GOD CHOSE TO SAVE: Why Man Cannot and Will Not be Saved Apart from Election Joseph M. Bianchi
 In God Chose to Save, God's wonderful plan of election is explained in a clear and readable fashion. Rather than stacking a dizzying array of verses together to 'prove a point,' the author explains various texts as they pertain to the overall themes of the Bible. Charitable, yet completely honest, this book needs to be read by all Christians who desire to walk more closely with the Sovereign Lord of the Universe!
 “Simple, clear, biblical, Reformed, and persuasive, Bianchi’s book is a great resource for those seeking to know God’s answer to the question, ‘Why is one person saved, but another is not?’” --Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids
 "Joseph M Bianchi's 'God Chose to Save' is more than a useful introduction to the Reformed doctrines of salvation. It is, moreover, an insightful and biblically clear exposition from which both inquirers and defenders of the doctrines of grace may benefit richly. In setting forth man's total depravity, God's sovereign election, and Christ's effectual atonement, Bianchi brings us as worshipers before the God of all grace and leaves us with a solid ground of joyful assurance through our union with Christ in faith." -Richard Phillips, is the senior minister of Second Presbyterian Church of Greenville, South Carolina. He is a council member of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, chairman of the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, and Adjunct Professor at Westminster Theological Seminary.
 "In 'God Chose to Save', author Joe Bianchi presents an irenic, easy-to-follow discussion of the nature of the gospel and the necessity of God's gracious act of divine election. By raising thematic issues (rather than lists of texts), Bianchi invites the reader to consider well the consistency of their own view of the gospel. This work will find its place among those books we offer to others who have sincere questions about what it means to be Reformed." - James White, Director, Alpha and Omega Ministries, author of more than a dozen books including 'The Potters' Freedom,' 'Pulpit Crimes' and 'The God Who Justifies'
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