BANNER OF TRUTH TITLES IN STOCK - 50% OFF I.D.E. Thomas, Thomas Brooks, Thomas Watson, Alexander M. Stuart, Hugh Martin, John Hurrion, David McKay, Peter Barnes, EJ Young
The Golden Treasury of Puritan Quotations does not belong to the ordinary run of anthologies but is a masterful selection by an author who has given many years to his work. The 1500 quotations from a wide range of Puritans have been chosen with great care, and arranged under topical headings. They form an ideal introduction to the writings of the great and godly men of the 17th century, and will prove to be devotional reading of the highest quality. Those who are already familiar with the Puritan writings will find the ‘Treasury’ to be a perfect stimulus to further reading.
(2) MYSTERIOUS WAYS: The Providence of God in the Life of Joseph by David Kingdon
‘Kingdon combines the ability to understand the text of Scripture with the sensitive heart of a pastor well prepared to be our friend and guide in this area of spiritual experience.’ — SINCLAIR B FERGUSON
Book Description
To know that God wisely governs all His creatures and all their actions is one thing, but to apply this truth in our own lives is quite a different matter, especially when our hopes are disappointed and providence seems to frown.
With great insight and pastoral wisdom, David Kingdon helps us to apply lessons from the life of Joseph to our own lives in this book, Mysterious Ways. He shows that God’s people are not lost in a meaningless maze, but are safe in the hands of a loving Father. However ‘mysterious’ His ways seem at present, He has purposed good for His people, and will ‘make it plain’ in His own time. Even when we feel most at a loss about God’s dealings with us, He is teaching us lessons which could be learned in no other way.
(3) THE LORD'S SUPPER: The Mystery of the Lord's Supper Briefly Explained by Thomas Watson
To Thomas Watson, the Lord’s Supper was a visible sermon, a mirror in which to gaze on the sufferings and death of Christ. ‘God, to help our faith, does not only give us an audible Word, but a visible sign.’ But more than this, the Supper was a time in which to partake of the benefits of Christ’s death by faith, to be fed and cherished by the Lord in his own banqueting house, and to obtain a foretaste of the glory which will be fully realized only in heaven. Watson’s aim was to stimulate greater love to Christ in His people, and to enhance their appreciation of the Supper as a spiritual feast for all believers. His fine exposition shows the rich provision made in the Supper for all who love the Lord, while it also lays bare the emptiness of all mere sacramentalism.
(4) THE THREE MARYS: Learning from the Lives of Mary Magdalene, Mary of Bethany, and Mary the Mother of Jesus by Alexander Moody Stuart
Mary, the mother of Jesus; Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus; and Mary Magdalene all feature prominently in the gospel narrative. But what can Christians learn from the faith displayed by these women?
In these moving and engaging chapters, Alexander Moody Stuart draws out their characters and helps readers learn from each one’s relationship to Jesus. Perhaps too often known only at the surface-level, these three women, brought into sharper focus by Moody Stuart’s reflective and often vivid portrayals, have much to teach us about the faithful Christian life.
Moody Stuart’s preaching and teaching were marked by a keen sensitivity to the human condition and its needs, combined with challenging practical application. This, linked with a deep tenderness and love, well-qualified him to write The Three Marys.
(5) PARTICULAR REDEMPTION: The End and Design of the Death of Christ by John Hurrion (1675-1731)
‘Christ gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.’
In Particular Redemption, taking up these words of Titus 2:14, John Hurrion expounds the doctrine of redemption, focusing attention especially on the end and design, extent and importance of the death of Christ. There is a peculiar importance attached to a man’s last words. That is especially true of John Hurrion. As his life was ebbing away, his mind was flooded with thoughts about his Saviour, Jesus Christ, as he prepared the four addresses found in this book for the press. ‘The delight he took in his subject’, his editor wrote, ‘carried him above his great pain and weakness’, and in dying he confessed: ‘The death of Christ being the fountain of our life, there is nothing more necessary, pleasant, or useful to the Christian, than a right apprehension and remembrance of it.’
