JESUS TEMPTED IN THE WILDERNESS: Sharing Christ's Victory Adolphe Monod, with New Translation by Constance K. Walker, Editor
 "Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness is Adophe Monod at his best. It is a masterpiece, bringing together profound comfort, realistic understanding, practical wisdom, and heavenly glory for every believer and, in a special way, for those who are preparing for or are working directly in some ministry. By the Spirit's grace, if you digest Monod's book slowly, seriously, and prayerfully, you will make great spiritual gain as you engage in holy warfare against your own temptations and lusts. You really must read this book." - Joel Beeke
 "Here, in this spiritual gem, the greatest French preacher of the nineteenth century, Adolphe Monod, probes the implications of one of the most important of Christianity's mysteries: the terrible reality of the sinless Jesus being tempted in every area of human sin or vice. Firmly rooted in biblical orthodoxy, these three meditations reveal why Jesus was so tempted, how he emerged victorious, and what his victory means for us. These meditations are spiritual food and drink to all seeking to make progress in the Christian life." - Michael Haykin
 "No thoughts could penetrate so powerfully as these words about Jesus' temptations and ours. Just when you thought Monod could go no deeper, he takes you into the most inner recesses of the soul, adding comfort and hope to his searing realism about our weaknesses. In Constance Walker's translation, the author's voice is heard clearly again, bringing these messages to us in a life-transforming way." - William Edgar, Westminster Theological Seminary
 "I first encountered Adolphe Monod's, 'Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness' at a time in my life when I was battling intense discouragement. Because I was preparing for full-time Christian ministry, I was reluctant, and almost embarrassed to admit my struggle, yet Monod's book proved to be just what I needed. It spoke to the heart of my inner turmoil with all the eloquence of a Christian classic. Monod showed me that all followers of Christ will, like their Master, face temptation, especially during seasons of preparation for ministry. Yet we too can have the hope of victory and can look to Christ to show us 'the means through which we can triumph.' I was so encouraged to find that, ultimately, God used my season of discouragement to build up and strengthen my faith, just as Monod had confidently and carefully assured me that He would.
 "More than just a discourse instructing future ministers in how to battle temptation, 'Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness' is a book on how to live the Christian life. Adolphe Monod's careful analysis of the temptation of Christ in Scripture points us to a vibrant faith that can not only survive, but actually thrive amidst the trials and travails that God allows to be placed in our path. It is precisely for such times that Monod offers a warm and gentle reassurance as a fellow sojourner: 'No, no, children of God, your Father has not forgotten you. He is treating you as he treated his only and beloved Son. It is the narrow way through which you must pass to arrive at a more solid faith.' " - A recent college graduate preparing for Christian ministry overseas
 "I read the first meditation on temptation, and my heart was strangely touched. Two thoughts came to mind (actually, a host of thoughts, but these are the two most significant thoughts): 1) I never heard anything like that when I was in training for ministry, and 2) I am not sure my students are hearing anything like that today. The first, I cannot change and perhaps it is not yet too late that I have heard these words of encouragement. The second I can correct. There are important warnings and encouragements that every seminary student needs to hear. I finished the other two chapters and found them to be even better. I recognized myself at many points, and was convicted on several points. This is good stuff. I wish I had such a man to be a close friend. Please rush this to print. My appreciation for Monod has grown over the years." - R.J. Gore, ErskineTheological Seminary and U. S. Army Reserve chaplain (Colonel).
 "Monod shows that Christ is our Savior because as 'the second Adam' He fulfilled in the desert what the first Adam failed to do in a garden. This book faithfully shows that in Christ we too can have victory over Satan and that it is God's word that is our weapon against the enemy of our souls." - Paul D. Kooistra, Coordinator, Mission to the World (Presbyterian Church in America) and former president, Covenant Theological Seminary
 "Adolphe Monod's seminary years and the years immediately following them were times of great spiritual struggle. Perhaps that helps explain his special fondness and burden for young men preparing themselves for gospel ministry. As a seminary professor himself, during the middle part of his career, he took the unheard-of step of inviting students into his home, thus producing strong and enduring bonds of friendship between teacher and pupils.
 During those years in academia, Adolphe Monod gave three messages on temptation in the seminary chapel. As was often his custom, he took his lessons primarily from the earthly life of his Savior, in this case from Jesus tempted in the wilderness. Material that was uniquely applicable to the seminary students was removed when the messages were preached in the Paris pulpit but was reinstated when the sermons were published. It is that published form that is presented here, in a new translation. As in my earlier translations of Monod's works, I have attempted to retain his gracious, romantic style while still making the text flow naturally to a modern reader.
 We will all be tempted at some point - no, at many points - and we are most likely to face severe temptation when we begin a new work for the Lord. This was Monod's conviction as he addressed his mid-19th-century students, and it is the common experience of Christians today. Adolphe Monod's burden was to warn us all, pastors and laity alike, to be on our guard. But expecting the attacks is not enough. He also wanted us to be wise in knowing how to counter them and confident of gaining a firm victory - the victory that Jesus won for us. By carefully studying how Jesus faced the devil's temptations in the wilderness, every serious and fruitful Christian will be better equipped for his own spiritual battles." - Constance K. Walker, from the Translator's Preface

 Biographical Sketch
 Translator's Preface
 Scripture Text

 *First Meditation: THE BATTLE
 The Measure of Jesus' Temptation
 The Nature of Jesus' Temptation
 The Timing of Jesus' Temptation
 The Reason for Jesus' Temptation

 *Second Meditation: THE VICTORY
 Jesus' Victory, Our Guarantee
 Victory in His Human Nature
 Overcoming Doubts
 Victory in Our Grasp
 The Value of a Single Victory

 *Third Meditation: THE WEAPONS
 Preparing for Battle
 The Sword of the Spirit
 The Temptation to Distrust
 The Temptation to Unfaithfulness
 The Temptation to Presumption
 Satan's Use of Scripture
 Possessing the Scriptures

SGCB Price: $9.95 (list price $16.00)
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Additional Information
The Author's Dedication to his Former Students