GRACE DEFINED AND DEFENDED: What a 400-Year-Old Confession Teaches Us about Sin, Salvation, and the Sovereignty of God Kevin DeYoung
 “DeYoung brings an event from four hundred years ago right back into the present needs of the church and of theology.” —Herman Selderhuis, Professor of Church History, Theological University Apeldoorn; Director, Refo500
 Grace Is Too Precious a Doctrine to Settle for Vague Generalities
 Grace—a doctrine central to the gospel—ought to be clearly defined so it can be celebrated, relished, and consistently defended.
 In this book, Kevin DeYoung leads us back to the Canons of Dort, a seventeenth-century document originally written to precisely and faithfully define this precious doctrine.
 The Canons of Dort stand as a faithful witness to the precise nature of God’s supernatural, sovereign, redeeming, resurrecting grace—when so many people settle for vague generalities that water down the truth.
 In three concise sections—covering history, theology, and practical application— DeYoung explores what led to the Canons and why they were needed, the five important doctrines that they explain, and Dort’s place in the Christian faith today.
 “Though many Reformed Christians talk about TULIP, too often they neglect the rich soil from which that flower springs: the Canons of Dort. Yet this historic statement of faith abounds with biblical truth wisely designed to encourage love for the triune God and evangelism of the lost. DeYoung’s brief exposition of the canons is ideal for personal study, doctrine classes, and small groups that aim to better understand the controversy over Arminianism and why the Reformed doctrine of salvation by grace alone leads us to live for the glory of God alone.” —Joel R. Beeke, President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary; author, Reformed Preaching; coauthor, Reformed Systematic Theology

 “Why would a finger-on-the-pulse, contemporary pastor-theologian like Kevin DeYoung take us on a journey four hundred years into the past to a place few of us could locate on a map to meet people whose names we are unable to pronounce? And why should we join him? I can think of at least three reasons. As twenty-first-century Christians we need to (1) remember that ‘those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it’; (2) meet believers who thought deeply and cared passionately about the glory of God in the gospel; and (3) put roots into nourishing theological soil that will give clarity to our thinking, create stability in our living, and put doxology into our serving. Grace Defined and Defended helps us to do all three.” —Sinclair B. Ferguson, Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary; Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries

 “DeYoung manages to bring an event from four hundred years ago right back into the present needs of the church and of theology, with clear style, solid theological insights, pastoral tone, and helpful clarification of difficult but biblical notions. This is a book that helps us understand that Dort certainly is not just history and we must keep working with its message.” —Herman Selderhuis, President, Theological University Apeldoorn, the Netherlands; Director, Refo500; President, Reformation Research Consortium

 “I am so encouraged to see a book on the Canons of Dort—not only because it explores the finely tuned confession of Reformed thinking but also because it highlights the precision of biblical fidelity. DeYoung’s concise summary of this catechism’s emphasis on the doctrines of grace is so vitally needed in our late-modern culture, which tends to prioritize emotional reasoning over thoughtful reflection. This book is a clarion call for all Christians to avoid cognitive distortions and to root their lives in a historic, confessional faith that is both biblically and theologically faithful to the Scriptures.” —Stephen T. Um, Senior Minister, Citylife Presbyterian Church of Boston; author, Micah For You

 Introduction: In Praise of Precision
 1. God's Purpose and Good Pleasure in Predestination: The First Main Point of Doctrine
 2. Redemption Accomplished and Applied: The Second Main Point of Doctrine
 3. Human Corruption, Divine Conversion: The Third and Fourth Main Points of Doctrine
 4. He Who Began a Good Work Will Bring It to Completion: The Fifth Main Point of Doctrine
 Appendix 1: Rejection of the Errors by Which the Dutch Churches Have for Some Time Been Disturbed
 Appendix 2: Conclusion: Rejection of False Accusations
 Appendix 3: The Opinions of the Remonstrants (1618)
 Appendix 4: Scripture Proofs in the Canons of Dort
 General Index
 Scripture Index
 Kevin DeYoung (PhD, University of Leicester) is the senior pastor at Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, North Carolina, and associate professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte. He serves as board chairman of the Gospel Coalition and blogs at DeYoung, Restless, and Reformed. He is the author of several books, including Just Do Something; Crazy Busy; and The Biggest Story. Kevin and his wife, Trisha, have nine children.
SGCB Price: $10.00 (list price $20.00)
