Women's Titles

 click for details |  | THE YOUNG LADY'S GUIDE to the Harmonious Development of Christian Character Harvey Newcomb
 "A good book from the past for the needs of the present. It is a 'Teacher's Manual' by which parents may scripturally and practically guide their daughters along the path of goodness and godliness. Its principles and practices are lights along the pathway of life for young ladies who desire to become godly women for the glory of God. It should be read, studied, prayed over, and put into practice by parents, young ladies, and - yes - even young men! It should be in every home, and in the library of every young lady. It is a 'companion' book for a lifetime." - Pastor Don Scott
 For years the publisher has been searching for a companion volume to THOUGHTS FOR YOUNG MEN by J.C. Ryle. This is it! Harvey Newcomb (1803-1863) wrote 178 volumes, mostly for children and young adults. This volume, YOUNG LADY'S GUIDE, was by far his most popular book, and is subtitled To The Harmonious Development of Christian Character. In the words of the author, "The 'Young Lady's Guide' was intended for a class of females, who have attained some degree of maturity of character, and who are supposed already to have entered upon a religious life." This would be a wonderful gift for graduation from High School or College. While some of the language is dated, having been written over 150 years ago, it nevertheless speaks directly to the heart and mind of young ladies who desire to serve Jesus Christ in the 21st century.
 YL Trilogy
 $10.00 Sale c50 10s wmn tw2
 paperback edition (as pictured)
SGCB Price: $11.95 (list price $22.00) Nearly 50% Discount
 |  | 
 click for details |  | STEPPING HEAVENWARD ELIZABETH PRENTISS with Foreword by Elisabeth Elliot
 This book has touched the hearts of multitudes of women all over the world from the moment it appeared in 1869. Over 200,000 copies sold in the 1800's, and since the 1992 edition by Calvary Press over 100,000 more copies have sold.
 It is one of the favorite books of Elisabeth Elliot, who said, "This book is a treasure of both godly and womanly wisdom told with disarming candor and humility, yet revealing a deep heart's desire to know God."
 Martha Peace, Susan Hunt, Sharon James, Kay Arthur and Joni Eareckson Tada recommend it very highly. Men will also profit greatly from this book.
 "This book is a treasure of both godly and womanly wisdom told with disarming candor and humility, yet revealing a deep heart's desire to know God. We desperately need such intimate accounts when the word commitment is so little understood and so seldom practiced. I recommend it to any woman who wants to walk with God, and to men also, who need to better understand the wives they live with."—Elisabeth Elliot

 "This book will serve as a guide for the Christian woman who desires to leave behind the dull, dry indifference of spiritual mediocrity to discover the rich, deep joy of knowing Jesus more fully." —Joni Eareckson Tada
 "I highly recommend it!" —Kay Arthur
 We have received numerous letters through the years from women whose lives have been transformed by reading this wonderful book. Here is just a sample -
 "This book is an incredible journal of a woman from age 16 until death. She candidly discusses her weaknesses and struggles. Continually I said to myself, 'She's just like me!' She gives amazing insight into how God uses ther everyday difficulties to expose our pride and selfishness. I was encouraged and inspired. I could read it again immediately. I wanted to underline half the book." - young lady from Germany

 YL Trilogy
 EP TRILOGY nh12 ms8 bs1 tdm mg68 wmn bfss b50 my5 tw2 PBS 4MIB cwnw EP5 shw3p 5FAV
 Brand New Paperback Edition - Over 35% Discount
SGCB Price: $13.50 (list price $24.00)
 Order with the STUDY GUIDE - Over 40% Off
SGCB Price: $22.00 (list price $40.00) THIS IS FOR BOTH BOOKS TOGETHER
SGCB Price: $70.00 (list price $145.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR ALL 5 FAVORITE TITLES
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 click for details |  | GOLDEN HOURS: Heart-Hymns of the Christian Life Elizabeth Payson Prentiss
 This is a rare glimpse into the heart of a sufferer, as the author of Stepping Heavenward and more love to Thee, O Christ put down her thoughts in verse during the most trying years of her life.
