THEORETICAL-PRACTICAL THEOLOGY: Volumes One, Two, Three & Four Petrus van Mastricht
Petrus van Mastricht's Theoretical and Practical Theology presents one of the most comprehensive methods of treating Christian doctrine. In it, Mastricht treats every theological topic according to a four-part approach: exegetical, dogmatic, elenctic, and practical. As a body of divinity, it combines a rigorous, scholastic treatment of doctrine with the pastoral aim of preparing people to live for God through Christ. Students and pastors will find it a valuable model for moving from the text of Scripture to doctrinal formulation that will edify the people of God.
Volume 1, Prolegomena, provides an introduction to doing systematic theology. Mastricht begins by addressing the nature of theology, wherein he lays out the proper method, subject matter, and definition of theology. He then discusses Scripture as the rule of doing theology, as it is the only infallible source and foundation for knowing God. Finally, Mastricht gives his rationale for the best distribution of theological topics. This volume also includes Mastricht's homiletical aid “The Best Method of Preaching,” as well as a biographical sketch by Adriaan Neele to help readers understand the significance of Mastricht’s life and ministry.
Editor's Preface
Translator's Preface
Biographical Introduction
Funeral Oration
The Best Method of Preaching
The Prolegomena of Theoretical-Practical Theology
1699 Dedication
1699 Preface
Methodical Arrangement of the Whole Work
1. The Nature of Theology
a. The Method of Theology
b. The Definitum of Theology
c. The Definition of Theology
2. Holy Scripture
3. The Distribution of Theology
Scripture Index
Subject Index
Author and Editors
VOLUME 2, Faith in the Triune God, delivers a thorough treatment of the doctrine of God. Mastricht begins his consideration of theology proper with a substantial chapter on saving faith, reminding readers that contemplating God apart from true faith will fall short of the salvation of their soul. Mastricht then discusses the subject of God in three main divisions. First, he treats the existence of God and our knowledge of him. Second, he discusses the divine essence as it is revealed through the names and attributes of God. Third, Mastricht carefully details the Trinitarian nature of the one God who subsists in three persons.
1. Saving Faith
2. The Existence and Knowledge of God
3. The Essence and Independence of God
4. The Names of God
5. The Attributes of God
6. The Spirituality and Simplicity of God
7. The Immutability of God
8. The Unity of God
9. The Infinity and Greatness of God
10. The Immensity and Omnipresence of God
11. The Eternity of God
12. The Life and Immortality of God
13. The Intellect, Knowledge, and Wisdom of God
14. The Truthfulness and Faithfulness of God
15. The Will and Affections of God
16. The Goodness of God
17. The Love, Grace, Mercy, Longsuffering, and Clemency of God
18. The Righteousness of God
19. The Holiness of God
20. The Authority and Power of God
21. The All-Sufficiency or Perfection of God
22. The Majesty and Glory of God
23. The Blessedness of God
24. The Most Holy Trinity
25. God the Father
26. God the Son
27. God the Holy Spirit
VOLUME 3, The Works of God and the Fall of Man, is a book of origins—origins of the created order and of sin. Mastricht begins with a discussion of the decrees of God and how they establish His eternal purpose for everything. He then shows how the decrees are carried out in creation and in God’s continual providence. The volume concludes with Mastricht’s treatment of the apostacy of Adam from his original estate and the devastating effects of sin that followed. This is an important volume for learning how God governs all things, even the rebellious actions of those good things He created.
Book 3: The Works of God
The Actions and Decrees of God
Creation in General
The World and the Work of the Six Days
The Good Angels
The Evil Angels
Man and the Image of God
The General Providence of God
Special Providence
The Covenant of Nature
Book 4: Man’s Apostasy from God
The Violation of the Covenant of Nature
Original Sin
Actual Sin
The Penalty and State of Sin
VOLUME 4- Redemption in Christ
Examines God’s great work of obtaining redemption in the Mediator, Jesus Christ. Mastricht sets the stage with a discussion about the covenant of grace as God’s eternal purpose of restoration and restitution for the elect of fallen humanity. From that vantage point, he uses the remainder of the volume to address the glorious procurer of this covenantal grace. Mastricht walks us through the dignity, names, person, offices, states, and redemptive accomplishment of Jesus Christ. This volume helps us learn the significance of the One who secured so great a redemption for the people of God.
