SGCB | CONFESSING THE IMPASSIBLE GODThe Biblical, Classical & Confessional Doctrine of Divine Impassibility

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CONFESSING THE IMPASSIBLE GODThe Biblical, Classical & Confessional Doctrine of Divine Impassibility
Ed. By Ronald Baines, Richard Barcellos, James Butler, Stefan Lindblad, James Renihan

What does the Confession of Faith mean when it states that God is "without body, parts or passions"? This book will lead you by the hand intio the biblical basis for the proper understanding of the last of these terms: GOD IS WITHOUT PASSIONS.

As I read 'Confessing the Impassible God' something struck me. It wasn't just the importance, weight, or substance of the topic or the far reaching implications of the doctrine of Impassability. What initially drew me in was the structure of the book itself. The content of each chapter, as well as each part, has the strength and coherency to stand alone and be read and understood independently. However when you take these collection of essays together you end up with a robust picture of this doctrine. This picture in turn guides and directs pathways to possible further and in more detail study. CIG capitalizes on each individual author's expertise, their personal and professional study, and their ability to articulate their research in a digestible manner for the average layman. The synthesis of these component essays shows a seamless and logical move from one chapter to the next; from one part to the next, each building on the summation of the previous with the cumulative effect of seeing the up close detailed beauty of this doctrine without losing sight of the grand macro view painted concerning this aspect of theology proper. The editors, in the preface, outline the structure, content and movement of the book. From the preface alone the books development becomes apparent.



Foreword by Paul Helm

Preface by The Editors


An Introduction to the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility: Why is this Doctrine Important?

James M. Renihan

Part I: Theological and Hermeneutical Prolegomena

1. Analogy and the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility by Charles J. Rennie

2. Hermeneutics: Analogia Scripturae and Analogia Fidei by Ronald S. Baines

Part II: Biblical Foundations

3. The Old Testament on Divine Impassibility: (I) Texts on the Nature of God by Steve Garrick with Ronald S. Baines

4. The Old Testament on Divine Impassibility: (II) Texts on Immutability and Impassibility by Ronald S. Baines and Steve Garrick

5. The Old Testament on Divine Impassibility: (III) Texts on Apparent Passibilism and Conclusion by Steve Garrick, James P. Butler, and Charles J. Rennie

6. The New Testament on Divine Impassibility: (I) Texts on the Nature of God, Immutability, and Impassibility by Richard C. Barcellos and James P. Butler

7. The New Testament on the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility: (II) Creation, the Incarnation and Sufferings of Christ, and Conclusion by Richard C. Barcellos

Part III: Historical Theology

8. Historical Theology Survey of the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility: Pre-Reformation through Seventeenth-Century by Michael T. Renihan, James M. Renihan, and Samuel Renihan

9. Historical Theology Survey of the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility: The Modern Era by Brandon Smith and James M. Renihan

Part IV: Systematic Theology

10. A Theology of the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility: (I) Impassibility and the Essence and Attributes of God by Charles J. Rennie

11. A Theology of the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility: (II) Impassibility and the Divine Affections by Charles J. Rennie

12. A Theology of the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility: (III) Impassibility and Christology by Charles J. Rennie and Stefan T. Lindblad

Part V: Confessional Theology

13.Confessional Theology and the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility by James M. Renihan

Part VI: Practical Theology

14.Practical Theology and the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility by James P. Butler

Part VII: Conclusion

15.Closing Comments and Affirmations and Denials by Ronald S. Baines and Charles J. Rennie


1.Review of God with Us: Divine Condescension and the Attributes of God, K. Scott Oliphint by Charles J. Rennie

2.Review of God is Impassible and Impassioned: Toward a Theology of Divine Emotion,

Rob Lister by James E. Dolezal

Scripture Index

Name and Subject Index

Glossary of Technical Terms and Theological Phrases

Bibliography of Works Cited

This is a Large 460 Page Paperback Volume



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