 "I trust that many will be blessed by Prentiss' Heart-Hymns, which were born in the crucible of sorrow. I am one of those who, as she put it, 'cannot trace, but trust in Thee.' Read the poems, ponder them in your heart, be glad that we may deeply learn from her lessons." -Elisabeth Elliot, author of numerous books
 "A favorite hymn of mine is More Love to Thee, O Christ and I am delighted to recommend this entire volume of Elizabeth Prentiss' inspired poetry and hymn writing to you. It will be a wonderful way to enrich your personal worship." - Benjamin Harlan, Dean, School of Church Music, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
 "Elizabeth Prentiss did not squander her suffering. She mined the 'treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places' and she learned that 'I, the LORD, Who call you by your name, am the God of Israel' (Isaiah 45:3). In this gem of a book, she gives us a glimpse not only of the treasures she mined but of her darkness, providing a backdrop against which those treasures sparkle all the more brightly. What a gift!" - Susan Hunt, Women in the Church for the PCA
 "In Golden Hours Prentiss unmasks the secret of suffering: hard providences answer our prayers to see Him face to face. Reprinting this book is a priceless gift to those who find themselves faced with the stewardship of suffering, in the verdant wilderness of sorrow." - Karen Grant, Author and Homemaker
 "I wish I could have known Elizabeth Prentiss and heard her speak of her love for the Lord. Yet, she still does speak to us today through her verse. How wonderful that God is still fulfilling her heart's desire to love Him more and more and more ... and we receive the benefits." - Martha Peace, Author of The Excellent Wife

 EP Trilogy dtdm 6g spt wmn OVST TW2 stst 20AS N5D 316/ $5O FBWK EP5 552923 5P720 24OSS hcs
SGCB Price: $13.00 (list price $13.00)
 |  | 
 click for details |  | THE HOME BEAUTIFUL: Timeless Words of Wisdom for Today's Family J.R. Miller
 Jeff Schwend of GraceGems.org wrote the following: "If there is one author I wish I had read early in my Christian life, it is J.R. Miller--his invaluable Biblical and wise counsel would have saved me from many blunders and sins. No author is so helpful in the realm of practical Christian living as J.R. Miller! 'THE HOME BEAUTIFUL' is must reading for those who desire a loving, wholesome and Christ-centered home!"
 The Moody Monthly said the following about the 1945 edition: "These pages teem with gracious counsel, admonition and help from the pen of an unusually thoughtful man of warm sympathies, a rich life experience and a broad outloook. His thesis has been developed on the highest level of Christian thought and feeling."
 The Northwestern Lutheran wrote the following: "This volume deserves to find a place in every home. It is well written and well established on the Scriptures. A BETTER GIFT THAN THIS CANNOT BE BOUGHT WITH MONEY."
 From the Original Foreword:
 "Several months before the death of Dr. J.R. Miller, he made plans for THE HOME BEAUTIFUL. The suggestion had been made to him that it would be helpful if he would take the heart of the books "Week Day Religion," "Practical Religion," "Home Making," and "In His Steps," and make a new volume on Christian home life. It was his purpose to improve on the suggestion made to him by preparing a number of new chapters. The plan was not to be carried out. God called him from earth before he was able to do more than begin preparation of the volume.
 However, he talked so fully of his plans to his associates, that it has been possible to arrange "The Home Beautiful" in a manner that it is felt to be in accordance with the wishes of one whose life was devoted to inspiring men, women and children to the life that alone can make the home really beautiful." --John T. Faris, October 1912
 This is a masterpiece on the family. It is so simple, and yet so powerful, as it sets forth the privileges and responsibilities of each member of the household in making the home a beautiful place to both live and die.
 Chapter 1 - The Wedded Life
 Chapter 2 - The Husband's Part
 Chapter 3 - The Wife's Part
 Chapter 4 - The Parent's Part
 Chapter 5 - The Children's Part
 Chapter 6 - Brothers and Sisters
 Chapter 7 - The Home Life
 Chapter 8 - Forbearing One Another
 Chapter 9 - About Temper
 Chapter 10 - The Blessing of Quietness
 Chapter 11 - Religion in the Home
 Chapter 12 - Uniting with the Church
 Chapter 13 - Transformed by Beholding
 Chapter 14 - Being Christians on Weekdays
 Chapter 15 - Shall We Worry?
