THE PRECIOUS THINGS OF GOD: Devotional Studies on the 12 Things Scripture Call 'Precious' Octavius Winslow
 (1) THE PRECIOUS THINGS OF GOD: Devotional Studies on the 12 Things Scripture Call 'Precious'
 We are pleased to announce our newest offering from the Northampton Press, "The Precious Things of God" by Octavius Winslow (1808-1878). Of this book John MacArthur said, "Octavius Winslow's The Precious Things of God is a profound study of twelve things Scripture calls 'precious.' They happen to be twelve foundational aspects of Christian faith and experience. So this book is essentially a handbook for faithful Christian living. Written in a simple, compelling, devotional style, it's a wonderful tool that will encourage young Christians and mature saints alike. Very highly recommended."
 These pages address themselves pointedly and strongly to that essential principle of vital religion; the experimental. We really know as much of the gospel of Christ, and of the Christ of the gospel, as by the power of the Holy Ghost we have the experience of it in our souls.To apprehend, in some measure, the value, the glory, and the preciousness of the Lord Jesus, and, as a consequence, to esteem Him above all good, to reflect His image, to labor in His service; this is spiritual life.
 The author elucidates such 'precious' things as Christ, faith, trials, God's thoughts, divine promises, the blood of Christ, the anointing of the Holy Spirit, God's children, God's Word, prayer, Christ's sympathy with our infirmities, and the death of the saints.
 This is a wonderful devotional manual on experiential Christianity. This book is the first modern edition of this title. It has been retypeset and slightly modernized. The last edition published prior to this was a lithograph of a 19th century copy. This is a completely new edition.
 "For several years, I have kept an old used copy of "The Precious Things of God" near my desk, often using it as a devotional to stir up my heart to treasure those sacred truths of Scripture which are to mold our thoughts, words, and actions if we aim to live Christ-like. As is true of all of Dr. Winslow's writings, this volume is a precious gem about precious truths, replete with memorable statements and written for spiritual edification." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke
 "Winslow's 'The Precious Things of God' is a profound study of twelve things Scripture calls 'precious.' They happen to be twelve foundational aspects of Christian faith and experience. So this book is essentially a handbook for faithful Christian living. Written in a simple, compelling, devotional style, it's a wonderful tool that will encourage young Christians and mature saints alike. Very highly recommended." - John MacArthur
 The Preciousness of Christ
 The Preciousness of Faith
 The Preciousness of Trial
 The Preciousness of God's Thoughts
 The Preciousness of the Divine Promises
 The Preciousness of Christ's Blood
 The Precious Anointing
 The Preciousness of God's Children
 The Preciousness of God's Word
 The Preciousness of Prayer
 The Preciousness of Christ's Sympathy With Our Infirmities
 The Death of the Saints Precious

 (2) HELP HEAVENWARD: Guidance and Strength for the Christian's Life Journey
 Admission to heaven is promised and guaranteed to all who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ but they all need help to get there.
 Sin, suffering, death and Satan obstruct the believer’s progress in faith and obedience. But God’s grace, his Son’s merit and the Spirit’s might, all cooperate to direct, uphold, encourage and restore the believer who persevered on the holy pilgrimage.
 Help Heavenward, a practical handbook on sanctification with heaven ever in view, is devotional writing at its finest. I know of no better book to give to Christians as they struggle in this sinful world to live in obedience to their Saviour. Use this book to become acquainted with those sacred truths of Scripture that the Spirit uses to mould our thoughts, words, and actions for Christlike living.

 Author’s Preface
 1 The Ransomed Returning Home
 2 Progressive Meetness for Heaven
 3 The Burdened Gently Led by Christ
 4 The Clouds of the Christian, the Chariot of God
 5 Trial, a Help Heavenward
 6 Bonds Loosed
 7 Human Care Transferred to God
 8 Self-Communion
 9 Backsliders Returning
 10 The Swelling of Jordan
 11 Our Father’s House

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 (1) THE PRECIOUS THINGS OF GOD: Devotional Studies on the 12 Things Scripture Call 'Precious'
SGCB Price: $17.50 (list price $25.00) 30% OFF THIS HARDCOVER VOLUME
 (2) HELP HEAVENWARD: Guidance and Strength for the Christian's Life Journey
SGCB Price: $10.50 (list price $14.00) THIS IS A 230 PAGE PAPERBACK
SGCB Price: $26.00 (list price $39.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH WINSLOW TITLES
