VEILED IN FLESH: The Incarnation - What it Means and Why it Matters MELVIN TINKER with Foreword by Donald Macleod
 ‘Veiled in flesh the Godhead see, Hail the incarnate deity ... Jesus, our Emmanuel.’ Great words, from one of the most popular Christmas carols -- but what do they actually mean and do they really matter?
 Melvin Tinker introduces the doctrine of the incarnation of God the Son in Jesus Christ, in two parts.
 Part One approaches the incarnation by way of an exposition of chapter 1 of the New Testament letter to the Hebrews. This grounds the doctrine in Scripture, working through some of the theological and pastoral implications.
 Part Two goes deeper, drawing on systematic and historical theology (especially the creeds) to tease out what the doctrine means and why it is vital to the life and health of the church and Christian devotion. While the treatment is clearly theological (dealing with biblical truth), it is also doxological (leading to praise) and pastoral (practical in its outworking) The doctrine is set alongside and related to two other key Christian beliefs - the Trinity and the Atonement.
 Foreword by Donald Macleod
 *PART ONE: 'THE GODHEAD SEE' - A Biblical Foundation
 1. God's Final Word (Heb. 1:1-4)
 2. God's Purpose and Power in Creation (Heb. 1:2,3b)
 3. God's Full Revelation (Heb. 1:3)
 4. God's Fitting Sacrifice (Heb. 1:3)
 5. God's Fullness of Being (Heb. 1:5-14)

 *PART TWO: 'HAIL, THE INCARNATE DEITY' - A Theological Exploration
 6. Maps, Models and Muddles: the Importance of Doctrine and the Incarnation
 7. 'He Came Down to Earth from Heaven'
 8. Creeds Avoiding Chaos
 9. The Mind of Christ
 10. God is Bigger Than We Thought
 11. Why It Matters
 For Further Reading
 Index of Scripture References

 ‘One of the most urgent needs of the church is the re-articulation of ancient and fundamental doctrines, in a style that is both accessible and winsome. That is what Melvin Tinker offers for the incarnation, borrowing the title from the Christmas carol with the lines ‘Veil’d in flesh, the Godhead see; / Hail th’ incarnate deity!’ Unpacking parts of Hebrews 1, and then reflecting on an array of topics tied to the incarnation, Tinker brings his readers along with easy prose, eager to show how this essential Christian truth works out in the lives of Christians. This book could be usefully read by folk who are not yet Christian believers but who would like to gain a better grasp of what Christians think, and by Christians who are still a little wobbly about the non-negotiable tenets of the faith.’ -D. A. Carson, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois, USA
 ‘There is no subject more important for Christians than the person and work of Jesus and so there is no subject more profitable for us to explore. Melvin Tinker has given us a great starting point, combining biblical insight with theological reflection while always keeping practical application in view. Prepare to be stretched, but in this case being stretched will make your life deeper rather than thinner.’ -Tim Chester, faculty member of Crosslands Training and pastor of Grace Church, Boroughbridge
 ‘In his latest book, Melvin Tinker takes pains not to compromise the great mystery of the incarnation, that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself. He writes insightfully, with new modes of expression, and dips into a great store of examples. He’s familiar with the great Christian minds who have stretched their thinking about the very apex of our faith. He follows them in ways that respect the ‘mystery of godliness’, and encourages the reader to think along with them. Doctrine may divide, but it’s certainly not dull, dry or dead. Not, at least, while Melvin’s around.’ -Paul Helm, formerly Professor of the History and Philosophy of Religion, King’s College, London
 ‘The incarnation is such an overwhelming doctrine – so central in its immediacy, so vast in its implications, so deep in its importance – that we can almost excuse preachers and teachers who feel too intimidated to dwell on it in much detail. But there is a way to ponder the depths of this doctrine without falling into error or drifting into unprofitable speculation. This fine book points out that way: grounded in Scripture, guided by the great creeds and confessions, nourished by spiritual experience and always within easy distance of pastoral application, Veiled in Flesh is an invitation to deep reflection on the incarnation.’ -Fred Sanders, Professor of Theology, Torrey Honors Institute at Biola University
 'This is a thoughtful and informed exploration of the profound truth that is at the center of Christian faith: that through Christ we are encountered by God in all of his greatness and goodness. This is the message we hear from Scripture and this is what shines its bright light into our dark world. I commend this excellent study on this vital subject.' -David Wells, Distinguished Research Professor, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
 Melvin Tinker is Vicar of St John’s Newland, Chairman of Yorkshire Gospel Partnership, co-director of Northern Training Course, and is a leading member of the Anglican group 'REFORM'. He is a popular author on culture and faith. He is married to Heather and they have 3 grown-up sons.
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