ESV MEN'S DEVOTIONAL BIBLE (TRU-TONE BLACK) Our world presents daily distractions that can easily displace Christ as the center of a man’s heart and life. The goal of the ESV Men’s Devotional Bible is to strengthen and encourage men through the life-giving Word of God and sound devotional content aimed at nurturing godliness.
 With 365 theologically rich and gospel-centered devotions drawn directly from the Bible, this all-new resource was created under the editorial oversight of Dr. Sam Storms with contributions from over fifty Christian leaders. Introductions orient men to each book of the Bible, exploring its unique contribution to a man’s walk with God. Thoughtful and instructive articles address the importance of sound doctrine, life in the local church, leadership, the heart, calling, and a host of other relevant issues for today.
 The Men’s Devotional Bible will strengthen men in their walk with Christ, helping them apply the gospel and the truth of God's Word in their homes, churches, and workplaces.
 365 brand-new devotions
 Brand-new book introductions
 14 brand-new articles
 Dictionary of key terms
 Ribbon marker
 Smyth-sewn binding
 Lifetime guarantee on TruTone edition
 Packaging: slipcase (TruTone), L-card (HC), permanent slipcase (Cloth over Board)
 Format: TruTone
 Type Size: 8.50
 Page Layout: Double Column
 Page Count: 1,616
 Size: 5.375 in x 8.375 in
 Weight: 35.07 ounces
 ISBN-10: 1-4335-4843-7
 ISBN-13: 978-1-4335-4843-7
 ISBN-UPC: 9781433548437
 KEY THEME: The theme of Genesis is creation, sin, and re-creation. God made the world very good, but cursed it after the fall and then destroyed it in the flood because of man’s disobedience. The new world after the flood was also spoiled by human sin. The call of Abraham, through whom all nations would
 be blessed, gives hope that God’s purpose will eventually be realized through Abraham’s descendants.
 GENESIS AND A MAN’S HEART: The story of Genesis begins the story of the world. It introduces the first plotline movements of the Bible, which reflect the plotline of history. The drama unfolds along the movements of the creation of the world (Genesis 1–2), the fall of humanity into sin (Genesis 3), and God’s promise of redemption (3:15), which subsequently unfolds through God’s covenants with his people (12:1–3). As such, this story tells us what we were made for, what is wrong with the world, and what God is doing to restore all things. Genesis places us within the only story that makes sense of life.
 All men need to know that our smaller narratives are part of a greater one, an epic drama that reaches back to creation and stretches ahead to the new creation to come. We need to know that we were made for more than trying to make ourselves look great; we were made in God’s image to reflect his greatness (1:26–27). We need to know that our world is one wherein men kill their brothers (4:8), wickedness is great (6:5), and pride swells to the heavens (11:1–9). It hasn’t always been this way, nor will it remain so. God has promised to decisively deal with evil and restore blessing to the world through a coming Redeemer-King (3:15; 12:1–3; 49:9–10). The men of faith in Genesis—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph—found that God took them in their weakness, accepted them by grace, and proved faithful to his promises.
 Much has transpired in God’s plan since the days of Genesis. Still, we are part of this same story. Jesus has now come as the last Adam to undo all the damage the first one unleashed. Like the men of old we continue to find our place in this story by hoping in our Redeemer.

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