THE DOCTRINE OF ENDLESS PUNISHMENT: Its Historical, Biblical and Rational Defense William G.T. Shedd
 This doctrine is so solemn that man's natural instinct is either to ignore it or deny it. From time to time in the history of the Christian church it comes under concerted attack, as it did during the life of W.G.T. Shedd, the noted nineteenth century theologian and preacher. In this work, Shedd carefully expounds the biblical teaching on divine judgment, and sets it in the context of the history of Christian doctrine. He deals carefully and cogently with objections to it.
 "W. G. T. Shedd's small but immensely useful book, 'The Doctrine of Endless Punishment,' takes direct aim at the conditional immortality views that are currently disturbing evangelicals. Shedd presents convincing historical, biblical and rational argumentation. It is a well-designed pistol for the protective pastor to fend off error, and will result in more passionate evangelism as it works its way through his preaching. - Jim Elliff, Christian Communicators Worldwide
 "The Doctrine of Endless Punishment is a well-reasoned, theologically accurate statement which treats fully yet concisely the date contained in the revelation of God to man. This treatise deseves careful study; and provides adequate coverage of a much neglected aspect of Biblical doctrine." - Cyril J. Barber
 Shedd shows that 'The strongest support of the doctrine of endless punishment is the teaching of Christ, the Redeemer of man; without the explicit and reiterated statements of God incarnate, it is doubtful whether so awful a truth would have had such a conspicuous place as it always has had in the creed of Christendom. Christ could not have warned men so frequently and earnestly as he did, had he known there is no future peril.' This book will have a profoundly sobering effect on its readers; but its lasting impression will be to cause a new concern for men and women without Christ, and undying gratitude for 'Jesus, who delivers us from the wrath to come'.
 Foreword by Cyril J. Barber
 Preface to Original Edition in November 1885
 Preface to the Second Edition in November 1887
 CHAPTER ONE: The History of the Doctrine (pages 1-11)
 CHAPTER TWO: The Biblical Argument for the Doctrine (pages 12-117)
 CHAPTER THREE: The Rational Argument for the Doctrine (pages 118-169)
 APPENDIX: Consisting of Detailed Notes from the Entire Book (pages 171-201)

 W.G.T. Shedd (1820-1894) was both a congregational and, later, a Presbyterian pastor. He had a distinguished career as a Professor of English Literature prior to his work at the theological seminaries of Auburn, Andover, and finally at Union Seminary, New York. He is best known for his three-volume Dogmatic Theology.
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