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SAINT PAUL: Changing Our World For Christ
Adolphe Monod, with New Translation by Constance K. Walker, Editor

"In 'Saint Paul', we discern the heart and soul behind much of Adolphe Monod's ministry. Yes, he wanted to lead his listeners and especially his own parishioners to the foot of the cross so that they would commit their lives to Christ, but that was just the beginning. He also wanted to raise up a generation of young people who would, through their faith and action, bring renewal to the church. Beyond that, even, his ultimate goal was to see the renewed church transform society and change the world. That was the need in nineteenth century France, and it is still the need today." -from the Translator's Preface

Endorsements -

"Sustained study of the life and ministry of the Apostle Paul over the past thirty years has convinced me that his work was utterly essential to the foundation of the church in the Apostolic era. And it is tremendous to have this old classic study of Paul by Adolphe Monod, the great French preacher of the nineteenth-century, lay out for us the importance of Paul's teaching and life. I am thrilled to recommend this old classic newly translated into English." - Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin, Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

"In this classic work entitled 'Saint Paul, Changing our World for Christ,' Adolphe Monod (1802-1856) masterfully paints a portrait of Paul with a Scripture brush showing us the apostle in the richness and fullness of his person. In this book, Monod shows himself to be a profound Pauline scholar of the highest order, setting forth the life of the great apostle as a worthy example for us learn from and follow. This insightful and challenging volume is a must read for every lover of the apostle Paul, but more importantly, every lover of Christ, whom Paul sought to imitate so closely." - Rob Ventura, Pastor, Grace Community Baptist Church, North Providence, RI; Co-author of "A Portrait of Paul"

"Imagine the world had not the Apostle Paul existed. Adolphe Monod, the spearhead of the French RTveil, asks and answers this question with pertinence. The world would be incomparably poorer. Though writing in the nineteenth century, he has brought the Apostle Paul to life for our own times, and indeed for all the ages. Contrary to popular images of Paul, this chief of the Apostles was a deeply feeling person, yet also a messenger of the Gospel whose God-given courage helped lay the foundation for the church as we know it. Once again, Constance K. Walker has faithfully translated this text in a way that loses nothing of the vividness of the original. This gem of a book is historically fascinating, theologically balanced, and a compelling inspiration for us to draw closer to the God of the Apostle Paul." - William Edgar, Professor of Apologetics, Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia, PA

"The Christian Church in the West is in desperate need of revival. No argument there. Yet what shall we do to seek the life of Christ and allow it to reanimate our lives? Why not go back to St. Paul, whose theology became his biography? Why not return to the soul-stirring preaching of one man - a man called out by the risen Christ Himself - to guide us back to robust preaching, to fearless ministry, and to expectations that God will bless His Word, anoint our lips, save souls, transform lives, and establish His Kingdom? Why not return to a classic long due for translation and distribution for the English speaking church? Constance Walker's new translation and editing of the classic Saint Paul by Adolphe Monod, a godly 19th century French divine who was influenced so powerfully by Erskine of Scotland, is exactly what we need to be reading. You will find that the nutrients of the Gospel in Monod's work on the Apostle provide instant relief from the current, Old Christendom, feckless theological contaminants. This is powerful stuff. It is the power unto salvation. My thanks to Solid Ground and to Constance Walker for lifting this up. We need it now more than ever." - Michael A. Milton, Chancellor/CEO and The James M. Baird Jr. Professor of Pastoral Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary

"Read this book! You will grow in Christ in new and different ways. You will see vividly what God's calling to you looks like. It's Constance Walker's translation and editing of Adolphe Monod's Saint Paul. Monod was 'the Voice of the [19th century French] Awakening,' and as you read you'll know why. He asks the simple but arresting question: What was it that made Paul who he was? Why was he able to accomplish so much, so deeply? Are you thinking, it must have been just the right time for the gospel? Or, he must have had an amazing gift-package? Well, you're wrong, both times. It was a terrible time for the gospel, and Paul was weak in so many ways. He said that, over and over - yet we struggle to accept it. But this book will do it for you. Then, you can look at your own calling, but not by looking at your gifts. You'll learn how the Lord delights to use you in your humanity, as he did Paul, weaknesses and all." - D. Clair Davis, Professor and Chaplain, Redeemer Seminary, Dallas, TX

When James Stalker was asked by B.B. Warfield to list, in his opinion, the most helpful books on practical religion that existed he named the following: Thomas a Kempis' 'Imitation of Christ,' Richard Baxter's 'The Reformed Pastor,' Jeremy Taylor's 'Life of Christ,' John Owen's 'Holy Spirit,' and Adolphe Monod's 'Saint Paul.'

J.H. Myers, the initial translator of this work, said the following about SAINT PAUL by Monod: "This book is unsurpassed in its department, in any language, for manly eloquence, thorough research, profound reflection, --a most earnest, glowing, and winning Christian spirit, united to an exact appreciation of the great Apostle's character and work,--and a wise and cautious, but bold and unflinching, application of his teachings to the times in which we live."


Biographical Sketch

Translator's Preface (Constance K. Walker)

'Rise Up, O Men of God' (William P. Merrill)

Saint Paul - Monod's Preface

First Discourse - HIS PRODIGIOUS WORK (1 Corinthians 15:10)

Second Discourse - HIS TEARFUL CHRISTIANITY (Acts 20:17-38)

Third Discourse - HIS RADICAL CONVERSION (Acts 9:1-22)

Fourth Discourse - HIS PERSONAL WEAKNESSES (2 Corinthians 12:5-10)

Fifth Discourse - HIS POWERFUL EXAMPLE (Philippians 3:4-17)

Adolphe Monod (1802-1856) was a well known preacher and leader in the French Reformed Church. He was a pastor of various French congregations, including the prominent Reformed Church of Paris, and a professor at FRC Seminary, Montauban. His published sermons and essays have been widely circulated for over 150 years.



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