REMEMBERING LUTHER'S FIGHT: A Primer on Martin Luther's Life and Legacy of Standing for the Gospel Kurt M. Smith
"There seems to be no end of Luther studies and especially in this year, 2017, when many are celebrating the beginning of the Reformation. Kurt Smith's brief study is extremely helpful, though: he isolates the core legacy of Luther and why his life and thought is still needful of study and reflection today. Moreover, he is quite prepared to strike new ground based on a careful reading of the evidence: his dating of Luther's conversion to 1518 is a case in point and that as the real beginning of the Reformation (should we then be shifting our celebration to next year?!) With the questions at the close, this is an ideal tool for studying the significance of Luther's life and having something to celebrate (whether this year or next!)" - Michael A G Haykin, Professor of Church Histroy, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY
"REMEMBERING LUTHER'S FIGHT is a shot of spiritual B-12 and caffeine to jolt slumbering saints to full attention. Kurt Smith has read the right books,ámade the right connections and seen the right things and explained it so we can all understand and profit from it. How do you answer the mostáimportnat question in the whole world--"What must I do to be saved?" áMartin Luther was brought to his senses by the grace of God to see that the answer to life's most important question is--salvation is by God's grace alone áby faith alone in Christ alone. No other question or answer is as important. If medical doctors lose their license to practice for misdiagnosing patients and mistreating them to their injury and death, how much more accountable areáphysicians of souls who mislead poor sinners to their eternal ruin. Thank God for such a helpful and concise introduction to Martin Luther and his recovery of the gospel." - Steve Martin, Coordinator of ARBCA, The Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America
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