CROSS ENCOUNTERS: A Decade of Gospel Conversations Tony Miano with a Foreword by Pastor Geoffrey Kirkland
 "DO THE WORK OF AN EVANGELIST" were amongst the last words of admonition the Apostle Paul gave to his young son in the faith Timothy before he died. The church and all those in the ranks of her ministry have wrestled with these words ever since. TONY MIANO is a man with a deep and passionate desire to fulfill those words. In this book he seeks to take you along with him as he shares the glorious gospel with an incredible diversity of people. This is not a book for the faint of heart, but it is a book for those genuinely seeking to understand and obey Paul's words to Timothy. Take up and read!
 "A resource such as 'Cross Encounters: A Decade of Gospel Conversations', where conversations are transcribed, proves to instruct, humble, and stir us up to zealous evangelism. Let God's people read this volume with gospel-believing gladness and with humble delight in observing how God uses faithful witnesses to speak His gospel to the lost so that the Spirit of grace may grant new birth!
 The Word of God tells us that Jesus went about 'doing good' (Acts 10:38) and we also know from Scripture that Jesus relentlessly devoted Himself to preaching all over Israel (Luke 4:44; 9:6). May we read 'Cross Encounters' with a prayerful heart, a captivated spirit, a lowly gladness, and a renewed resolve, all shrouded with an indomitable confidence in the absolute sovereignty of God to save sinners through the faithful telling of the gospel. And in the end, let us faithfully proclaim Christ and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2) and fervently pray that the Word of the Lord will spread rapidly and be glorified (2 Thessalonians 3:1). To God be the glory." - from the Foreword by Pastor Geoffrey Kirkland, Christ Fellowship Bible Church of St. Louis
 "Tony Miano's book, 'Cross Encounters' is a gripping account of actual conversations between a gospel-pleading evangelist and those who desperately need to hear the good news that Jesus saves. Knowing myself personally about his ministry of open air preaching, I am genuinely thankful for Tony--and others like him--who stand boldly on the front lines of the world's hostile unbelief, and yet who remain, as Christian preachers, steadfastly unafraid to lovingly proclaim salvation by faith alone in Christ. Would to God that there were many more like Tony who risk inevitable ridicule for their faith (and soon perhaps even strong persecution for their very public testimony). They simply do this in the hopes of seeing sinners bow their knees in humble adoration to God the Father for the gift of His Son! I therefore encourage you, if indeed you are already a Christian, to scrutinize this volume and see for yourself how important and vital evangelism truly is to our decadent and dying culture. If you are not a Christian however, I nevertheless implore you to embark upon a careful reading of this book's many personal experiences of Tony's witnessing to others, and I earnestly pray that you may stake your own eternal destiny solely on the Lord Jesus Christ, personally encountering His glorious cross." - Lance Quinn, Senior Pastor, Thousand Oaks Bible Church, Thousand Oaks, California
 "Tony Miano provides something that few do. He provides real life examples from a real life evangelist regarding real life evangelism encounters. Miano is not someone who speaks primarily to professed Christians inside church meeting houses, but is someone who has spent many years proclaiming good news to the lost in the open air. This volume provides just a taste of those many Gospel encounters. From the aspiring evangelist desiring to know how, to the veteran preacher who needs encouragement, this book will be a blessing. Here, a man leaves his footprints in the poorly traveled path of guts-and-grit evangelism, in the hopes that others follow. They should." - Pastor Jordan (JD) Hall, Fellowship Church of Sidney, MT
 "'Cross Encounters: A Decade of Gospel Conversations' should be in the hands of every Christian, and in the hands of every lost person those Christians desperately desire to see rescued from the tight and relentless clutches of Satan and his minions. It is an invaluable blueprint for public evangelism, and a captivating clarion for those still in darkness who need to know that others before them, ensnared in the same trap, have been delivered from captivity and death by a gracious, merciful and loving Emancipator, the sinless and holy and righteous King who is a friend of sinners, Jesus the Christ." - Chris Arnzen, Host of Iron Sharpens Iron Radio
 "Sadly, there are incalculable amounts of churches in America that are heedlessly abandoning the practice of evangelism. Tony Miano's new book carefully elucidates the necessity of evangelism and adjures his readers to yield and obey the indispensable command of Matthew 28:18-20. Miano provides innumerable illustrations and personal anecdotes of more than a decade of evangelistic ventures that are analogous to Ichabod Spencer's historical classic, 'Pastor's Sketches.' Without reservation, I highly recommend Tony's new book to anyone who has an inexpressible love for sinners, and aspires to see the fruition of evangelism." - Dr. Sonny L. Hernandez, Military Chaplain and Evangelist for JeremiahCry Ministries
 "I recently read, with great delight and enjoyment, Tony Miano's latest book entitled 'Cross Encounters: A Decade of Gospel Conversations.' I had a hard time putting down the book. 'Cross Encounters' is a practical, biblical, and theologically accurate book on all sorts of evangelistic methodologies: from open-air preaching, to passing out gospel tracts, to sharing Christ at the local shopping mall. If you are looking for practical ways to do the work of an evangelist and how to engage people in gospel conversations, then this book is for you. Anyone considering the somewhat fearful task of wading into the unknown waters of evangelistic outreach will be inspired, instructed, and motivated to plunge right in and see what God will choose to do. I wholeheartedly commend 'Cross Encounters: A Decade of Gospel Conversations' to you. You will love this book!" - Al Baker, Ordained preacher in the Presbyterian Church in America; Revival and evangelistic preacher with Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship
 Foreword by Pastor Geoffrey Kirkland
 The Burglar: A Parable of the Gospel
 Section I: Street Corner Conversations
 Evangelism Tip #1: 'Why Do You Carry a Cross?'
 Gaia Defeated at the Cross
 Russ and Chanelle: It Doesn't Take a Long Time
 Tricia's Trauma and False Hope
 Jared's Dinosaur Defense Dismissed
 'Should I Still Honor My Father?'
 Evangelism Tip #2: Friendship Evangelism
 Spiritual Tug-of- War
 Wayne Was Compelled to Stop
 Section II: Fishing at the Local Mall
 Evangelism Tip #3: Mall Evangelism
 All He Wanted Was 60 Cents
 'I Want to Talk about God'
 Did Timothy Become a 'Timothy'?
 Maria's Theological Mess
 Ten Words in ASL
 Section III: The Power of a Bible
 400 Bibles Delivered and One Received
 Was It the Sound of Salvation?
 Section IV: Abortion Clinic (Abortuary) Ministry
 My First Abortuary Conversation
 Evangelism Tip #4: The 'Parachute' Analogy
 Maggie's Informed Decision
 Part V: Planes, Trains, and College Campuses - Evangelism Anywhere
 Burt, a Broken Man
 The Quittance of Quisha
 It Happened for Jocelyn's Sake
 Evangelism Tip #5: 'Hello, Officer!'
 Isaac's Search for Forgiveness
 Discipleship at 30,000
 Lost Between Catholicism and Christianity
 Section VI: Loving Our Muslim Neighbors
 Nargis Knows the Way
 Making Much of the Messiah to Mohammed
 Appendix 1: The Gospel According to Satan
 Appendix 2: Starting an Abortuary Ministry
 Appendix 3: Scriptures for Abortion Clinic Ministry
 Appendix 4: Pastor Chuck O'Neal's Roman Catholicism Notes
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SGCB Price: $14.00 (list price $28.00)
 Order with A PASTOR'S SKETCHES by Ichabod Spencer
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