ABSOLUTE PREDESTINATION: A Classic Defense of a Misunderstood and Oft-Hated Doctrine Jerome Zanchius, with a Biographical Introduction by Joel Beeke
 "Jerome Zanchius (1516 - 1590) is one of the great names of Reformed theology alongside Peter Martyr, John Calvin, and Theodore Beza. Jonathan Edwards referred to him as 'the best of Protestant writers in his judgment.' John Farthing claimed that Zanchius 'lived and breathed in dialogue with scripture.' The hymnist, Augustus Toplady (and original English publisher of this work), said Zanchius's work was 'from beginning to end, a regular chain of solid argument: deduced from the unerring word of divine revelation, and confirmed by the co-incident testimonies of some of the greatest lights that ever shone in the Christian church.' Not only have Reformed scholars of the past been assisted by this volume, the modern reader will benefit from this classic statement of the biblical doctrine of predestination as well. This book is thoughtful, balanced, and biblical. 'Absolute Predestination' remains a helpful explanation of the Reformed doctrine of election and reprobation. This book is not milk for babes; it is meat for grown men and women. But it is good meat; nutritious, wholesome, spiritual food for the soul. After reading it, you will see the clear teachings of Scripture on election and reprobation." - Joel Beeke
 A Word from the Publisher
 Foreword - Joel Beeke
 Preface - Augustus M. Toplady
 1.Observations on the Divine Attributes
 2.Defining Terms
 3.Predestination as it Relates to All Men
 4.Predestination as it Relates to the Saints
 5.Predestination as it Relates to the Ungodly
 6.Predestination as it Relates to the Preacher
 DOG BOOK 5pt fgpn
SGCB Price: $7.95 (list price $14.00)