 Chapter 16 - Living Victoriously
 Chapter 17 - Shut In
 Chapter 18 - Coming to the End
 "If any 19th century American Christian writer warrants reprinting, it is J. R. Miller! His writing style is delightfully smooth, his insights are spiritual diamonds on every page, and his pastoral applications are delivered with the skill of a well-seasoned physician of souls." (Pastor Bill Shishko, Franklin Square, NY)
 A contemporary said the following about all the writings of this gifted and godly man:
 "His books are restful and soothing, full of quiet but fresh inspiration and cheery optimism. They have comforted and encouraged countless thousands of readers."
 One friend paid this tribute to J. R. Miller: "We all loved him. His gentleness made him great. His winsomeness had no weakness in it. Somehow everybody felt drawn to him. He seemed so closely in touch with the best in heart and life. He was as gentle as a child, yet firm as a rock. He was lovable and helpful; always true, always tender."
 COME YE APART: A Daily Devotional Journey Through the Four Gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ
 THE HOME BEAUTIFUL: Timeless Words of Wisdom for Today's Family
 JESUS AND I ARE FRIENDS: The Life and Ministry of J.R. Miller
 THE TRANSFIGURED LIFE: Selected Shorter Writings of J.R. Miller
 YOUNG MEN: Faults and Ideals
 YOUNG PEOPLE’S PROBLEMS: Help and Hope for Today’s Teens
 JRM8 wmn TW2
 45% Discount - BRAND NEW TITLE
SGCB Price: $12.95 (list price $23.00) This is the unabridged 264 page original edition from 1912
 Order the Entire J.R. MILLER 8-PACK TITLES
SGCB Price: $65.00 (list price $141.00) NEARLY 55% DISCOUNT FOR ALL 8 TITLES
 |  | 
 click for details |  | MORE LOVE TO THEE: The Life & Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss George Lewis Prentiss
 "Reading Christian biographies has had an immeasurable influence in my own life and spiritual growth. To be able to see the hand of God, guiding, correcting, and sustaining one who trusts Him has encouraged me to believe that true discipleship is possible not only for the great figures of the Bible but for us ordinary folks as well. MORE LOVE TO THEE reveals the character of a woman who loved God and earnestly sought to help others to love Him." - Elisabeth Elliot
 "I am delighted about the publication of the rare volume of THE LIFE & LETTERS OF ELIZABETH PRENTISS. We greatly need more biographies of godly women, and this work is certainly in that category." - Iain Murray
 40% Discount
SGCB Price: $19.95 (list price $36.00) This is the paperback
 40% Discount
SGCB Price: $29.95 (list price $55.00) This is the hardcover with laminated cover
SGCB Price: $37.50 (list price $76.00) This is with the Paperback Edition of MORE LOVE TO THEE
SGCB Price: $45.00 (list price $95.00) This is with the Hardcover edition of MORE LOVE TO THEE
 |  |  |  | MY MOTHER: Recollections of Maternal Influence John Mitchell
 John Mitchell (1794-1870) a leading Congregational Minister of the 19th century New England wrote this book as a tribute to his mother, Mrs. Abigail Mitchell.
 One celebrated author of the day said, "It is one of those rare pictures painted from life with the exquisite skill of one of the old masters, which so seldom present themselves to the amateur."
 Originally published in 1849, the aim and character of the work is described by the author in the following words: "However much of a biographical nature may be found in it, this was not intended as a biography, as some have conceived it to be. Its aim was educational. It was believed that such observations on maternal influence and domestic life as are here drawn from memory, presented in a narrative way, might be attractive and useful to mothers of young families; perhaps, also, to husbands and fathers."
