield's theological writings, this is what I am always left with - I am left with God. And in these present papers on Predestination and Election, the reader is most indeed left with God. Here, on subjects that tend to fuel great controversy, Warfield helps us to look beyond ourselves and behold who God is in predestination and election. He therefore helps us see these doctrines as they're presented in Scripture with the end not leaving us in debate but in worship of the One true and living God. I am grateful that Solid Ground is publishing these papers together in an accessible format for a generation of believers who need to think Godward and thereby biblical over doctrines that should be precious to the church." -Kurt M. Smith, Pastor of Providence Reformed Baptist Church, Remlap, AL and author of 'Holding Georgia for Geneva' and 'Remembering Luther's Fight' both published by Solid Ground
"When you say, Churchill, no more is needed. There are musicians like that. Take Elvis, for example. In the world today, though Elvis died over 40 years ago, his name is recognized across generational lines. Well, in the theological world WARFIELD is all you have to say and any theologian (or pastor) worth his salt knows what you mean. Here we have some of Warfield's finest pieces of theology drawn together. The master theologian treats these doctrines just as the Westminster Confession advises: 'with special prudence and care.' The results are, likewise, Westminsterian: 'praise, reverence, and admiration of God.'" C. N. Willborn PhD, Senior Pastor-teacher, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Oak Ridge, TN
"Few have grasped these doctrines more firmly than Warfield, and few have taught them more clearly and more simply. Rich, reverent, plain, precise, and deeply informed." - Fred G. Zaspel, author of "The Theology of B.B. Warfield" and "Warfield on the Christian Life"
Dr. Benjamin B. Warfield graduated from the College of New Jersey, now Princeton University, in 1871 and after a period of study abroad at Edinburgh and Heidelberg entered Princeton Theological Seminary and was graduated with the class of 1876. Following a year's study at Leipzig, Germany, and a short pastorate in Baltimore he was appointed instructor in New Testament Language and Literature in Western Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh and a year later elected professor. In 1886 he was called to succeed Archibald Alexander Hodge as professor of Systematic Theology in Princeton Theological Seminary—a position which he occupied with great distinction until his death in 1921.
Dr. Warfield won early recognition as a scholar, teacher and author. He received the degree of Doctor of Divinity from the college of New Jersey in 1880; that of Doctor of Laws from both the College of New Jersey and Davidson college in 1892; that of Doctor of Letters from Lafayette College in 1911; and that of Sacrae Theologiae Doctor from the University of Utrecht in 1913. He was editor of the Presbyterian and Reformed Review from 1890-1903 and until the time of his death, the chief contributor to the Princeton Theological Review.
Solid Ground has published The Lord of Glory, The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, The Power of God unto Salvation, The Theology of the Reformation and The Ninety-Five Theses in their Theological Significance by Warfield. We have also published works that include contributions by Warfield, such as, Biblical and Theological Studies, Calvin Memorial Addresses and Princeton Sermons from 1891-92
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Click here for all SGCB Booklets.
Order 1-9 copies SGCB Price: $4.95 (list price $8.00) ENTER QUANTITY AND UPDATE ORDER
Order 10+ copies SGCB Price: $3.75 (list price $8.00) ENTER QUANTITY AND UPDATE ORDER
ORDER WITH OUR NEW ELECTION TRILOGY SGCB Price: $18.00 (list price $36.00) Includes 'God Chose to Save' (Bianchi), '12 What Abouts' (Samson) and 'Toughts on Predestination & Election' (Warfield)
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click for details | | THE PERSON AND WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Benjamin B. Warfield with Introduction by Sinclair B. Ferguson
This precious book contains all the sermons, articles and book reviews on this vital subject by one of the most brilliant theologians America has ever produced. Sinclair Ferguson, author and pastor, said, "I commend these pages, as one who has continually been helped by their contents. It is a treasure to be enjoyed again and again."
