GOING BEYOND THE FIVE POINTS: Pursuing a More Comprehensive Reformation General Editor: Rob Ventura, Contributors: Earl Blackburn, Richard Barcellos, Sam Waldron & Robert P. Martin
 In recent years, a doctrinal shift has taken place among believers so great that even the secular press has taken notice. Christians across denominational lines are laying hold of the biblical truth of God's electing love and saving grace in Christ, commonly called 'Calvinism.' For many, this marks the beginning of a deeper study into the whole counsel of God in Scripture. A thirst to be thoroughly biblical in all areas of life is driving a more comprehensive present-day reformation beyond the famous 'five points.' This book captures the voices of seasoned Reformed pastors graciously guiding and encouraging Christ's beloved sheep to press on and to seek the 'old paths, where the good way is' (Jer. 6:16). In this anthology you will be instructed concerning the abiding relevance of the Ten Commandments, God-centered worship, the masterful unfolding of God's great plan of redemption through divine covenants, the identity, nature, and work of the church, and the help that confessions of faith lend to our grasp of God's glorious Word.
 Editor's Preface | Rob Ventura
 Foreword | Dr. James White
 Chapter 1 - The Ten Commandments and the Christian | Dr. Richard C. Barcellos
 Chapter 2 - The Regulative Principle | Dr. Sam Waldron
 Chapter 3 - Covenant Theology | Earl Blackburn
 Chapter 4 - The Church | Earl Blackburn
 Chapter 5 - The Legitimacy and Use of Confessions of Faith | Dr. Robert Paul Martin
 "The rediscovery of 'the doctrines of grace' among Baptists during the last sixty years has thrilled my heart! However, this welcome advance does not make a reformation. The further necessary questions of 'what is the church?' 'how should we worship God?' 'what is Christ like living?' stand before us still, begging for biblical reformation. 'Going Beyond the Five Points' provides clear biblical direction for reforming churches today. Barcellos' defense of the Ten Commandments for Christian living under grace is unassailable. Blackburn's chapters on Covenant Theology and the doctrine of the church are indispensable to Baptist reformation. Waldron's explanation of the Regulative Principle is greatly needed by Baptists to remind us of our foundational principle which needs renewed application to worship and government. Martin's persuasive defense of why Baptists need confessions of faith today is irrefutable. To gather them together as Ventura has done provides a classic standard for further Baptist reformation today. Baptist pastors, students, and church members need to study this book to understand what it means to build biblical and Reformed Baptist churches today for the glory of Christ." - Dr. Fred A. Malone, Senior Pastor First Baptist Church Clinton, Louisiana
 "Going Beyond the Five Points is a wonderful pastoral resource to give to any brother or sister in Christ who has begun the journey of better understanding the doctrines of grace. If the Five Points are the appetizer for the hungry believer, these essays will provide a rich and satisfying main course to guide them in a deeper understanding of the truth." - Jim Savastio, Pastor of Reformed Baptist Church of Louisville, Kentucky
 "Some truths lie close to the surface, others require more digging. In the substance of this book, you will profit from the groundbreaking labours of others, men who have begun to turn over the soil in order to expose the consequences and applications of a thorough embrace of God's sovereign grace displayed in the salvation of his people, considered not just individually but together. Readers willing to put in the effort will find much to ponder and much from which to profit." - Jeremy Walker, Pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England
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