‘I believe, with certainty, that there is no other view of the doctrine of Redemption able to satisfy the soul…In this doctrine my soul finds the means of life and the means also of dying in comfort.’ — From the Preface by John Elias
(6) THE MILK OF THE WORD: An Introduction to the Christian Faith by Peter Barnes
‘Though this book is called Milk of the Word there is much strong meat here, explained very simply and practically and applied personally.’ — EVANGELICAL ACTION
‘Solid and simple…an excellent outline of truth, with relevant Scripture references.’ — EVANGELICAL TIMES
Book Description
In clear, simple terms, and with constant appeal to Scripture, Peter Barnes gives an introduction to fundamental truths of the Faith. There is much strong meat here, explained very simply and practically and applied personally.
(7) REPENT AND BELIEVE by Thomas Brooks
‘To read the work of a Puritan doctor of the soul is to enter a rich world of spiritual theology to feed the mind, heart-searching analysis to probe the conscience, Christ-centred grace to transform the heart, and wise counsel to direct the life. This series of Pocket Puritans provides all this in miniature, but also in abundance.’ — SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON
Book Description
The Puritans believed in the reality of devil and in his deadly antagonism to the souls of men. To keep us in our lost and condemned state he employs two devices against us: he persuades us that repentance is easy and believing in Christ is impossible. In Repent and Believe! Brooks masterfully uncovers Satan’s devices and skillfully prescribes the Bible’s remedies against them.
(8) THE WAY EVERLASTING: A Study in Psalm 139 by E.J. Young
True wisdom, wrote John Calvin, consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and the knowledge of ourselves. With an eloquence which is itself awe-inspiring, Psalm 139 shows us how such true wisdom is discovered. Its magnificent statement of the glorious majesty, omniscience, and omnipresence of God combines with its profound and penetrating descriptions of the experiences of the children of God.
In this small volume, these biblical truths are given clear and satisfying exposition in the hands of one of the great modern masters of the Old Testament.
The late E.J. Young, for many years Professor of Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, was widely acknowledged as the prince of conservative Old Testament scholars. His combination of deep personal devotion with meticulous scholarship, and love for God’s Word with humble faith in God’s Son, left an abiding impression both on his students and on the many Christians who were privileged to hear his more popular expositions of the Scriptures. In this exposition of Psalm 139 the legacy of his ministry lives on.
What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Spirit and is this something that is true of all Christians? What kind of person does God delight to use in the work of his kingdom? What is revival? Is it a sovereign work of God by his Spirit or merely the result of evangelistic activity on the part of zealous Christians? Is God as concerned to save a single individual as a whole city of people? These are just some of the issues Geoff Thomas deals with in this popular, thought-provoking, and soul-stirring study of Philip the Evangelist and the great Samaritan awakening, recorded in Acts chapter 8.
(10) HELP HEAVENWARD: Guidance and Strength for the Christian's Life Journey by Octavius Winslow
‘Help Heavenward – that is the strength of the Christian life journey. Chapter two of this book is on progressive sanctification – about the only thing I’ve ever read on it that is well-balanced and makes sense. . . . That alone is worth the price of this book. Winslow is very warmly experiential in all that he writes, and you’ll just find, whatever he does . . . meets the needs of the soul.’ — JOEL R. BEEKE
Help Heavenward, a practical handbook on sanctification with heaven ever in view, is devotional writing at its finest. I know of no better book to give to Christians as they struggle in this sinful world to live in obedience to their Saviour. Use this book to become acquainted with those sacred truths of Scripture that the Spirit uses to mold our thoughts, words, and actions for Christlike living.
(11) THE HISTORY OF PROVIDENCE: As Manifested in Scripture by Alexander Carson
Alexander Carson lived in an age that was turning away from the revelation of God in Scripture. The dominant philosophy of the times sought to replace the knowledge of the personal, sovereign and provident God of Scripture with a ‘more intelligent belief’ in the impersonal laws of nature (which are, of course, nothing but the physical laws by which God usually conducts his government of the world). If God exists – and that was a big ‘if’ – then he is a God who is far removed from the events of every-day life.
