SOUTHERN PRESBYTERIAN PULPIT: A Collection of Sermons from the Nineteenth Century by Ministers of the Southern Presbyterian Church
 "Two motives have prompted the issue of this volume. There has been a distinct demand for a book of practical sermons, suitable for reading in the public worship of God when conducted by ruling elders of the church.
 But in addition to this motive, it has seemed very desirable to put in permanent form some examples of the work of our Southern Presbyterian pulpit, which is, we are confident, second to none in eloquence, dotrinal purity, persuasiveness, and practical power." - August 1896, from the Preface
 In early 1897 The Presbyterian Quarterly gave the following Review of Southern Presbyterian Pulpit: "An inspection of the thirty-three sermons brought together and published in this book will readily show that the double purpose of the publishers, as set forth in the Preface, is fully accomplished. A careful examination of the several discourses reveals their strength, beauty, fervor and wonderfully evangelical spirit and soundness."
 "I've often given printed sermons to the dying, grieving, confused and lost; sermons from this very book. You'll find sermons that speak to the heart in 'Southern Presbyterian Pulpit.' Acquaint yourself with the 'Spurgeons of America' and you'll find some preachers to imitate. They were truly 'Preachers with Power.' - C.N. Willborn PhD
 Some of the more familiar names included are B.M. Palmer, Moses Hoge, George Armstrong, John Girardeau, and R.L. Dabney, but the remaining 28 men were all men committed to an authoritative Bible and an expository pulpit ministry.
 The subjects covered are greatly varied: "The Transforming Power of the Gospel," "The Changing World and the Unchanging God," "Christ's Pastoral Presence with His Dying People," How Long Halt Ye Between Two Opinions?" and many others
 The Transforming Power of the Gospel by B.M. Palmer
 The Changing World and the Unchanging God by Moses D. Hoge
 "One Jesus," by J. Henry Smith
 The Gospel Call by George D. Armstrong
 "What is the Chaff to the Wheat?" by J.W. Lupton
 Christ's Pastoral Presence with his Dying People by John L. Girardeau
 The Pitilessness of Sin by J.R. Stratton
 The Happy Service by R.L. Dabney
 Seeking the Lord by J.W. Rosebro
 Our Redeemer's Prayer for Christian Unity by Neander M. Woods
 The Divineness of the Family Bond by W.U. Murkland
 Why Believers Should Not Fear by A.W. Pitzer
 The Ruler's Question by J.H. Bryson
 Children of the Covenant by S.V. Davies
 Man Inspired of God, by G.R. Brackett
 "How Long Halt Ye Between Two Opinions?" by J.R. Burgett
 Consecration by G.B. Strickler
 Personal Work for the Master by W.N. Scott
 Joseph of Arimathea by John A. Preston
 The Striving Spirit by Robert P. Kerr
 Applied Christianity by R.K. Smoot
 The Three Causes of Salvation by W.W. Moore
 The Necessity of Christ's Resurrection by J.F. Cannon
 Natural Law and Divine Providence by Peyton H. Hoge
 Take Hold of God by James I. Vance
 "To Me to Live is Christ" by J.R. Howerton
 The Valley of Achor by G.L. Petrie
 Religion Not a Vain Thing by Samuel A. King
 Jesus' Supreme Authority by C.K. Hemphill
 Trust in the Lord by Joseph R. Wilson
 Not One Forgotten by T.D. Witherspoon
 The Sabbath Day by W.F.V. Bartlett
 The Gospel as First Revealed by W.T. Hall
 45% Discount
SGCB Price: $16.50 (list price $30.00)

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