"These sermons, articles, and book reviews, collected from Warfield's writings, show the genuine stamp of Reformed experiential piety that rested on the great 19th-century Princeton theologians. The sermons on the leading and sealing of the Spirit are themselves worth the price of the book. Would you like guidance in learning how to live more closely to Christ, how to walk more by faith through the Spirit, and how to wrestle at the throne of grace? Read this book prayerfully, both for clarity of mind and warmth of soul with regard to the person and ministry of the blessed Spirit. Let Warfield be your spiritual mentor in the great things of God." - Joel Beeke
1. Old Testament Religion - Psalm 51:12
2. The Conviction of the Spirit - John 16:8-11
3. The Outpouring of the Spirit - Acts 2:16,17
4. The Leading of the Spirit - Romans 8:14
5. The Spirit's Testimony to our Sonship - Romans 8:16
6. The Spirit's Help in our Praying - Romans 8:26,27
7. The Spirit of Faith - 2 Corinthians 4:13
8. New Testament Puritanism - 2 Corinthians 6:11 - 7:1
9. Spiritual Strengthening - Ephesians 3:16
10. The Sealing of the Holy Spirit - Ephesians 4:30
11. The Way of Life - Titus 3:4-9
12. The Love of the Holy Spirit - James 4:5
13. The Spirit of God in the Old Testament (shorter)
14. The Spirit of God in the Old Testament (longer)
15. On the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
16. The 1903 Revision of the Westminster Confession of Faith: Of the Holy Spirit
17. The Holy Spirit (written with A.A. Hodge)
*A Pastor's Sketches (Double Volume) by Ichabod Spencer
Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss
*Counsels and Thoughts on the Spiritual Life of Believers by Thomas Moor
The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit by Benjamin B. Warfield
The Risen Christ Conquers Mars Hill by Manton, Watson, Edwards, Davies, Dick, Thornwell, Eadie, Ryle, Warfield, Stonehouse, Van Til & Bahnsen
(* means it is a hardcover volume)
THE SPIRIT WITHIN YOU: The Church's Neglected Possession by J.I. Packer & A.M. Stibbs
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NEW EDITION NOW IN PRINT - Nearly 50% Off SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $18.00) NOW AVAILABLE
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click for details | | THE LORD OF GLORY: A Study of the Designations of our Lord in the New Testament with Especial Reference to His Deity Benjamin B. Warfield
"B.B. Warfield's 'The Lord of Glory' is one of the most compelling presentations of the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ I have ever encountered. Warfield had a special gift of explaining issues related to the Trinity and the Deity of Christ, and 'The Lord of Glory' is simply one of his best works. I cannot recommend this work more highly, especially when it addresses those evidences of the deity of Christ that are not as often addressed, those places where the words of Scripture used of Christ simply could not be used with propriety of any creature, no matter how exalted. Every believer should read and absorb this work!" -- James White
"Warfield was above all else, a Christologian, and of all his many, many titles in which he treats the Person of Christ, 'The Lord of Glory' is his most thorough and best. As the subtitle suggests, Warfield surveys the entire NT, scouring its pages for evidence of the deity of Christ in the thinking of the primitive church. It is the only work like it that I know of, and it is a most valuable work both for a study in Christology and for the formation of the Christological background to each of the books of the NT individually. Very highly recommended." -- Fred Zaspel
"Benjamin Warfield was a prince among theologians. His Christ-centered, Christ-glorifying work on the Person of Christ is his most thorough and best. Here you will find meat for the mind and food for the soul. No other book deals so extensively with Christology in the primitive church. Bravo, SGCB!" -- Randall J. Pederson
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40% Discount SGCB Price: $14.95 (list price $25.00) NEW PRICE
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click for details | | CALVIN MEMORIAL ADDRESSES: Celebrating the 400th Anniversary of Calvin's Birth B.B. Warfield, Thomas Cary Johnson, James Orr, R.A. Webb and others
"As we approach the occasion of the 500th anniversary of John Calvin's birth, and eagerly anticipate the production of the many excellent historical and theological works that will mark the first half-millennium of Reformed Christianity, this set of essays from the beginning of the 20th century may serve both to edify us and to whet our appetites for more. One will find giants among the contributors (from Reed to Johnson to Orr to Warfield to D'Aubigne), and topics of abiding interest." - Dr. Ligon Duncan
"Any title on such themes, with not a few eminent authors contributing, has to be a book we shall all value seeing." - Iain H. Murray
"We are on the verge of the 500th anniversary of the birth of the French Reformer John Calvin, and it is good to look back at the way his life and ministry were appreciated at the 400th anniversary of his birth. It can be rightly said that if Calvin had not lived, the entire course of Western history, and in particular that of the Church, would be very different, and these essays document that fact very clearly. Against various attacks that had been leveled against the great Reformer in the nineteenth century, these essays demonstrate the tremendous good that Calvin did for the Church and the way that his life was truly lived to the glory of the God of Scripture. Though a hundred years old, these essays are still vital reading for anyone interested in the legacy of Calvin and the ongoing impact of his thought." - Dr. Michael Haykin
"As we swiftly approach the 500th anniversary of Calvin's birth and anticipate another flurry of books and essays in honor of the Genevan Reformer, 'Calvin Memorial Addresses' is a good place to begin our celebration. The contributors and the contributions warrant this reprint edition. The greatest worth of this reprint, aside from reminding readers of Calvin and his contributions to the church and the world, is the showcasing of past scholars who ought to be remembered and still have worthwhile things to say to the Church. Honor the LORD as you celebrate the 400th anniversary of Calvin's birth again." -Dr. C.N. Willborn
The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States gathered in Savannah, GA in May 1909 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the birth of John Calvin. After an Introduction by Charles S. Wood, there are a full dozen excellent addresses that cover the incredible influence one man has had on the history of the world for centuries.
