FAITH & LIFE FOR BAPTISTS: The Documents of the London Particular Baptist General Assemblies, 1689-1694 Edited by James M. Renihan with Foreword by Larry Kreitzer
 The documents transcribed here record the process of early Particular Baptist associationalism. Each General Assembly published a Narrative of its acts, and several supporting documents were also released. The 1677 Confession of Faith (2LCF) was promoted, a defense of the necessity of financial support for pastors printed, a Catechism authorized, and other subordinate but important papers ordered. All of these documents are incorporated here, so far as is known some of them for the first time in print since the seventeenth century.
 Foreword by Larry Kreitzer
 Preface by James Renihan
 1. The Letter Calling for the 1689 General Assembly
 2. The Narrative of the 1689 General Assembly
 3. The Narrative of the 1690 General Assembly
 4. The Narrative of the 1691 General Assembly
 5. The Narrative of the 1692 General Assembly
 a. The Narrative
 b. The Response from Benjamin Keach
 c. The Response from William Kiffen et. al.
 6. The Narratives of the Bristol and London General Assemblies, 1693 and 1694
 a. The Bristol Narrative, 1693
 b. The London Narrative, 1693
 c. A Report of the Bristol Assembly, 1694
 7. The Gospel Minister's Maintenance Vindicated
 8. A Confession of Faith
 a. The Letter to the Judicious and Impartial Reader
 b. The Confession
 c. The Appendix on Baptism
 9. A Brief Instruction in the Principles of Christian Religion, The Baptist Catechism
 "The documents provided in this collection are pivotal and vital for a proper understanding of Baptist self-consciousness at the beginning of the modern Baptist movement... Every Baptist historian, theologian, and serious church member will benefit from paying careful attention to this treasure of primary source material." - Tom J. Nettles
 "Once again Professor Renihan has put historians and indeed all Confessional Baptists in his debt. He has produced for the first time a collection of documents illustrating the background to the Second London Confession of Faith and the events leading to and surrounding the early General Assemblies of Particular Baptists... This collection is one to be treasured and consulted." - Robert W. Oliver

SGCB Price: $19.95 (list price $25.00)
