RELIGION IN SHOES: The Christ-like Life and Ministry of "Brother Bryan" of Birmingham Hunter Blakely
 JAMES ALEXANDER BRYAN (1863 - 1941) is a man who lived his life for Jesus Christ and for those who lived in the desperate times of the Great Depression. This biography ought to be read by everyone training for Christian ministry, and for everyone presently serving in Christian ministry. IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
 James A. Bryan earned the name "BROTHER BRYAN" from the tens of thousands to whom he ministered in the streets and alleys of Birmingham, Alabama in the heart of the deep south. He graduated from the University of North Carolina in 1885 and from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1889. The three years at Princeton were a great experience for the young man from South Carolina. At that time Princeton was in her glory with such stalwart intellectual and spiritual giants as Dr. W.H. Green, Dr. Caspar W. Hodge, Dr. Francis L. Patton, Dr. John D. Davis & Dr. Benjamin B. Warfield. The piety of the slim young Southerner brought to him the nickname "The Saint," which after years proved to have been well placed. Writing forty-five years afterwards, one of his seminary friends said, "I always felt that he was a modern St. Francis of Assisi. His Christlike spirit and his untiring devotion to his Master in the service of His children have been an inspiration to me always."
 In November of 1926 a reporter from the Birmingham Post did an investigation of the ministry of "Brother Bryan" and found the following estimate of his thirty-seven years and five months pastorate: "He has
 married 4,598 couples
 officiated at 7,926 funerals
 preached 49,120 times
 led 7,627 to a profession of faith in Jesus Christ."
 As overwhelming as those numbers appear he served for another thirteen years, and the following years were even busier than the former.
 After serving his beloved Savior in his beloved city of Birmingham for more than fifty years he lay on his death bed and his son James overheard him say, "So many people," and thinking he was referring to the large number of people crowded into the room, asked his father if he wanted them to leave. He quietly responded, "So many people WITHOUT CHRIST." This man died the way he lived, with the lost upon his heart.
 BONUS OFFER: You can purchase James W. Alexander's classic treatment of the poor, titled GOOD, BETTER, BEST at a greatly reduced price when you purchase "Religion in Shoes."
 *A Pastor's Sketches (Double Volume) by Ichabod Spencer
 Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss
 *Counsels and Thoughts on the Spiritual Life of Believers by Thomas Moor
 The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit by Benjamin B. Warfield
 The Divine Purpose by John Matthews
 Religion in Shoes: The Christ-like Life and Ministry of "Brother Bryan" of Birmingham
 (* means it is a hardcover volume)

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 Order with GOOD, BETTER, BEST: A Classic Treatment on Ministry to the Poor by James W. Alexander
SGCB Price: $15.95 (list price $32.00) You MUST order "Religion in Shoes" to Get This Special Price

Additional Information
Biographical Sketch