But truth and Scripture teach that all physical laws have their effect from the immediate agency of God’s almighty power. In his works of providence God preserves and governs all his creatures and all their actions. ‘In him we live, and move, and have our being’ (Acts 17:28).
(12) THE GOSPEL DEFENDED: Volume 12 of The Works of John Owen
Despite his other achievements, Owen is best famed for his writings. These cover the range of doctrinal, ecclesiastical and practical subjects. They are characterized by profundity, thoroughness and, consequently, authority. Andrew Thomson said that Owen ‘makes you feel when he has reached the end of his subject, that he has also exhausted it.’ Although many of his works were called forth by the particular needs of his own day they all have a uniform quality of timelessness. Owen’s works were republished in full in the nineteenth century. Owen is surely the Prince of the Puritans. ‘To master his works’, says Spurgeon, ‘is to be a profound theologian.’
(13) THE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY: with an Inquiry into the Causes of its Inefficiency by Charles Bridges (1794-1869)
‘This book has been my companion for almost fifty years. First published in 1830, it is arguably more needed now than then. It is a classic, serving as a guide to all who are aware of the perils and privileges of pastoral ministry.’ — ALISTAIR BEGG
‘People ask me, “What’s the very best book for Ministers?” Overall for the ministry, and for passionate preaching, and how to preach to different kinds of people – there’s nothing like The Christian Ministry.’ — JOEL BEEKE
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(2) MYSTERIOUS WAYS: The Providence of God in the Life of Joseph by David Kingdon SGCB Price: $5.50 (list price $11.00) JUST 1 COPY AT THIS REDUCED PRICE
(3) THE LORD'S SUPPER: The Mystery of the Lord's Supper Briefly Explained by Thomas Watson SGCB Price: $4.00 (list price $8.00) JUST 2 COPIES AT THIS REDUCED PRICE
(4) THE THREE MARYS: Learning from the Lives of Mary Magdalene, Mary of Bethany, and Mary the Mother of Jesus by Alexander Moody Stuart SGCB Price: $5.50 (list price $11.00) JUST 2 COPIES AT THIS REDUCED PRICE
(5) PARTICULAR REDEMPTION: The End and Design of the Death of Christ by John Hurrion (1675-1731) SGCB Price: $5.50 (list price $11.00) JUST 3 COPIES AT THIS REDUCED PRICE
(6) THE MILK OF THE WORD: An Introduction to the Christian Faith by Peter Barnes SGCB Price: $3.00 (list price $6.00) JUST 1 COPY AT THIS PRICE
(7) REPENT AND BELIEVE by Thomas Brooks (Pocket Puritan Series) SGCB Price: $2.50 (list price $5.00) JUST 1 COPY AT THIS PRICE
(8) THE WAY EVERLASTING: A Study in Psalm 139 by E.J. Young SGCB Price: $4.50 (list price $9.00) JUST 1 COPY LEFT AT THIS REDUCED PRICE
(9) PHILIP AND THE REVIVAL IN SAMARIA by Geoffrey Thomas SGCB Price: $5.50 (list price $11.00) JUST 1 COPY LEFT AT THIS REDUCED PRICE
(10) HELP HEAVENWARD: Guidance and Strength for the Christian's Life Journey by Octavius Winslow SGCB Price: $7.00 (list price $14.00) JUST 1 COPY LEFT AT THIS REDUCED PRICE
(11) THE HISTORY OF PROVIDENCE: As Manifested in Scripture by Alexander Carson SGCB Price: $8.50 (list price $17.00) JUST 1 COPY LEFT AT THIS REDUCED PRICE
(12) THE GOSPEL DEFENDED: Volume 12 of The Works of John Owen SGCB Price: $15.00 (list price $30.00) 50% OFF THIS HARDCOVER VOLUME - JUST TWO COPIES LEFT
(13) THE CHRISTIAN MINISTRY: with an Inquiry into the Causes of its Inefficiency by Charles Bridges (1794-1869) SGCB Price: $16.00 (list price $32.00) 50% OFF THIS HARDCOVER VOLUME - JUST 1 COPY LEFT (this volume is currently out-of-print)