 TW2 MD22
 45% Discount
SGCB Price: $13.75 (list price $22.00)
 |  | 
 click for details |  | MOTHERS OF THE WISE AND GOOD: Anecdotes and Essays on the Incredible Influence of Mothers Throughout Church History Jabez Burns
 "This book answers the very questions that today's women are asking. The engaging anecdotes and instructive essays are wonderful. I have looked for a book like this for many years. Every mother, grandmother, and spiritual mother - in others words, every woman - will find great help and hope in this book." - Susan Hunt
 This book was written in 1846 to honor the role of a mother. Brief biographical sketches are given of such wise and good men as Augustine, John Newton, Jonathan Edwards and many others with special emphasis upon the way that their mothers were used of God in their lives. Susan Hunt says that this is the book she has been seeking for many years to give young mothers to encourage them in their task. Elisabeth Elliot and Nancy Wilson commend this work very highly.
 "It is a useful and valuable work, replete with instruction and encouragement...it deserves to have a wide circulation." - John Angell James
 "One of the great helps to the modern church is the reprinting of old books by saints of a previous generation. This book has much to offer us in our day where motherhood is not given the honor it deserves." - Nancy Wilson
 "The writer has been powerfully struck by the fact, that there are few good works which are directly adapted to give the information, and supply the help which is needed. Good thoughts and interesting facts on this subject are scattered abroad through the length and breadth of our moral and religious literature; but thus it is almost unavailable to those whose benefit and encouragement should be chiefly aimed at.
 The plan designed in this volume has been to furnish within a portable and convenient size, a series of delightful instances of the success of pious maternal influence, interspersed with various striking incidents, both in prose and verse, calculated to interest and improve the mind, and followed by short essays on the various duties and responsibilities of the Christian mother.
 To collect and arrange has been the chief duty of the Author, being satisfied that it would have been impossible, for him, at least, to have provided original articles of equal value, and as directly adapted to the end contemplated. That the book may prove instructive, edifying and useful, under God's blessing, to that most numerous, important, and influential class for whom it is chiefly designed, is the earnest and prayerful desire of the Author."- Jabez Burns, March 1846
 dtdm wmn TW2 MD22
 Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $18.00)
 |  | 
 click for details |  | WOMAN: Her Mission and Her Life with New Section: Four Monod Women Adolphe Monod, a New Translation by Constance K. Walker, Editor
 Adolphe Monod is best known for his book "Monod's Farewell" which was is being published by Solid Ground Christian Books under the title LIVING IN THE HOPE OF GLORY. Monod was a gifted preacher in the Reformed Church in France. This volume is the substance of two sermons preached to the congregation in Paris in February 1848.
 The Translator has written, "In 2003, Solid Ground Christian Books reprinted an 1852 British translation of this monograph, which has been received with some enthusiasm. Now, as part of a series of Monod's works, a new translation is being offered. The goal has been to produce an English edition that is both more readable and more accurate than the earlier one. As in the other volumes in the Monod Classics collection, headings have been introduced to bring out the underlying structure and progression of the text.
 A new feature of this edition is a section showing how Adolphe Monod's teaching was exemplified in the lives of his mother Louise, his sister Adele, his wife Hannah and his daughter Sarah. This section is made up mainly of quotations from family correspondence and diaries."
