 WE HAVE JUST 1 copy of the Three classics Left

 The Crossway Short Classics series seeks to serve two purposes. First, it aims to beautifully preserve these short historic pieces of writing through new high-quality physical editions. Second, it aims to transmit them to a new generation of readers, especially readers who may not be inclined or able to access a larger volume. Short-form content is especially valuable today, as the challenge of focusing in a distracting, constantly moving world becomes more intense. The volumes in the Short Classics series present incisive, gospel-centered grace and truth through a concise, memorable medium. By connecting readers with these accessible works, the Short Classics series hopes to introduce Christians to those great heroes of the faith who wrote them, providing readers with representative works that both nourish the soul and inspire further study...
 Our prayer is that the Holy Spirit will use these short works to arrest your attention, preach the gospel to your soul, and motivate you to continue exploring the treasure chest of church history, to the praise and glory of God in Christ.

 (1) ENCOURAGEMENT FOR THE DEPRESSED by Charles H. Spurgeon w/ Foreword by Randy Alcorn
 In this classic sermon, Charles Spurgeon gently urges those struggling with depression to cast their burdens upon the Lord, who will not forsake his people. Having battled depression and discouragement himself for most of his years in ministry, Spurgeon encourages the downtrodden to hold fast to the promises of God, for he is steadfast and will comfort his children as they walk faithfully with him.
 Charles H. Spurgeon (1834–1892) was an English Baptist pastor at New Park Street Chapel, London (which later became the Metropolitan Tabernacle), for thirty-eight years. As the nineteenth century's most prolific preacher and writer, his ministry legacy continues today.
 Like the apostle Paul, the often jovial Spurgeon was “sorrowful, yet always rejoicing” (2 Cor. 6:10 ESV). Near the end of his words that you’re about to read, Spurgeon says, “Glory be to God for the furnace, the hammer, and the file. Heaven shall be all the fuller of bliss because we have been filled with anguish here below, and earth shall be better tilled because of our training in the school of adversity.”

 (2) FIGHTING FOR HOLINESS by J.C. Ryle with Foreword by Andrew Atherstone
 “True Christianity is a fight,” wrote J. C. Ryle in 1870. He argued that from the day of their conversion until the day they die, Christians are called to be soldiers for Christ in a war for their holiness. This inspiring call to action written over 150 years ago continues to be a source of great encouragement and inspiration for believers today.
 In this addition to the Crossway Short Classics series, Ryle explains why the fight for holiness is one of absolute necessity for Christians. Identifying the three main enemies of every believer—the world, the flesh, and the devil—he emboldens them to “either fight or be lost” in their daily battle and offers biblical and historical examples of notable Christian “soldiers.” 'Fighting for Holiness' is a bold reminder for believers to daily put on the whole armor of God and train their eyes on Christ.
 In his helpful Foreword Andrew Atherstone gives the following helpful background to this material: "Are You Fighting? was written in December 1870, when armed conflict between Prussia and France was engulfing continental Europe. French forces were starved into submission in the Siege of Metz and routed at the Battle of Sedan. Napoleon III, Empereur des Français, was captured and deposed, and German troops encircled Paris. The British government maintained a studied neutrality, but the newspapers were filled every day with dramatic reports from across the English Channel. It presaged the Great War of the next generation... But Ryle saw the opportunity to drive home a spiritual lesson. The Franco-Prussian War was the preacher’s hook to lay hold of an audience and challenge them about fighting the Christian war. His tract was designed to be highly engaging, and easy to give away to friends and neighbors, sold in bulk at two shillings per dozen... Ryle’s writing has an urgent, evangelistic heartbeat. He pleads with us to take seriously the pursuit of holiness. In an age when the character and conduct of Christians are often indistinguishable from the secular world—as endemic today as in the 1870s—it is an appeal we desperately need to hear."

 (3) THE LIFE OF GOD IN THE SOUL OF MAN by Henry Scougal w/ Foreword by Joel Beeke
 A Classic Guide for Christians Who Want to Move from Empty Religion to Authentic Faith
 Writing to a friend who was disillusioned by religion, minister and theologian Henry Scougal created what would become a classic text on Christian living. Compassionately explaining what true religion is and isn’t, Scougal shares biblical practices that lead to real spiritual transformation.
 In The Life of God in the Soul of Man, Scougal cuts through false ideas about religion and demonstrates how to pursue true unity with God. He explains that religion shouldn’t be primarily focused on restraining or dictating outward behavior, but living a divine life characterized by faith, a love for God and others, purity, and humility. As it did for the recipient of Scougal’s original letter, this book challenges believers to turn from empty religion and allow the Holy Spirit to conform them into Christ’s glorious image.


 (1) ENCOURAGEMENT FOR THE DEPRESSED by Charles H. Spurgeon with Foreword by Randy Alcorn
SGCB Price: $4.25 (list price $9.00) Having battled depression and discouragement himself for most of his years in ministry, Spurgeon encourages the downtrodden to hold fast to the promises of God,.
 (2) FIGHTING FOR HOLINESS by J.C. Ryle with Foreword by Andrew Atherstone
SGCB Price: $4.25 (list price $9.00) “May we never forget that without fighting there can be no holiness while we live, and no crown of glory when we die!” - Ryle
 (3) THE LIFE OF GOD IN THE SOUL OF MAN by Henry Scougal w/ Foreword by Joel Beeke
SGCB Price: $5.25 (list price $11.00) A Classic Guide for Christians Who Want to Move from Empty Religion to Authentic Faith-The book used of God in the conversion of Whitefield

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