A NEW EXPOSITION OF THE LONDON BAPTIST CONFESSION OF FAITH OF 1689 Edited by Rob Ventura, with contributions by more than 20 Reformed Baptist Pastors
For centuries, Baptists have published confessions of faith as formal statements of their beliefs. Chief among these is the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. This doctrinal statement is a spiritual treasure trove worthy of our fresh attention. In this new study, more than twenty contributors unpack its timeless biblical truths, “things which are most surely believed among us” (Luke 1:1). Our prayer is that the Lord will use this volume to richly edify and sanctify His people worldwide and to assist the churches in pursuing biblical holiness and doctrinal purity. May these labors send God’s people back again and again to the Bible, which is—as the confession states—the “only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience.”
"In a most attractive, readable and scholarly way this rich volume presents historic Christianity as Baptists have absorbed it and been confessing it for the last 333 years in this grand statement of our best Confession of Faith. This book is a tremendous achievement and destined never to go out of print." —Dr. Geoff Thomas, former pastor for over fifty years of Alfred Place Baptist Church (Independent), Aberystwyth, Wales
"This commentary on the 1689 contains all the riches needed in this peculiarly relevant undertaking. It is set in its rich historical context without destroying its ongoing contemporary relevance. The authors are committed to the confession's theological position in the context of rigorous biblical exposition. Both the content of the confession and the outlay of its exposition contains all the strengths of doctrinal catholicity, orthodoxy, evangelicalism, and Baptist thought. Each author has a deep grasp of the rich heritage of historical theology and the issues involved in canonical biblical interpretation and brings these to bear on the specific article under discussion. This volume will add richness to the weekly study of a pastor and give an invaluable book for church groups for enriching their biblical knowledge and the contextual consistency and doctrinal coherence of the inspired Scriptures." —Dr. Tom J. Nettles, Senior Professor of Historical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
"This volume fulfils admirably the contemporary need for a thorough, detailed exposition of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. Biblically rooted, theologically careful and engagingly written, this work is also consistently warm in its tone and practical in its application, authored as it is by pastors who are committed to the biblical truths that the Confession teaches. Anyone wanting a clearer understanding and firmer grasp of those truths will benefit greatly from this book." —Dr. Robert Strivens, Pastor, Bradford on Avon Baptist Church (Former Principal, London Seminary)
"In this volume you will find men who have wrestled with the cardinal doctrines of Christianity and produced a commentary that sheds a warm light on the 1689 Confession. Difficult passages have been explained. Instructive detail has been provided. Here is a tool for every follower of Christ who desires to see Jesus, our altogether lovely One, more clearly, understand His redemptive labors more fully, and walk more nearly to Him in applied truth. May God give us all such unifying, reviving sights of Himself and His work as we make diligent use of this helpful volume." —Dr. John Snyder, Pastor at Christ Church, New Albany, Director of Media Gratiae
"I am grateful that there is a growing interest in doctrinal Christianity here in Africa and all over the world. Whereas there are many books dealing with one or two aspects of theology, it is good to have one book that gives those coming to Reformed Baptist convictions a comprehensive view of what we believe. The New exposition of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689, written by proven men in ministry, is such a resource. Let us make it available to many. The fruit will be evident for all to see for generations to come!" —Conrad Mbewe, Pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church and Founding Chancellor of the African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia
"This is an important resource for Baptists to understand their historic doctrines that were rooted in the Reformation. While I would disagree with some of the comments that argue for credobaptism, many of the chapters are superb in their biblical, theological, and experiential understanding and application of the great truths of Scripture." —Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
"The 1689 London Baptist Confession, apart from a few issues relating to baptism and polity, is a mirror of the 1646 Westminster Confession of Faith (to which I subscribe). Both endorse Calvinism with its robust doctrines of divine sovereignty in creation, redemption, regeneration and final judgement. In an age of relativism and unregulated piety, a return to the doctrines of grace espoused by this confession is urgently needed. The exposition of these truths given in this volume is masterful. May its publication and use aid in the reformation of the church in our time." —Dr. Derek W H Thomas, Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia SC Chancellor’s Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries
"It may seem odd that a convinced Presbyterian should write a warm commendation to this volume expounding the 1689 Baptist Confession. However, I do so with pleasure and seriousness. Throughout church history, confessions of faith have served the church admirably, helping to guard the church's biblical identity and gospel calling. You do not need to agree with every sentence in this 1689 Confession to benefit greatly from its exposition by men of theological orthodoxy and pastoral integrity. Martin Bucer's maxim, 'True theology is not theoretical but pastoral; the end of it is to live a godly life', is richly expounded throughout this fine volume. Read and sink your mind and heart into the rich truths as expressed in this new work." —Dr. Ian Hamilton, Principal of Westminster Presbyterian Theological Seminary
"In second Timothy, the apostle Paul, nearing the end of his mortal life, was earnestly concerned that Timothy would hold fast the heritage of truth passed on to him. Many of the contributing expositors of the chapters in this new exposition of the 1689 are veteran pastors in the latter years of their longstanding pastorates. Central to their ministries has been a competent public proclamation of the Word of God and a holding to this great historic document. May the following generations be faithful stewards as they have been, in profession and practice, of the “sound words” they have set forth in this new work. Herein is a legacy of truth to be bought and not sold (Proverbs 23:23)."—George McDearmon, Pastor Ballston Lake Baptist Church, Ballston Lake, NY
ROB VENTURA (MDiv, Reformed Baptist Seminary) is one of the pastors of Grace Community Baptist Church of North Providence, Rhode Island. He is a co-author of A Portrait of Paul and Spiritual Warfare, and is the general editor of Going Beyond the Five Points, Covenant Theology, and Lectures in Systematic Theology. He is also a contributor to the Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible.
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SGCB Price: $25.00 (list price $40.00) THIS VOLUME IS A 568 PAGE HARDCOVER VOLUME