The grace of God is evident in the life and labors of John Calvin, and this amazing grace is magnified in each and every address that was given nearly 100 years ago.
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click for details | | PRINCETON SERMONS: Chapel Addresses from 1891-1892 Princeton Professors, ie. B.B. Warfield, W.H. Green, C.W. Hodge, John D. Davis and More
"Princeton Sermons is a treasure-trove of practical Christianity delivered by some of the greatest preachers and seminary teachers America has ever known. Here is Princeton in its glory days still reaching out to us today in biblical, doctrinal, experiential truth that is angels' food for those who want to live contagious Christian lives of holiness." --Dr. Joel R. Beeke, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids
"This volume of sermons will stir your heart, inform your mind, and elevate your love for our Triune God. The very first sermon makes you want to be with Jesus. Another sermon makes you want to walk in the Spirit until you are with Jesus. Death...want to know how to preach about death? Warfield does it right. What a delightful deposit of sermons from old Princeton. " --C. N. Willborn, PhD, Covenant Presbyterian Church, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Sixteen powerful sermons preached in the chapel at Princeton Theological Seminary during the academic year of 1891-92. One needs only to read these addresses to understand why Princeton had a worldwide influence for the Gospel of Chrrist during these years. This volume was especially prized because two of the beloved professors, Caspar W. Hodge and Charles A. Aiken, were removed by death in the midst of that year.
1- Christ's Desire for His People (John 17:14) by Dr. William Henry Green
2- The Promise of the Spirit (John 16:12-15) by Dr. Caspar Wistar Hodge
3- Valiant for the Truth (Jeremiah 9:3) by Dr. Charles A. Aiken
4- Salvation as a Work (Philippians 1:6) by Dr. William M. Paxton
5- Incarnate Truth (John 1:14) by Dr. Benjamin B. Warfield
6- First Interview with the Christ (John 1:37-42) by Dr. John D. Davis
7- Religion in College (1 John 2:13) by Dr. Francis L. Patton, President
8- The Letter and the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:6) by Dr. Francis L. Patton, President
9- Christ as a Man of Prayer (Luke 6:12) by Dr. James O. Murray
10- The Transfiguration of Life by Christ (Luke 9:29) by Dr. James O. Murray
11- Christian Manliness (1 Cor. 16:13) by Dr. William Henry Green
12- The Power of Christ's Resurrection (Philippians 3:10) by Dr. Caspar Wistar Hodge
13- Drifting (Hebrews 2:1) by Dr. Charles A. Aiken
14- How We Spend Our Years (Psalm 90:9) by Dr. William M. Paxton
15- The Christian's Attitude Toward Death (2 Corinthians 5:1-10) Dr. Benjamin B. Warfield
16- The Vision of the King in His Holiness (Isaiah 6:5-7) by Dr. John D. Davis
REVIEW FROM The Presbyterian and Reformed Review Vol. IV, No. 15 (July 1893):
"This publication, valuable in itself, has an additional interest from the insight it gives into Princeton Seminary training on its more practical side. The Princeton Sermons are not, like the posthumous volume by Dr. Charles Hodge, a collection of mere outlines, but sixteen complete discourses by Profs. Green, C.W. Hodge, Aiken, Paxton, Warfield, Davis, Patton and Murray, each of whom has contributed two to the series. With the exception of President Patton's, which are distinctively college sermons; one of them full of wise, manly, sympathetic counsels to the undergraduates, the other an admirable charge to a graduating class, abounding in high thinking and clear speaking, with sentences sharp as the crack of a whip, which will stick to the memory like epigrams; they were delivered in the Seminary Chapel, and for the most part in the ordinary course of a single term (1891-92).
