THE BUNYAN OF BROOKLYN: The Life and Practical Sermons of Ichabod Spencer Rev. J.M. Sherwood and Ichabod Spencer
 The author of "A Pastor's Sketches" comes to life in this new paperback edition of his life and practical sermons. Everyone who has read the life-changing and ministry-transforming volumes of "A Pastor's Sketches" will be deliighted to learn more about the man whose life was used of God in such a mighty way from 1828 (when he began his ministry in Northampton. MA) to 1854 (when he concluded his ministry in Brooklyn, NY).
 In addition to the helpful "Sketch" of his life by dear friend Rev. J.M. Sherwood, we have here 20 complete sermons that are called Practical Sermons drawn from his regular pulpit ministry in Brooklyn.
 According to his Biographer, "One of the most prominent characteristics of Dr. Spencer's preaching was its Scriptural character. He emphatically preached the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible. He drew every sermon from it. He grounded every sermon upon the plain import of God's revealed Word. He made that Word his sole authority in all his teaching. The Bible was the staple of all his sermons. They were full of it; and drew their inspiration from it. It was the simple power of Scripture truth that he wielded with so much effect. He had no confidence in any other kind of teaching. He believed that his sole business in the pulpit was to unfold and vindicate, enforce and apply the meaning or truths of God's revelation. Hence he aimed steadily to exalt the Divine Word. He bowed always and most reverently to its authority."
 "The reading of good sermons is the most underrated kind of Christian literature on the market today. In former centuries, the reading of sermons was the bulk of the mature Christian's reading diet. Most Puritan books, for example, are sermons edited for print. Sermon reading keeps believers in the Word, matures the soul, and whets the appetite for good preaching. It promotes Christ-centered thinking, healthy self-examination, and godly piety in every sphere of life. Though nothing can replace the Word preached, sermon reading has one advantage over preaching: the sermons that made it into print are usually the minister's best! Tolle Lege--"pick up and read" great sermon books, especially those of past centuries that are packed with spiritual meat, such as the sermons of Ichabod Spencer." - Dr. Joel R. Beeke
 Nearly 50% OFF - VOLUME ONE: The Life & Practical Sermons of Spencer
SGCB Price: $16.75 (list price $32.00) This is the Paperback Version
 Add PASTOR'S SKETCHES (Paperback Double Volume) for $18.00 (List $38.00)
SGCB Price: $34.75 (list price $70.00) THIS IS THE PRICE FOR BOTH TITLES (More Than 50% Off)

Additional Information
A Description of Spencer's Preaching