 "You will read and read...and read, through tears and laughter, while wondering how any man could be so astute, so tender, so frank, and so inspiring in speaking to his Christian sisters-whatever their position in life- of the glorious, fearful, humbling and immensely influential calling of the Christian woman. In these pages, written long ago, you will nonetheless find your mother, your sisters, your friends, and mostly yourself, as you hear the passionate voice of a godly pastor and tender brother calling you to repent, to take heart, to reconsider, to resist, and to persevere in the life of humility and love to which you are called in Christ." - Rebecca Clowney Jones
 "In this treasure of a book Monod makes crystal clear that the godly woman's overarching mission is to glorify God. Under that ultimate mission Monod clarifies how the godly woman is to do that specifically. He calls it her "distincitive mission." He says, "Do not count on the world to clarify this mission for you. It has never known it, and cannot understand it..." He calls on the reader to "rely on the Word of God." Skillfully unpacking the Word of God, Monod strikingly and specifically communicates the "distincitive mission" of the godly woman and grounds all of His thoughts on the Word of God. This book will equip you for your ultimate mission to glorify God and clarify your distinctive mission as a faithful woman." - Lori Rhodes, wife of Ray Rhodes of 'Nourished in the Word Ministries', and mother of five daughters
 "Adolphe Monod was one of the brightest lights in the French Awakening of the 19th century. On the surface this text shows him to be a child of his times. But underneath, it is a passionate defense of the biblical view which sees men and women as ontologically equal yet economically different. That is, in their being as God's creatures, they are equally image-bearers. In their functions and responsibilities they are complementary. In Constance Walker's translation the text is as alive in English as it is in the original French. This text is required reading for the present conversation." - Bill Edgar, Westminister Theological Seminary
 AM5 sss tdm 1212 WMN b50 tw2 smw cwnwt
 Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $16.00) AVAILABLE TO SHIP
 Order our MONOD 5-PACK which includes "Woman: Her Mission and Her Life"
SGCB Price: $46.00 (list price $98.00) Over 50% Discount When Ordered as a 5-Pack
 |  | 
 click for details |  | Old Paths for Little Feet Carol Brandt
 "Old Paths for Little Feet is a much needed work for our children. The poignant quotes from voices of the past coupled with Carol's insightful applications make a powerful combination. Christian mothers who are serious about imparting truth to their children on a daily basis will greatly value this practical work." - Mary K. Mohler, wife of Dr. Albert Mohler, Southern Seminary, Louisville, KY
 "Carol Brandt provides a solid balance of theological teaching and helpful illustrations in leading our children in the Lord. Reminding us of the importance of sound biblical doctrine, she instructs parents on our unique responsibilities to teach and love our children, so that they know of their sin and of God's sovereignty, judgment, and abounding grace in Christ Jesus. I wholeheartedly recommend the book and its teaching!" -Michael H. Griffin, Elder, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, DC
 "Many good reasons could be given for publishing this book. I believe the most important reason is that all Christian teaching, all Christian experience must have a sound doctrinal foundation. In my opinion, the doctrinal emphasis is the most important part of the book."-from the Preface by Ernie Reisinger
 $5.00 Sale
 $5.00 Child's Book c50
 45% Discount
SGCB Price: $6.95 (list price $13.00)
 |  | 
 click for details |  | STEPPING HEAVENWARD: The Study Guide Carson Kistner
 Finally, after 135 years of live-changing power, the book "Stepping Heavenward" has a Study Guide that is worthy of its contents.
 Carson Kistner, co-director of Women's Ministries at Rainbow Forest Baptist Church in Troutville, VA has laborered to help women gain the most possible benefit from their journey through "Stepping Heavenward" by Elizabeth Payson Prentiss.
 Mrs. Prentiss loved the Sacred Scriptures and enjoyed nothing more than the Bible Study classes that she led for women. This workbook will serve as the perfect companion for the book is a favorite with such modern Christian women as Elisabeth Elliot, Kay Arthur, Joni Eareckson Tada, Martha Peace, Susan Hunt, Sharon James and many, many others.
 wmn tw2 EP5
 Nearly 40% Discount
SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $16.00)
 |  | 
 click for details |  | THE MOTHER AT HOME: Raising Your Children in the Fear of the Lord John S.C. Abbott
 "Long esteemed as one of the most valued works from the 19th century on the art of mothering and the glory of the work of the mother at home. For any girl who was raised without much discipline and in need of instruction on proper discipline of her own children, this is a superb guide. Rarely in print and worth obtaining at any price. Christian mothers who want biblical counsel on Christian child rearing will find this book valuable." -Grace and Truth Books
 "The object of this book is practical utility, not literary effect. It is written for mothers in the common walks of life. There are many mothers, in every village of our land, who are looking eagerly for information respecting the government of their children. It is hoped that the following treatise may render them some assistance." from the Author's Preface
 "The Mother at Home" is now being published as the companion volume to "The Child at Home" by the same author. This volume was actually written first and its immediate success induced Abbott to write the companion volume for the children. Every mother and grandmother ought to read this book once a year to remind them of their most solemn duty, in the words of the author, "to lead their children to the Savior, and to prepare them for their heavenly home."
 Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $8.95 (list price $16.00)
 ORDER THE ABBOTT FAMILY TRILOGY: Child at Home; Mother at Home & Family at Home
SGCB Price: $30.00 (list price $60.00) 50% DISCOUNT WHEN ORDERING THE TRILOGY
 |  | 
 click for details |  | THE EXCELLENT WOMAN: As Described in the Book of Proverbs Anne Pratt, Introduction by W.B. Sprague
 In the language of Dr. Sprague, "This is a work that will bear to be read more than once, and each successive reading wiil be likely to reveal some new gem of thought, which, in the general mass of excellence, had been overlooked before. It is a book suitable for the husband to present to his wife, the mother to her daughter, and the brother to his sister; and the more widely it is circulated, the better for the country and the world."
 "It is not sufficient praise to say that we have been interested in the perusal of this book. It is just such a book as the times demand. It presents to the female mind incentives to live for something more noble than to flit like a butterfly in the sunshine of capricious admiration. 'The Excellent Woman, described in the Book of Proverbs,' is the text by which the writer enforces the truth that, true dignity and honor are alone attained by a thorough knowledge, and continued practice of the relative duties of life. We recommend it to the careful perusal of all our patrons.' - The Mothers' Journal.
 "An excellent book, elegantly printed, and embellished with some twenty-four beautiful engravings. We commend the work most cordially to mothers, sisters, and daughters." Philadelphia Christian Observer
 "We have commended no book with more heartiness and good will, and shall be glad if our commendation places it in the families of our readers, as a book to be read." - Watchman and Reflector.
 wmn tw2
 Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $10.95 (list price $20.00) NOW AVAILABLE!
 |  | 
 click for details |  | FAMOUS WOMEN OF THE REFORMED CHURCH James I. Good
 "The chapters of this book first appeared in the Reformed Church Magazine (1893-1895). They then received favorable comment. Since that Magazine ceased publication, there have been so many inquiries for them that it is evident they met a felt want in the Church, and the Sunday-school Board of the Reformed Church in the United States has undertaken their publication in this volume. The author has added several chapters to those that appeared in the Magazine. It is hoped that the lives of these Reformed saints will stimulate the ladies of our Church to greater interest in our splended Church history, and to greater activity as in missions and the practical worj of the Church, in which they already excel." - from the Author's Preface
 Some of the ladies considered are the following:
 ANNA REINHARD, Zwingli's Wife
 IDELETTE D'BURES, Calvin's Wife
 ANNA BULLINGER, Henry's wife
 and many, many more
 $10.00 Sale tdm 10s wmn TW2 cwnw
 Nearly 50% Discount
SGCB Price: $11.75 (list price $22.00)
 Order with Trilogy of Famous Reformed Missionaries & Reformers
SGCB Price: $34.00 (list price $70.00) Over 50% Off
 |  |  |  | RAISING MAIDENS OF VIRTUE: A Study of Feminine Loveliness for Mothers and Daughters Stacy McDonald
 Contains new, updated content and additional chapters.
 Subtitled A Study of Feminine Loveliness for Mothers and Daughters
 Now, in its 7th printing, this revised and expanded edition of Stacy McDonald's popular Bible study for mothers and daughters reflects a mature and seasoned approach to mentoring young women. With many of the original chapters polished and revised, and several new chapters added, readers will find this resource refreshing and even more useful than before.
 Godly women are not born, but raised. Raising Maidens of Virtue is a storehouse of tools for mothers to employ to raise up a daughter whose life will honor God. Written in an engaging style, Stacy McDonald conveys the truth through stories, conversations, illustrations, and memory-making projects, to warmly encourage girls to think Biblically about themselves and their world. Offers useful counsels on modesty, feminine beauty, guarding the tongue, idleness, sibling relationships, honoring parents, contentment and more.
