 This is the third in our ongoing and growing series of volumes intended to assist families in their joyful duty of Family Worship.
 "Over 40 million Americans will travel fifty or more miles during the Thanksgiving holiday to visit with family and friends. With the growth of America, since its' founding, has also come the scattering of families across the land. Thanksgiving Day calls families to journey 'over the river and through the wood' to sit around the table, enjoy a meal and remember days gone by. In the homes of Christians, Thanksgiving serves as another opportunity to recount the faithfulness of God and to give Him thanks.
 I pray that this book will be a help to you as you lead your family to worship God.
 Each day includes a Scripture reading, historical glimpse and theological thought. Read these sections with your family and consider adding a hymn and prayer of thanksgiving as a part of your regular family worship activities." -Ray Rhodes, Jr.
 "What a complete joy it is to offer my blessing and recommendation of Ray Rhodes', newest book, Family Worship for the Thanksgiving Season. Ray has given us a doxological feast of 31 creative lessons which offer the fruit of both an informed mind and enflamed heart. The beauty of Ray's writing may only be surpassed by the beauty of his family--the precious community in which our brother has invested so much of his heart and cultivated his tremendous love for the gospel and God's people. Not only your Thanksgiving season, but your entire year will be enriched by highly accessible and Biblically faithful reflections." Scotty Smith, Pastor for Preaching, Teaching and Worship Christ Community Church, Franklin TN, Author of Unveiled Hope, with Michael Card; Speechless, with Steven Curtis Chapman; Objects of His Affection; The Reign of Grace; and Restoring Broken Things, with Steven Curtis Chapman
 "Ray Rhodes has provided another devotional gem that families who want to worship God in their homes will find useful. Though Thanksgiving tends to be more about travel, sporting events and food than about genuine gratitude to our Creator, the very name of the holiday provides an opportunity to stop and reflect on God's goodness. This book is an excellent guide in remembering God's mercies that are provided in the gospel while taking note of His kind providence in the history of America. Use it to stir up thanksgiving in your home as Thanksgiving approaches on your calendar." - Dr. Tom Ascol, Executive Director Founders Ministries
 "After reading this latest work by Ray Rhodes, I have never been more convinced that God has uniquely called him to write on Family Worship for our generation. His genuine burden is contagious and is being embraced by many at this needy hour. Could there be a better time in our nation's history for a Christian and his family to learn afresh or revisit the early moments of our nationĘs founding? Enter into the world of Pilgrim America. Relive that first Thanksgiving season. Follow our forefathers from Holland to Cape Cod. Then, emulate their faith. Pass it on to your children. And pray for God's mercy upon the USA." - Pastor Jerry Marcellino, Audubon Drive Bible Church, Laurel, Mississippi.
 "In Family Worship for the Thanksgiving Season Ray Rhodes has provided families with a roadmap to thankfulness that includes some unique treasures not found in similar works. The combination of historic treasures that any Father or Mother can share with their children, in addition to theological pillars of our historic, Christian faith, each day is highlighted with a pertinent Scripture verse that ties it all together. This combination of Scripture, theology and history is rooted in our American tradition and heritage. Some works on the family tend to idolize the institution, thus making family the center of everything. Not so with Ray, for the family is set in its proper context of providing the foundation for character and devotion destined to bless both church and community through serving others and not indulging in self-gratification. This book will add another dimension to a family's knowledge and appreciation of our Thanksgiving tradition from the Pilgrims to the present day proclamations of Presidents who honored our forefathers. I highly recommend Family Worship!"- Dr. Paul Jehle, Senior Pastor, The New Testament Church, Plymouth, MA
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SGCB Price: $19.95 (list price $39.00) Includes Family Worship for the Reformation and Christmas Season

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