The reader will naturally open such a book with high expectations; nor will he be disappointed. It may go without saying, that the sermons are sound, spiritual and strong. But though solid, they are not heavy; and, though addressed in the first instance to an academic audience, they will be found full of instruction and of religious stimulus by thoughtful readers anywhere. The subjects are as happily varied as though their selection had been the fruit of premeditation; and, while the teaching rings harmoniously true to Scripture throughout, the variety in the literary and dialectical style of treatment is one of the charms of the volume. To an old Princetonian, indeed, this new anthology affords among other things an attractive psychological study, such as used to be inevitably suggested in the old Oratory, on a Sunday afternoon, by the 'remarks' successively made by the professors on some Bible text or practical theme selected and announced the week before. It may be somewhat invidious to particularize, but we cannot withhold a special word of admiration for the two sermons by Prof. Green, especially the first of them (which heads the volume) on 'Christ's Desire for His People.' (Jno. Xvii. 24). This is a discourse not more distinguished by its expository skill and its rich spirituality than by the remarkable beauty and devotion of its language. All who know its author are prepared for the very fresh and comprehensive treatment given to 'Christian Manliness' (1 Cor. Xvi. 13) by one well entitled to commend the ideal his second discourse presents. But through this first sermon there runs a strain of poetic feeling not always suspected in the scrupulously exact Hebraist. One passage in particular (in which the stunted vegetation of the polar snows, in contrast with the beauty and variety and boundless range of the vegetation of the tropics, furnishes a comparison for the life of grace on earth in contrast with the life of glory on high) is worthy of Ruskin as a piece of word painting, or of a place among Jeremy Taylor's choicest similes.
Altogether this book is a refreshing evidence of how worthily the best traditions of Princeton are still maintained. It is a great thing for young aspirants to the ministry to sit at the feet of men with a religion as vital as their theological scholarship is profound, and to have weekly illustration in the concrete of how to handle Bible truth so as to make the acquisitions of the intellect, by the divine blessing, the true property also of the heart. And it would be well for some older men 'many preachers on both sides of the Atlantic' to observe and to emulate the frank, courageous spirit in which, with large knowledge of present-day tendencies, these Princeton divines are prepared, on Bible ground, to meet the special problems of our times.
From The Methodist Review, November 1894, pages 988-989:
"These sermons were not in the first instance written for publication. They were prepared for the weekly Sunday services held in the chapel of the Theological Seminary at Princeton. The series also includes two sermons each by President Patton and Dean Murray, of the college, who are officers of the seminary and frequently preach in its pulpit. The circumstances that led to the composition of these discourses have doubtless given to them a special character. They were addressed to young men preparing for the ministry by those who occupied the position of their daily instructors; they are not sermons for the masses, but designed solely for believers. They are adapted to the needs of young men at the critical period of life, to young men who are destined to be leaders in the world of thought and action. The life of a great university is a world by itself. The door of matriculation opens before the youth a new world, rich in opportunities and advantages, yet presenting peculiar temptations and perils. At this transition stage in his career, when the student finds that the faiths of his childhood are attacked on every side and there is danger of schism between his reason and his heart, how opportune it is for him to be furnished with the light and guidance of such discourses as these! The professors take up those questions of the day that agitate theological circles in both hemispheres and deal with them in a masterly way. In the sermons on the 'Promise of the Spirit' and 'Incarnate Truth' we are presented with a clear statement of the Princeton position concerning the inerrancy of the Scriptures. Such statements as we find set forth in some other theological seminaries find no sympathy with the Princeton professors; not only so, but they are shown to be utterly without foundation. . . For devotional reading we commend especially the sermons by Professor Murray---'Christ as a Man of Prayer,' and 'The Transfiguration of Life by Christ.' We have not for many a day read their equal."
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