 "Young ladies entrenched in our modern society are in a desperate situation. So many have lost the vision for beautiful, rewarding femininity and womanhood. Raising Maidens of Virtue helps restore that vision and guide our girls along the path to godly, joyous maidenhood. In her delightful book, Stacy McDonald has given a helpful hand to mother and daughter alike, offering hope and practical solutions for those of us desiring that wonderful role of women of virute." -- Mrs. Beall Phillips (wife of Doug Phillips)
 "Godly women are not born, but raised. Stacy McDonald has, in this work, equipped parents to be about the business of raising up rubies, or rather, that which is more precious still: our daughters. She is a faithful guide, for she is a godly example." -- Dr. R.C. Sproul, Jr.
 "In the face of our culture's shameless enticement of young women to view their identity and worth only in terms of their sexuality, Stacy McDonald passionately challenges mothers and daughters together to return to a pure and gracious femininity for the God who made us uniquely for His glory" -- Mrs. Tracy Klicka (wife of Chris Klicka, Sr. Counsel, HSLDA - Home School Legal Defense Assoc.)
 "Raising Maidens of Virtue is a treasure-house full of gems of biblical wisdom. Delivered with Stacy McDonald's unique blend of wit, wisdom, and warmth, her years of experience lend credibility to a book chock-full of biblical advice. This unique mother-daughter relationship builder explores sensitive areas in the realm of princess-rearing such as how to develop inward beauty, spiritual sensitivities, and outward behavior that is both pleasing to God and a witness to others of active grace in the heart. It is easy to see why this book has taken a place of prominence in the lives of thousands of mothers and their daughters, and this revised and expanded edition is even more helpful! I highly recommend this book as a valuable tool for Christian mothers and their daughters." -- Becky Morecraft
 YL Trilogy
 Revised and Expanded Edition - NOW AVAILABLE TO SHIP
SGCB Price: $15.95 (list price $22.00) 256 Page - Hardcover Volume
 |  | 
 click for details |  | SEASONS OF THE HEART: A Year of Devotions from One Generation of Women to Another Compiled by Donna Kelderman
 Publisher's Description:
 A queen, an educator, a missionary, a pastor's wife. Some of them single, some married, some widowed, some mothers. All of them, like women today, knew the joys and heartaches of life. But the bond that drew this generation of women together (and connects them to women today) was their heart for God and devotion to Christ. In this year's worth of devotions, you will find spiritual insights from godly women of the past who, like us, struggled with sin, loneliness, and disappointments yet rejoiced in God's love, mercy, grace, and providential blessings. Join them in the various seasons of their hearts and find timeless encouragement and wisdom from one generation of women to another.
 Authors include Ruth Bryan, Anne Dutton, Isabella Graham, Elizabeth Julia Hasell, Frances Ridley Havergal, Sarah Hawkes, Susan Huntington, Harriet Newell, Katherine Parr, Susannah Spurgeon, Anne Steele, and Mary Winslow.
 + 366 days of Scripture verses and brief devotional meditations that provide timeless truths, encouragement, and wisdom for your daily walk with God
 + Updated language makes meditations accessible to modern readers
 + Brief, inspiring biographies of each of the contributing authors
 + Excellent gift for Christmas, graduation, Mother's Day, and birthdays for women of all ages
 "Hundreds of years separate us from the women whose writings are featured in this devotional. Yet those who share their love for Christ will find them to be kindred spirits. Drawing from the Scriptures to face their own struggles and trials, they speak with timeless truth to believers of every generation. A treasure trove!" - Nancy Leigh DeMoss, author and Revive Our Hearts teacher and host
 "Perhaps some of the most challenging yet tender words ever penned come to us from the writings of godly women of the past. Selected by Donna Kelderman as daily readings, here is a collection of such writings. And who can tell what blessings may be in store for us with a year spent in the company of women like Ruth Bryan, Mary Winslow, Susannah Spurgeon, Frances Ridley Havergal, and many others?- Faith Cook, author of Fearless Pilgrim: The Life and Times of John Bunyan, Lady Jane Grey: The Nine-Day Queen of England, and several other titles
 Hardback, 416 pages
 Page Size: 6 x 9 inches
 Retail Price: $20.00
 ISBN 978-1-60178-272-4
 RHB THREE rhb2 ddv
 Over 30% Discount
SGCB Price: $13.75 (list price $20.00) BRAND NEW HARDCOVER TITLE