BY COMMON CONFESSION: Essays in Honor of James M. Renihan Edited by Ronald S. Baines, Richard C. Barcellos, and James P. Butler
 This volume of essays is offered in honor of Dr. James M. Renihan. Because he is a historical theologian, most of the essays cover issues in that field of study. But because he is much more than a historical theologian, colleagues and friends of Dr. Renihan were asked to contribute essays covering the various branches of the theological encyclopedia. The efforts here reflect the contributorsÆ esteem for their brother and the impact he has had in a wide range of theological inquiry and praxis.
 The publisher is pleased to present these essays in honor of an esteemed friend and teacher. Many have been helped tremendously by Dr. Renihan's friendship, scholarship, counsel, and faithfulness to Christ and his calling as pastor and theologian.
 459 pages
 Published 2015
 Preface ~ The Publisher
 Introduction: A Biographical Sketch of James M. Renihan ~ The Editors
 Historical Theology
 1.Chaucer, the Medieval Nominalist Doctrine of Justification, and the Reformation ~ J. V. Fesko, Ph.D.
 2.The Abrahamic Covenant in the Thought of John Tombes ~ Michael T. Renihan, Ph.D.
 3.John Owen, Baptism, and the Baptists ~ Crawford Gribben, Ph.D.
 4.'Popery in new Dress': Richard Baxter v. Benjamin Keach on the Doctrine of Justification ~ Tom Hicks, Ph.D
 5.Separating GodÆs Two Kingdoms: Two Kingdom Theology among New England Baptists in the Early Republic ~ Ronald S. Baines
 6.Robert Hall Jr. (1764-1831) and the Decline of Historic Calvinism among the English Particular Baptists of the Early Nineteenth Century ~ Austin Walker
 7.The Life and Vision of Abraham Kuyper ~ Joel R. Beeke, Ph.D.
 Exegetical and Biblical Theology
 8.Getting the Garden Right: From Hermeneutics to the Covenant of Works ~ Richard C. Barcellos, Ph.D.
 9.A Little Cabinet Richly Stored ~ Robert Purnell (d. 1666), edited by Samuel Renihan
 10.Reformed Baptist Covenant Theology and Biblical Theology ~ Micah and Samuel Renihan
 Symbolic and Systematic Theology
 11.The Belgic Confession and the True Church ~Robert Godfrey, Ph.D.
 12. A Practical Scholasticism?: Edward Leigh's Theological Method ~ James E. Dolezal, Ph.D.
 13. 'Eternally Begotten of the Father': An Analysis of the Second London Confession of Faith's Doctrine of the Eternal Generation of the Son ~ Stefan T. Lindblad
 Pastoral Theology
 14.The Temple RepairÆd Hercules Collins (1646/7-1702), edited by Samuel Renihan
 15. Escaping the Condemnation of the Devil: An Urgent Call for Spiritual Maturity in the Ministry ~ Jason Walter
 16.The Regulative Principle of the Church ~ Samuel E. Waldron, Ph.D.
 17.New Covenant Worship: Hebrews 2:12 and the Real Presence of Christ ~ Donald R. Lindblad
 Gatlin Bredeson, James P. Butler, Robert E. Cosby, C. J. den Dulk, John Giarrizzo, Dafydd Hughes, Steve Marquedant, Steve Martin, Cameron G. Porter, Larry Vincent, and Wei En Yi
 Education, Academic Career and Pastoral Ministry, and a Bibliography of the Publications of James M. Renihan ~ compiled by Micah Renihan

SGCB Price: $23.50 (list price $30.00)
