The New York City Prayer Revival of 1858 and Its Lessons J.W. Alexander
"The valuable description of the revival of 1858 in this gem of a book is fol1owed by expositions saturated with the Spirit of revival. Here are some notable features: There is fervent prayer in the Spirit which culminates in motivation and effort to reach the lost. Vast harvests require enormous effort and industry. There is a profound sense of sinfulness and the reality of being lost for all eternity together with free grace and a free justification. When revival comes then the gates of iron are penetrated and the very worst of sinners are saved. 'My rule' said John Wesley, 'is to go not only to those who need me but to those who need me most'.
Through these sermons our hope, vision and confidence are enlarged, 'The genius of Christianity is not simply that of conservation, but of aggression. Christianity must not merely live but increase and cover the earth' (p.179). The revival hymns are a bonus including all nine verses of 'O sacred Head, now wounded' (p. 100). - Erroll Hulse, Reformation Today magazine and Leeds Reformed Baptist Church (U.K.)
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50% Discount SGCB Price: $10.00 (list price $20.00)
Add the companion volume: THE NY CITY PULPIT DURING THE REVIVAL OF 1858 (PRICE IS FOR BOTH BOOKS) SGCB Price: $22.00 (list price $48.00) Sermons from J.W. Alexander, Theodore Cuyler, George Bethune, Edward Hiscox, William Adams and many more