1. The Covenant of Grace
2. The Mediator of the Covenant of Grace
3. The Names of the Mediator
4. The Person of the Mediator
5. The Threefold Office of the Mediator
6. The Mediator as a Prophet
7. The Mediator as a High Priest
8. The Mediator as a King
9. The Humiliation of the Mediator
10. The Incarnation of the Mediator
11. The Life of the Mediator
12. The Death of the Mediator
13. The Descent of the Mediator
14. The Exaltation of the Mediator
15. The Resurrection of the Mediator
16. The Ascension of the Mediator
17. The Session of the Mediator at the Right Hand of God
18. The Mediator’s Redemption Itself
Petrus van Mastricht (1630–1706) was a Dutch theologian who studied at Utrecht under Gisbertus Voetius and Johannes Hoornbeeck. He pastored churches in the Netherlands and taught at the universities of Duisburg and Utrecht. His Theoretical-Practical Theology was praised by many as one of the great works of systematic theology and is noted for treating Christian doctrine comprehensively from its exegetical foundations to its practical use for one’s soul.
Todd M. Rester is a historian of early modern theology and philosophy in the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy, and Politics, Queen’s University Belfast, as well as Associate Professor of Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary. He also volunteers as the director of The Junius Institute for Digital Reformation Research.
Joel R. Beeke is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, and a pastor of the Heritage Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
“As to the books you speak of: Mastricht is sometimes in one volume, a very large thick quarto, sometimes in two quarto volumes. I believe it could not be had new under 8 or 10 pounds. Turretin is in three volumes in quarto, and would probably be about the same price. They are both excellent. Turretin is on polemical divinity, on the 5 points & all other controversial points, & is much larger in these than Mastricht, & is better for one that desires only to be thoroughly versed in controversies. But take Mastricht for divinity in general, doctrine, practice & controversy, or as an universal system of divinity; & it is much better than Turretin or any other book in the world, excepting the Bible, in my opinion.”—Jonathan Edwards to Joseph Bellamy, January 15, 1747
“Any serious student of Reformed theology needs to sit at the feet of Petrus van Mastricht. The challenge has been that to do so you needed to know Latin or Dutch. Thanks to the herculean efforts of the folks at the Dutch Reformed Translation Society and Reformation Heritage Books, English readers can now learn the art of ‘living for God through Christ.’”—Stephen J. Nichols, president of Reformation Bible College and chief academic officer of Ligonier Ministries
“Van Mastricht is one of the greatest of the Reformed orthodox, exerting a profound influence on subsequent theologians, including Jonathan Edwards. His grasp of the tradition, his ability to interact with contemporary issues, and his careful articulation of orthodoxy exemplify the best of Protestant theology after the Reformation. Yet the lack of an English translation has meant that he has been known more by reputation than by content in the Anglophone world. Here at last is an English translation which will allow a whole new audience of pastors, theologians, and laypeople to draw once again on this profound theological source.”—Carl R. Trueman, professor of biblical and religious studies, Grove City College
“What if you could have a systematic theology that approached something like Turretin’s precision and Brakel’s devotion while, by design, helping men preach better? It would look like Mastricht. This has long been my favorite system of theology, and I have never been so eager to endorse and promote a book.”—Ryan M. McGraw, Morton H. Smith Professor of Systematic Theology, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary
“A new appreciation has grown in our time for the great post-Reformation theologians of the Reformed tradition, and Petrus van Mastricht was a towering giant among them. Jonathan Edwards thought he was better than Francis Turretin! Mastricht’s magnum opus Theoretical-Practical Theology, however, is virtually unknown and unquoted today, accessible only to competent and determined Latinists. This translation does for Mastricht what Giger and Dennison did for Turretin—it provides a readable, critical, annotated English translation that puts Mastricht within easy reach of pastors, seminarians, and other students of theology. A sound and experiential divine, who (it may surprise you to learn) interacts with and criticizes Kabbalah and Islam as well as Descartes and Socinians, Mastricht is always concerned to show that true theology is practical and never merely notional. Truth is unto godliness.” —Ligon Duncan, chancellor and CEO, John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary
VOLUME ONE: Prolegomena SGCB Price: $32.00 (list price $50.00)
VOLUME TWO: Faith in the Triune God SGCB Price: $32.00 (list price $50.00)
VOLUME THREE: The Works of God and the Fall of Man, SGCB Price: $32.00 (list price $50.00)
VOLUME FOUR: Redemption in Christ SGCB Price: $32.00 (list price $50.00)