THE PLURALITY PRINCIPLE: How to Build and Maintain a Thriving Church Leadership Team By Dave Harvey, Foreword by Sam Storms
Building and Sustaining a Thriving Leadership Culture
Essential to every healthy church is a biblical model of leadership. In the New Testament, church leadership is built around a team of elders working together, each bringing his own unique skills and gifts to the cause of shepherding the flock God entrusted to them. However, in many churches today the principle of plurality in leadership is often misunderstood, mistakenly applied, or completely ignored.
Dave Harvey encourages church leaders to prioritize plurality for the surprising ways that it helps churches to flourish. This book not only builds a compelling case for churches to adopt and maintain biblical elder pluralities guided by solid leadership but also supplies practical tools to help elders work together for transformation.
Table of Contents
Foreword by Sam Storms
Introduction: Why a Book on Plurality?
Part 1: Building a Plurality
Chapter 1: A Plurality Primer
Chapter 2: The Case for a “First among Equals”
Chapter 3: Dressing for Leadership Storms: Five Hats Senior Pastors Wear
Chapter 4: Counterfeit Pluralities
Part 2: Thriving as a Plurality
Chapter 5: Building a Culture of Care and Accountability
Chapter 6: Acknowledging and Sharing Power
Chapter 7: The Plurality Tune-Up
Chapter 8: The Joy-Boosting Delight of Shared Ministry
Appendix 1: Elders, Care for Your Senior Pastor
Appendix 2: Your Wife Is Not Your Plurality: How Much Should a Pastor Tell His Wife?
Appendix 3: What’s the Best Way for a Pastor to Negotiate His Salary?
Appendix 4: Term Limits for Elders? (Jeff Robinson)
A companion study guide is also available available for download.
“In his concern to promote healthy churches and healthy pastors, Dave Harvey ensures that we understand leadership plurality and have a healthy, functioning team of elders in the local church. I’m not aware of another book that deals with this topic. The Plurality Principle is very practical and very helpful!” -Tim Challies, blogger, Challies.com
“Dave Harvey gives us another fantastic book. The Plurality Principle is enjoyable, biblical, and memorable. The fact that it is a quick read makes it all the more useful.” -Matt Perman, author, What’s Best Next
“The Plurality Principle will be of great help to any church eldership seeking to lead and care for the people entrusted to them. Dave Harvey has zeroed in on the key principles and has put very useful feet to them. This book will serve our eldering deliberations in the years ahead.” -Mike Bullmore, Senior Pastor, CrossWay Community Church, Bristol, Wisconsin
“Being a pastor or elder is no small task. That’s why I’ve found Dave Harvey’s book so helpful. With a compelling vision and clear manner, Harvey makes the practice of developing a healthy plurality of elders both understandable and desirable. If you are planting or leading a local church and you want to see a healthy church last far beyond your leadership, pick up and implement this book. It may be the most humbling thing you will ever do, but also the strongest way you will ever lead.” -Jeremy Writebol, Lead Campus Pastor, Woodside Bible Church, Plymouth, Michigan
Dave Harvey (DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary) is the president of Great Commission Collective, a church-planting ministry. Dave pastored for thirty-three years, founded AmICalled.com, and travels widely across networks and denominations as a popular conference speaker. He is the author of When Sinners Say “I Do”; I Still Do!; Am I Called?; and Rescuing Ambition; and coauthor of Letting Go. Dave and his wife, Kimm, live in southwest Florida. He also writes at RevDaveHarvey.com, and you can follow him on Twitter.
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