DARK CLOUDS, DEEP MERCY: Discovering the Grace of Lament By Mark Vroegop, Foreword by Joni Eareckson Tada
Lament is how you live between the poles of a hard life and trusting God’s goodness.
Lament is how we bring our sorrow to God—but it is a neglected dimension of the Christian life for many Christians today. We need to recover the practice of honest spiritual struggle that gives us permission to vocalize our pain and wrestle with our sorrow. Lament avoids trite answers and quick solutions, progressively moving us toward deeper worship and trust.
Exploring how the Bible—through the psalms of lament and the book of Lamentations—gives voice to our pain, this book invites us to grieve, struggle, and tap into the rich reservoir of grace and mercy God offers in the darkest moments of our lives.
Foreword: Joni Eareckson Tada
Introduction: Life in a Minor Key | A Personal Journey
Part 1: Learning to Lament | Psalms of Lament
Keep Turning to Prayer | Psalm 77
Bring Your Complaints | Psalm 10
Ask Boldly | Psalm 22
Choose to Trust | Psalm 13
Part 2: Learning from Lament | Lamentations
A Broken World and a Holy God | Lamentations 1-2
Hope Springs from Truth Rehearsed | Lamentations 3
Unearthing Idols | Lamentations 4
A Roadmap to Grace | Lamentations 5
Part 3: Living with Lament | Personal and Community Applications
Making Lament Personal
Let Us Lament
Conclusion: Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy | The Journey Ahead
Appendix 1 Twenty Complaints
Appendix 2 Psalms of Lament
Appendix 3 Learning-to-Lament Worksheet Appendix 4 But, Yet, And
General Index
Scripture Index
“I had never read a book like this before. If you are hurting or trying to help someone who is, or if you are attempting to lead your church to recover and experience what God’s Word teaches about lament, this is a book you will want to read.” - Daniel L. Akin, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Profound. Tender. Strengthening. Crucial. Wise. This book helped me see something that’s basic to Christianity that I hadn’t fully grasped as basic. I began rereading it with my wife before finishing it the first time. Every pastor, counselor—and indeed, every Christian—should read it.” -Jonathan Leeman, Editorial Director, 9Marks; author, The Rule of Love
“This book shouts to us from the Psalms and Lamentations: It’s okay to cry, to grieve, to wonder why, and to come to God with our doubts and fears. Our heavenly Father can handle it. And in the end, he shows us grace and mercy. This book is a wonderful antidote to the feel-good, happy, and superficial platitudes of so much of modern evangelicalism.” -Erwin W. Lutzer, Pastor Emeritus, The Moody Church, Chicago
“I am intensely grateful for Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy and would place it among the most important and influential books I’ve read in the past few years. If you are going through hard times, this book may provide more insight and comfort than any other book except for the Bible. If you are in ministry, please allow Vroegop to help you discover how ‘the grace of lament’ can serve the many hurting people in your congregation.” -Donald S. Whitney, Associate Dean and Professor of Biblical Spirituality, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; author, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life and Praying the Bible
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