THE INFLUENCE OF THE BIBLE In Improving the Understanding and Moral Charatcer John Matthews, author of "The Divine Purpose"
 "Dr. Matthews 'Letters on the Divine Purpose' have placed their author among the best standard theological writers of the present age. These articles on 'The Influence of the Bible' were first published in 1833. Sadly its circulation has been limited, but it only requires to become as well known as the other volume just mentioned, in order to make it as highly appreciated. The two books together, like the two pillars, Jachin and Boaz, in Solomon's temple, are strong and valuable supports in the temple of truth, and a fitting memorial of a man whose talents, learning, piety, and usefulness entitle him to be held in lasting remembrance." - James Wood, from the Memoir of the Author, 1864
 "This work on 'The Influence of the Bible' bears the impress of the author's force and originality as a thinker. The topic speaks its own importance, and the ability with which it is treated will be its passport to public acceptance and usefulness. The Memoir prefixed is well done, and will add to the value and interest of the book, as a memorial of one of the lights of our church." - Charles Hodge, from The Biblical Repertory, 1864
 "The following work on the ' Influence of the Bible on the intellectual and moral chaacter' was originally published in numbers, in the Evangelical Magazine, conducted by the late Rev. Dr. Rice. It is now, with the consent of the author, collected and published in this form, with the hope of diffusing more extensively the views which it expresses in regard to an important influence of the Sacred Scriptures. The work, it will be perceived, is written in a chaste, correct, and manly style; and the argument is one which, it is believed, has not been extensively pursued in the common books on the character and design of the Bible. So prominent, and important is what may be called the decidedly religious influence of the Bible; so direct is its aim to secure the conversion and salvation of men; that its collateral, or incidental, influences are apt to be passed by or disregarded. The ministers of religion are, from the nature of their office, accustomed to present the former influence; and there have been few who have been qualified or disposed to appreciate the latter." - Albert Barnes, 1833 from the original Preface
 "An able and excellent work, it comprehends a wide field. The Bible improves the understanding as it excites to self-examination, and exhibits wisdom and greatness. In morals, by the economy and industry which it teaches and enjoins, by its prohibition of intemperance, and inculcation of truth, justice and honesty, by discountenancing discontent, peevishness, and requiring and producing pious affections, meekness, forbearance, kindness, &c., by furnishing support in affliction, &c. The style of Dr. Matthews is perspicuous and neat; very readable." - The Reformed Presbyterian and Covenanter, 1864
 "Dr. Matthews was an able divine and a noble specimen of those intellectual and moral qualities which adorn human nature. He published but few works. This volume, from the character of its theme, would naturally draw forth the talents of the author, and to be appreciated, needs but to be read." - The Christian World Magazine, 1864
 "The great design of the Bible is to qualify men for the life to come; yet in producing this effect, it is pleasing to know and observe the direct and powerful tendency which it possesses and exerts in qualifying them for respectability and usefulness in this life. When it is understood and received in the love of it, the character, both intellectual and moral, will be improved ; and under its influence and its guidance, those habits will be formed on which the happiness and prosperity of civil society very much depend." - John Matthews
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